Development Communication

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Development Communication

According to to Nora Quebral “ Development Communication is the art and science of human
communication applied to the speedy transformation of a country dynamic growth that makes
possible greater social equality and the larger fulfillment of human potential.

The development in communication helped many areas but it has adversely affected certain
areas of country.

Poverty : The poor are marginalised not only in relation to economic processes in society, but
also in relation to information and communication processes. The situation of the poor is
frequently misconstrued or ignored in societal communication. At the same time, the poor are
not able to make their voice heard and so are not able to communicate accurate descriptions of
their reality or engage in decision-making processes (Burke, 1999; Hills, 2000). These two
aspects of poverty – on the one hand, the undermining nature of communication (or lack of
communication) about the poor in society, and on the other hand the inability of the poor to
engage in those communication processes on equal terms – are mutually reinforcing. Current
communication initiatives in international development are starting to recognise this complex
interplay between communication and poverty. While previous communication activities often
focused on providing increased and more effective flows of development information
‘downwards’ to the poor, there is now far more emphasis on discussion, user engagement, and
links to decision-making processes in society. It is no longer always assumed that ‘more
information equals more development’ or that improved communication will necessarily
reduce poverty (Hamelink, 2002; Kasongo, 1998). Instead, the interactive and changeable
nature of communication processes, and their relation to wider political and economic
processes, has brought to the fore the need to think strategically about communication in the
context of the wider international development field, and how it can best contribute to poverty

Land : Although land was always a problem in India. Government of India has recentl
estimatated that nearly half of the country’s 329 million hectares of soil coulb be categorized as
degraded. Almost 43 % of the land suffers from the high degradation resulting in 33-67 % yield
loss while 5 % is so damaged that it has become unusable. With the Development
Communication coming to play there was a sudden change in the land. Land Reforms
programmes were implemented. The State Government Of India implemented the land reforms
legislation forcefully so that the Slogan ‘ land to the tiller’ is translated into Practice. With the
help of Development Communication Land tenure system was changed the intermediears were
like zamindars were removed and System was made more transparent. Also the Proper
Education is given to the farmers so as to curb the problem of Land fragmentation.

Faiz Rajani
Health : With the the Development Communication The Government of of India prepared its
programme for raising the health standard in the country, on the basis of recommendations
made by the health survey and Development Committee ( More Committee 1946) and the
Health Survey and Planning Committee ( Mudaliar Committee 1961).

Under the Fifth year Plan, health Development Programmes were integrated with the family
welfare and nutrition programmes for vulnerable groups – children, pregnant women and
nursing mothers. The accent of the schemes during the period was on increasing health services
in rural areas. Intensification of the control of communicable diseases such as small pox,
malaria and leprosy, improvement in education and training of health personnel and specialists,
attention to common diseases in rural areas. Etc. Government of India made some provisions
under sixth year plan laid certain principles for the development of Health care services in

Enviroment : With the growth in the development communication government of India took
many Programmes on Environment. There are many improvement in the environment but still
at the ground level there is a need of more steps to be taken for the environment

Economic Development : All the above is necessary for the Economic development of
particular nation or state and this is done with the help of Development Communication. There
is considerable Economic Development but inorder to make the country a fully developed
country India still need to go a long way. It can only be possible with the help of more
development in communication, adopting various plans to train rural people, adopt various
plans in the field of Agriculture.

Summary :

Development Communication helps in bringing the people together, reduces the Caste
Descrepancies, People comes to about human values, Customs, traditions. India Still requires a
lot more improvement in Development Communication with the help of training and Education
which helps to reduce poverty, Environment, differences and there Economic development.
Hence all this points are inter related.

Faiz Rajani

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