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Jessa Mae B.




Activity 1

What I know!

1. What is the difference between compass rule and transit rule in terms of computation?

The difference between compass and transit rule is that with the transit rule the latitude and
departure corrections depend on the length of the latitude and departure of the course
respectively instead of both depending on the length of the course while the compass rule is the
correction to be applied to the latitude or departure of any course is equal to the total closure of
latitude or departure, multiplied by the ratio of the length of the course to the total length or
perimeter of the traverse.

2. Why do we need to adjust or balance a traverse?

It is used to distribute the closure error back into the angle and distance measurements.

Activity 3

Compass Rule Transit Rule

Unadjusted Adjusted Balanced Adjusted Balanced
Lines Bearings Distance Departure Latitude Departure Latitude Departure Latitude
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
AB Due North 400.00 0 400 -0.195 399.883 0 399.790
BC N 45˚ E 800.00 565.685 565.685 565.281 565.451 565.292 565.388
CD S 60˚ E 700.00 606.218 -350 605.877 -350.205 605.797 -350.184
DE S 20˚ W 600.00 -205.212 -563.816 -205.511 -563.992 -205.355 -564.112
EA S 86˚59’ W 966.34 -965.001 -50.855 -965.472 -51.138 -965.672 -50.882
∑= 3466.340 ∑= 1.690 ∑= 1.014 ∑= -0.020 ∑= -0.001
∑Ӏ 2342.116 Ӏ ∑Ӏ 1930.356 Ӏ

a) Compute the correction of latitude on line CD using transit rule.

b) Compute the adjusted distance of line EA using transit rule.

c) Compute the adjusted bearing of line CD using compass rule.

= -59.972
0.972 x 60 = 58.320
0.320 x 60 = 19.200

S 59˚58’19.20”E
Problem 2.

From the given technical description of a lot.

Compass Rule Transit Rule

Unadjusted Adjusted Balanced Adjusted Balanced
Lines Bearing Distance Departure Latitude Departure Latitude Departure Latitude
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
AB N 48˚20’ E 529.60 395.624 352.076 394.899 355.863 394.894 357.392
BC N 87˚00’ E 592.00 591.189 30.983 590.379 35.216 590.099 31.451
CD S 7˚59’ E 563.60 78.276 -558.138 77.505 -554.108 78.132 -549.710
DE S 80˚00’ W 753.40 -741.954 -130.827 -742.985 -125.440 -743.323 -128.852
EA N 48˚12’W 428.20 -319.213 285.409 -319.799 288.471 -319.802 289.719
∑=2866.800 ∑=3.922 ∑= -20.497 ∑= 0.008 ∑= 0.002
∑Ӏ2126.256Ӏ ∑Ӏ1357.433Ӏ

a) Find the corrected bearing of line BC using transit rule.

= 86.94914554
0. 94914554 x 60 = 56.94873240
0. 94873240 x 60 = 56.92

N 86˚56’56.92”E

b) Find the corrected bearing of line DE using transit rule.

= 80.16573660
0. 16573660 x 60 =09.944196000
0. 944196000 x 60 = 56.65

S 80˚09’56.65”W

c)Find the corrected distance of line EA using transit rule.

Transit Rule (Adjusted Latitude=289.719 & Adjusted Departure= -319.802)

Adjusted Distance= 431.521 m

Activity 4

What I Learned!

1. What is the difference between compass rule and transit rule in terms of computation?

The difference between compass and transit rule is that with the transit rule the latitude and
departure corrections depend on the length of the latitude and departure of the course
respectively instead of both depending on the length of the course while the compass rule is the
correction to be applied to the latitude or departure of any course is equal to the total closure of
latitude or departure, multiplied by the ratio of the length of the course to the total length or
perimeter of the traverse.

2. Why do we need to adjust or balance a traverse?

It is used to distribute the closure error back into the angle and distance measurements.


Problem 1

From the given data of a closed traverse.

Compass Rule Transit Rule

Unadjusted Adjusted Balanced Adjusted Balanced
Lines Bearings Distance Departure Latitude Departure Latitude Departure Latitude
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
AB N 15˚18’ E 368.76 97.306 355.690 94.935 353.134 2.371 -1.444
BC S 85˚46’ E 645.38 643.619 -47.641 639.470 -45.113 4.149 2.528
CD S 18˚30’ W 467.86 -148.454 -443.683 -151.462 -441.851 3.008 -1.832
DA N 77˚35’ W 593.00 -579.130 127.507 -582.943 129.83 3.813 -2.323

∑= 2075.000 ∑= 13.341 ∑= -8.127 ∑= 0.000 ∑= 0.000

∑Ӏ 1468.203 Ӏ ∑Ӏ 974.521 Ӏ
a) Determine the corrected bearing of BC.

= -85.96461265
0. 96461265 x 60 = 57.876759
0. 876759 x 60 = 52.61

S 85˚57’52.61”E

b) Determine the corrected bearing of CD.

= 18.92118989
0.92118989 x 60 = 55.2713934
0.2713934 x 60 = 16.28

S 18˚55’16.28”W

c) Determine the adjusted distance of DA.

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