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- AAA -


Name - Surname :________________________________
Class - Number : 11/________
A - ) Read the paragraphs and answer the questions (5x3=15 p)
Serhat : I am going to spend my holiday in Bodrum.I am going to stay in a small hotel by the sea. I am going to meet my
friends there. We are going to surf and water-ski. We are going to go sightseeing in Bodrum, too. It is great because we
are going to stay for two weeks
Mary : We want to spend our holiday in Thailand. We are going to stay in a great hotel. We are going to visit the Grand
Palace in Bangkok. It is going to be a great fun. We are going to take a trip up the Chao Phraya River. My dad is going to
try river rafting.I am going to ride an elephant and take wonderful pictures.We are going to taste Thai cooking. I am going
to buy some interesting souvenirs.

1. Where is Serhat going to spend his holiday? _________________________________________________________

2. What is he going to do there? _____________________________________________________________________
3. Where does Mary want to spend her holiday? _________________________________________________________
4. Is Mary going to stay in a small hotel? ______________________________________________________________
5. What is Mary going to taste? ______________________________________________________________________

B - ) Match the words with their definitions (5x2=10p)
1. Prospective a. Be different from the others
2. Acquaintances b. Likely to become or be
3. Essential c. The ability to perceive clearly and deeply
4. Stand out d. Vital, very important
5. Insight e. People whom one knows
1. _____2._____3.______4._____5._____

C - ) Fill in the blanks using the words below (5x2=10p.)

participated / craving / took up / satisfy / satisfaction
Mahmut _____________________basketball professionally at the age of 12. Since then, he has ___________________
in many basketball tournaments with his team. He is very talented and everybody knows that he is gifted in playing this
Nowadays, most people have the ___________________ to engage in different hobbies because they feel the need to
______________________________ their inner demand to reduce stress and enjoy life. This type of _______________
relieves their psychological and physical pains.

D - ) Fill in the blanks using “Be Going to” or “Will” (5x2=10p.)
1. We ________________________________ (travel) to Barcelona next Friday.
2. I __________________________________(meet) my friends from London tomorrow.
3. Wait! I _____________________________ (give) you a lift to your school.
4. I think my mother _____________________________ (not be) back home until 5 o’clock.
5. Sue is very excited. She ______________________________ (apply) for the summer job.

E- ) Choose the correct choice (5x2=10p.)

1. I am good at _________________________ photographs
a. taking b. take c. to take
2. Luca is bad at __________________ She has a terrible voice.
a. sing b. to sing c. singing
3. I enjoy _____________ a lot and _________________ new cultures.
a. travel / learn b. travelling / learning c. to travel / to learn
4. Deniz likes ________________________the people in need. He is always ready to give a helping hand.
a. help b. to help c. helping
5. Are you interested_____________ football?
a. in b. at c. on
F - ) What are your hobbies? Write at least seven sentences using “love, like, enjoy, good at, interested in…)
1. _____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________

G - ) Listen to the dialogue and complete it. (8x2=16p.)
Stella Stone: Good morning. How may I ________________ you?
Mehmet: Good morning. May I __________________ to Stella Stone, please?
Stella Stone: This is Stella speaking.
Mehmet: Hi. I was wondering if I could ____________________ you for the engineering position this week.
Stella Stone: Let me check this week’s schedule. Hold on a moment, _________________.
Mehmet: Of course.
Stella Stone: Is five o’clock _____________________ a good time for you?
Mehmet: I’m afraid I’ll be at another meeting. Can we meet at three o’clock, instead?
Stella Stone: I’m __________________, but there is no other available time this week.
Mehmet: I see. What about next week? Is it possible for you to see me next week for a short meeting?
Stella Stone: Yes, _________________. Is 9 o’clock on Monday morning good for you?
Mehmet: Certainly. Thank you.
Stella Stone: No _____________________. See you, then.

- BBB -
Name - Surname :________________________________
Class - Number : 11/________
A - ) Read the paragraphs and answer the questions (5x3=15 p)
Serhat : I am going to spend my holiday in Bodrum.I am going to stay in a small hotel by the sea. I am going to meet my
friends there. We are going to surf and water-ski. We are going to go sightseeing in Bodrum, too. It is great because we
are going to stay for two weeks
Mary : We want to spend our holiday in Thailand. We are going to stay in a great hotel. We are going to visit the Grand
Palace in Bangkok. It is going to be a great fun. We are going to take a trip up the Chao Phraya River. My dad is going to
try river rafting.I am going to ride an elephant and take wonderful pictures.We are going to taste Thai cooking. I am going
to buy some interesting souvenirs.

1. Where is Serhat going to stay? ____________________________________________________________________

2. Who is he going to meet in Bodrum?_________________________________________________________________
3. Where does Mary want to spend her holiday? _________________________________________________________
4. Is Mary going to stay in a big hotel? ______________________________________________________________
5. What is Mary going to buy? ______________________________________________________________________

B - ) Match the words with their definitions (5x2=10p.)
1. Essential a. Be different from the others
2. Insight b. Likely to become or be
3. Prospective c. The ability to perceive clearly and deeply
4. Acquaintances d. Vital, very important
5. Stand out e. People whom one knows
1. _____2._____3.______4._____5._____

C - ) Fill in the blanks using the words below (5x2=10p.)

varied / satisfaction / encourages / satisfy / craving
Haluk always ______________________ Derin to do sports in order to have a healthy body. At Derin’s school, there
are ________________ sport branches which she can choose from, so she is very lucky!
Nowadays, most people have the ___________________ to engage in different hobbies because they feel the need to
_________________________ their inner demand to reduce stress and enjoy life. This type of ____________________
relieves their psychological and physical pains.

D - ) Fill in the blanks using “Be Going to” or “Will” (5x2=10 p)
1. Be relax.. I ________________________ (help) you do your homework.
2. A : Have you decided what to do when you graduate from the university?
B : Yes, I ________________________________ (have) a holiday for a couple of months .
3. I have a lot of work to do. I think I _______________________ (ask) my mother for some help.
4. A : Where are you going?
B : I _________________________ (buy) something for the guests.
5. A : I left my wallet at home.
B : Don’t worry I ________________________________ (lend) you some money.
E- ) Choose the correct choice (5x2=10p.)
1. Are you interested_____________ football?
a. in b. at c. on
2. I am good _______ writing poems
a. in b. at c. on
3. Meltem is interested in __________________ stamps.
a. collect b. to collect c. collecting
4. My father enjoys _____________ new cultures. and _________________ a lot
a. learn / travel b. learning / travelling c. to learn / to travel
5. Ahmet likes ________________________the people in need. He is always ready to give a helping hand.
a. help b. to help c. helping

F - ) What are your hobbies? Write at least seven sentences using “love, like, enjoy, good at, interested in…)
1. _____________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________

G- ) Listen to the dialogue and complete it. (8x2=16p.)
Stella Stone: Good morning. How may I ________________ you?
Mehmet: Good morning. May I __________________ to Stella Stone, please?
Stella Stone: This is Stella speaking.
Mehmet: Hi. I was wondering if I could ____________________ you for the engineering position this week.
Stella Stone: Let me check this week’s schedule. Hold on a moment, _________________.
Mehmet: Of course.
Stella Stone: Is five o’clock _____________________ a good time for you?
Mehmet: I’m afraid I’ll be at another meeting. Can we meet at three o’clock, instead?
Stella Stone: I’m __________________, but there is no other available time this week.
Mehmet: I see. What about next week? Is it possible for you to see me next week for a short meeting?
Stella Stone: Yes, _________________. Is 9 o’clock on Monday morning good for you?
Mehmet: Certainly. Thank you.
Stella Stone: No _____________________. See you, then.


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