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Running head: CASE ANALYSIS 1

Case Analysis



Order 2395658 Case Analysis

The stakeholders were the employees, and

The employees had about labored long hours which were usually in unsafe conditions. The

employees were also earning peanuts as they were paid approximately $38, which was less than

the cost of a single pant they were making. this meant that the pay was little that it did not pay

for their daily lifestyle like food and proper housing structures. The employers at the rana plaza

were deceiving their employees and they were treating them unfairly. When told that the plaza

was doubted to collapse because cracks were seen on the building, the employers threatened to

sack them and they should continue working.

The party responsible for the collapse of the rana plaza was the owner of the building.

The employees had complained about poor working conditions and it had been reported prior to

the collapse that cracks had been seen on the building. The owner did not take any action

towards this issue instead they threatened to sack those who would stop working. The employers

also knew about the state of the building but proceeded to bring in more heavy machines on the

upper floors which also facilitated in collapsing of the building.

The government is also responsible because it should ensure that its citizens whose are

the employees in those companies, their rights are respected by enforcing safety standards the

same way this rights work in more developed countries. The government is also supposed to

ensure that such unworthy structures like the rana plaza are vacated and declared unworthy for

people to work in them and have those who are in charge of the buildings are called to books.

The government of Bangladesh had assumed that safety standards put in place for

companies operating in that country were fallowed which on contrary was the opposite. That’s

why structures like the rana plaza collapsed which housed so many companies. Even when the

cracks were reported on the building the government did not take any measures to prevent it.

This shows the government had assumed all the structures in Bangladesh were worthy and had

met all safety precautions. It’s the government work to ensure that all buildings erected met all

the safety precaution requirements and provide good working condition for workers.

The western countries have an obligation to safe guard the safety precautions of workers

working in their companies because if they fail to and the companies are closed it will lead to

low supply of their products to the market hence affecting their sales cause the demand of supply

would be unable to match that of the demand. The government also have an obligation to

safeguard the safety of their employees because the cost of running such companies is relative

cheap which maximizes on profits when exported and sold in other countries.

The government need also safe guard safety precaution of workers in those companies

because it’s their right and they need also to be treated as other normal workers in other parts of

the country. This can be termed as modern slavery which is globally condemned because it’s

against the human rights. The products when sold earn the government tax and it’s a good

gesture to return favor to the counties contributing to their wealth because they play a bi part of

making those products hence the need to safeguard their safety precautions.

It’s also the responsibility of consumers to make sure that the employees safety

precautions are observed by either paying more for the products in order to contribute to the

employees safe working environment are adequate modern pay which will be able to cater for

their daily needs. This is seen where one consumer declares that she is open to paying more for

her clothes if the funds are going to support the safety precaution of the employees and also in

aiding for a better pay. This is evident where the employees in Bangladesh are paid peanuts

which is unable to cater for their needs regarding some have families or relatives depending on


It’s also the consumers’ responsibility to punish violators of human rights in those

countries who set up illegal companies for producing garments using other brands name. this

companies end up having poor working conditions for the employees and their safety precautions

are hardly met. The consumers are meant to punish such violators but avoiding their products

and buying from genuine companies which in return helps in observing the employee’s

precaution measures.

The writer is correct that we tend to forget quickly because after the stories have been

highlighted we focus on them and promise to give more attention to the issue and help in the way

where it’s possible. We forget about the issue as time goes by and as other new stories begin to

get the attention of the masses hence forgetting about the issue and failing to solve them.

What consumers are needed to solve this issue is by the companies making good products

which are appealing to consumers as it is very hard to deny something which is good. The writer

goes ahead declaring that denial is a very powerful thing is something is really beautiful and you

really want it. This will make you get that product because it’s hard to deny a good thing no

matter the price of the product.



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