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Determine appropriately a social, psychological and physical environment supportive of

List down things that you will do in your classroom to create a physically, socially and
psychologically conducive learning environment. (List as many as you can)

1. Take Every Opportunity to Model Kindness.

2. Address Student Needs
3. Let students Get to Know You
4. Remain Calm at All Times
5. Give Kids a Chance to Problem Solve on Their Own
6. Use Every Opportunity to Model Patience
7. Get to Know Your Students
8. Read with Your Students
9. Greet Students at the Door Every Day
10. Write with Your Students
11. Create a classroom that encourages interaction
12. Encourage Students to improve their skills
13.  Create a Sense of Order
14. Laugh with your Students
15. Model Vulnerability

Through an online interview to an elementary grade teacher, confirm the availability of

the following facilities and its importance in providing a conducive physical environment of the
Facilities Available Not Available Will it contribute to the
students’ learning and
development? Why?

Principal’s office / Yes, because it responsible for

overseeing the daily operations
of the institution

Guidance office / Yes, because it implements

development programs to help
students mature more holistically
as they move through the
different learning stages.

Library/Learning / Yes because it ensures that

resources center young people develop the
information literacy skills crucial
to their success as students and
as lifelong learners.

Canteen/Cafeteria / Yes, because it develops love

and interest in buying nutritious
and healthy foods among
students, faculty and the school

Clinic / Yes, because provides first aid

and triage for illness and
injuries, to provide direct
services for students with special
needs, and to provide health
counselling and education for
students, staff, and parents.

Industrial arts room /

Playground / Yes, because it provide the

opportunity for children to
practice skills that will
ultimately play a role in adult
competencies such as the ability
to collaborate with others,
develop decision making skills,
and successfully take on
leadership roles, persevere in the
face of distractions, and generate
creative ideas.

Pavilion/Stage / Yes, because it supports

cognitive development and
cutting-edge education for
students of all ages, enabling
them to draw their own
conclusions through hands-on
learning in the great outdoors.

Comfort rooms for boys / Yes, because it will contribute to

the students learning because
they know how to have a
personal hygiene for their self.

Comfort room for girls / Yes, because it will contribute to

the students learning because
they know how to have a
personal hygiene for their self.

Speech laboratory /

Computer laboratory / Yes, because serves as the centre

for teaching computer use to
whole classes, usually by a
specialist computer teacher. 

Science laboratory /

Classrooms / Yes, because This place is where

they will learn the various
skills deemed necessary and
proper for them to achieve
success in the global society.

Audio-visual room /
Stock/supply room /




1. What is your general impression of the school learning environment?

A school learning environment is defined as a school having appropriate facilities, well-managed

classrooms, available school-based health supports, and a clear, fair disciplinary policy. And
because the qualities and characteristics of a learning environment are determined by a wide
variety of factors, school policies, governance structures, and other features may also be
considered elements of a “learning environment.”

2. What social, psychological, and physical aspects of the school contribute most to the
learning environment?

Typically, social, physical, psychological or cultural factors involved in a learning environment

deeply affect the learners’ learning capabilities. Therefore, a learning environment is a great
attribute to the success of the learner. It offers a positive ambiance to feel motivated and engaged.
An ideal learning setting encourages the interaction with learners/instructors and eventually
establishes a sense of support.

3. Are the school facilities safe, clean, and well-maintained for all teachers and students?
Why or why not?

Yes, because the importance of cleanliness in school is to provide a healthy and safe
environment for students. There are many issues related to hygiene that students and school
employees have to face every day. Germs and bacteria are a part of life. Especially when
discussing kids. Most of those can even harm them for life or affect the social and economic
well-being of the school. So, maintaining cleanliness in school is vital for many reasons.

4. To what does the resource teacher make a difference in creating a conducive learning

An effective teacher creates a positive classroom environment  which helps improve the attention,
reduce anxiety, and supports emotional and behavioural regulation of students. When educators
foster a positive learning culture, learners are more likely to acquire higher motivation that leads
to wonderful learning outcomes.

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment

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