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Journal # 1 of Module 2 (Sandiwa): Your Presence gives Justice!

1. Do you relate with others with fairness and honesty? How?

Fairness is very important in a community. Everyone needs to follow the rules, be respectful of one
another and work together to build a strong and beautiful community. They can do this by getting
together in a friendly way to solve problems and make rules that are fair to everyone. Instead of judging
people by their past, stand by them and help them build their future. Everyone has a past. Some are a
source of pride, and others are best left behind. But whatever their past, people do change and grow, so
instead of judging, stand by and support them as they move toward their future. Treat them with respect
and make their journey your own.
2. Does your presence mirror a just God? In what way/s?
Imaging God practically means mirroring both his moral and non-moral likeness. Mirroring God’s moral
likeness means exercising decision-making power, having dominion over lower creation, living in social
relationships with others, feeling our emotions, loving, serving, and communicating. Mirroring God’s
non-moral likeness means using our intellect and reason to think and that we can be creative with the
materials God has created; it also includes our immortality as will live spiritually even after dying
physically. With everything from school and work to family and friends, it can often feel like we don't
have time to breathe and remember God—but it's in those small, quiet moments that we feel Him the
most. Allow yourself moments of stillness throughout the day, taking the time to search for His presence.
3. Describe the concrete ways your presence proclaims the liberating acts of God in the midst of your
family, friends, and colleagues in the medical field.
Perform small acts of service together as a family. Whether you do formal volunteer work, rake the leaves
in a neighbor’s yard, or simply bring soup to a sick family member, compassionate service will bring your
family closer to each other and to your Heavenly Father. We read in the scriptures, “When ye are in the
service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).
Another example is to spend mealtime together. Make an effort to gather the whole family around the
table during dinnertime. Regularly getting the whole family together during mealtime can help build
better relationships. It will help increase the love in your home.

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