A Guide To: Ram Dass

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A Guide to

Ram Dass
and Rameshwar Das
RAM DASS: A Biography
Ram Dass is one of America’s most beloved spiritual figures, and has made his mark
on the world by teaching people and promoting service in the areas of ecology, socially
conscious business practices, and care for the dying. Ram Dass first went to India in 1967.
At the time, he was still Dr. Richard Alpert, an eminent Harvard psychologist and psychedelic
pioneer with Dr.Timothy Leary. In India, he met his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, affectionately
known as Maharajji, who gave Ram Dass his name, which means “servant of God.” On his
return from India, Ram Dass became a pivotal influence on a culture that has reverberated
with the words “Be Here Now” ever since. Ram Dass’s spirit has been a guiding light for four
generations, carrying along millions on the journey, helping free them from their bonds as
he has worked his way through his own. He now makes his home in Maui.
Co-author Rameshwar Das, born James Lytton, works as a photographer and writer.
He met Ram Dass in 1967 soon after his first trip to India, and lived in India himself from
1970-72. He was given the name Rameshwar Das by Neem Karoli Baba at that time. He has
worked on several projects with Ram Dass, including the original box that became
Be Here Now and the Love Serve Remember set of recordings.
BE LOVE NOW: Quick Take
In 1970, Ram Dass’s Be Here Now became the counter-culture bible for thousands of
young people seeking enlightenment in the midst of the darkness of Vietnam. It was a pio-
neering bridge, written in colloquial language, from the psychedelic sixties to Eastern spiri-
tuality, and over the years has sold (and continues to sell) more than two million copies.
Be Love Now is the third book in a spiritual trilogy that started with
Be Here Now followed by Still Here—a four-decade pilgrimage across cultures and
spiritual traditions.
As an iconic guru for the Boomer generation, Ram Dass has lectured and led retreats
all over the world. In Be Love Now, Ram Dass shows us the way to unconditional spiritual
love through personal anecdotes, deep insights, and stories. Ram Dass tracks the stages of
his own awakening, translating states of consciousness as he so ably does, starting with his
days as Harvard psychologist and psychedelic in-venturer and continuing through his en-
counter with his guru, his struggles, and perspectives on his visionary experiences.
With wry humor, Ram Dass takes us through pitfalls on the path and paints a view of
what an actual state of enlightenment might be like. He explores his experiences with other
teachers such as Swami Muktananda, the founder of Siddha Yoga, and John of God, the con-
temporary Brazilian healer. The different stages of realization, death, and reincarnation are
all brought into the context of spiritual evolution.
40th Anniversary of the Original
BE HERE NOW: The eBook
On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the publication of the original and
iconic Be Here Now, HarperOne brings you the enhanced electronic version of the classic
volume.  This special edition will contain:
Archival video and photographs of Ram Dass
Free music from Krishna Das
Audio of the introduction to Be Love Now
Graphic-oriented promotional video featuring a visual “tour” of the original book
Be Here Now, Ram Dass’s monumentally influential and seminal work, still stands
as the highly readable centerpiece of Western articulation of Eastern philosophy, and how
to live joyously 100 percent of the time in the present, luminous or mundane. Be Here Now
continues to be the instruction manual of choice for generations of spiritual seekers. Forty
years later, it’s still part of the timeless present. Being here now is still being here now. 
TIMELINE: Ram Dass Facts
1961: While at Harvard, Ram Dass collaborated with Timothy Leary and others to pursue intensive research
with psilocybin and LSD.

1963: Because of the highly controversial nature of their research, Alpert and Leary were dismissed
from Harvard. Leary and Alpert then went from being academics to counter-culture icons. 

1967: For Ram Dass, psychedelic work turned out to be a prelude to spiritual seeking. This led him east-
ward, where he encountered his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, and transformed from Richard Alpert to
Ram Dass.

1974: Ram Dass created the Hanuman Foundation/Prison Ashram Project, designed to help prison inmates
grow spiritually during their incarceration.

1976: Ram Dass went on to help found the Dying Project, which continues to help many cope with and
transcend the end of life, giving people a way to deal with suffering and death.

1978: Ram Dass is a co-founder and advisory board member of the Seva Foundation, an international
service organization designed to fight poverty and aid with health care and environmental issues the
world over.

1997: Ram Dass suffered a near-fatal stroke, which left him paralyzed on the right side of his body.

2004: The after-effects of the stroke have changed his life, but he continues to share and teach.
Following an illness, Ram Dass was forced to curtail travel and focus on recovering his health.

Present: Ram Dass’s work continues to be a path of teaching and inspiration to many. The Internet is a new
vehicle for Ram Dass to share his being via the Be Here Now social network!
A Special Note from Ram Dass
March 2010

Dear Harper Salespeople,

Thank you for your efforts on behalf of our new book, Be Love Now. I have been feeling this
book coming full circle on my spiritual journey. It’s been taking me back to the amazing be-
ings in India that originally inspired me, exploring the heart connections that opened me to
the Spirit on my first journey there, and bringing it all together with where I am now, deep-
ening in love. I hope it will help others on their way, too—perhaps even you! It’s my way of
sending love out into the world.

Love and Namaste,

BE LOVE NOW | ISBN 13: 9780061961373 | Price: $27.99
Rel.: 10/6/10 | On Sale: 10/26/10 | Pub.: November 2010

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