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Why People Favour Elon Musk over Jeff Bezos

and Bill Gates

There was a time, a simpler time, when you’d probably never heard of
the CEOs of most of the companies you used. The general public was
able to remain blissfully ignorant of how badly these high-powered
executives were stiffing them, and the internet hadn’t yet made it
possible to find out everything about, well, everyone. These days though,
with every company and their CEOs on Twitter, more information comes
to light than ever, and people like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Elon Musk
are more widely known than most popstars! But why is it that people
like Elon Musk so much, but seem to revile both Bezos and Bill
Gates? Let’s jump in and take a look.
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Let’s Start Off With His Modest Beginnings…
Elon Musk was born in South Africa to a Canadian mother and South
African father, but he headed to Canada and eventually the United States
at a young age. He studied at the University of Pennsylvania and got a
bachelor’s degree in economics and physics, before heading to Stanford
in California to study more. He changed his mind though and went to
work in the world of business, co-founding a company called Zip2 with
his brother that was bought by Compaq in 1999 for three hundred
million dollars.
He had other projects though, including bank that would become
the basis for PayPal, and eventually that was bought as well for one point
five billion! Musk though, moved into what he really cared about, and
that was space and tech. He founded SpaceX in 2002 and designed it to
get the human race to Mars, thereby saving us from a hypothetical
doomsday scenario by ensuring some of us are on another planet. It
sounds ridiculous, but that’s the way this man’s mind works, and you
should be glad that he seems to care about you.
Of course, he would go on to join Tesla Motors as chairman, found
SolarCity which became Tesla Energy and OpenAI, for ‘friendly’ artificial
intelligence. He seems to have watched a few too many dystopian Sci Fi
movies and has made very smart decisions when it comes to avoiding
nightmarish future hypothetical realities. But then, he is an outspoken
eccentric who has little to no filter and tells people exactly what he
thinks, while trying to figure out the best ways to help the human race.
While his Twitter statements anger most of the social justice warriors on
that platform, most everyone else in the real world thinks he is a great
human being, well worthy of being the richest man in the world. And,
TIME magazine's Person of the Year for 2021.
This is likely because of a few factors. As mentioned, he is pretty honest,
telling people what he thinks and behaving a lot like a guy you
could just have a couple of beers (or joints) with, if his Joe
Rogan, PewDiePie and Saturday Night Live appearances are
anything to judge from. He laughs at himself and isn’t afraid of
parody, his attitude to his science and business all appear to be done in
the best interests of people and their freedoms, too, which is why he has
clashed with the authoritarian Left so often. A combination of his down-
to-earth personality, self-deprecation and quirks, particularly his
obsession with meme-based cryptocurrency Dogecoin, have endeared
him to the people of this planet.
When you want to compare Elon Musk to Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates
however, you need to look at their backgrounds and careers too. After all,
a lot of their stories are the same.
Bezos was born in New Mexico and raised in Texas and
Florida. He went to Princeton where he graduated with a degree in
electrical engineering and computer science. He worked in Wall Street
and eventually created Amazon, a company that now dominates e-
commerce over almost all of the world.
Even though Bezos founded the company on a cross-company trip as just
a simple bookstore, his reasons were largely based on an attempt to turn
it into the juggernaut it is today. It begins with A because it’s the first
letter in the alphabet, he sold books because he reasoned that it would
allow him to grow, but his goal was always to have Amazon be a
technology company that specialized in simple transactions, so simple in
fact, that no one would choose traditional means of buying their books,
tech, DVDs and whatever else.
Bill Gates is similar to Bezos and of course, Musk. Born in
Seattle in 1955, Gates went to Lakeside prep school at thirteen and began
writing software programs. He was extremely interested in writing in
BASIC, and it was precisely this that led him to a deal with Micro
Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems, working on an interpreter for
their Altair 8800, dubbed Altair BASIC. Combining the terms
‘microcomputer’ and ‘software’, he created Microsoft, a company that is
now responsible for the lion’s share of office work around the world,
thanks to the creation of Windows, which was designed to take down
Apple’s Macintosh and its operating system.
These days, Gates is most known for his speeches at the World Economic
Forum and his charitable work with the Bill and Melinda Gates
foundation, which has led to him being considered a philanthropist.
So, now that we can see three similar stories of three similar men, what
is it about Bezos and Gates that makes people dislike them so, while they
seem to like Elon Musk so much? Well, here are a few things you should
Musk is absolutely a philanthropist, constantly discussing how his
inventions and endeavours may best benefit the human race. He talks
constantly and very publicly about these points, passionately and
enthusiastically. His efforts to improve space transportation technology
seem ultimately designed to save the human race and the planet.
Bezos, by contrast, simply once said that he had so much money from
Amazon’s titanic global stranglehold on e-commerce that he couldn’t
think of another way to spend it than to fund space tourism. He does not
in any way seem to care or even consider most of the rest of the people
on the planet, which the average joe doesn’t really like very much.
Gates, on the other hand, has said and done a number of extremely
shady things in his career that have made people wonder if he is actually
against the rest of humanity. We all remember the mistake he made at
his Ted Talk, though the mainstream media have done what they can to
make the footage disappear. In this speech, he actually went as far as to
claim that vaccines were the answer to overpopulation.
Most people take terms like that with a pinch of salt, but the reality is, if
you were to take all the people in the world and cram them into one
place, they’d probably all be able to fit into Rhode Island, or maybe just a
bit more than that. In what universe Gates see that there are too many
people on the planet is a mystery, but his attitude to people seems
malevolent at best.
His foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been sued
before for their work with vaccines too, with one famous case in India
resulting in a lot of deaths, something that has seen Gates all but
banished from the country. Gates has also been one of the biggest
proponents of fear regarding Covid-19, appearing to want people to stay
at home and lose their ability to make money rather than spread across
the planet in freedom.
So then, if you had three friends, one who was always looking out for you
and giving you gifts that made your life easier, one who didn’t seem to
care or even know your name, and one who was constantly telling you
horror stories to make you afraid to leave the house, which one would
you want to be around the most?
When you boil it down to simple terms like that, it’s really not
very hard at all to see why so many people are firmly behind
Elon, while they look at Bezos as a disconnected one percenter
and Bill Gates as someone they absolutely cannot trust, ever.
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