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Geomteric Design of Namboole Road Page 1


1.1 Background 3
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Project Scope 3


2.1 Functional Classification of Roads 4
2.2 Division into Road Design Class 5
2.3 Design Standards 5
2.4 Design Controls And Criteria 5
2.5 Design Vehicles 5
2.6 Design Speed 6
2.7 Choice of Design Standards 6

3.1 Introduction 8


4.1 Road Class 9
4.2 Design Speed 10
4.3 Horizontal Alignment 11
4.4 Vertical Alignment 13
4.5 Standard Cross Sections 14
4.6 Junctions 14
4.7 Traffic Signs 15
4.8 Road Markings 15
4.9 Guardrails 16



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Table 4. 1: Road Classes........................................................................................................... 9

Table 4. 2: Road Length by Terrain Type............................................................................10
Table 4. 3: Design Speed Standards for Class III Bitumen Road.......................................10
Table 4. 4: Design Speeds adopted for the Road..................................................................11
Table 4. 5: Horizontal Alignment Standards........................................................................11
Table 4. 6: Superelevation Rates........................................................................................... 11
Table 4. 7: Superelevation Run-off Length (m)....................................................................13
Table 4. 8: Vertical Alignment Standards............................................................................14
Table 4. 9: Cross Section Standards...................................................................................... 14
Table 4. 10: Types of Standard Junctions.............................................................................15
Table 4. 11: Passing Sight Distances..................................................................................... 16

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1.1 Background

Namboole road is a 2.08km road class III paved road constructed in the late 1990’s to
serve as an access road to Mandela National Stadium off the Kampala-Jinja Highway.
This road lies between Kireka and Bweyogerere suburbs of Kampala City. The study
section of Nambole road covered a stretch of about 2.08km from the Kireka Junction with
Kampala-Jinja Highway towards Bweyogerere.
The geometric characteristics of the road comprise a 6.0m wide carriageway and about
1.5m shoulders. The road terrain is generally rolling with some occasional steep slopes
such as the one at Km 0.00 (Kireka Junction)

1.2 Problem Statement

During the site visit the group identified some alignment issues that needed improvement
notable among these were; the presence of steep grades in excess of 7% at the Kireka
junction with Kampala-Jinja Highway, a series of short horizontal and vertical curves that
would limit the sight distances on the road. In addition some mis-phased horizontal and
vertical curves were identified. With these issues at hand it was necessary that a geometric
design be undertaken to improve the overall user safety and the operating conditions along
the road.
1.3 Objectives
To carry out a redesign of Namboole road so as to improve its current geometric elements
i.e. the horizontal and vertical alignments and generally improve on sight distance on
particular sections of the road so as to enhance safety as well as guaranteeing a reduction
in vehicle operating costs along this link.
1.4 Project Scope

The scope of the assignment includes but not limited to;

 Conduct a site visit to inspect the road and examine key geometric features such as
existing roadway widths, visually examine the existing alignments in terms of
existing horizontal and vertical curves and appreciate the geometric issues that
could affect safety and vehicle operations along the road.
 Carry out a topographical survey to obtain topographical information that is
necessary for the appropriate routing of the improved highway. The data will be
captured in the X, Y & Z format using a total station. Features of importance will
be the existing drains, road edges, centreline of the road, structures such as exiting
culverts, buildings, features such as kerbs, crossings of services, electricity poles
along the roadway, railway lines etc.
 Using CAD software to generate a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) from which the
exiting profiles could be generated
 To produce plan and profile drawings and check the designed curves and grades
against the chosen design standards ensuring that the most economical designs is
selected i.e. one which utilises most of the cut material as fill.
 Prepare a design report.

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2.1 Functional Classification of Roads

Functional classification groups streets and highways according to the character of service
they are intended to provide. This classification recognizes that individual roads and
streets do not serve travel independently. Rather, most travel involves movement through
networks of roads and can be categorized relative to such networks in a logical and
efficient manner. Thus, functional classification of roads and streets is also consistent with
categorization of travel (A policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2001).
The Road Functional Classification establishes a hierarchy of roads according to the
importance of each road in the road network, the socio-economic function they serve and
intend to serve. The classification enables the agency that is responsible for the
development and maintenance of the roads to plan and programme road maintenance and
upgrading works. Design standards and level of maintenance are directed by the road
functional class, together with other indicators such as existing and predicted traffic on the
road (Uganda Road Design Manual, 2010).
The functional classification of a road is based on its proposed function and roads grouped under a
particular category or class will be characterized by the level of service they provide. Functional
classification of road is one of the aspects that a road design class should follow or depend on (Uganda
Road Design Manual, 2010).
Division of Roads into Functional Class: The rural roads in Uganda are divided into the following 5
classes according to their major function in the road networks.
Class A: International Trunk Roads: Roads that link International Important Centers. Connection
between the national road system and those of neighboring countries. Major function is to provide
Class B: National Trunk Roads: Roads that linking provincial capitals, main centers of population and
nationally important centers. Major function is to provide mobility
Class C: Primary Roads: Roads linking provincially important centers to each other or to higher class
roads (urban/rural centers). Linkage between districts local centers of population and development
areas with higher class road. Major function is to provide both mobility and access.
Class D: Secondary Roads: Roads linking locally important centers to each other, to a more important
centers, or to a higher class roads (rural/market centers) and linkage between locally important traffic
generators and their rural hinterland. Major function is to provide both mobility and access.
Class E: Minor Roads: Any road link to minor center (market/local center) and all other motorable
roads. Major function is to provide access to land adjacent to the secondary road system. Roads of the
highest classes, A and B, have as their major function to provide mobility and have longer trip lengths.
They are required to provide a high level of service with high design speed.The roads of Classes C and
D serve a dual function in accommodating shorter trips and feeding the higher classes or road. For
these roads an intermediate design speed and level of service is required. Road Class E have short trip
length and their primary function is to provide access. Design speeds and level of service for these
roads may be low (Uganda Road Design Manual, 2010)

Access roads are the lowest level in the network hierarchy. Vehicular flows will be very
light and will be aggregated in the collector road network. Geometric standards may be
low and need only be sufficient to provide appropriate access to the rural agricultural,
commercial and population centres served. Substantial proportions of the total movements
are likely to be by non-motorized traffic (Robinson et al, 2004).
Following selection of functional classification and the choice of level of access control,
design standards are then applied to encourage the use of the road as intended. Design

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features that can convey the level of functional classification to the driver include;
carriageway width, continuity of alignment, spacing of functions, frequency of access,
standards of alignment and grades, traffic controls and road reserve widths.
2.2 Division into Road Design Class
The Uganda Road Design Manual categorizes roads into six design classes of road. Design
Class I, II, & III are bitumen surfaced while design class A, B, & C are gravel surfaced.
Design class I is further subdivided into two classes namely; Ia is four lane and Ib two
The division into Road Design Class is governed by the design speed and design traffic.
There are many factors that affect the capacity of a road. These include design speed,
width, lateral clearance, grade, alignment, weaving sections, ramp terminals, traffic
composition, type of surface, and level of service.
2.3 Design Standards
The principal factors used to determine the standards to which a particular highway will be
designed are the level of service to be provided, expected traffic volume, design speed,
and the design vehicle. These factors, coupled with the basic characteristics of the driver,
vehicle, and road, are used to determine standards for the geometric characteristics of the
highway, such as cross sections and horizontal and vertical alignments (Garber et al
Selection of the appropriate set of geometric design standards is the first step in the design
of any highway. This is essential because no single set of geometric standards can be used
for all highways. For example, geometric standards that may be suitable for a scenic
mountain road with low average daily traffic (ADT) are inadequate for a freeway carrying
heavy traffic. The characteristics of the highway should therefore be considered in
selecting the geometric design standards (Garber et al 2009).
2.4 Design Controls And Criteria
Design Controls deal with characteristics of vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic that act as
criteria for the optimization or improvement in design of the various highway and street
functional classes (AASHTO, 2001).
2.5 Design Vehicles
Selected vehicles, with representative weight, dimensions, and operating characteristics,
used to establish highway design controls for accommodating vehicles of designated
classes are known as design vehicles (AASHTO, 2001).
In the design of any highway facility, the designer should consider the largest design
vehicle likely to use that facility with considerable frequency or a design vehicle with
special characteristics appropriate to a particular intersection in determining the design of
such critical features as radii at intersections and radii of turning roadways (AASHTO,

Trucks and buses generally require more generous geometric designs than do passenger
vehicles. This is largely because trucks and buses are wider and have longer wheelbases
and greater minimum turning radii, which are the principal vehicle dimensions affecting
horizontal alignment and cross section. Single-unit trucks and buses have smaller
minimum turning radii than most combination vehicles, but because of their greater off
tracking, the longer combination vehicles need greater turning path widths (AASHTO,

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2.6 Design Speed

Design speed is defined as a selected speed to determine the various geometric features of
the roadway. Design speed depends on the functional classification of the highway, the
topography of the area in which the highway is located, and the land use of the adjacent
area. For highway design, topography is generally classified into three groups: Level,
rolling, and mountainous terrain (Garber et al 2009).
Level terrain is relatively flat, horizontal and vertical sight distances are generally long or
can be achieved without much construction difficulty or major expense. Rolling terrain has
natural slopes that often rise above and fall below the highway grade with occasional steep
slopes that restrict the normal vertical and horizontal alignments (Garber et al 2009).

Mountainous terrain has sudden changes in ground elevation in both the longitudinal and
transverse directions, thereby requiring frequent hillside excavations to achieve acceptable
horizontal and vertical alignments. The design speed selected should be consistent with the
speed that motorists will expect to drive. For example, a low design speed should not be
selected for a rural collector road solely because the road is located in an area of flat
topography, since motorists will tend to drive at higher speeds. The average trip length on
the highway (Garber et al 2009).

The Uganda Road Design Manual 2010 (Volume 1: Geometric Design) categorizes roads
into six classes for purposes of design. Design class I, II, & III are bitumen surfaced.
Design Classes A, B, & C are gravel surfaced. Design class I is further divided into two. Ia
is four lane and Ib two lane. The division into Road Design Class is governed by the
design speed and design traffic. There are many factors that affect the capacity of a road.
These include design speed, width, lateral clearance, grade, alignment, weaving sections,
ramp Terminals, traffic composition, type of surface, and level of service.

Table 4-2a and 4-2 of the Uganda Road Design Manual Volume 1 Geometric Design gives
the details of the various road design classes
2.7 Choice of Design Standards
Since our project road’s major function is to provide access to Nambole Stadium and
being a paved road, it can be categorized as having a functional Class C and Design Class
III paved.
Table 4-2 below as extracted from the Uganda Road Design Manual (Volume 1 Geometric
Design) gives the cross sectional requirements various classes of roads.

For our chosen class of road we will have a roadway width of 8.6m with 5.6m undivided
carriageway flanked 1.5m wide shoulders.

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Table 4-6 of the Uganda Road Design Manual 2010 (Volume 1: Geometric Design) gives
the geometric standards of class III roads through various terrain and the urban/peri-urban
area. Our Project road lies in the last category i.e. the Urban/Peri-Urban areas and our
horizontal and vertical alignment designs will be based these parameters.

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3.1 Introduction
This chapter shall cover the identification of the project road road, site visit, field surveys
and detailed geometric design.

3.2 Identification of Project Road

Road Design, Construction and Maintenance is highly influenced by the terrain of the area
through which the road traverses. The shortest road alignment is not necessarily the
easiest, quickest, safe or most economical option for construction and maintenance.
Frequently topography, slope stability, flood hazard and erosion potential are likely to be
the most significant controls in the choice of the most suitable alignment and design of
cross-section (Road Design Manual MoWT, 2010).

The team drove through numerous roads within and around the Kampala city to identify
the road that posed a challenge in its geometry. A unanimous decision was taken that
Namboole road had most the features that are a main concern to geometric design and was
selected for the study.

3.3 Site Visit

A site visit was conducted on the 5th to 6th October 2012 to appreciate the site conditions
and its environment. During the site visit, we identified the current geometric constraints
on the existing alignment, drainage conditions were also assessed as part of the site
appreciation (Appendix 3 attached, is a pictorial record of the site visit).

3.4 Survey
Topographical surveys to pick key features along the road that were considered essential
for the location of the road. The Topographical survey was undertaken using a Leica Total
Station for purposes of geometric design. A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) was then
generated using micropiste software.

3.5 Detailed Design

A detailed design undertaken included the design of horizontal and vertical elements such
as horizontal curves, vertical curves, selection of grades aimed at improving on the
operating conditions and safety along the road. Chapter 4 gives the details of the
Engineering designs done.

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4.1 Road Class

As specified in the Uganda Road Design Manual of January 2010 the National Road
Network of Uganda is divided into six classes - three classes for bitumen surfaced roads
and three for gravel roads - as shown in Table 4-1: Road Classes

Class Capacity Roadway Carriageway Shoulder Reserve Design Speed (km/h)

PCU x 1,000 Width Width Width (m) Width Level Rolling Mount.
per day (m) (m) (m)
Ia Paved 12-20 20.8-24.6 14.6 2.5 60 120 100 80
Ib Paved 6-10 11.0 7.0 2.0 60 110 100 80
II Paved 4-8 10.0 6.0 2.0 50 90 70 60
III Paved 2-6 8.6 5.6 1.5 50 80 70 50
A Gravel 4-8 10.0 6.0 2.0 40 90 80 70
B Gravel 2-6 8.6 5.6 1.5 30 80 60 50
C Gravel - 6.4 4.0 1.2 30 60 50 40
Table 4. 1: Road Classes

Source: MoWT Road Design Manual, January 2010

The Namboole Road is presently a Class III Paved Road.

Terrain Type
The Design Speed is varied depending on type of terrain through which the road traverses as
shown in Table 4-1. From the Road Design Manual the following definitions apply to the
different terrain:

Level Terrain: Level or gently rolling country which offers few obstacles to the
construction of a road having continuously unrestricted horizontal and
vertical alignment (transverse terrain slope around 5 %)
Rolling Terrain: Rolling, hilly or foothill country where the slopes generally rise and fall
moderately gentle and where occasional steep slopes may be encountered. It
will offer some restrictions in horizontal and vertical alignment (transverse
terrain slope around 20 %)
Mountainous: Rugged, hilly and mountainous country and river gorges. This class of
terrain imposes definite restrictions on the standard of alignment obtainable
and often involves long steep grades and limited sight distances (transverse
terrain slope up to 70 %)

By this definition the terrain along Namboole Road is mainly rolling as presented in Table 4.2

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Table 4. 2: Road Length by Terrain Type

Station (km) Length of Road by Terrain Type (km)

Level Rolling Mountainous
0.000 – 0.250 0.250
0.250 – 0.700 0.300
0.700 – 1.400 0.500
1.400 – 2.030 0.630
Total (km)
In percent 100%

As can be seen from Table 4-2, the terrain traversed by the road is entirely rolling (about 100%).

4.2 Design Speed

The design speed standards for Class III Paved Road according to the Road Design Manual in
relation to type of terrain are shown in Table 4-3.

Table 4. 3: Design Speed Standards for Class III Bitumen Road

Design Parameter Class III Bitumen Road

Flat terrain: 80 km/h
Design speed Rolling terrain: 70 km/h
Mountainous terrain: 50 km/h
Source: MoWT Road Design Manual, January 2010

The selection of design speed for various sections of the road will generally be according to above
design speed standards and type of terrain traversed, but will at the same time take into account
that the project is an improvement in geometric design of the existing road.

These considerations on appropriate design speed in relation to type of terrain as well as existing
horizontal and vertical alignment standards respectively is shown in Table 4-4 below.

The horizontal alignment of the existing road may with minor realignments actually meet the
horizontal curvature standard for 50 km/h design speed.

From Table 4-4, it can be summarised that the design speed adopted in the preliminary engineering
design is as follows:

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Table 4. 4: Design Speeds adopted for the Road

Design Speed 50 km/h 70 km/h 80 km/h

Total Road Length 2.03 km - km - km
Length in Percent 100% - -

4.3 Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal curvature standards in relation to design speed according to the Uganda Road
Design Manual are shown in Table 4-5 below.

Table 4. 5: Horizontal Alignment Standards

Source: MoWT Road Design Manual, January 2010

All horizontal curves in the revised designs meet the minimum radius requirements for the chosen
design speed.

Proposed Revisions

Between Km 0.7-1.20, two short horizontal curves in the same direction have been combined into
one bigger curve.

The sharp curve of radius less than 75m towards the junction at the end has been improved by
realignment and the introduction of a horizontal curve of radius 150m

The minimum horizontal curvature standards given in Table 4. 5:able 4.6 are based on a maximum
superelevation rate of 4% as recommended in the Road Design Manual for urban roads

Table 4. 6: Superelevation Rates

Horizontal Rate of Superelevation e (%) for Design Speed (km/h)

(m) 50 70 80

7000 NC
5000 NC

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3000 NC
2500 NC
2000 NC
1500 NC
1400 NC
1300 NC
1200 NC
1000 NC
900 RC
800 RC
700 RC
600 RC
500 RC
400 2.5
300 2.8
250 3.1
200 3.3
175 3.5
150 3.7
140 3.8
130 3.8
120 3.9
119 3.9
110 4.0
100 4.0
Note: NC Normal crown, RC-Reverse crown

Superel evation Runoff Length

The minimum length required to apply the superelevation, L min, is calculated from the following

Lmin = w/2 x (e + 2.5)/r

w = width of carriageway (m)

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e = superelevation rate of curve (%)

r = rate of change of superelevation (%)

With a carriageway width of 5.6 m and a maximum rate of change of 0.64% applicable for a
design speed of 50 km/h the minimum length of superelevation run-off will be as shown in Table

Table 4. 7: Superelevation Run-off Length (m)

Superelevation Design Speed (km/h)

(%) 50 70 80

2.5 21.9 25.5 28.0

3.0 24.1 28.0 30.8
3.5 26.3 30.5 33.6
4.0 28.4 33.1 36.4
4.5 30.6 35.6 39.2
5.0 32.8 38.2 42.0
5.5 35.0 40.7 44.8
6.0 37.2 43.3 47.6
6.5 39.4 45.8 50.4
7.0 41.6 48.4 53.2

The superelevation will be applied by rotation of the carriageway around its centreline and so that
two-thirds of the superelevation run-off length is on the tangent and one-third on the curve.

4.4 Vertical Alignment

The vertical alignment is characterised by sub-specification curves and grades as follows;

Between Km 0.38-0.52, the gradient was less than 0.5% and has been improved to 0.5% which is
the minimum recommended for drainage purposes.

Between km 1.94 to 2.08 (approach to Kireka Junction), the gradient was greater than 7.5%, which
is too steep for an approach to a junction. It has been reduced to 5.5% and a sag curve with a
bigger K value has been introduced.

Between Km 0.82 and 1.42, inadequate sight distances were noted. A crest curve with a bigger K-
value has been introduced to replace the existing crest curves by introducing a continuous grade.

Improvement of low standard vertical curves will increase sight distance and hence the road safety.
In the design of longitudinal profile it has therefore been the aim to improve the low standard
vertical curves to be at least in compliance with the Road Design Manual concerning K-values (K
= L / A, where L = length of curve and A = algebraic difference in gradients) and minimum length

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of curve as shown in the following table for the proposed design speeds depending on type of
terrain as shown in Table 4-8.

Table 4. 8: Vertical Alignment Standards

Design K-Value Minimum Length of Maximum Gradient

(Stopping Sight Distance) Curve (low traffic roads: data
Crest Sag (m) (%) in brackets)

(km/h) Min. Des. Min. Des. Min. Des. Flat Rolling Mount.
50 9 9 11 11 100 100 4 (6) 7 (9) 9 (11)
60 16 17 16 24 45 120 4 (6) 6 (8) 8 (10)
70 20 30 20 30 50 140 4 (6) 6 (8) 7 (9)
80 35 45 25 40 60 160 3 (5) 5 (7) 7 (9)
90 45 75 30 50 70 180 3 (5) 5 (7) -
100 60 115 35 60 75 200 3 (5) 5 (7)
Source: MoWT Road Design Manual, January 2010
Note: Data shown in bold for design speed of 50 km/h, are applicable for mountainous terrain,
rolling terrain and level terrain respectively.

The above table also shows the maximum gradients according to Road Design Manual, where the
figures in bracket are applicable for light traffic roads and therefore applicable for the project road.

4.5 Standard Cross Sections

The dimensions and slopes of standard cross section for Class III Bitumen Road according to the
Road Design Manual are summarized in Table 4-9.

Table 4. 9: Cross Section Standards

Design Parameter Class III Bitumen Road

Formation width 8.6m if sealed shoulders, otherwise 7.6 m
Carriageway width 5.6 m
Shoulder width 1.5 m if sealed shoulders, otherwise 1.0 m
Road Reserve width 50 m
Carriageway crossfall 2.5 %
Shoulder crossfall 4.0 %
Source: MoWT Road Design Manual, January 2010

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4.6 Junctions
Conflicting vehicle movements at junctions are a major cause of accidents in many developing
countries. A small number of well designed junctions on a route are preferable to a large number
of low standard junctions. Simple cross-roads have the worst accident records. Staggered cross-
roads or two separated T-junctions will reduce the accident rate.

Three types of standard junctions, as listed in Table 4-10, are proposed to be applied for the
various classes of side roads and plot accesses.

Table 4. 10: Types of Standard Junctions

Junction Radii of
Width of Side Applicable for
Type Carriageway Edge
Road (m)
A 6.00 15 m Class Ib & III Paved

Only Type A junction was proposed at Kireka and Nambole due to the nature of turning
movements expected.

4.7 Traffic Signs

Traffic signs will be provided in accordance with the new MoWT Traffic Signs Manual (July

Accordingly, the size of the various sign board types for medium speed group (50-80 km/h) is:
• Side length of triangular signs: 900 mm
• Diameter of circular signs: 750 mm
• Capital letter height of informative signs: 210 mm

4.8 Road Markings

Road marking is an important part of the road layout because it restricts against dangerous actions
such as overtaking where the geometric design is not perfect. It also reduces the risk of driving off
the road during night- time and periods with poor visibility.

Road marking will be provided in accordance with the new MoWT Traffic Signs Manual (July
2004). In line with the recommendations in the manual it is proposed to use hot-applied
thermoplastic paint, which although it has higher initial cost than road paint, but far more durable
and therefore the most cost-effective.

The standard centreline will be a broken yellow line, 100 mm wide with 3m mark and 6m gap
since our road traverses urban areas.

The combination of continuous and broken line with 130mm separation is used where “no
overtaking” apply to one direction.

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The edge line between the traffic lane and the shoulder shall according to the manual be a 100mm
wide solid white line. However, it is recommended to apply the thermoplastic paint with 100mm
long marks and 100mm gaps, a so-called acoustic edge line. This has several advantages:
• I driver moving unintentionally on to the shoulder, for instance by falling asleep, will get a
warning by the rumbling effect of the edge line.
• Drivers will due to the rumbling effect be less inclined to drive onto the shoulder and hereby
provide better separation between the vehicular traffic and the soft traffic (pedestrians and
bicyclists) using the shoulders.
• The gaps will ensure good drainage from the carriageway so risk of aqua-planning is reduced as
well as limiting water from entering the pavement layers.

Although the reconstruction design will ensure stopping sight distance along the entire road,
overtaking sight distance is restricted on many sections of the road. The full overtaking sight
distance is the minimum sight distance for a safe overtaking of another vehicle without interfering
with the speed of an oncoming vehicle travelling at the design speed.

The sight distance for use of the "no overtaking" markings shown in Table 4. 11:4.11 is based on
less demanding standard of safety - in which the overtaking vehicle is already at the speed of the
overtaken vehicle, and the driver can abandon the overtaking manoeuvre at any time up to the
point where he has drawn alongside the other vehicle.

Table 4. 11: Passing Sight Distances

Design Full overtaking Visibility distance below which "no

Speed sight distance overtaking" centreline markings shall be
50 km/h 300 150
Source: MoWHC Road Design Manual, Road Safety Revision (Draft, May 2004)

4.9 Guardrails
To reduce the hazard of high embankments particularly at km 1.46-1.96, guardrails have been
proposed. The Uganda Road Design Manual does not give any specific criteria in that respect.
However, the Kenya Road Design Manual recommends guardrails to be installed where the
embankment height exceeds about 3 metres (depending on different conditions). The consequences
of this recommendation would be that about 1000m of guardrail would be needed
According to normal practise in Uganda the guardrails will be of the steel beam type. The
guardrail in itself poses a certain hazard, but this hazard is reduced by burying the ends into the

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1. Ministry of Works and Transport "Road Design Manual", 2010

2. Nicolas J. Garber & Lester A Hoel Traffic and Highway Engineering (4 th Edition)

3. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2001) A Policy

on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 4th Edition

4. Transport Research Board (2000) Highway Capacity Manual

5. MoWT (2004) Traffic Signs Manual

6. US Department of Transportation (FHWA) Manual of Uniform Traffic Control

Devices (MUTCD) for Streets and Highways (2009)

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