Climate Change at The Grassroots

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2100 Dr. Le Thanh Sang

Climate Change at the
HAVE RISEN BY Grassroots

How sociology and demographics can help Vietnam plan for the effects
of global warming

Assessing the potential impact of climate economic development programmes.

change on a geographic region is an imper- Vietnam already has programmes in place

fect science, but by now many national and to provide services to disadvantaged com-
international bodies agree that Vietnam’s munities. The channels can be used as a
Mekong Delta is among the world’s coastal means of disseminating information on
regions expected to experience the most climate change and developing programmes
significant effects of global warming and to help farming families diversify crops,
sea level rise. increase income sources and alter their
The low-lying Mekong Delta is especially lifestyle and behaviour.
vulnerable to flooding, saltwater intrusion Synthesize scenarios of impact and
AFFECTING and drought due to hotter temperatures and
reduced rainfall. At this point, says Dr. Le
vulnerability. Using demographic mecha-
nisms, researchers can create possible
Thanh Sang, vice director of the Southern scenarios that may result from climate
Institute of Sustainable Development, change and help scientists and engineers

Vietnam must take short- and long-term develop solutions before they play out. In an
measures to adapt to the effects the region extreme case, this information could help
can reasonably anticipate. planners prepare for mass migration should
Dr. Sang is a sociologist who specialises entire communities be inundated or crops
OF VIETNAMESE in migration and urbanisation. Last year he fail on a large scale. Demographers can also
POPULATION conducted a survey in the Mekong River draw on census data to analyse past results
Delta to assess awareness of climate of migration to better prepare cities and

change. “People in urban areas know regions to absorb the many migrants. This
more,” says Dr. Sang. “[In rural communi- information may also help decision-makers
ties] they cannot access information.” weigh the costs against the benefits when
Currently, climate change policies are it comes to funding coastal protection and
OF MEKONG DELTA only available at the national scale and tend dyke strengthening.
to employ top-down approaches based on Mainstream climate change policies
POPULATION quantitative information. The priority now, at the grassroots. Social scientists can
says Dr. Sang, is to conduct research and help to vertically mainstream information
develop policy proposals that take into from communities into climate change poli-

account the needs of specific communities cies and institutions, and horizontally main-
and sub-regions. Below are some of the stream adaptation and mitigation measures
ways in which sociology and demograph- into economic development, healthcare
ics will play a role in creating strategies to and education policy. They can use their
OF VIETNAMESE adapt to climate change. expertise to encourage participation of civil
Assess impacts and vulnerabilities. society—farming associations, women’s
LAND AREA Many impoverished farmers and workers and youth unions, private business and
of limited means traditionally live in coastal households.

areas. Risks to health—spread of water- Create adaptation methods and en-
borne disease, sanitation backup, crop hance human and institutional capacity
contamination—and access to work and for response. Finances for dealing with
education could quickly exacerbate their climate change are not unlimited. Demo-
OF MEKONG DELTA already precarious circumstances. The cul- graphic information can help policymakers
tural, social and economic characteristics of prioritise projects and local leaders and
LAND AREA minorities, such as Khmers, are also closely institutions prepare community members at
tied to their coastal communities, and they the grassroots level to adapt to, rather than
would have greater difficulty integrating into flee from, the effects of climate change,
larger communities. thereby preventing complications that could
Integrate climate change initiatives result from mass migration.
into poverty alleviation and socio- Tom DiChristopher

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