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Jessa Mae B.




Activity 1

What I Know!

1. Write the formula for cosine and sine law.

2. Give one specific circumstance for having a missing data in traverse measurement.

Data entry errors.

Activity 3

Problem 1

From the given technical description shown.

Lines Bearings Distances Latitude Departure DMD Double Areas

AB N 32˚27’ E 110.8 93.500 59.541 59.451 5558.669
BC ? 83.6 -26.865 79.166 198.068 -5321.097
CD S 8˚51’ W 126.9 -125.389 -19.523 257.711 -32314.125
DE S 73˚41’ W ? -26.668 -90.124 148.064 -3948.571
EA N 18˚44’W 90.2 85.422 -28.969 28.971 2474.761
2A= -33550.363
A= 16775.267 sq.m

a) Compute the bearing of line BC.

˚15’18.8” E
b) Compute the distance of line DE.

c) Compute the area of lot using DMD.

A= (5558.669) + (-5321.097) + (-32314.125) + (-3948.571) + (2474.761)

2A= -33550.363

Area= 16775.267 sq.m

Activity 4

What I Learned!

1. Write the formula for cosine and sine law.


2. Give one specific circumstance for having a missing data in traverse measurement.

Data entry errors.


Problem 1

From the given technical description shown.

Lines Azimuth Distances Latitude Departure DMD Double Areas

AB --- 64.86 20.902 61.400 61.400 1283.383
BC 132˚06’ 107.72 -72.218 79.926 202.726 -14640.466
CD 215˚30’ 44.37 -36.122 -25.766 256.886 -9279.236
DE --- 137.84 74.635 -115.885 115.235 8600.564
EA 1˚45’ 12.83 12.374 0.378 -0.258 -3.309
2A= -14039.064
A= 7019.625 sq.m

a) Compute the azimuth of line DE.

b) Compute the bearing of line AB.

c) Compute the area of the lot.

Area= (1283.383) + (-14640.466) + (-9279.236) + (8600.564) + (-3.309)


A=7019.625 sq.m

Problem 2

A closed traverse has the following data:

Lines Azimuth Distances Latitude Departure DMD Double Areas

AB N 60˚30’ W 68.76 33.854 59.837 59.837 2025.722
BC N 80˚30’ W 125.90 20.779 124.173 243.847 5066.897
CA 54.626 64.337 432.357 23617.933
2A= 30710.552
A=15355.276 sq.m

a) Determine the length of side CA.

b) Determine the bearing of side CA.

c) Determine the area of the closed traverse.

Area= (2025.722) + (5066.897) + (23617.933)

2A= 30710.552

A=15355.276 sq.m

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