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Diajukan untuk Memenuhi Tugas English In Midwifery Pratice II
Dosen Pengampu : Yulius Irham, S. Pd., MM

Disusun oleh :

1. Seconda Ayuning Fitria (P17311181001)

2. Zalshabilla Rizky Zheravina P. (P17311181020)
3. Risa Maulidia Safitri (P17311183043)
4. Rizky Adelina Gutomo (P17311183046)



Group Member :
1. Seconda Ayuning Fitria (P17311181001) as Doctor Prof. Dr. dr Retno
Dwi, SPA (K).
2. Zalshabilla Rizky Zheravina P. (P17311181020) as Participants (Mrs.
3. Risa Maulidia Safitri (P17311183043) as MC
4. Rizky Adelina Gutomo (P17311183046) as Midwife Ayu Tri Lestari,


Hello everyone. How are you? Welcome back to health care talkshow!!!
Before we start, let me introduce my self, my name is Risa as a mc today. So this time we
will discuss about the use of breast milk during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Moreover, the
circulating issue of concern for mothers to breastfeed their babies. The evidence shows that
breastfeeding is very safe. Well... let's look carefully, through the 2 experts that will give us
more information in this morning, maybe some of the women here are familiar with these 2
people. Immediately, please welcome Ayu Tri Lestari, MSc who is a midwife and also the
Chairwomen of IBI and Prof. Dr. dr Retno Dwi, SPA (K) who is a Pediatrician &
Development Consultant.
So, without waiting for any longer time, I invite Midwife Ayu Tri Lestari, MSc to tell us the

Fine, thank you for inviting me. This time I will share information with all mothers who are
here about the use of breast milk during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
IBI is committed to supporting and encouraging new mothers to be able to provide
breastfeeding optimally. Starting from early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD), exclusive
breastfeeding for six months, and still providing it with complementary foods until the child
is two years old.
Breast milk is the best source of protection and nutrition for children because it contains
important antibodies and other nutrients that can help the baby's immune system fight
infection. Transmission is mainly through the respiratory tract, namely when the baby is born,
the great benefits of breastfeeding far exceed the potential risk of transmission and disease
related to Covid-19.

Then what if a nursing mother is sick and has symptoms of the corona virus?
Even though they have symptoms of the corona virus, such as fever or cough, mothers can
still breastfeed. The benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh the risk of transmission. However,
of course you must follow all the recommended practices to prevent transmission from
mother to baby, or to other people in the home. Some things that need to be done when the
mother is about to breastfeed are wearing a mask when breastfeeding and caring for the baby,
washing hands with soap before and after touching the baby, cleaning and disinfecting
surfaces or objects that are often touched by mother and baby.
If a mother feels too sick and weak to be able to breastfeed immediately, she can express the
milk as much as possible. Breastmilk is given to babies, either by the mother herself or with
the help of others using clean cups and spoons. If this is still not possible, and if it is
culturally acceptable, the baby can receive a breast milk donation.
So much for my material presentation.

Thank you mrs. Ayu Tri Lestari, MSc. That was very interesting and useful information for
all mothers. Then we continue to the next informant, I invited Doctor Prof. Dr. dr Retno Dwi,
SPA (K) to deliver the information.

Breast milk is a source of brain nutrition. Breast milk contains lactose, AA-DHA, iron, zinc,
selenium, iodine, which are the raw materials for brain cells. Brain development consumes
60% of the energy consumption of young infants, which helps babies to defend themselves
from pathogenic viruses / bacteria and boosts the baby's immune system. This content
increases as the baby ages. which helps babies defend themselves from pathogenic viruses /
bacteria and boosts the baby's immune system. This content increases as the baby ages.
The Role of Nutrition in Child Development:
• Adequate nutrition from the first 1000 days of life will determine a child's quality of life.
• Breast milk (ASI) is the best food for children in early life.
• Infant formula can be used if there are certain medical indications with monitoring
Optimization of Child Development, EARLY NUTRITION & EARLY STIMULATION:
Optimizing the quality of long-term growth and development of children, is determined by
brain development during a critical period in early life at an early age. The main aspects of
early childhood brain formation are
1 Early nutrition: The main role of early nutrition in early childhood brain development viz
• Formation, multiplication and maturation of brain cells
• Creation of a network of brain circuits
• Acceleration of information flow between brain cells.
2 Early stimulation: Stimulation increases the alternative connecting brain cells of children.
• Enlarges and strengthens synapses
• Processing information faster and more powerful
Okay, all the material that I can share, I returned it to the MC

Thank you to all the speaker, mrs Ayu and dr. Retno for providing information about the use
of breast milk during the Covid-19 pandemic. It's time for us to enter the question and answer
session, for the mothers here are welcome if you want to ask questions.

Participants (Mrs. Ratna):


okay, don’t forget to introduce yourself first.

Participants (Mrs. Ratna):

Introduce me Ratna, 29 years old, as a housewife and I have a baby aged 4 months. The
permission to ask, at the beginning of the speaker was delivered by midwife Ayu, that
breastfeeding far exceeds the potential risk of transmission and Covid-19 disease and I still
feel anxious about the existence of exclusive breastfeeding during this pandemic. Then how
about you increase your trust in order to keep loving? Thank you.

Well, thank you for the question, Mrs. Ratna, then the speakers welcome to answer the

Thank you, Mrs. Ratna, I try to explain again until now, there is no sufficient data to
conclude that Covid-19 is transmitted vertically from mother to child through breastfeeding.
On the other hand, stopping breastfeeding and separating the mother from the baby can have
significant consequences.
Thus, the benefits of breastfeeding appear to outweigh the potential risk of transmission
substantially. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we must continue to promote
breastfeeding as an important way of maintaining the health and safety of children and
Breastfeeding mothers really need to continue to receive support. In addition, don't forget to
maintain nutritional intake, even without this pandemic, breastfeeding mothers need good
nutrition. At this time, many families have to struggle to survive. During this pandemic,
buying healthy food for mothers is better than spending money on baby milk. Breastfeeding
is the best option for babies and children. Almost all mothers, including mothers who are
malnourished, can still breastfeed their babies. So, mothers should know that they are capable
of producing good quality breast milk for their babies.
Thank you to Midwife Ayu for the answer, hopefully the participants will still understand and
implement Exclusive Breastfeeding for the baby in the midst of this pandemic. To Doctor
Retno, maybe there is a little more about the question from Mrs. Ratna to raise up her
confidence to breastfeed her baby.

Okay, I'll give a little extra. Keep on giving breast milk because breast milk is the best food
for babies, breast milk is very important for babies and cannot be replaced by formula milk.
Support from husbands and families also affects the quality and quantity of breast milk,
especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, many factors can stress mothers. So fathers
continue to provide support to their wives so that they can provide the best breast milk, eat
nutritious foods and if not breastfeeding, it is better if you pump the milk so that milk
production remains a lot.

Wow.. thanks for the answer to this extraordinary speaker and can inspire a mother's
confidence to breastfeed again. How do you feel now, are you satisfied enough for Mrs.
Ratna after listening to the explanations from the two speaker?

Participants (Mrs. Ratna):

Very satisfied, thanks to Midwife Ayu and Doctor Retno for giving good explanations that
encourage me to continue breastfeeding in the current pandemic.

Okay, thanks to the speakers for their time to come and participate in this event. There are so
many lessons that we can take this time, hopefully it will be useful for all of us. See you
again at the next Health Regarding event, see you soon ...

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