Method Statement For Temporary Platfrom Construction-Cofferdam

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Page No: Page 1 of 20 Method Statement for

Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam





Super Structure Highway & Hydrology

Client: Main Contractor: Steel Fabricator:
Designer: Designer:

Access Engineering
RDA Centunion S.A DGES-CDPLC JV Mhec

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Page No: Page 2 of 20 Method Statement for
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

Version History

Revision Date Status Changes Overview

A 10/05/2020 Initial issue

This version,
Main Contractor Checked By: M.H.D Priyankara QA/QC Manager
(Access Engineering
PLC) Approved By: Achala Kalinga Contractor’s Representative

Paper Size

Main Document A4

Document Type Procedure

Discipline Civil
Area WTG Foundation, SCADA
Document Classification Restricted

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Page No: Page 3 of 20 Method Statement for
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

COMMENTS REPLY SHEET................................................................................................................................ 4
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1. Background to the Project...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. The Project Scope................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3. Project Location..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4. Background for the Method Statement.................................................................................................. 6
2. SCOPE OF WORK......................................................................................................................................... 6
3. ASSUMPTIONS............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1. Duration................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2. Site Access............................................................................................................................................ 6
3.3. Filling Materials Borrowed from Outside................................................................................................ 6
3.4. Removing and Dismantling the Platform................................................................................................ 7
4. RESOURCE REQUIREMENT........................................................................................................................ 7
4.1. Tools and Equipment............................................................................................................................. 7
4.2. Manpower Requirement......................................................................................................................... 8
5. CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPRAORY PLATFORM- COFFERDAM................................................................8
5.1. Construction Area with Key Parameters................................................................................................ 8
5.2. Construction Sequence.......................................................................................................................... 9
5.3. Construction Methodology..................................................................................................................... 9
5.3.1. Filling of 1st Phase.............................................................................................................................. 9
5.3.2. Placing of Jambo bags..................................................................................................................... 10
5.3.3. Filling of Final Phase........................................................................................................................ 11
6. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT.................................................................................................... 11
6.1. Risk Assessment................................................................................................................................. 12

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Page No: Page 4 of 20 Method Statement for
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam



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Page No: Page 5 of 20 Method Statement for
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

1.1. Background to the Project
The Slave Island is busy commercial area with government, commercial and residential buildings. It is
surrounded with top star hotels. Further, the Slave Island area becomes the center of real-estate development
projects in Colombo with many recent iconic development projects. At the same time, Colombo Port City
Development project is within 1.5 Km distance from the Salve Island.
The road network through Slave Island area is highly congested during the peak hours with inward and outward
traffic. The Maly Street, Justice Akbar Mawatha, Uttarananda Mawatha and Baladaksha Mawtha is significant
roads in Slave Island with traffic congestion. With future predictions, there will be more traffic movements on the
roads with the current and proposed development projects within the Colombo Metropolitan.
Costal Line, one of the major railway lines in Sri Lanka Railways, runs through Slave Island area with two level
crossings on Justice Akbar Mawatha and Uttarananda Mawatha. Due to the rail traffic, gate closures more than
100 times per day. The estimated time lose is around 3 hours per day per level crossing.
The Road Development Authority (RDA) has identified that Design and construction of three flyovers in Slave
Island area is essential in order to ease the traffic congestion and they are,
1. Design and Construction of Two Flyovers in Slave Island along Justice Akbar Mawatha and Uttarananda
Mawatha over Railway Tracks
2. Design and Construction of a Flyover Connecting Baladaksha Mwatha and Chittampalam A Gardiner Mwatha
Over Railway Tracks and the Beira Lake in Slave Island.
We/ Acceess Engineering has been awarded the Design and Construction of a Flyover Connecting Baladaksha
Mwatha and Chittampalam A Gardiner Mwatha Over Railway Tracks and the Beira Lake in Slave Island with the
National Competitive Bidding

1.2. The Project Scope

The Scope work is subjected to design and construction of two-lane unidirectional bridge cum flyover linking
Baladaksha Mawatha and Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha with pedestrian foot walks on either side of the
flyover, to provide access across at Beira lake and to provide grade separation over the railway tracks. In
addition, the work shall include facilities for turns and signalization and signage as required.

1.3. Project Location

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Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

Figure 1 : Project Location

1.4. Background for the Method Statement

This method statement is intended as a guideline for Road Development Authority (RDA) Personnel and the
Contractor’s Site Staff to ensure a safe and efficient through the temporary platform construction-cofferdam for
the proposed Baladaksha Mawatha and Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha Over Beira Lake and Railway
Tracks Flyover (Will be referred to as Ring Road Flyover). It shall be read in conjunction with the drawings
relevant to project.

The designing and construction of the temporary platform-cofferdam with the confined soil and building
materials and dismantling once the requirement is fulfilled where such works shall be decided and
proposed by the Contractor, considering the water flow, environmental factors, topological, and
bathymetric details.
All the final designs shall be supported with detailed, reports, assumptions and any other considerations
shall be subjected to the review and approval of Employer. The temporary platform-cofferdam shall specially
consider filling height, filling area, depth of the existing bed and length of the retaining wall.
The Employer shall deploy personnel to inspect a l l necessary scope of works and the works shall be
extensively supervised, controlled and inspected by the Contractor’s supervising staff.
This method statement describes following tasks which is important to carry out the works and they are,

 Filling of selected part of Beira Lake using the borrowed material.

 Construction of temporary retaining solution with jumbo sand bags.
 Preparation of platform surface with Aggregate Base Course (ABC).
 Removal of cofferdam as match with the initial bathymetric survey data.

3. ASSUMPTIONS Description of the work(Not sound to write as assumptions)

3.1. Duration
The total construction period is 365 days for the project and 10-20 days will be occupied for the cofferdam
platform preparation

3.2. Site Access

Temporary office shall be maintained by contractor in a space where it is suitable for monitoring the site
The cofferdam construction area can be accessed from three ways as Baladaksha Mawatha area, Glennie
Street to the UDA land and Slave Island Police Premises to the UDA Land area as highlighted at the below
figure from A,B,C, E & D. A ramp is to be built at the Baladaksha Mawatha Area to access the Beria Lake by
using sub base soil and ABC.

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Page No: Page 7 of 20 Method Statement for
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

Better to fill clouded area as well. Otherwise, it

will be difficult to do the abutment construction
with Beira lake water flow. Even it is difficult to
arrange shoring system. IF we are going for
sheet pile shoring around abutment which
might not be an issue.

Figure 2 : Site Access Areas(mark the temporary bridge location and dimesions)

3.3. Filling Materials Borrowed from Outside

If dozer is available, one long arm excavator (PC/SK 200) and one PC 120 excavator will be enough for the
work. However, with respect to the activity duration, number of machineries might be increased.
Contractor shall deploy at least 2 Nos. of Excavators (PC 200 Long arm) or any other combination of machinery
and capacity to fulfill the demand of soil at the rate of 500 m 3/day. For the purpose of filling the jumbo bags, an
imported soil material shall be used such that the jumbo bags perform efficiently to cut off the water seepage
and prevent erosion. Such soil imported shall be used in a dry state. Dump trucks shall be provided by the
contractor to receive borrow soil at the required rate mentioned above.

3.4. Removing and Dismantling the Platform

Stock piling of dredged material, soil and debris shall be carried out to drain and dewater the material before
transporting. Dried material shall be transported to accepted landfills or dump areas designated by authorities.
Maintenance, removal and dismantling work of temporary platform remains limited and confined to the extent of
the temporary platform constructed by the contractor. Stock piling of dredged material, soil and debris shall be
formed on a portion of the platform remaining and the final stock pile shall be deposited on an area approved by
the applicable authorities, before transporting to an accepted landfill or dump area. Drained water shall be
diverted back to the lake without any treatment.
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Page No: Page 8 of 20 Method Statement for
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

4.1. Tools and Equipment
Requirement for single foundation are listed below
 Excavator - PC 200 long arm and PC120 std arm-1 from each

 D4 type Dozer

 JCB - 1 nos

 Dump truck - 3cubes, 2nos

 25kvA Generator 3 phase - 2no

 2” submersible pump - 2 nos

 4” submersible pump - 2 nos

 Shovel - 6 nos

 GI- Pipes and GI-Box Bar

 Fixed Clamps and Flexible Clamps

 Chain block Set and ropes

 Cable winch machine ,Pulleys

 Standard Electrician tools box

 Wood logs

 Rollers

 Cable termination kits and jointing kits.

 Standard Electrician tools box

 Torque Wrench

 Cable Cutter

 Measuring Tape

 Safety requirements tools such as safety shoes, safety helmet, safety glasses, fluorescent vest, and
safety gloves to ensure maximum ability of safe work and dust mask when require.

4.2. Manpower Requirement

Designation No’s
Site Manager 01
Site Engineer 01
Surveyor 01
Technical Officer(Civil) 02
Safety Officer 03
Supervisor 02
Foreman 02
Surveyor Helper 02
Electrician 02

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Page No: Page 9 of 20 Method Statement for
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

Designation No’s
Labour(Skilled and Unskilled) 10
Excavator Operator 02


5.1. Construction Area with Key Parameters
The Construction area is as follows with key parameters

Figure 2 : Cofferdam Dam Construction Area(Each sharp edge of the cofferdam shall be curved for effective
workmanship while construction of cofferdam and other manuering)

Filling Area : m2
Average filling height : 3.2 m
Length of Retaining Wall : m (approximately)
Assumed Max. Depth of lake bed :2m
Average Sludge : 1m
Water Level : 1.345 MSL
Minimum 500mm free board height shall be maintained from the water level

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Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

See the
comment for
this part

Figure 3 : Cofferdam-01

Figure 4 : Cofferdam-02

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Page No: Page 11 of 20 Method Statement for
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

5.2. Construction Sequence

Following workflow chart will be applicable to construction of temporary platform of cofferdam

1st Stage:Filling of First Phase-Baladaksha Mawatha End

Placinng of Jambo Bags

Filling of Final Phase

2nd Stage:Filling of First Phase-Water Front Area End

Placinng of Jambo Bags

Filling of Final Phase

It is essential to place geo-textile prior to place soil to avoid erosion

5.3. Construction Methodology

5.3.1. Filling of 1st Phase
Unload soil from the abutment side adjacent to the lake and make soil unload platform and approach for the
cofferdam construction. Area clouded in the figure 3 and cofferdam 1 initial part entirely shall be filled without
keeping small ponds in between construction area. 50mx40m area shall be formed at the abutment site for
material stock, machinery travelling, bags filling and for other works as initial part.
The Contractor (AEP) shall deploy an adequate number of dump trucks (3 cubes) to transport excavated
material to area where filling works to be done. Once the adequate quantity of excavated material is delivered,
the D4 capacity Dozer shall be used to push them gradually in to the lake until the fill is completed 0.5m above
the water level so that the newly formed ground shall be used to unload the rest of material and spread away by
Dozer or any Other applicable machinery as shown in figure. 05 below. The same step shall be continued
throughout the filling area as indicated in the drawing (Ref :).

Unloaded Material


Water Level
Newly Formed Fill
Bed Level

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Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

Figure 5 : Un-loaded material gradually pushed by a Dozer

5.3.2. Placing of Jumbo bags

Once the 1st phase of filling work is completed, the transportation of embankment material which is suitable for
preparation of jumbo bags shall commence. This imported material shall be stocked on newly formed ground as
much as close to the outer boundary of filling area. 12 ton Excavator shall be used to fill the jumbo bags. While
the preparation of jumbo bags is in progress, 20 ton Excavator which has considerably a higher arm length shall
be deployed to place the filled Jumbo bags in the lake along the boundary as shown in the figure. 06 & 07. Care
should be taken to keep SK 200/PC 200 Excavator in safe distance from the edge of the fill as its compaction
shall be able to withstand the weight of machine. The Placing of Jumbo bags shall be commenced from right
most corner of the site which is shown in the drawing (Ref: ).

20TonExcavator Excavator

Water Level
Newly Formed Fill

Figure 6 : Placing Jumbo Bags

ABC (200mm)

Water Level


Jumbo Bags (1mx1mx1m)Classification: Restricted

Page No: Page 13 of 20 Method Statement for
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam

Figure 7 : Cross Section of the Retaining Wall

5.3.3. Filling of Final Phase

Filling the space between retaining wall and the slope of the fill shall be done same as described in clause XX.
But it shall be ensured that the machinery movement should not dislocate the jumbo bags which are already in

Geotextile shall cover at least top most part of the jumbo retaining wall

3-2-2-1 jumbo bag style might be more stable and avoid lateral spreading in future while traveling the heavy
vehicular loads.

PC 120 excavator is better for jumbo bag filling. JCB also ok.

PC 200 long arm excavator and D4 dozer is enough for the jumbo bag placement and soil dozing.

Construction of temporary platform shall be described in separate paragraph.

Platform shall be made upto the edge of cofferdam 2 as described in the above and then, the particular area
which is required to place hume pipe, shall be re-excavated and place the 1200mm dia hume pipes in order to
avoid the inundation of the pipe in the sludge depth of the lake.

Sludge on the lake bed will be replaced with the progression of soil filling since the soil is denser than
the sludge.

500mm minimum soil cover shall place on top of hume pipe to avoid any bearing failures and invert level shall
be 1700mm from the cofferdam top level. In this way hume pipe mouth will be fully clear and waterflow can
passed through the Hume pipe without hinderance.

Temporary bridge will be further protected on applied vehicular load by placing minimum 8mm thick ms plate on
top of soil prior to lay ABC

Figure 8 : Fiinal Filling of the area

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Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 Temporary Platform
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC Construction-Cofferdam


 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be worn by all staff or workers.
 Hard Hat
 High visibility vest
 Gloves (when required)
 All operatives shall be inducted before entering the site.
 Tool box talk shall be conducted before the activity.
 AE shall be provided adequate lighting, task lights, navigational lights etc.

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Method Statement for Temporary Platform
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 BMFP-ACCSS-CIV-TPC-0001_RA
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC

6.1. Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment criteria

Value Estimation
1 Injuries or illnesses requiring no treatment or first-aid only
2 Injuries or illnesses requiring medical treatment beyond first-aid
3 Temporary impairment, causing lost-time or job restriction
4 Permanent/prolonged impairment
5 Fatality

Value Estimation
1 Foreseeable, very low probability , might be seen once during working life
2 May have occurred in past, expects to see several incidents during working life
3 Occurred in past, expected one per year, would not be surprised by incident
4 Occurs frequently, expect significant number of incidents each year
5 Occurs very frequently, expect significant number of incidents each month

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Method Statement for Temporary Platform
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 BMFP-ACCSS-CIV-TPC-0001_RA
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC

Original Risk Revised Risk

Sr. No. Activity Hazard Involved Risk Rating Mitigation Action Rating
1.  Clearing and grabbing  Dust generation  Occupational asthma 2 5 10  Spray water to control dust 2 4 8
of proposed road area,  Exceeding noise level  Noise generation
removal/ disposal of  Schedule water spraying time.
 Hit By moving trucks and  Inconvenient to public
machines  Fire and burn  Provision of competent Operators
 Exposure to vehicular  Minor injury  Warning signs
emissions  Use proper PPE
 Pricking nails/ irons  Properly dispose debris.
 Snake bites
2.  Loading and unloading  Manual handling  Back pain 2 4 8  Proper planning 2 3 6
machinery and  Contact with sharp edges  Muscular pain  Instruction and supervision
 Awkward posture  Minor injury  Awareness programs
 Work rotation
3.  Temporary electricity  Electrical shock to workers,  Uncontrolled released 2 3 6  Proper electrical wiring 1 2 2
wiring and supply cable, Panel board of energy  Approved power tools
 Temporary electrical supply  Electrocution fuel  Grounding shall be provided on all
by unskilled labours leakage electrical equipment for protection
 Uncertified power tools  Personal injury of workers
 Damaged wire codes  Fire and burning  Inspection of power tools and
 Not using live and neutral equipment shall be done
type wires according to periodically
standard method  Conduct awareness programs
 Display warning signs
4.  Use of Hand tools  Split of wooden handles  Impact with body 1 5 5  Renew wooden handles 1 2 2
 Sharp edges  Cut wound  Hammer head tightly wedged on
 Scrap tools  Minor injury their head keep tools on boxes or
racks when not in use
 Always use right tool for the job

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Method Statement for Temporary Platform
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 BMFP-ACCSS-CIV-TPC-0001_RA
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC

Original Risk Revised Risk

Sr. No. Activity Hazard Involved Risk Rating Mitigation Action Rating
5.  Use of power tools  Short circuit  Electrical shock 5 5 25  Check foe defective cables, plugs 3 4 12
 Damage sockets  Fire and sockets
 Damage wire codes  Burn  Use corned fuse plug, cables
 Personal Injury  Switch off before making any
 Fatal
 Ensure that all electrical
equipment are periodically
checked and tested
 Make sure that the power cable is
long enough reach your working
place without straining it
 Power tools should be regularly
inspected and maintain by
competent person.
6.  Sign Board Fixing  Cutting injury hit by moving  Tetanus crushing 4 3 12  Providing PPE 2 1 2
object manual handing  Cutting injury  Good supervision
awkward posture.
 Law back pain  Employ skilled persons
 Cut/bruises
7.  Access and Egress to  Exposure to dust  Occupational asthma 5 2 10  Providing PPE 5 1 5
construction area  Vehicle accident  Fatal or Major Injury  Traffic control plan
 Good supervision
8.  Machinery breakdown  Contact with lubricant  Moderate eye irritant 2 5 10  Use proper PPE 1 3 3
and repair  Contact with sharp edge  Skin irritant  Competent Mechanic
edges  Deep cut wood  Demarcate working area
 Static Postures  Temporary discomfort  Conduct tool box talk
 Impact with moving parts on pain  Taking frequently brakes
 Slippery surfaces  Major Injury  Good supervision
 Minor bruise

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Method Statement for Temporary Platform
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 BMFP-ACCSS-CIV-TPC-0001_RA
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC

Original Risk Revised Risk

Sr. No. Activity Hazard Involved Risk Rating Mitigation Action Rating
9.  Manual Handing  Lifting unbalanced load  Major Injury 2 5 10  Frequently change the postures 2 4 8
 Risk of back strain from lifting  Minor injury  Educate by training
awkward heavy weight
10.  During adverse  Occupant will be face to  Major Injury, Fatal. 3 5 15  Immediately pontoon parking 2 3 6
weather condition thunder- bolt and get clammy. secured place and evacuate
 Lightning, thunder workers from pontoon as soon as
showering, Heavy rain possible
fall  Reschedule activity carry out
according to weather condition.
11.  Working at night  Lower visibility  Fatal 3 5 15  Blinking lights and adequate 2 2 4
 Fatigue  Property Damage lighting system install to visible
working area and traveling route
 Road vehicles intrusions into  Major injuries
work area  Properly barricade working area
 Minor injuries
 Workers struck by  Job rotation
construction equipment  Work with adequate time intervals
12.  Lifting / Carrying  Strain, pulled muscles,  Involve with serious 2 4 8  When lifting / carrying form 1 2 2
materials skeletal injuries and rope injury or Minor injury or materials only carry safe amounts.
bums. first aid case  Tie materials correctly when using
 Workers being hit by falling a lifting gears and Sling rope, if
objects and manual handling passing hand to hand, ensure
risks. receiver has the material in his /
 Improper lifting procedures on her grasp before releasing.
tools and materials  Use proper tools for the specific
 Wear correct PPE.
 Use correct manual handling
 Undertake manual handling

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Method Statement for Temporary Platform
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 BMFP-ACCSS-CIV-TPC-0001_RA
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC

Original Risk Revised Risk

Sr. No. Activity Hazard Involved Risk Rating Mitigation Action Rating
13.  Lifting of materials  Failure of equipment  Fatality 4 4 16  Lifting plan in place and followed. 2 2 4
 Failure of lifting accessories  Injuries  Competent operator, Banksman to
 No barricade in lifting radius  Property damage control lifts
 Unskilled operatives  Roll-over  Area under load path and fall
radius, no admittance of
 Unstable ground  Crushing
unauthorized personnel.
 Miscommunication between  Uncontrolled loads
 Standard signal should be
operator and rigger  Slips and trips bruises displayed on the crane.
 Falls (load)
 All lifting equipment to be
 Swinging of load certificated (3rd party) and visually
 Staying under lifted load inspected before use.
 Out-riggers not fully extended  Fully extend outrigger with
and locked outrigger pad and properly
 Non - usage of tag lines levelled.
 Load must be always on the
centre of gravity.
 Tag the load every time.
 Presence of mind and focus on
the job.
 Boom should be fully retracted
when not in use and after use.
 Outrigger pins must be installed
before lifting.
 No unnecessary materials inside
the operators cabin
14.  Earth works  Expose to dust  Occupational asthma 2 3 6  Proper supervision 2 2 4
 Collapse of spoil soil  Major injuries  Proper induction to workers about
 Falling in to excavation  Fractures the job
 Expose to excessive vibration  vascular/ nerve  Display warning signs
 Struck by moving machinery damage  Barricade the excavation area
 Crushing Injuries/  Taking frequent breaks
major Fractures  Block unauthorized enters
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Method Statement for Temporary Platform
Date & Revision: 04 March 2022, Rev. 0 BMFP-ACCSS-CIV-TPC-0001_RA
Prepared By: Access Engineering PLC

Original Risk Revised Risk

Sr. No. Activity Hazard Involved Risk Rating Mitigation Action Rating
15.  Heavy vehicle  Hit by moving trucks and  Major injury 5 2 10  Provision of competent operators. 4 2 8
movements machines.  Minor injury  Use proper PPE.
 Reversing Vehicles  Slips, trips, and falls  Site speed limits and traffic
management must be followed.
16.  Excavation  Expose to dust  Occupational asthma 4 3 12  Spray water 2 2 4
 Collapse of spoil soil  Major injury  Excavation with proper manner
 Hit by moving object  Hospitalized  Demarcate water area
 Machinery overturn  Fatal  Tool box talk

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