Reading Text Critically

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Writing academic
papers goes hand
in hand with
r on th is
Pond e
m e n t of
"Critical Reading is
Go sh ga ri a n an active process
of discovery"
What does it mean to read


Why did Gosgarian say that

critical reading is an active

process of discovery?
Girls most likely do well in
academics during high
school years but boys get
ahead of them in college.

Female teenagers are more

concerned with their physical
appearance than male
Critical Reading

involves scrutinizing

It means not
any information that

you read or hear. easily believing

offered to you by
a text..
"Read not to contradict and confute; nor to
believe and take for granted ; nor to find
talk and discourse; but weigh and
Critical Reading is an active process of
discovery because when you read critically, you
are not just receiving information but also
making an interaction with the writer. The
interaction happens when you question the
writer's claims and assertions and when you
comment on the writer's ideas.
The following are some suggested ways
to help you become a critical reader:

1. Annotate what you read.

One of the ways to interact
with the writer is to write on
the text.
The following are some suggested ways
to help you become a critical reader:

2. Outline the text.

In order to fully engage in a dialogue
with the text or with the writer of the
text, you need to identify the main
points of the writer and list down so
you can also identify the ideas that the
writer has raised to support his/her
The following are some suggested ways
to help you become a critical reader:

2. Outline the text.

Thesis statement

Supporting details:
Point 1:
Point 2:
Point 3:
Thesis statement: The concept of Standard English
is problematic because there is no clear definition
of what standard is.
Supporting details:
Point 1: The author gives a scenario in the Philippine classrooms in which
English teachers get frustrated because of students' grammatical errors.

Point 2: The author mentioned that research studies are being conducted
in order to improve teaching English as a second language but failed to
mention what those specific studies are.

Point 3: The common errors that Filipino college students commit in their
writing are mentioned.
The following are some suggested ways
to help you become a critical reader:

3. Summarize the text.

Aside from outlining, you can
also get the main points of the
text you are reading and write
its gist in your own words.
The following are some suggested ways
to help you become a critical reader:

4. Evaluate the text.

When you evaluate a text, you
question the author's purpose and
intentions, as well as his/her
assumption in the claims. you also
check if the arguments are
supported by evidence and if the
evidence are valid and from
credible sources.

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