MPU 2313 Revision Questions MCQ Set 3 (Q)

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Revision Questions Set 3 MPU 2313 Moral &Ethics

50 MCQs

1. Which of the following statement is TRUE about morals and ethics?

A Moral values are philosophy that guides, defends what is right and point out what is
B Internalising values is doing the right thing only when others observe us.
C Ethics depends on teaching of religion and judgement of society.
D Non-moral values include value of sound health, innovative and productivity.

2. Which of the following are INCORRECT of values?

I Aesthetic values serve our comfort.
II Social values serve our need to get along with community.
III Intellect values serve our success.
IV Religious values serve our need to be spiritual.

A I, II and III
B I, II and IV
C II, III and IV
D I, II, III and IV

3. Sam is a blogger web made a Youtube video mocking the azan, Muslim call to prayer
while wearing a tattoo of a cross on his chest. Which of the following statements describe
his actions?
A He has commitment and desire to improve interreligious relations.
B He admires Christian values.
C He does whatever he wishes regardless of consequences.
D He is acting responsibly to build nation.

4. We need Rukun Negara because it _________________________________________.

I Imbues Malaysians with good moral values.
II Helps Malaysians accept her rich and varied cultural traditions.
III Brings up Malaysians with values like belief in God and patriotism.
IV Acts as an ideology to heal the country and unites all Malaysians after 13 May 1969

A I, II and III
B I, III and IV
C II, III and IV
D I, II, III and IV

5. Choose the WRONG statement about Malaysia ambitions.

A To create a just society where the prosperity of the country can be enjoyed together in a
fair and equitable manner.
B To achieve a more perfect unity amongst the whole of her society.
C To guarantee a rigid approach towards her rich and varied cultural traditions.
D To build a progressive society that will make use of science and modern technology.

 Belief on God
 Loyalty to King and Country

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Revision Questions Set 3 MPU 2313 Moral &Ethics

 __________________________
 Sovereignty of the Law
 Good Behavior and Morality
Which of the following articles completes the Rukun Negara above?

A Right to Life and Liberty

B Right to Education
C Freedom of Movement
D Upholding the Constitution

7. Choose the WRONG statement about requirement for moral judgements.

A Moral judgement should be start from looking at the moral standard to the argument.
B Moral judgement should be based on relevant moral standard and facts.
C Moral judgements should be based on acceptable moral principles.
D Moral judgements should be based on logical compatible with our other beliefs.

8. Based on the following argument:

 Premise 1: If a person is a male, he must be a father.
 Premise 2: Alex is a male.
 Conclusion: Therefore, Alex must be a father.
What type of argument as shown above?

A Sound argument
B Unsound argument
C Invalid argument
D Valid argument

9. Based on the situation below.

Every adult have the freedom to think rationally before making decisions and live their own
lives to the fullest as we know our own emotions and abilities better. We should allow
everyone to make their decision and avoid autonomous actions that can harm to others.
Name the principle best reflected in the above situation above.

A Principle of non-maleficence
B Principle of respect for autonomy
C Principle of beneficence
D Principle of justice

10. Principle of __________________ discourage selfish behavior which may directly or

indirectly harm or deprive other people.
A Justice
B Respect for autonomy
C Non-maleficence
D Beneficence

11. Choose the related principles to treat all people equally, fairly and impartially.
I Principle of contribution.
II Principle of effort.
III Principle of need.

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IV Principle of Harm.

A I, II and III
B I, III and IV
C II, III and IV
D I, II, III and IV

12. Below are the processes involved in accessing arguments, EXCEPT:

A Challenging the moral standard that leads to unacceptable consequences or inconsistent
with moral beliefs.
B Evaluating the factual claims if the moral standard is accepted.
C Revising and modifying the arguments to analyze and provide resolution of moral
D Criticized the moral standard by diminishing the plausibility of the standard.

13. Principle of _____________________ discourage us to cause harm or injury to others and

minimize the risk causing harm to others.
A Non-maleficence
B Beneficence
C Harm
D Equality

14. Choose the CORRECT statement on moral reasoning.

A Descriptive statement describes the factual quality or characteristics of something,
someone or an action.
B Normative statement doesn’t tells what the right action is for a situation.
C Descriptive statement can be ‘You must not use foul language if you wish to respect
D Descriptive statement is about people, motives, aims, behaviour and blmaworthy.

15. Which of the following statements describes relative value of the action given?
A Rape is not acceptable under any circumstances or situations.
B Slavery was acceptable in the past but now it is against the law to enslave a person.
C Recycling activities are important to reduce garbage in our environment.
D No one should cause harm to others because humans are worthy of respect.

16. “Killing is wrong and we should never intentionally cause harm to others”. This statement
refers to _________________ value.
A Objective
B Relative
C Absolute
D Subjective

 Chris helps out at the kitchen to provide food for the poor homeless people every week.
 He felt happy by helping those in need ward off hunger and malnourishment.
Which of the value below describe Chris’s action?

A Instrumental value

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B Intrinsic value
C Absolute value
D Relative value

18. In Pakistan, men are allowed to beat wives lightly. They recognized it is the right thing to
do as they are following their moral code. This statement refer to ____________ value.
A Relative
B Absolute
C Objective
D Subjective

19. Choose the CORRECT type of instrumental value and intrinsic value.
A Happiness and Pleasure
B Friendship and knowledge
C Political influence and money
D Self-control and responsibility

20. Emil Kapaun, the chaplain in Korean War who stole food from the North Korean soldiers
who imprisoned him and his American soldiers and starved them. He stole food to feed
the starving imprisoned American soldiers. What type of moral value refers to Emil’s
A Subjective value
B Objective value
C Relative value
D Absolute value

21. Malala Yousafzai challenged the Taliban on education and women's rights in Pakistan,
October 9, 2012, although she was threatened by the Taliban. Which of the morality had
reflected on Malala’s action?
A Customary morality
B Reflective morality
C Virtue morality
D Ethical morality

22. Dimension in an agent moral refers to the qualities below EXCEPT:

A Moral reasoning
B Moral attraction
C Moral feeling
D Moral action

23. Choose the statements that are CORRECT about moral dimensions.
I Able to think and judge rationally and freely.
II Able to act selfishly when wanting to give assistance.
III Able to act and behave responsibly.
IV Able to in empathy, indifference and altruistic .

A I and II
B II and III
C I and III
D I, II, III and IV

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24. Nicholas Wertheimer bribed the Nazis and saved 669 children from the Holocaust. Which
of the ethics had reflected on Nicholas Wertheimer’s action?
A Situational Ethic
B Principalistic Ethic
C Personal Ethic
D Customary Ethic

25. Which of the following is CORRECT about altruism?

A It focuses on the consequences of others’ actions.
B The opposite of it is utilitarianism.
C It means in any action we choose, we seek to benefit ourselves.
D It is selfless concern for others’ good.

26. Which of the following is TRUE of conflict?

I Cultural conflict involves members of societies having clashing concept of different
II Intrapersonal conflict involves conflict between two parties.
III Interpersonal conflict involves moral conflict that might take place within an individual.
IV Ignoring and denying the existence of conflict can create more conflict.

A I and II
B II and III
C I and IV
D III and IV

27. Which of the following is CORRECT about the characteristics of unhealthy responses to
I Denial of the existence of conflict.
II Seek for agreement.
III Communicate without threatening.
IV Portrait of resentful reactions.

A I and II
B II and III
C I and IV
D III and IV

28. John’s wife, Carrie is pregnant and she went for an ultrasound and the doctor told her that
her baby has Down Syndrome. John does not want the baby to be born but Carrie wants
to keep the baby.What type of moral conflict is John facing?
A Cultural conflict
B Workplace dispute conflict
C Intrapersonal conflict
D Interpersonal conflict

29. Which of the following are the limitations of the strategies to resolve conflict?
I Able to find alternatives to resolve conflict
II Have no authority over the situations
III Need to abide with the none agreed decision

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IV Conflicting values are able to compromise

A I and II
B II and III
C I and IV
D III and IV

30. Different communities have different sets of rules, laws, cultures and moral values. For
instance, the “ok sign” gesture is made with the 3 fingers at the bottom carry a different
meaning across different communities. In America, the “ok sign” defined as okay. In Japan,
the “ok sign” defined as money. In Brazil, the “okay sign” was a rude gesture.
Which ethics theory reflected the situation?
A Theory of personality virtues
B Social moral theory
C Teleological theory
D Deontological theory

31. According to which theory would women who choose to marry their own choice of
husbands in some countries be seen as morally unacceptable?
A Theory of Personality Virtues
B Social Moral Theory
C Altruism
D Egoism

32. What are the characteristics of apartheid?

I The discrimination of the black people by the whites in South Africa.
II The regime where the choice of majority forms the government.
III People are barred from certain public places because of their race.
IV Opportunity for education and health care depends on people’s skin colour.

A I and II
B II and III
C II, III and IV
D I, III and IV

33. In theory of personality virtues, which of the following are CORRECT?

I Children who follow the standards of morality behave as such due to self-interest.
II Young adolescents behave morally for fear of punishment.
III Adults behave morally because they are mature and rational.

A I and II
B II and III
C I and III
D I, II and III

34. An action or behaviour is right if it brings the greatest amount of happiness to the greatest
amount of people. This principle refers to __________________.
A Duty
B Egoism
C Utilitarianism

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D Social morality

35. These are characteristics of Teleological Theory EXCEPT:

A Consequences based on an action is prioritised.
B Duty is carried out for the sake of duty.
C Right or wrong depends on the consequences of an action.
D Goodness and badness of an action is analysed from multiple perspectives.

36. _____________ states that a value is good if it benefits oneself and it is a bad value if it
brings loss to oneself.
A Hedonistic
B Egoism
C Individualistic
D Utilitarianism

37. Based on the situation below:

If someone is drowning, and you save him. You are doing the morally right thing even
though your reason may be the hope of getting a reward. It is the result of your action that
matters morally.
Name the ethical theory reflected in the above situation.
A Teleological ethical theory
B Social moral theory
C Deontological ethical theory
D Teleocapital theory

38. From 1945 to 1955, the Vipeholm experiments in a mental hospital in Sweden was where
researchers fed large amounts of sweets to the patients to investigate dental caries. Results
of the experiments helped dentists to link the intake of sugar to dental caries. Explain why
this experiment is unethical according to Kant’s Deontological Ethics?
I People with disabilities should be used in order to achieve something else.
II People with disabilities should be treated with dignity and respect.
III People with disabilities should be treated as object.
IV People with disabilities are equal members of a shared moral community.

A I and II
B III and IV
C II and IV
D I, II and III

39. Which of the following are CORRECT about christian ethics on sexuality and life?
I Body is precious and sacred.
II Cohabitation is allowed.
III Marriage is between a woman and a man.
IV Faithfulness in marriage.

A I and III
C I, II and IV
D I, III and IV

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40. “A way of life that is harmonious with nature”. This phrase is the most important aspect
in ___________________.
A Islam
B Buddhism
C Hinduism
D Taoism

41. Below are the relationships between humans that is prioritised by Confucius EXCEPT:
A Husband and wife
B Son and father
C Leaders and citizens
D Employees and employer

42. The law of ____________ believed by the Hindus means that their present life is caused
by their past deeds.
A Khalsa
B Karma
C Japna
D Simran

43. Jihad in Islam means _________________.

I Scared effort.
II Changes in community.
III Changes in self and mentality of an individual.
IV Leading towards truth.

A I and II
B II and III
C I, III and IV
D I, II, III and IV

44. Name the belief practised by Orang Asli that each object existing in nature has a spirit.
A Lao Tze
B Confucius
C Guru Nanak
D Animism

45. What are the cultural and economical practices that can cause extinction of animals?
I Cultivation of palm oil.
II Buying art carving made from pearls.
III Keeping jaguar as pet.
IV Whaling.

A I and II
B II and III
C I, III and IV
D I, II, III and IV

46. Environmental pollution is not seen as a moral issue by egoistic individuals as EXCEPT:
A It is too difficult and pointless to do much about environmental issues.

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B Paying higher taxes and prices in changing their lifestyle for environmental protection
is not their priority.
C They are willing to bring their own reusable recycle bag for shopping.
D Reducing the use of plastic bags, straws and polystyrene food containers is a tedious

47. Ways to reduce garbage EXCEPT:

I Use single-use plastic containers.
II Use own containers to store food when buying takeaway food.
III Use disposable utensils.
IV Use rechargeable batteries.

A I and III
B III and IV
C I, II and IV
D I, III and IV

48. Which of the following reflect sexual harassment action?

I Unwanted letters, telephone calls, or materials of a sexual nature.
II Unwanted sexual teasing, jokes, remarks, or questions.
III Hanging around a person or standing close or brushing up against a person.
IV Asking personal questions about social or sexual life.

A I and II
B II and III
C I, III and IV
D I, II, III and IV

49. Choose the CORRECT statement describes premartial sex.

I There is the possibility of unwanted pregnancy and hurt feelings
II Provides experience about the married world
III Is not accepted as a Malaysian societal norm
IV Possibility of getting sexually transmitted disease

A I and II
B II and III
C I, III and IV
D I, II and III

50. Among teenagers aged 15-19 years, suicide was the second leading cause of death among
girls (after maternal conditions) and the third leading cause of death in boys (after road
injury and interpersonal violence). - WHO, 2020. Which of the following reflect the
morality of suicide according to utilitarianism view.
I Sucide offers the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
II Sucide creates a extremely painful experience to the family members and friends.
III Sucide creates a long-term pain to the family members and friends.
IV Sucide is not the best option.

A I and II
B II and III

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C I, III and IV
D II, III and IV

End of Question Papers

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