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PPKM on The Economy

and Education

The government has changed the

implementation of Community
Activity Restrictions (PPKM)
based on level. Unlike before,
the PPKM implementation has
now been changed to level 1,
level 2, level 3 and level 4.
This level is determined based
on an assessment of the level
of the pandemic situation,
which is an indicator for
tightening and relaxing efforts
to prevent and overcome the
Covid-19 pandemic. PPKM
based on level is stated in the
Instruction of the Minister of
Home Affairs (Inmendagri)
Number 22 of 2021 and
Inmendagri Number 23 of
Previously, President Jokowi
decided to extend PPKM level
from August 3-9, 201. He said
that PPKM level 4 was
implemented in certain cities and
regencies. He said the choice of
the people and the government is
the same as facing the safety of
life and facing economic threats,
losing their livelihoods and jobs.
Therefore, he said, gas and
official schemes must continue to
be carried out dynamically
according to the spread of
COVID-19 cases in the last days.
To reduce the burden on the
community due to various
restrictions on mobility and
socio-economic activities, the
government continues to
encourage acceleration in the
distribution of social assistance
social assistance to the
community, including the Family
Hope Program (PKH), cash
social assistance, and village
Jokowi said that assistance for
micro and small business street
vendors and wage subsidy
assistance had started running
and the productive banpres
program for micro businesses
had started to be launched on
July 30, 2021.
Bank Permata's Chief Economist
Josua Pardede estimates that the
impact of the
Implementation of Emergency
Community Activity
Restrictions (PPKM) on the
economy will be no deeper
than the impact of the 2021
Large-Scale Social Restrictions
(PSBB). In addition, in terms
of handling health, supported
by the acceleration of the
vaccination program and
strengthening of testing,
tracing, and treatment (3T),
Josua hopes that it will
encourage the rate of daily
Covid-19 cases and suppress
active cases.
In terms of the social safety net,
the government has also
extended the distribution of Cash
Social Assistance (BST),
extended the electricity program
stimulus, accelerated the
distribution of Village Cash
Direct Assistance (BLT),
accelerated the distribution of the
Family Hope Program (PKH),
Basic Food Cards which are
expected to limit the decline in
consumption. public. On the
other hand, although business
incentives are part of the reduced
proportion for health and social
assistance, said Josua, the
government needs to accelerate
the absorption of business
incentives in the third quarter of
2021. The goal is that business
actors are not further affected
and to avoid significant layoffs.
If the restrictions on community
activities through PPKM
continue, there will be several
economic impacts. Director of
the Center of Economic and Law
Studies (Celios) Bhima
Yudhistira explained, the
extension of the PPKM that is
currently being carried out does
not have an impact on decreasing
daily cases.
In addition to the social safety
net, the existence of a PPKM
plan to be extended also needs
to be studied. Executive
Director of the Center of
Reform on Economics
(CORE) Indonesia Research
Director at Center of
Reform on Economics
(CORE) Indonesia
Mohammad Faisal
explained that it was not the
time for the government to
balance economic
movements and health care.
The economic aspect receives
±60% of the impact of the
pandemic disaster. This impact
is generally part of the process of
preventing and controlling the
spread of the virus. Indonesia is
a country that is being hit by the
Covid-19 pandemic. Various
policies in prevention have been
carried out by the government,
which have an impact on the
economic aspects of the
community. Rural communities
are vulnerable to the risk of loss
due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Therefore, this service aims to
mitigate the impact of the Covid-
19 pandemic on communities in
several villages that have
received the impact of the policy
to prevent the spread of Covid-
19. This dedication is a concrete
manifestation of the involvement
of academics in reducing the
impact of Covid-19 on rural
communities. This service uses a
collaboration model as an
implementation method.
Community service with a
collaborative model is considered
a good action in realizing
university involvement while still
implementing health protocols.
The PPKM system needs to be
evaluated because it has proven
to be ineffective in handling the
pandemic and saving the
economy. Almost all of
Indonesia was affected by the
outbreak, including education.
Covid-19 has had a huge impact
on education in Indonesia.
From early childhood education
institutions to lecture benches,
the impact is that they cannot
undergo proper learning.
President Jokowi stated that the
government would also deploy
various aids to the community.
The policy of extending the
PPKM certainly raises a lot of
opinions and speculations in the
community. Many also complain
and feel that government
assistance is only a formality.
Even so, the extension of the
PPKM has been implemented in
several regions in Indonesia.
The continuation of long-
distance lectures has created a
pessimistic attitude among
students about the expectation
of a return to face-to-face
lectures in a short time.
Presentation of distance lectures
due to PPKM Level 4 will be
higher. Moreover, the PPKM
policy was also taken, due to
the worsening pandemic
situation in Indonesia. Distance
lectures, which may be held
again, certainly make it difficult
for some students, such as final
year students who have
administrative interests with the
campus. Therefore, the campus
needs to socialize solutions for
final semester students, who are
in need of their administrative
interests. The lecture system,
which still has to be carried out
remotely, has several negative
impacts, one of which is the
lack of effectiveness of the
teaching and learning process
carried out by lecturers and
students. This ineffectiveness
occurs due to a lack of
monitoring from lecturers to
students, due to learning that is
only done online.
Implementation of online
learning is one solution to keep
learning. Although online
learning is not fully implemented
well. In the midst of this
pandemic, online learning has
both positive and negative
impacts. One of the positive
impacts is that teachers and
students become better able to
use learning applications,
flexible learning times can be
carried out anywhere. In
addition, online learning also has
a negative impact, namely
sometimes internet access is not
good, especially in remote areas,
children's tasks are piled up
because to fill time at home, the
teacher gives assignments to
children, children interact more
often with cellphones because
basically online schools are
automatic. the child will hold a
cellphone or laptop to carry out
online schooling, it is possible
that over time the child will
become addicted to holding a
cellphone, and parents must
supervise the child during online
The impact of online schools on
children will experience less
social emotional behavior
because children rarely interact
with friends, lack of tolerance
among friends because of
COVID-19, children should be at
home. However, technology will
never replace the figure of an

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