Plain English, Please!: in Short

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Because of what we learned in school, most of

PLAIN ENGLISH, PLEASE! us ended up as average writers: wordy, artificial,

often ungrammatical, and largely unreadable.
Law Professor, University of the Cordilleras Our current reality is complex language -- too
Bar Reviewer in Civil Law many complex writings and documents that are
Powerhauz Law Review Center difficult, if not impossible, to understand.
Cosmopolitan Review Center
Consider this sentence
In spite of the fact that a large proportion of our
Introduction members are at this point in time of the opinion
that the co-op needs to hire additional
Do you think that: employees, there is a serious danger that funding
for these jobs will be eliminated altogether in the
• making your writing complicated will impress
not too distant future.
your readers?
• using complex vocabulary and convoluted Revised (plain English)
sentence structures will make you look smart?
• two or three words are better than one? Although many members believe that the co-op
• jargons are desirable? needs more employees, funding for these jobs may
• or, do you just want to use lots of words to fill soon be eliminated.
up that word count? In short
If you answered yes to any of these then you
The revised version--written in plain language--
might be making your writing overly complex
is easier to read, but it goes against what we
and so confusing to the reader.
learned in school--we had to reach a certain
There is a growing move to simplify the word count and had to use flowery
language used in official and business constructions to fill the extra spaces.
documents because many of these have become
Writing is like any other skill–you can improve,
so convoluted that the intended message is lost.
but you’ll have to dedicate yourself to it. The
This move is known as the campaign for plain
easier path is to settle for being a so-so writer. It
won’t be easy. But once you become a skilful
The premise of this lecture is that good writing writer, your rewards will be great.
should not differ from ordinary well-written
Friendly reminder
English. As a well-known New York lawyer told
the young associates in his firm, “Good legal Some sections in this lecture presentation will
writing does not sound as though it had been serve only as reminders of what you’ve heard
written by a lawyer.” before but perhaps forgotten. Other techniques
will probably be new to you. What matters most,
In short, good writing is plain English. in the end, is how you apply sound practices in
your writing. You will have to use good
Reality check
judgment. No blackletter rule can substitute that.
Writing well isn’t easy. Most people don’t write
What is plain English?
well -- even college graduates who think they
do. Most doctors, accountants, businesspeople,
engineers, and professors--even lawyers, aren’t Plain English refers to writing that is clearly
accomplished writers. understandable by almost anyone. When we
speak about the techniques of writing Plain
English, we are referring to some of the
techniques known to make writing clear and

effective. These techniques are found in such Plain English is intended for all writers whoever
studies as style, composition and rhetoric. their readers are.
Plain English is communication your audience Writers wishing to communicate with the
can understand the first time they read it. Plain general reader need to produce material which
English has the following advantages: largely consists of simple words and is written in
relatively short sentences.
• It is faster to write.
• It is faster to read. Writers wishing to communicate with
• It is easier to understand. professionals have to use complex vocabulary
and sometimes complex sentences to fit the
Example 1 needs of the subject. However, readers have long
complained that the difficulty with professional
This letter will serve to notify you of our receipt journals is not so much the subject matter -
of your letter outlining the terms of our technical vocabulary -  as the way it is presented
agreement. - the grammar, style and the use of familiar or
long non-technical words.
Plain English
The reader
We have received your letter outlining our
agreement. Whether writing is clear and effective depends
on the intended reader. In general, a message is
Example 2
clear and effective when it is written using
We are expecting that a tender of the money to words that are familiar to the intended reader
you will be made in the near future prior to the and uses sentences of a reasonable length that
time when the court will be able to determine the intended reader is able to understand.
and adjudicate the issues.
Plain English
We expect to pay you soon, even before the PRINCIPLE 1
court rules. Prefer the active voice over the passive

Example 3 Think of it this way. If you’re active, you do

things; if you’re passive, things are done to you.
I, Juan dela Cruz, do hereby authorize my
Its the same with subjects of sentences. In the
lawyer, Atty. Roney Jone P. Gandeza, to accept
active voice, the subject does something.
and receive on my behalf the amount of Fifty
Thousand Pesos (P/50,000.00) as settlement The Committee dismissed the complaint.
money due to me from X Insurance Co. arising In the passive voice construction, something is
from the vehicular accident which occurred on done to the subject.
May 1, 2016 along Session Road, Baguio City.
The complaint was dismissed by the Committee.
Plain English
Keep this fail-safe test in mind
I authorize Atty. Roney Jone P. Gandeza to If you see a be-verb (such as is, are, was, or
receive on my behalf P/50,000.00 from X were) followed by a past tense verb, you have a
Insurance Company. This is settlement money passive-voice construction.
from the vehicular accident on May 1, 2016
along Session Road, Baguio City. • is dismissed
• are docketed
Who benefits from plain English • was vacated
• were reversed

• been filed conspicuous and handiest device of doing that is
• being affirmed to use contractions.
• be sanctioned
• am rewarded A 1989 study confirmed this: it found that
Friendly reminder frequent contractions enhance readability. This
advice applies not just to court papers but also to
In a passive sentence, the subject is not the doer. contracts, rules, policies, memos, letters, and
If the doer is mentioned at all, it is often buried other legal documents.
in a phrase beginning with by.
Example 1
If you’re talking to the world in general, you’ll
The accused is arrested by the police. probably write more like a speech, rather than
The police arrested the accused. like a conversation.
Example 2
The employees are urged by the Manager to
Making your writing style more conversational
attend the seminar.
doesn’t mean following rigid rules of writing.
The Manager urged the employees to attend the
Second: Use personal pronouns
The ball was caught by Abe.
Abe caught the ball. Another characteristic of a natural, spoken style
is the use of first-person and second-person
Three directors were elected by the members.
pronouns – especially we and you – as opposed
The members elected three directors.
to third-party references such as mortgagor or
PRINCIPLE 2 vendee.
Make everything you write speakable
Readers are much more engaged by a text that
A writer once said: “Writing, when properly speaks to them directly.
managed, is but a different name for Not this
If the employee feels that an interview with the
Readers are drawn into conversational writing as immediate supervisor would be unsatisfactory,
they are into a good conversation, and this style he or his representatives may, in the first
of writing is relaxed, fun, and more engaging. instance, present his grievance to the manager.
Making your writing style more conversational But this
doesn’t mean following rigid rules of writing. It
just means that you write as if you’re talking to If you feel that your supervisor will not handle
the reader, instead of using more formal or your case fairly, you may go directly to the
academic language. manager.
My favorite writing tip comes from Kurt Not this
Vonnegut, who advised writers to have a specific The Committee finds that Director X falsified
reader in mind, and write as if you’re talking to his loan application.
that person. His ideal reader was his sister. Who
is yours? If you’re talking to the world in But this
general, you’ll probably write more like a We find that Director X falsified his loan
speech, rather than like a conversation. application.
First: Use contractions
Not this
Write as you talk is the accepted rule of writing
readability – and in English, the most It is recommended that the mediation program
be approved.

redundancy or long-windedness in your writing
But this
We recommend that the mediation program be
 replacing a phrase with a word that means
the same thing;
Third: Begin sentences with “and,” “but,” and  deleting words that have little or no meaning;
“so”  deleting words that are implied by other
You do this in speech all the time. Good writers words in the sentence; or
routinely do it in print – nearly 10% of the time.  changing negatives to positives.
But writers, especially legal writers – often lapse The following example has many unnecessary
into stiffer sentence openers like Similarly, words and round-about expressions:
However, Consequently, and Inasmuch as. Try Example
replacing these heavy connectors with faster,
more conversational ones. In the eventuality that a threat of danger occurs
during the period of time the operator is on
Consider this duty, the operator should press the alarm button
Our chairperson wanted to leave the office, drive with the purpose of alerting other people with
home, and spend the evening with his family. the intention of causing them to exit away from
However, he knew that duty called him to finish the building.
the project and to put his best effort into making  in the eventuality that (if)
it superb.  a threat implies danger
 during the period of time (when)
Revised  with the purpose of ( to)
 with the intention of causing (to cause)
Our chairperson wanted to leave the office, drive
 to exit away from (to exit)
home, and spend the evening with his family.
But he knew that duty called him to finish the
project and to put his best effort into making it
This gives us
Or this
If a threat occurs when the operator is on duty,
She was a nice girl. And smart, too.
the operator should press the alarm button to
Test of naturalness alert other people to cause them to exit the
Here’s a good test of naturalness.: if you building.
wouldn’t say it, then don’t write it. You’ll give However, we might replace everything
your writing much more credence if you come after alarm button and exit the building. The
across as sincere, honest, and genuine. Your notice is directed to the operator. Notices to
words will be plainer, your style more relaxed, others might say, "If you hear the alarm, exit the
and your prose more memorable. You should building fast." This gives us:
probably try reading your prose aloud to see
If a threat occurs when the operator is on duty,
whether you’d actually say it the way you’ve
the operator should press the alarm button and
written it.
leave the building.
Omit needless words and phrases Even better, be simple and direct
If a threat occurs, press the alarm button and
The more words we need to read to understand a leave the building.
sentence, the harder it is to grasp its meaning.
This is especially true when the extra words Wordy Expressions
supply no extra meaning.  You can reduce

The following table gives examples of wordy might think that she is very flattering to him
ways of saying what we could say in fewer - compliments him - and might view the
words. sentence negatively: thinking he is vain and
Instead of Try corruptible, promoting her above more able
colleagues because she makes him feel
as a consequence of because, for bigheaded, and she is a bootlicker because she
despite the fact that although, despite seeks power through her feminine wiles and not
for the purpose of to through her intelligence and ability; they may
in accordance with following think this instead of correctly thinking her
in conjunction with with strengths in business make up for his
in order to to weaknesses, so together they make a powerful
in the event of if team.
in view of the fact that because Even though further statements might correct
on the assumption that if this misunderstanding, the harm has been done,
prior to before and - at the least - the reader is confused, and -
relating to about in the worst case - the reader develops strong
with reference to about, concerning negative feelings. These negative feelings might
be hard to dispel, clouding further
by means of by
understanding. While making no error in
by virtue of by, under grammar or diction the writer has failed to get
subsequent to after through to the readers and has led them to feel
prior to before the opposite of what he intended. The moral is
for the period of for this: if readers do not know the meaning of a
by reason of because of word, they will guess it, perhaps wrongly, and if
in order to to you need to avoid the dangers of
misunderstanding, you will choose your words
PRINCIPLE 4 carefully. 
Use familiar words
Rule of thumb
You communicate more effectively when you
Use words your readers are likely to understand.
use words that are familiar to your readers.
Base your choice of words on what will be
When readers do not understand a word, they clearer for your reader.
may guess its meaning. For instance, they may
think an exhaustive study was one that Instead of 
was tiring, because exhaustive is similar to the
Subsequent to the passage of the Board
familiar word exhausting. In this case, the
Resolution, it is incumbent upon you to advise
reader's understanding may be similar to the
your department to comply with it.
writer's intended meaning - if the study was
exhausting, then the investigators must have
worked hard on the study to get so tired, so they Write 
probably left no stone unturned (they were
exhaustive). The writer and the reader have After the Board Resolution passes, you must tell
struck lucky, even though the reader has your staff to follow it.
misunderstood the word. Instead of
However, the writer might not be so lucky. For The board’s action will be detrimental to the co-
instance, the word compliment is more familiar op in the long run.
than the word complement. If we read:
"She rose quickly in the company because she
complements him in his work", some readers

The board’s action will be harmful (or by an approval that allows for Leave Form 2 to
damaging) to the co-op in the long run. be completed after the affirmative response to
Leave Form 1 is received.
Instead of
The axiomatic truth remains that the success of a Revised
co-op depends on its leaders.
Going on leave is easy. Fill out Leave Form 1.
Write Wait for its approval. Then use Leave Form 2.
The obvious truth remains that the success of a Another example
co-op depends on its leaders. I refer to the earlier notice served in respect of
Use shorter words your account as the arrears now amount to the
sum shown above, you leave me with no
Shorter words are easier to read than longer alternative than to commence court action and
ones. This is because it takes less time to move details of your account have been referred to our
the eye over shorter words. Therefore, when the lawyer.
reader is expected to read text without much
effort, the writer should prefer the shorter word Revised
to the longer one. Text containing many long I refer to the earlier notice served regarding your
words is dense and reading such text is much account. As the arrears now amount to the sum
harder than reading text that mainly contains shown above, you leave me no alternative but to
shorter words. begin court action. Details of your account have
Example 1 been referred to our lawyer.

We will endeavor to finish the report next week.
We will try to finish the report next week. Avoid nominalizations

Example 2 By changing a word or group of words into a

We need additional help. noun, you make a nominalization. A
We need more help. nominalization is a word or group of words
which is changed into a noun, sometimes by
Example 3 adding a suffix. Nominalizations are often
Before going on leave, obtain the approval of derived from verbs, but they can be derived from
your leave application from the manager. other parts of speech, such as adjectives. In
Before going on leave, get the approval of your nominalizations, weak verbs take the place of
leave application from the manager. the real verb, clouding the meaning of the
Keep your sentences short For instance, you can nominalize the verb
imply by turning it into the noun implication.
With short sentences, the reader gets the whole Correct form
thing in one go. Easy to remember. Easy to The news report implied that he was corrupt,
understand. More powerful communication. which angered him.
There is a natural pause after a sentence. This
gives the reader space in which to consider what Nominalized form:
is said. The implication angered him.
Consider this
By nominalizing the verb imply, you lose the
Going on leave is easy. The procedure requires subject, the news report, and the object, that he
an initial completion of Leave Form 1 followed, was corrupt. When you do this, you hide the
after this has been processed by the HR Officer, subject and the object of the verb, making your

writing denser and vaguer. Your readers no
We are instigating inquiries into the matter.
longer know what the implication was, nor who
We are inquiring into the matter. 
made it.
They made a selection of the important books.
You can make your writing clearer by limiting
They selected the important books. 
the number of nominalizations of verbs. 
Example 1 PRINCIPLE 7
Prefer the positive to the negative
The importation of timber from endangered
forests is a crime. This rule does not mean that we should always
Importation  is called a nominalization because use positive words. It only means that we should
it is a noun which comes from a verb: the verb think carefully before using negative words. 
is import. Sentences are often clearer when they Reason for the rule
are rewritten using an active verb, instead of the
nominalization. They are even better when you Sometimes you have to guess what a writer
give the verb a concrete subject. For instance, means when they use negative sentences. You
ask who, or what, is importing this wood, and can understand positive statements more easily
the answer gives us a concrete person.  than negative ones because they tell you what to
do or think, instead of telling you what not to
For instance do or think.
Companies who import timber from endangered Negative expressions are words with a negative
forests without a license commit a crime. prefix. For instance, unclear, unhappy, and
Or inadvisable. Or they are clauses with a negative
word, such as no or not. Even words in positive
It is a crime for companies to import timber form can express a negative idea. For
from endangered forests without a license. instance, hardly means not often, so its meaning
Verb Nominalizations based on the verb to be is negative.
This is dependent on status.  Positive expressions and ideas are much easier
This depends on status.  to read because you need to make fewer steps to
understand. To read a negative expression, you
An abstract idea is produced by the exclusion of must take two steps. 
details.   First you need to understand the positive.
By excluding details, you produce an abstract  Then, mentally, you must negate it to
idea.  produce the negative.
Success is the result of hard work. Having to take an extra mental step, you are
Success results from hard work. more likely to misunderstand. Even if this
There was a high incidence of recurrence.  causes you only a moment hesitation, the flow
It recurred frequently.  of reading is broken. 
Verb Nominalizations based on weak verbs For instance
We can drop the weak verb in the following The Chair said he would table an amendment
sentences and rescue the true verb from its opposing controversial proposals in the
nominalization.  resolution, including plans to scrap the
requirement that a member must be below 70
Scientists performed a test of the substance. years of age to be elected or appointed as officer
Scientists tested the substance. of the co-op.
We are concerned about the incidence of Revised
vandalism in the area.
We are concerned about vandalism in the area. 

The Chair said he would table an amendment The degree of  misunderstanding in your writing
opposing controversial proposals in the is increased by your use of non-simple words. 
resolution. But he supports the requirement that The degree of understanding in your writing is
a member must be below 70 years of age to be increased by your use of simple words. 
elected or appointed as officer of the co-op.
Readers understand your writing better when
you use simple words.

Two meanings of NOT

The negative of some words means the opposite.
This isn’t correct.
This is wrong.
Importance of policies and procedures:
But the negative of most words can mean
anything except the stated exception: Developing clear-cut policies and procedures for
She was not happy. your members and staff may help your co-
operative run smoothly, efficiently, and
She could be anything except happy. She could responsibly. Written policy and procedure
be angry, sad, content, numb, etc. Only the ensures that every co-op member and employee
writer or the context can tell us what he really has the same information on a variety of topics.
meant.  While, policies reflect the rules, procedures
She was sad. represent an implementation of policy.
Negative Words with Definite Meanings In short
Words like never and nothing appear to be
Policies provide the rules; procedures provide
negative, but they have a definite meaning and
the means to follow them.
are not vague.
Example of a policy
For instance:
The Cooperative makes available to all
We never go there. 
employees an emergency loan program.
This clearly means we go there zero times.  The program aims to provide loans to
The police said there was nothing there. employees who have an immediate need for
She said "I have nothing to wear." funds because of an emergency and have no
other source of money available within the time
In the first sentence above, the police necessary to act, or who have financial hardship
found nothing of interest to them. In the second and cannot obtain a loan from other lending
sentence, she probably has many things to wear, institutions.
but nothing she wants to wear. While nothing
literally means zero things, its meaning is often As worded, the above policy is broad. The
clear enough in other uses, as above.  procedure has to define emergency.
Negate the Negative to Make a Positive Procedure defining “emergency”

Example 1 An emergency is considered to be an event that

could not be reasonably expected to occur. The
It is not easy to understand unclear writing. following are “emergencies” that may qualify an
It is easy to understand clear writing. employee for obtaining an emergency loan:
Example 2 x x x.

The following are not considered as DISCLAIMER
“emergencies” to qualify an employee for
obtaining an emergency loan: We cannot anticipate every circumstance or
question about policy and procedure. To allow
x x x. us flexibility in the administration of our
policies and procedures, we reserve the right to
Another policy interpret, supplement, or change any of the
policies or procedures described in this
Leave of absence is a right granted to an handbook. If there is any discrepancy between
employee not to report for work with or without this handbook and current policy, follow current
pay. policy.
The procedure needs to outline how an
employee may avail of a leave of absence.
Never sacrifice clarity for brevity
A short, simple policy or procedure is easy to
read, but it won’t help the reader if it omits
Submit a written request for leave to the important information. Clarity is first priority,
Manager. Include the following information: brevity second.
• The reason for the leave.
• The length of the leave. Instead of
• The start and end of the leave.
Return the completed form in seven days.


Return the completed form in seven working

RULE 1. days.
Use disclaimers Without the word “working,” you’ve deleted
critical information.
A disclaimer is a statement that is meant to
Always ask whether a word or phrase adds any
prevent an incorrect understanding of
meaning. If you can’t be both brief and clear,
something. It is  a denial or disavowal of legal
always choose clarity.
In clear language, explain that the policy or RULE 3.
procedure is not permanent and may be changed Prefer the singular over the plural
anytime by the governing body.
Use a general disclaimer, then use additional You’ll find an age-old provision in statutes and
disclaimer for specific policy or procedure areas contracts:
to reinforce the message. The singular includes the plural; the plural
When policies or procedures are meant for includes the singular.
external use, use warranty disclaimers and other Only the second part of the formulation has ever
statements to clarify responsibilities and really mattered.
For example, if an ordinance says:
Example People may not set off fireworks within city

The plural words people and fireworks create The Human Resource Officer is responsible for
several problems. issuing all the clearances listed in this section.
First: Singular
The Human Resource Officer is responsible for
Does the ordinance apply only to people who issuing any clearance listed in this section.
work in groups but not to individuals?
Second: Plural
Even if it does apply to individuals, doesn’t the If parties in disciplinary cases have not satisfied
phrasing imply that everyone gets a freebie the requisites for appeals, their appeals will be
(way out)? That is, only fireworks are dismissed.
forbidden, but if you shoot off just one... (some
would make it a big one).
If an appealing party in a disciplinary case has
not satisfied the requisites for an appeal, that
What constitutes a violation? If you set off 30 party’s appeal will be dismissed.
fireworks in 30 minutes, how many times have
you violated the ordinance? Once or 30 times? RULE 4.
Delete every shall
But if the ordinance says:
No person may set off a firework. Shall isn’t plain English. Chances are it’s not a
part of your everyday vocabulary, except in
The phrasing avoids all the problems mentioned.
light-hearted questions that begin, “Shall we...?”
That’s the beauty of the singular. It’s true that
you’ll occasionally need the plural. Overuse and misuse has given shall a bad name.
It has been so abused for so long that its use is
now an addiction. The misuse comes from three
For example
A dispute among employees may be resolved by a. Lawyers who write something today knowing
the Cooperative’s grievance committee. OR it will only be effective in the future, after the
agreement is ratified - so they think and write
The Cooperative agrees to destroy all archived in the future tense
documents stored in the stockroom. b. A desire to nail things down so that there can
be no mistake that something shall be done or
Rule of thumb shall mean something, that someone "shall
If you’re going to use a plural, however, double- have a right" to something. This stems from
check it; make sure that it really is necessary. an unjustified mistrust of other more suitable
words and a misplaced reliance on the magic
Other examples of shall; and

Plural c. Precedent and habit, which conspire to

persuade writers to use shall when they
should not.
Employees who have served the co-op for more
than 25 years are qualified for promotions. Let's look at some examples in our policies.
Singular In definition sections
An employee who has served the co-op for more A leave of absence shall mean....
than 25 years is qualified for promotion. In holiday clauses

10 | P a g e
The co-op shall not be obliged to make payment The board of directors will vote on the
if an employee.... resolution.
In the confidentiality of records section If this creates a discretion to act
An employee's personnel record shall remain The board of directors may vote on the
confidential unless.... resolution.
To give rights Better yet, use the present tense
The board of directors shall have the right to
A regulation of continuing effect speaks as of
formulate policy on....
the time you apply it, not as of the time you draft
An employee shall have the right to.... it or when it becomes effective. You should
To give authority on something draft regulations in the present tense. By drafting
in the present tense, you avoid complicated and
The Election Committee shall have jurisdiction awkward verb forms.
to resolve election-related disputes....
Don't say
To impose an obligation
The fine for smoking shall be P/1,000.00.
The co-op shall give notice.... Say
The co-op shall pay....
To state a future obligation The fine for smoking is P/1,000.00.
The handbook shall be printed and the cost shall Other examples
be charged to.... A leave of absence shall mean ....
The word shall has spread like a disease. Its A leave of absence means ....
improper use has so penetrated co-op documents The co-op shall not be obliged....
as to make them unreliable. With so many The co-op is not obliged ... OR
meanings of shall in legal documents, what to
do? The cure is to abstain from using shall. An employee's personnel record shall remain
Don't use the word at all. Remove all ambiguity confidential unless ....
and improve the language and tone of An employee's personnel record remains
documents with this test: confidential unless.... OR
An employee's personnel record must remain
confidential unless....
The board of directors shall have the right to
For every "shall" replace it with "must" (to formulate a policy on....
impose an obligation or in creating a right), use The board of directors may a formulate policy
“may” (to state a discretion to act), or use “will” on....
(to refer to a future action). An employee shall have the right to ....
An employee has the right to....

Example The Election Committee shall have jurisdiction

to resolve election-related disputes....
The board of directors shall vote on the The Election Committee has jurisdiction to
resolution. resolve election-related disputes....
If this creates an obligation Rule of thumb
The board of directors must vote on the If you take the trouble to think about alternatives
resolution. to shall you will find your documents become
If this creates a future action sharper because you have to think about the

11 | P a g e
specific meaning shall is intended to convey. the words provided that meant it is provided that
Try it! this is our agreement or it is provided that this is
the law. Nowadays, the words are used variously
RULE 5. to mean
Avoid triplets and doublets
 an exception
The idea isn’t to say something in as many ways  a condition, or
as you can but to say it once as well as you can.  just another provision of the document.
To avoid needless repetition, apply this rule: In addition to making a sentence unreasonably
If one word swallows the meaning of the other long, a proviso can be problematic because the
words, use that word alone. If two words are phrase "provided that" can mean at least three
simply synonyms (convey and transport), different things as mentioned above.
choose the one that fits best in your context. First: It can mean except 
Doublet/Triplet Don’t write
Contractor will perform the work in this An emergency loan program is available to a
agreement in compliance with all applicable regular employee, provided that the employee
laws, rules, statutes, ordinances, and codes. has not been punished in the last six months.
Simplified Write
An emergency loan program is available to a
Contractor will perform the work in this
regular employee, except an employee who has
agreement in compliance with all applicable
been punished in the last six months.
Second: It can mean if.
Common doublets and triplets
Don’t write
authorize and direct authorize
over and above over or above Provided that the Employee meets the
cancelled and set aside cancelled qualifications, the Employee may participate in
power and authority power employee benefit programs established by
do and perform perform Employer.
full force and effect full force
due and owing owing
true and correct correct
If the Employee meets the qualifications, the
due and demandable due
Employee may participate in employee benefit
if and when if
programs established by Employer.
full and complete complete
have and hold have Third: It can mean also.
name, constitute, appoint name/ appoint Don’t write
by and between by
Employer will pay Employee on the 1st and 15th
RULE 6. of each month, provided that Employee is a full-
Don’t use provisos time employee; and provided further that
Employee signs her time sheet and delivers it to
Provided that, providing, and provided however payroll by the 25th and 10th of each month.
pop up in so many documents that they must be Write
really precise legal words having well
understood meanings. Right? Employer will pay Employee on the 1st and 15th
Wrong. They are sloppy, antiquated, imprecise of each month if the Employee is a full-time
and sometimes ambiguous words. The origins of employee; and the Employee also signs her time
provided that go back to the 13th century when

12 | P a g e
sheet and delivers it to payroll by the 25th and But these rationales don’t extend very far.
10th of each month. There’s no good reason why modern documents
should contain word-numeral doublets.
Ambiguity in provisos
Rule on use of word-numeral
Here is an example of two different uses of a
proviso in one clause: To maximize readability, spell out the numbers
one to ten. For 11 and above, use numerals.
A married female employee shall, upon her
Compare just how many characters you save by
written request providing at least two weeks
writing 73 as opposed to seventy-three.
advance notice, be granted maternity leave,
providing, however, that if her ability to carry Exceptions
out her normal work assignments becomes
limited . . . .
If a passage contains some numbers below 11
The first providing is used as a condition on the
and some above -- and the things being counted
employee obtaining maternity leave. The
all belong to the same category or type -- use
providing however looks like it is an exception.
numerals consistently.
In fact it is quite a separate matter because it
permits the employer, unilaterally, to place the
employee on maternity leave in certain
circumstances – it has nothing to do with the Although we ordered 25 computers, we received
employee’s right to maternity leave. The first only 2.
three lines could be rewritten as: But
...the Employer must grant a pregnant employee
maternity leave if she gives the Employer at We received our 25 computers over a seven-
least 2 weeks written notice ... week period.
Here is another provided that example Second:
Provided that the efficiency of . . . shall not in
any way be disrupted . . . time off work without For peso amounts in millions and billions, use a
pay may be granted . . . for the following combination of numerals plus words for round
purposes . . . numbers (P/3 million) and numerals for other
numbers (P/3,050,128.00).
This Provided that is used as a condition. It can
be replaced with "If". Third:

If a document does not make clear which For percentage, use numerals with a percent
meaning a provided that, provided however, or sign: 12%, 9%.
providing has, a dispute can lead to litigation. So
don’t use it. Fourth:

RULE 7. Spell out a number that begins a sentence.

Use numerals, not words, to denote Example
amounts. Avoid word-numeral doublets
Seventy-three passengers died in the accident.
The practice of word numeral doublets
proliferated in the days of carbon copies. When
Never use “and/or”
you have five or six carbons, the typewriter’s
impressions for digits often weren’t legible on
the last couple copies. Hence, the doubling A former Justice of the Supreme Court of
helped ensure that all the carbons were legible. Canada once said this about "and/or."

13 | P a g e
"And/or" seems to be used by writers Avoid the use of he, him, his to refer to both
whose main concern is to appear men and women. Use sparingly the double
erudite. In my opinion, quite the pronouns he/she and his/her.
opposite impression is created. Use of
this conjunction which is not a Revising sexist language
conjunction is repugnant to the spirit
There are several ways to avoid sexist language
of the language, English or French.”
that readers increasingly find objectionable.
Not only is the expression repugnant -- it is Some of these devices may not work in a
ambiguous. It has caused litigation. The words particular context; but the generic pronoun he
"and" and "or" have quite different meanings. can be replaced by using these methods.
You might think that "and/or" means A or B, or
First: Cut the pronoun
both. But several courts in the United States say
"and/or" means the court can choose either Instead of
"and" or "or", whichever the justice of the
situation requires. The Chairperson should read the reports as they
What would you make of this clause: are submitted to him by the committee members.

Sick leave means the period of time a permanent Write

employee is absent from work with full pay
because of sickness and/or injury. The Chairperson should read the reports as they
are submitted by committee members.
Is the "and" in this clause necessary at all? But if Second: Repeat the noun
every word used in a document is to be given a
meaning, what meaning does and have? Instead of
The weight of authority is against the use of
“and/or” primarily for two reasons: The judge in whose court the case is first filed
has priority in hearing the case. If venue appears
 its use can result in uncertainty; and to be improper, he should grant a motion to
 it is not a real word. transfer venue.
The better rule is never use “and/or” altogether. Write
It can often be replaced by and or or with no
loss in meaning. Where it seems needed,
The judge in whose court the case is first filed
try or . . . or both.
has priority in hearing the case. If venue appears
Bad to be improper, the judge should grant a motion
to transfer venue.
Take a sleeping pill and/or a warm drink.
Third: Make the antecedent plural
Take a sleeping pill or a warm drink, or both. This tactic makes the generic singular he
Avoid sexist language Instead of

Sexist language is language that demeans or A co-op officer should conscientiously meet his
stereotypes men or women, usually women. responsibility to avoid even the appearance of
Using non-sexist language is a matter of impropriety.
courtesy -- of respect for and sensitivity to the Write
feelings of others.
Co-op officers should conscientiously meet their
responsibility to avoid even the appearance of

14 | P a g e
from now on; to some time in the future
Fourth: Use an article instead of a pronoun
The contract is effective hereafter.
Instead of The contract is effective from now on. OR
The contract is effective May 1 next year.
Every creditor may use legal means to enforce
his credit. Hereby
Write by this means; as a result of this
The parties hereby declare…
Every creditor may use legal means to enforce a The parties declare by this contract…
RULE No. 10. in this document or matter
Banish the here-, there-, and where- words
The terms referred to herein relate to…
The terms referred to in this document relate
Words like hereof, thereof and whereof are not
used often in ordinary English. Yet they appear
frequently in legal documents. They are Hereinafter
generally used to avoid repetition of names of
things in the document. later referred to in this matter or document
Instead of ....hereinafter referred to as the Company
.....later referred to as the Company
The parties hereto have agreed as follows.... Hereinabove
The parties to this contract agree as follows..... previously in this document or matter

Old-style drafters say they stick to their ways of The products hereinabove described...
using here and there words for reasons of The products previously described...
precision. They like the here and there words Hereof
apparently unaware of the ambiguities they’re
of this matter or document
The parties hereof...
The problem with the here and there words is
that we do not know what they mean. In this The parties in this agreement...
agreement? In this section? In this subsection? Heretofore
In this paragraph? In this subparagraph?
Unconsciously, we may reach all those before now
conclusions and more.
The parties have had no business dealings
Rule of thumb heretofore...
Use ordinary English words:  in this The parties have had no business dealings
agreement may be two extra words, but it’s before now...
more precise.
Instead of:
The parties herein... later referred to in this matter or document
Write: The exemptions referred to hereunder....
The exemptions later referred to...
The parties in this agreement....

15 | P a g e
with this letter Reference is made in par. 5 of the contract
dated 1 May 1999. The parties in the contract
I enclose herewith the plan....
I enclose with this letter the plan....
on or following from the thing just mentioned
of the thing just mentioned
The machine rests on a wooden block. There is a
The parties thereof….
place thereon a metal bracket…
The parties to the contract…
The machine rests on a wooden block. There is
Thereafter a place on a metal bracket…

after that time Thereto

The goods shall be transported to Cebu.
Thereafter, they shall be stored in a warehouse. to that place or to that matter or document
The goods shall be transported to Cebu. After The parties thereto...
that time, they shall be stored in a warehouse. The parties to the contract....
Thereat Therefor [not to be confused with ‘therefore’]
at that place; on account of or after that for that
Thereat, payments shall cease. The equipment shall be delivered on 13 May 2003.
After that, payments shall cease. The Company agrees to pay therefor the sum of
Thereby The equipment shall be delivered on 13 May 2003.
The Company agrees to pay for that P/150,000.
by that means; as a result of that
The parties thereby agree....
As a result, the parties agree....
immediately or shortly after that
Delivery shall take place on 13 May 2003. Thereupon
the equipment shall be stored in the Company’s
in that place, document or respect warehouse.
The parties shall refer to the contract dated 1 Delivery will take place on 13 May 2003. Shortly
after that, the equipment must be stored in the
May 1999. It is agreed therein that.…
Company’s warehouse.
The parties must refer to the contract dated 1
May 1999. It is agreed in the contract that.… Whereabouts
the place where someone or something is
later referred to in that matter or document
The Company shall be kept informed as to the
...thereinafter, it is agreed that…
whereabouts of the products.
...later referred to in the agreement, the parties
The Company shall be kept informed as to the
agreed that…
place where the products are.
of the thing just mentioned
at which
Reference is made in par. 5 of the contract dated
The seller attempted to charge extra interest on
1 May 1999. The parties thereof agreed….
late payment, whereat the buyer objected.
The seller attempted to charge extra interest on
late payment, at which the buyer objected.

16 | P a g e
On the word SUCH:
“Such” is inherently ambiguous. To the educated
by which non-lawyer, it means “of that kind.” To the
lawyer, it means “the very one just mentioned.”
The contract dated 1 May 1999, whereby the
“Such” can oftentimes be replaced by “the.”
Company agreed to purchase the products.
The contract dated 1 May 19999, by which the For example
Company agreed to purchase the products.
If the court issues such order.....
If the court issues the order.....
as a result of which Once the defendant receives such the notice, the
defendant must acknowledge it.
The buyer breached the contract, wherefore the
Once the defendant receives the notice, the
seller suffered damage.
defendant must acknowledge it.
The buyer breached the contract, as a result of
which the seller suffered damage. On the word SAID

Wherein “Said” is a crutch word that lends awkwardness,

not precision.
in which; in which place or respect
There is no need to say
The contract dated 1 May 1999, wherein it is
stated that… the Chairperson of said Cooperative....
The contract dated 1 May 1999, in which it is Just say
stated that…
Whereupon the Chairperson of the Cooperative.....
immediately after which Don’t say
The sum of P/150,000 shall be paid by the buyer The said witness saw the said defendant run the
to the seller on 13 May 2003, whereupon the light.
buyer’s liability to the seller shall be discharged.
The sum of P/150,000 shall be paid by the buyer Simply say
to the seller on 13 May 2003, after which the
buyer’s liability to the seller shall be The witness saw the defendant run the light.
RULE 11. Use lists and headings
Kill the words same, said, and such
Bulleted lists are a great way of breaking down
On the word SAME complicated information. There are different
ways to punctuate lists. Common ways of
Many lawyers use “same” as a pronoun because punctuating lists:
they think they are being precise. Use “IT”
instead of “SAME” (“IT” is not less precise). A list in which each point is a complete
For example sentence. For example:
The Manager made three comments about using
Once the defendant receives such notice, the information technology.
defendant shall acknowledge the same. • All equipment needs to be kept up to date.
Once the defendant receives the notice, the • Staff must be trained to use new equipment.
defendant must acknowledge it. • Don’t think that technology will cure all our
problems – it won’t.

17 | P a g e
If an employee wishes to appeal a decision:
A list which is a continuous sentence. For
instance: • the appeal must be in writing;
• any supporting evidence must be attached;
If you want to keep your office tidy, please
remember to:
• the appeal must be given to the Manager
• put your rubbish in the bin; within seven days after the employee receives
• clean up after you make coffee; and notice of the decision.
• take your food out of the fridge.
A list of very short points. For example:
Any good office should have:
• a kettle
• a teapot
• a microwave, and
• a fridge.
How breaking up text removes ambiguity A resolution arises from a motion moved at a
Breaking up the text not only makes documents meeting. A motion relates to an action to be
easier to read but also removes ambiguity. Take taken or issue of policy to be decided by a
this clause: collegial body. A motion is “moved” or
“proposed” for consideration and discussion at a
The co-op has the exclusive right to operate and meeting. It is then discussed and put to vote. If
manage the business, to control production, to adopted, it becomes a resolution because the
maintain order and efficiency, and to hire, meeting so “resolves” or decides.
classify, promote, transfer, demote, layoff and
discipline or discharge employees for just cause. SECRETARY’S CERTIFICATE
Quite a mixture of thoughts here. But what do I, MICHELLE WIE, being the Secretary of
the words "just cause" refer to? No doubt to the ABC Credit Cooperative with address at
discipline and discharge, but also to demotions, Rm. 2 National Life Building, Session Road,
layoffs, and transfers? A reformatting would Baguio City, on oath, states:
remove the ambiguity.
At the Regular Meeting of the Board of
For example Directors of ABC Credit Cooperative on May
The co-op has the exclusive right to 25, 2015, at which a quorum was present, the
Board of Directors approved the following
a. operate and manage the business;
b. control production;
c. maintain order and efficiency; “The Board of Directors resolves as follows:
d. hire, classify, promote, transfer; and 1. Juan dela Cruz is appointed as Chair of
e. discipline and discharge employees for just the ConMed Committee.
cause. 2. The share capital is increased from
Wordy sentence P5,000 to P10,000; and.
3. The treasurer is authorized to open a
An appeal, comprising a written statement of the
checking account with XYZ Bank.”
circumstances of the appeal, and supporting
evidence if available, must be submitted in Writing resolutions
writing to the Manager not more than seven days There is no justification in writing resolutions in
after the date on which the employee receives
the traditional complicated language. If you
notification of the relevant decision.
wish to make a resolution readable without
Revised with a bulleted list: causing any harm to the essence of the

18 | P a g e
resolution, you should follow the basic rules of A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JUAN DELA
plain English. If you follow the basic rules of CRUZ
plain English, your resolution will become AS CHAIR OF THE CONCILIATION AND
readable and people will appreciate it. Get rid of
the notion that resolutions ought to be written in A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE SHARE
a complicated way and that a resolution written CAPITAL FROM P5,000 TO P10,000.
in plain and simple English is invalid or
Omit all unnecessary words, phrases and
sentences which contribute nothing to the
Rule 1 substance of the resolution.

Don’t use the phrase “be, and is hereby.”

Instead, use is (or are).
... Lea Chan be, and is hereby, appointed as Under the provision of Article III, Section 4 of
Chair of the ConMed Committee. the by-laws....
... Lea Chan is appointed as Chair of the Con Under Article III, Section 4 of the by-laws....
Med Committee.
Due to the fact that disputes in the co-op have
... the minimum share capital be, and is hereby, increased at an alarming rate....
increased from P5,000 to P10,000.
Because disputes in the co-op have increased at
... the minimum share capital is increased from an alarming rate....
P5,000 to P10,000.
Hereby Rule 4
The word “hereby” makes no contribution in any
writing, including resolutions. It only adds to Don’t use legalese such as hereby, herewith,
wordiness. In the context of resolutions, it hereof, thereof, the said, aforesaid, accorded,
means nothing more than “at this meeting” or etc.
“by this resolution. There is no need to say that. In particular, don’t use WHEREAS. As used in
resolutions, “whereas” is a signpost which
When you include a resolution in the notice or means “in view of the fact that” or “considering
agenda and record it in the minutes of a specific that.” This meaning of whereas is archaic. One
meeting, it goes without saying that the can readily distinguish recitals from resolutions
resolution was passed “at that meeting” and not without using whereas to signpost them.
at any other meeting.
(Refer to the Appendix for the “before” and
Rule 2 “after” versions of a resolution)
A clear title reflecting the content of the
resolution should appear CENTERED and in MODIFIED U.N. STYLE RESOLUTION
capital letters. 

19 | P a g e
Preambular Clause expressing its satisfaction `
Preambular clauses aim to supply historical fulfilling
background for the issue presented as well as to fully alarmed
justify the action. The preamble is critical fully aware
because it provides the framework through fully believing
which the problem is viewed. Preambular fully deploring
clauses begin with participles, are in italics, and further recalling
are always followed by a comma. guided by
having adopted
Operative Clauses
having considered
having considered further
The solution to the issue presented in the having devoted attention
preambular clauses is presented through a having examined
logical progression of sequentially numbered having heard
operative clauses. These clauses may authorize, having received
direct, recommend, urge, condemn, encourage, having studied
request certain actions, or state an opinion keeping in mind
regarding an existing situation. noting with regret
Each operative clause calls for a specific action. noting with deep concern
Operative clauses begin with an active, present noting with satisfaction
tense verb and are followed by a semi-colon, noting further
with a period placed after the final clause. noting with approval
Writing of a preambulatory clause reaffirming
First, take a statement that you want to write recognizing
about (an issue you want to solve). Then take referring
that statement, combine it with an underlined seeking
preambulatory phrase, and end it with a comma.  taking into account
Suggested preambulatory phrases taking into consideration
taking note
affirming viewing with appreciation
alarmed by welcoming
aware of Example of preambulatory clauses
bearing in mind
Emphasizing that service to the cooperative is a
profession by itself,
contemplating Recognizing that a rational, equitable,
convinced competitive, and fair pay structure is a major
declaring impetus to good cooperative governance,
deeply concerned Convinced that differences in compensation
deeply convinced shall be based upon substantive differences in
deeply conscious duties and responsibilities and qualification
deeply convinced requirements,
deeply disturbed
deeply regretting Writing of an operative clause
desiring • First, take a solution that you want to include
emphasizing in the resolution.
expressing appreciation

20 | P a g e
• Then take that solution, combine it with an reaffirms
underlined operative phrase, and end it with a recommends
semicolon (the last operative clause ends with regrets
a period). requests
solemnly affirms
• Operative clauses are numbered. This
strongly condemns
differentiates them from preambulatory
clauses, helps show logical progression in the
takes note of
resolution, and makes the operative clauses
easy to refer to in the discussion.
Writing of an operative clause
Sample of Resolution
First, take a solution that you want to include in
the resolution. Then take that solution, combine The Board of Directors,
it with an underlined operative phrase, and end it 1. Directs all committees to coordinate their
with a semicolon (the last operative clause ends activities in achieving BBCCC’s long-term
with a period). development plan;
Operative clauses are numbered. This 2. Calls upon all committees to develop
differentiates them from preambulatory clauses, programs that enhance their delivery of
helps show logical progression in the resolution, basic services to all members;
and makes the operative clauses easy to refer to
in the discussion. 3. Approves a budget of P100,000 for each
Samples of operative phrases committee to pursue their action plans to be
drawn from the CETF
calls upon
expresses its hope
further invites
further proclaims
further reminds
further recommends
further requests
has resolved

21 | P a g e

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