Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

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Dr. Syamwil, M.Pd

NIM : 21053111


1. Please find out some adjective word with one, two and three and four syllables and
make a or two sentences each word with the usual (basic or based) structure,
comparative and superlative structure.

Answer :
A. Comparative (-er and more).
● Better
1. Hani is better than leoni in singing.
2. Her voice is better than yours

● Cuter
1. My cat is cuter than my dog.
2. Gita is cuter than widya.
● Smaller
1. Asus is a smaller company than Toshiba.
● Harder
If you want to pass the exam, it is important to study harder than before.
● More
1. This bag is more expensive than that bag.
2. Learning Korean is more difficult than learning Japanese.

B. Superlative (-est)
● Easiest
I will tell you the easiest way to solve the problem.
● Tallest
Zaura is the tallest among my friends.
● Most
She speaks English the most fluently in the office.
● Sunniest
It’s the sunniest day this month.

2.Please make a conversation or communication between you and your business friend
about customer service or between you as sales manager to your customer that request
special product from your company or anything else. You can do conversation by face
to face, or telephoning or communication using letters – letter, memo and faxes. Make
a script of communication before you do the next one.
Answer :

Wika : Good afternoon ma'am, we are from PT. Semeru inti sukses. Is there anything we can help

Leoni : Good afternoon, I'm looking for an air conditioner, can you help?

Wika : Of course you can, ma'am, can you give me the detailed brand of the AC so I can explain
further in detail about the AC brand.

Leoni : I used Daikin AC before but was not satisfied with its performance, is there a special AC
product in this company?

Wika : Yes, ma'am, I suggest you try Sharp's AC which is in great demand.

Leoni : What are the qualities of these AC products?

Wika: AC Sharp provides a two-year warranty on every purchase. In addition, there are also five
free services. The installation process is also free of charge. And lastly, the maintenance costs are
also borne by the company.
Leoni : Alright then.

Wika : How are you, ma'am, have you decided to buy our internet data package product?

Leoni: If I may test it first, I will consider buying it later

Wika : How are you, ma'am, do our AC products give satisfaction to you?

Leoni : I am very satisfied with this product, ok I will buy this AC. How much does the AC cost
and what are the payment methods?

Wika : the price is around Rp. 4,075,000 bu, including tax. You can pay by card or cash.

Leoni : Alright, I'll pay by card.

Wika : Ok ma'am, let's finish the transaction process.

Leoni : Okay

Wika : thank you ma'am, because you have bought our AC products, I hope you enjoy
subscribing with me.

Leoni : You're welcome.

3. Please you make a summaries what have you talked or discussed about.
Answer : My customer and I are discussing the AC products that exist at the Semeru Inti Sukses
company. My customer asked me if there was a special product from my company, and I
answered that I have very good quality AC products, one of which is AC Sharp. The quality of
AC Sharp, namely AC Sharp, provides a two-year warranty on every purchase. In addition, there
are also five free services. The installation process is also free of charge. And lastly, the
maintenance costs are also borne by the company. So that it makes my customers feel that the
quality of the products from our company is very good and feel comfortable with our products by
buying air conditioners from our company.

4. Based on the summaries above, please maka a note about the main point that you have
discussed in your conversation or you based on the summaries that you have made.
Answer : The main point discussed in the conversation was that there was a conversation
between the seller and the customer about a special product from the Semeru company, the core
of success, namely the AC Sharp product. that AC Sharp products will make customers
comfortable because the quality of AC Sharp is very good, such as providing a two-year
warranty on every purchase. There are also five free services. The installation process is also free
of charge. And lastly, the maintenance costs are also borne by the company.

5. Based on the note, please make a report to your manager what you interest to accept
the request and ask your manager to consider it.
Answer :

From : Seller
to: Company Manager semeru core success.
Date : 27 February 2022
Subject: Sales proceeds.

I have received sales of products from our company, namely sales of Sharp air conditioners to
customers. a customer asked me if there is a special product from our company this is this air
conditioner product, and I explained to the customer that the product in our company is good
with very attractive product quality and the customer tries it first before buying it, then the
customer feels comfortable and buys the product our air conditioner. and I asked the manager to
consider what we need to plan so that the company's existing products can attract customers'
attention to the company. And can improve the quality of the company's products.

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