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Engineering and Technology

Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Name: Complex variables and Numerical methods
Subject Code: 1010273207
Semester: IV

Prerequisite: Calculus, Algebra

Objective: Understand the different numerical methods to solve problems in the field of engineering.
These numerical methods are programmable too, so that students will be able to get solution of the
problems easily. The concepts of complex numbers and their properties is essential in many engineering
disciplines. Hence the study of the complex analysis is required.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Evaluation Scheme Total

L T P C Internal External Marks
Th Pr Th Pr
3 2 0 5 40 -- 60 -- 100


Unit Course Contents Teaching Weightage

No. Hours %
1 Complex numbers: Complex numbers, polar form of complex number, 06 15%
De-Moivres theorem, nth root of complex number, logarithm of complex
2 Analytic functions: Differentiation, Cauchy-Riemann equations, analytic 08 20%
functions, harmonic functions, finding harmonic conjugate; elementary
analytic functions (exponential, trigonometric, logarithm) and their
properties; Conformal mappings, Mobius transformations and their
3 Complex Integration: Contour integrals, Cauchy-Goursat theorem 08 20%
(without proof), Cauchy Integral formula (without proof), Liouville’s
theorem and Maximum-Modulus theorem (without proof); Taylor’s
series, zeros of analytic functions, singularities, Laurent’s series;
Residues, Cauchy Residue theorem (without proof), Evaluation of definite
integral involving sine and cosine
4 Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations – Bisection 04 10%
method, Newton-Raphson method and Regula-Falsi method.
System of linear equation-Gauss Jacobi, Gauss Seidel method
5 Interpolation: Finite differences, Relation between operators, 08 20%
Interpolation using Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae.
Interpolation with unequal intervals: Newton’s divided difference and
Lagrange’s formulae.
6 Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8 06 15%
Ordinary differential equations: Taylor’s series, Euler and modified
Euler’s methods. Runge-Kutta method of fourth order for solving first
order equations.

Course Outcome:

Sr. No. CO statement Unit No

CO-1 To understand the concepts of complex numbers and their properties. 1

CO-2 To understand the concepts analytic functions and its properties. Apply it to get 2
conformal mappings and their use in physical problems.
CO-3 To get the idea to calculate complex integration for analytic functions. It will help to 3
solve two dimensional integrations in many problems.
CO-4 Apply the concept of numerical methods to solve any transcendental or algebraic 4
equations and system of linear equations.
CO-5 Apply the concept of interpolation to solve the value from the tabulated data. 5

CO-6 To understand numerical methods of integration to solve any random integration. 6

Apply various numerical methods to solve first order ordinary differential equations.

Teaching & Learning Methodology: -

(i) Focus on tricks of the trade and intuitive idea of Concept; use the main theorems as tools, no
compromise on rigour, illustrative exercises under each topic, view point of applications.
(ii) Tutorial and Teacher guided Problem solving based pedagogy.
(iii) Topic based seminars, internet-based assignments, and teacher guided self-learning activities.

List of Experiments/Tutorials: Unit wise/Topic wise Tutorials/Teacher Guided Problem Solving Sets
are to be given for Practice and better understanding of Concepts and applications

Major Equipment: NIL

Books Recommended: -
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley and Sons.
2. Peter O'Neill, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th Edition, Cengage.
3. Dennis G. Zill, Patrick D. Shanahan, A First Course in Complex Analysis with Applications,
Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
4. Ian Sneddon, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, McGraw Hill.
5. J. W. Brown and R. V. Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, McGraw Hill.
6. John H Mathews, Numerical Methods for mathematics & science, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall.
7. B S Grewal, Numerical Methods in Engineering & Science, Khanna Publishers.

List of Open Source Software/learning website:


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