Performance Assessment of Process and Product: Learning Outcomes

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In Assessment of Learning 1, you learned how to assess learning outcomes in the

cognitive domain. In this module, you will study how to measure learning outcomes in the
psychomotor domain. The objectives in the psychomotor domain include skills to be mastered
by the students.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end you are expected to:
a) Differentiate process-oriented and product-oriented performance-based
b) Create learning competencies and scoring rubric for process and
product-oriented performance-based assessment and
c) Discuss the importance of scoring rubric.

Simply put, performance assessment measures and evaluates what students can actually
do in terms of process, product, or both. A process usually involves a series of steps to be
followed. A product involves an output usually a tangible one.
• Examples of process are steps in cooking chop suey, operating an overland projector, or
operating a TV set.
• Examples of product are a formal theme, a diagram, a circle graph, a weather map, or a
• Examples of both process and product are cooking chop suey (wherein both the steps
observed and the dish prepared can be assessed)


Performance assessment is on – the – spot evaluation of a performance behavior. It relies

heavily on observation and judgment of a teacher. Samples of activities which require this kind
of assessment are as follows:
1. Using tools and equipment,
2. Playing a musical instrument,
3. Dance movement,
4. Singing,
5. Role playing,
6. Working in a group, and
7. Oral report.
When talking of assessment, the types of methods or instruments to utilize must be
considered. Some of the commonly used procedures employed are systematic observation,
checklist, and rating scales.

Steps in Preparing Performance Assessment

In preparing performance assessment, five steps need to be considered. According to
Gronlund (2003), these steps are as follows:
1. Specify the performance outcomes
2. Select the focus of assessment (process, product, or both)
3. Select an appropriate degree of realism
4. Select the performance situation
5. Select the method of observing, recording, and scoring

1. Specify the performance outcomes

Performance outcomes should consist of behavior and content. Behavior is usually
expressed as an action verb. Examples of action verbs are locate, select, touch and
demonstrate. Content refers to the topic expected to be an output of the learning process.
Example of content are as follows: a diagram of an electrical circuit, and a bar graph.

2. Select the focus of the assessment.

The focus of performance assessment may be the process (or procedure), the product,
or some combination of both process and the product.

When the process is assessed, the following guidelines should be observed:

• The steps involved in a certain process should be arranged in their correct
• The procedure must be observable.
• The observation of the correct sequencing of steps is necessary for another task
to be performed.
• The analysis of the steps involved in a process can help improve a particular
• Assessment of the process is used only when no product is possible as an output.

When the product is measured and evaluated, these guidelines are worth considering:
• A variety of procedures may be employed to come up with an equally good and
acceptable product.
• The process is unavailable at the moment.
• The procedure has already been mastered very well.
• The resulting product possesses qualities or characteristics that can be identified
and judged.

3. Selecting an appropriate degree of Realism

The degree of realism can best be illustrated using Dale’s Cone of Experience which is
shown below.

Dale’s Cone of Experience is based on the relationships of various experiences to real-

life situations. The bottom level of the cone, “direct life experiences” give opportunity for the
learners to use all or most number of senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste). As one
moves up the cone, less and less number of senses are involved. As this happens, the degree
of realism is reduced and the degree of abstraction is increased. It is important to remember
that “the more sensory channels possible in interacting with a resource, the more realistic the
situation is, the more accurate will be the assessment of one’s performance.”
Examples of various degrees of realism are given below:
Degree of Realism Situation
High Realism Place the students in an actual bookstore
where each student shows how to locate,
select, and pay for the book using real books
and real money.
Moderate Realism Set up a mock bookstore where each student
demonstrates how to locate, select, and pay
for the book using real books and “play

4. Select the performance situation

5. Select the method of observing, recording, and scoring


Too often, we tend to assess students’ learning through their outputs or products or
through some kind of traditional testing. However, it is important to assess not only these
competencies but also the processes which the students underwent in order to arrive at these
products or outputs. It is possible to explain why the student’s outputs are as they are through
an assessment of the processes which they did in order to arrive at the final product. This
Chapter is concerned with process-oriented, performance-based assessment. Assessment is
not an end in itself but a vehicle for educational improvement. Its effective practice, then, begins
with and enacts a vision of the kinds of learning we most value for students and strive to help
them achieve.
Assessment is most effective when it reflects an understanding of learning as
multidimensional, integrated, and revealed in performance over time. Learning is a complex
process. It entails not only what students know but what they can do with what they know; it
involves not only knowledge and abilities but values, attitudes, and habits of mind that affect
both academic success and performance beyond the classroom. Assessment should reflect
these understandings by employing a diverse array of methods, including those that call for
actual performance, using them over time so ass to reveal change, growth, and increasing
degrees of integration. Such an approach aims for a more complete and accurate picture of

Process-Oriented Learning Competencies

Information about outcomes is of high importance; where students “end up” matters
greatly. But to improve outcomes, we need to know about student experience along the way –
about the curricula, teaching, and kind of student effort that lead to particular outcomes.
Assessment can help us understand which students learn best under what conditions; with such
knowledge comes the capacity to improve the whole of their learning. Process-oriented
performance-based assessment is concerned with the actual task performance rather than the
output or product of the activity.

Learning Competencies
The learning objectives in process-oriented performance-based assessment are stated
in directly observable behaviors of the students. Competencies are defined as groups or clusters
of skills abilities needed for a particular task. The objectives generally focus on those behaviors
which exemplify a “best practice” for the particular task. Such behaviors range from a “beginner”
or novice level up to the level of an expert. An example of learning competencies for a process-
oriented performance-based assessment is given below:

Task: Recite a Poem by Edgar Allan Poe, “The Raven”.

Objectives: The activity aims to enable the students to recite a poem entitled “The Raven”
by Edgar Allan Poe, specifically to:
1. Recite the poem from memory without referring to notes;
2. Use appropriate hand and body gestures in delivering the piece;
3. Maintain eye contact with the audience while reciting the poem;
4. Create the ambiance of the poem through appropriate rising and falling intonation;
5. Pronounce the words clearly and with proper diction.

Notice that the objective starts with a general statement of what is expected of the student
from the task (recite a poem by Edgar Allan Poe) and then breaks down the general objective
into easily observable behaviors when reciting a poem. The specific objectives identified
constitute the learning competencies for this particular task. As in the statement of objectives
using Bloom’s taxonomy, the specific objectives also range from simple observable processes
to more complex observable processes, e.g. creating an ambiance of the poem through
appropriate rising and falling intonation. A competency is said to be more complex when it
consists of two or more skills.
The following competencies are simple competencies:
• Speak with a well-modulated voice;
• Draw a straight line from one point to another point;
• Color a leaf with a green crayon.
The following competencies are more complex competencies:
• Recite a poem with feeling using appropriate voice quality, facial expressions and
hand gestures;
• Construct an equilateral triangle given three non-collinear points;
• Draw and color a leaf with green crayon.

Task Designing
Learning tasks need to be carefully planned. In particular, the teacher must ensure that
the particular learning process to be observed contributes to the overall understanding of the
subject or course. Some generally accepted standards for designing a task include:
• Identifying an activity that would highlight the competencies to be evaluated, e.g.
reciting a poem, writing an essay, manipulating the microscope etc.
• Identifying an activity that would entail more or less the same sets of
competencies. If an activity would result in too many possible competencies, then
the teacher would have difficulty assessing the student’s competency on the

• Finding a task that would be interesting and enjoyable for the students. Tasks
such as writing an essay are often boring and cumbersome for the students.

Example: The topic is on understanding biological diversity.

Possible task design; Bring the students to a pond or creek. Ask them to find all living
organisms they can find living near the pond or creek. Also, bring them to the school
playground to find as many living organisms they can. Observe how the students will
develop a system for finding such organisms, classifying the organisms and concluding
the differences in biological diversity of two sites.

Science laboratory classes are particularly suitable for a process-oriented performance-

based assessment technique.


The role of assessment in teaching happens to be a hot issue in education today. This
has led to an increasing interest in “performance-based education”. Performance-based
education poses a challenge for teachers to design instruction that is task-oriented. The trend is
based on the premise that learning needs to be connected to the lives of the students through
relevant tasks that focus on students’ ability to use their knowledge and skills in meaningful ways.
In this case, performance-based tasks require performance-based assessments in which the
actual student performance is assessed through a product, such as a completed project or work
that demonstrates levels of task achievement. At times, performance-based assessment has
been used interchangeably with “authentic assessment” and “alternative assessment”. In all
cases, performance-based assessment has led to the use of variety of alternative ways of
evaluating student progress (journals, checklists, portfolios, projects, rubrics, etc.) as compared
to more traditional methods of measurement (paper-and-pencil testing).

Product-Oriented Learning Competencies

Student performances can be defined as targeted tasks that lead to a product or overall
learning outcome. Products can include a wide range of student works that target specific skills.
Some examples include communication skills such as those demonstrated in reading, writing,
speaking, and listening, or psychomotor skills requiring physical abilities to perform a given task.
Target tasks can also include behavior expectations targeting complex tasks that students are
expected to achieve. Using rubrics is one way that teachers can evaluate or assess student
performance or proficiency in any given task as it relates to a final product or learning outcome.

Thus, rubrics can provide valuable information about the degree to which a student has achieved
a defined learning outcome based on specific criteria that defined the framework for evaluation.
The learning competencies associated with products or outputs are linked with an
assessment of the level of “expertise” manifested by the product. Thus, product-oriented learning
competencies target at least three (3) levels: novice or beginner’s level, skilled level, and expert
level. Such levels correspond to Bloom’s taxonomy in the cognitive domain in that they represent
progressively higher levels of complexity in the thinking processes.
There are other ways to state product-oriented learning competencies. For instance, we
can define learning competencies for products or outputs in the following way:
• Level 1: Does the finished product or project illustrate the minimum expected parts
or functions? (Beginner)
• Level 2: Does the finished product or project contain additional parts and functions
on top of the minimum requirements which tend to enhance the final output?
(Skilled level)
• Level 3: Does the finished product contain the basic minimum parts and functions,
have additional features on top of the minimum, and is aesthetically pleasing?
(Expert level)

Example: The desired product is a representation of a cubic prism made out of cardboard
in an elementary geometry class.
Learning Competencies: The final product submitted by the student must:
1. Possess the correct dimensions (5” x 5” x 5”) – (minimum specifications)
2. Be sturdy, made of durable cardboard and properly fastened together –
(skilled specifications)
3. Be pleasing to the observer, preferably properly colored for aesthetic
purposes – (expert level)

Example: The product desired is a scrapbook illustrating the historical event called
EDSA I People Power
Learning Competencies: The scrapbook presented by the students must:
1. Contain pictures, newspaper clippings and other illustrations for the main
characters of EDSA I People Power namely: Corazon Aquino, Fidel V.
Ramos, Juan Ponce Enrile, Ferdinand E. Marcos, Cardinal Sin. – (minimum
2. Contain remarks and captions for the illustrations made by the student himself
for the roles played by the characters of EDSA I People Power – (skilled

3. Be presentable, complete, informative and pleasing to the reader of the

scrapbook – (expert level)

Performance-based assessment for products and projects can also be used for assessing
outputs of short-term tasks such as the one illustrated below for outputs in a typing class.
Example: The desired output consists of the output in a typing class.
Learning Competencies: The final typing outputs of the students must:
1. Possess no more than five (5) errors in spelling – (minimum specifications)
2. Possess no more than 5 errors in spelling while observing proper format based
on the document to be typewritten – (skilled level)
3. Possess no more than 5 errors in spelling, has the proper format, and is
readable and presentable – (expert level)

Notice that in all of the above examples, product-oriented performance-based learning

competencies are evidence-based. The teacher needs concrete evidence that the student has
achieved a certain level of competence based on submitted products and projects.

Task Designing
How should a teacher design a task for product-oriented performance-based assessment?
The design of the task in this context depends on what the teacher desires to observe as outputs
of the students. The concepts that may be associated with task designing include:
a) Complexity. The level of complexity of the project needs to be within the range of ability
of the students. Projects that are too simple tend to be uninteresting for the students while
projects that are too complicated will most likely frustrate them.
b) Appeal. The project or activity must be appealing to the students. It should be interesting
enough so that students are encouraged to pursue the task to completion. It should lead
to self-discovery of information by the students.
c) Creativity. The project needs to encourage students to exercise creativity and divergent
thinking. Given the same set of materials and projects inputs, how does one best present
the project? It should lead the students into exploring the various possible ways of
presenting the final output.
d) Goal-Based. Finally, the teacher must bear in mind that the project is produced in order
to attain a learning objective. Thus, projects are assigned to students not just for the sake
of producing something but for the purpose of reinforcing learning.

Example: Paper folding is a traditional Japanese art. However, it can be used as an activity
to teach the concept of plane and solid figures in Geometry. Provide the students with a given

number of colored papers and ask them to construct as many plane and solid figures from
these papers without cutting them (by paper folding only)

What is a Scoring Rubric?
➢ A scoring rubric is an assessment tool that guides the evaluation of the products or
processes of students’ efforts. It is a set of criteria and standards that match
instructional objectives.
➢ Rubric is a scoring scale used to assess student performance along a task-specific
set of criteria.
➢ Scoring rubric are descriptive scoring schemes that are developed by teachers or
other evaluators to guide the analysis of the products or processes of students’
efforts (Brookhart, 1999).
When to use a Scoring rubric?
➢ It is utilized to assess students’ performance on papers, projects and other
➢ In measuring student performance against a pre-determined set of criteria.
➢ Scoring rubrics are typically employed when a judgment of quality is required and may
be used to evaluate a broad range of subjects and activities.

Teachers who rely on scoring rubric to evaluate a process or a product can share
the tool with their students at the time the assignment is given. Students have a clear grasp of
the relevance of the assignment to course content and objectives. Both teacher and student
participate in the assessment process. Assessment becomes transparent. The students knows
what criteria must be met to achieve a desired grade.

Components of Scoring Rubric

Take a look on the given example below.
Recitation Rubric
Criteria 1 2 3
Number of X1 1-4 5-9 10-12
Hand Gestures
Appropriate X1 Lots of inappropriate facial Few No apparent
Facial expression inappropriate inappropriate
expression facial expression facial expression

Voice Inflection X2 Monotone voice used Can vary voice Can easily vary
inflection with voice inflection
Incorporate X3 Recitation contains very little Recitation has Recitation fully
proper feelings some feelings captures
ambiance ambiance
through feelings through feelings
in the voice in the voice

As in the given example, a rubric is comprised of two components: criteria and levels of
performance. Each rubric has at least two criteria and at least two levels of performance. The
criteria, characteristics of good performance on a task, are listed in the left-hand column in the
illustrated rubric (number of hand gestures, appropriate facial features, voice inflection and
ambiance.) Actually, as is common in rubrics, a short hand is used for each criterion to make it
fit easily into the table. The full criteria are statements of performance such as “include a
sufficient number of hand gestures” and “recitation captures the ambiance through appropriate
feelings and tone in the voice”.
For each criterion, the evaluator applying the rubric can determine to what degree the
student has met the criterion, i.e., the level of performance. In the given rubric, there are three
levels of performance for each criterion. For example, the recitation can contain lots of
inappropriate, few inappropriate or no inappropriate hand gestures.
Finally, the illustrated rubric contains a mechanism for assigning a score to each project.
(Assessments and their accompanying rubrics can be used for purposes other than evaluation
and, thus, do not have to have points or grades attached to them.) In the second-to-left column
a weight is assigned each criterion. Students can receive 1, 2 or 3 points for “number of sources”.
But appropriate ambiance, more important in this teacher’s mind, is weighted three times (x3)
as heavily. So, students can receive 3, 6 or 9 points (i.e., 1,2 or 3 times 3) for the level of
appropriateness in this task.

The rubric includes another common, but not a necessary, component of rubrics –
descriptors. Descriptors spell out what is expected of students at each level of performance for
each criterion. In the given example, “lots of inappropriate facial expressions,” “monotone voice
used” are descriptors. A descriptor tells students more precisely what performance looks like at
each level and how their work may be distinguished from the work of others for each criterion.
Similarly, the descriptors help the teacher more precisely and consistently distinguish between
student work.

Why Include Levels of Performance?

1. Clearer expectations
It is very useful for the students and the teacher if the criteria are identified and
communicated prior to completion of the task. Students know what is expected of them
and teachers know what to look for in student performance. Similarly, students better
understand what good (or bad) performance on a task looks like if levels of performance
are identified, particularly if descriptors for each level are included.
2. More consistent and objective assessment
In addition to better communicating teacher expectations, levels of performance
permit the teacher to more consistently and objectively distinguish between good and bad
performance, or between superior, mediocre and poor performance, when evaluating
student work.
3. Better feedback
Furthermore, identifying specific levels of student performance allows the teacher
to provide more detailed feedback to students. The teacher and the students can more
clearly recognize areas that need improvement.

General versus Task-Specific

In the development of the scoring rubrics, it is well to bear in mind that it can be used to
assess or evaluate specific tasks or general or broad category of tasks. For instance, suppose
that we are interested in assessing the student’s oral communication skills. Then, a general
scoring rubric may be developed and used to evaluate each of the oral presentations given by
that students. After each such oral presentation of the students, the general scoring rubrics are
shown to the students which then allow them to improve on their previous performances. Scoring
rubrics have this advantage of instantaneously proving a mechanism for immediate feedback.
In contrast, suppose the main purpose of the oral presentation is to determine the
students’ knowledge of the facts surrounding the EDSA I revolution, then perhaps a specific
scoring rubric would be necessary. A general scoring rubric for evaluating a sequence of
presentations may not be adequate since, in general, events such as EDSA I (and EDSA II)
differ on the situ
ations surrounding factors (what caused the revolutions) and the ultimate outcomes of these
events. Thus, to evaluate the students’ knowledge of these events, it will be necessary to
develop specific rubrics scoring guide for each presentation.

Example of General Scoring Rubric

Knowledge of Process
3 – The student has thorough and complete knowledge of the process.
2 – The student has thorough but incomplete knowledge of the process.

1 – The student lacks thorough and complete knowledge of the process.

Example of Specific Scoring Rubric
Knowledge of Process in Writing a Book Report
3 – The student has thorough and complete knowledge of the process in writing a book
2 – The student has thorough but incomplete knowledge of the process in writing a book
1 – The student lacks thorough and complete knowledge of the process in writing a book

The general scoring rubric may be used to any topic (process) while the specific scoring
rubric indicates a particular topic. The latter is focused on a specific and definite topic or task to
be evaluated.

Analytic Versus Holistic Rubric

For a particular task you assign students, do you want to be able to assess how well the
students perform on each criterion, or do you want to get a more global picture of the students’
performance on the entire task? The answer to that question is likely to determine the type of
rubric you choose to create or use: Analytic or holistic.
Most rubrics, like the Recitation rubric mentioned, are analytic rubrics. An analytic
rubric articulates levels of performance for each criterion so the teacher can assess
student performance on each criterion. Using the Recitation rubric, a teacher could
assess whether a student has done a poor, good and excellent job of “creating ambiance”
and distinguish that from how well the student did on “voice inflection”.
In contrast, a holistic rubric does not list separate levels of performance for each
criterion. Instead, a holistic rubric assigns a level of performance by assessing
performance across multiple criteria as a whole. The teacher gives an overall impression
or evaluation of student output (may either be a process or product) based on all the
criteria. For example, the recitation analytic rubric can be turned into a holistic rubric.

3 – Excellent Speaker
• Included 10 – 12 changes in hand gestures
• No apparent inappropriate facial expressions
• Utilized proper voice inflection
• Can create proper ambiance for the poem
2 – Good Speaker
• Included 5-9 changes in hand gestures

• Few inappropriate facial expressions

• Had some inappropriate voice inflection changes
• Almost creating proper ambiance
1 – Poor Speaker
• Included 1-4 changes in hand gestures
• Lots of inappropriate facial expressions
• Used monotone voice
• Did not create proper ambiance

When to choose an analytic rubric

Analytic rubrics are more common because teachers typically want to assess each
criterion separately, particularly for assignments that involve a larger number of criteria. It
becomes more and more difficult to assign a level of performance in a holistic rubric as the
number of criteria increases. As student performance increasingly varies across criteria it
becomes more difficult to assign an appropriate holistic category to the performance. Additionally,
an analytic rubric better handles weighting of criteria.

When to choose a holistic rubric

So, when may you use a holistic rubric? Holistic rubric tends to be used when a
quick or gross judgment needs to be made. If the assessment is a minor one, such as a brief
homework assignment, it may be sufficient to apply a holistic judgment (e.g., check, check-
plus, or no-check) to quickly review student work. But holistic rubrics can also be employed for
more substantial assignments. On some tasks, it is not easy to evaluate performance on one
criterion independently of performance on a different criterion. For example, many writing
rubrics are holistic because it is not always easy to disentangle clarity from organization or
content from presentation. So, some educators believe a holistic or global assessment of
student performance better captures student ability on certain tasks.

How many levels of performance should I include in my rubric?

There is no specific number of levels a rubric should or should not possess. It will
vary depending on the task and your needs. A rubric can have as few as two levels of
performance (e.g., a checklist) or as many as you decide is appropriate. Also, it is not true that
there must be an even number or an odd number of levels. Again, that will depend on the
Generally, it is better to start with a smaller number of levels of performance for a
criterion and then expand of necessary. Making distinctions in student performance across two
or three broad categories is difficult enough. As the number of levels increases and those
judgment become finer and finer, the likelihood of error increases.

Thus, start small. For example, in an oral presentation rubric, amount of eye contact
might be an important criterion. Performance on that criterion could be judged along three
levels of performance.
Makes an eye contact with audience Never Sometimes Always

Although these three levels may not capture all the variations in student performance
on the criterion, it may be sufficient discrimination for your purposes. Or, at the least, it is a place
to start. Upon applying the three levels of performance, you might discover that you can
effectively group your students’ performance in these three categories. Furthermore, you might
discover that the labels of “never”, “sometimes” and “always” sufficiently communicate to your
students the degree to which they can improve on making eye contact.
On the other hand, after applying the rubric you might discover that you cannot
effectively discriminate among student performances with just three levels of performance.
Perhaps, in your view, many students fall in between never and sometimes, or between
sometimes and always, and neither label accurately captures their performance. So, at this point,
you may decide to expand the number of levels of performance to include never, rarely,
sometimes, usually and always.

Makes an eye contact with audience Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always

There is no “right” answer as to how many levels of performance there should be for
criterion in an analytic rubric; that will depend on the nature of the task assigned, the criteria
being evaluated, the students involved and your purposes and preferences. For example,
another teacher might decide to leave off the “always” level in the above rubric because “usually”
is as much as normally can be expected or even wanted in some instances. Thus, the “makes
eye contact” portion of the rubric for that teacher might be.

Makes an eye contact with audience Never Rarely Sometimes Usually

We recommend that fewer levels of performance be included initially because such is:
• Easier and quicker to administer
• Easier to explain to students (and others)
• Easier to expand than larger rubrics to shrink

Steps in Developing a Scoring Rubric

1. Identify the qualities that will be looked into a student’s output.

The qualities or characteristics will be the basis in forming the levels of

2. Define the criteria from top to bottom level of performance.

In case of three score levels, distinction from each level should be considered.
What type of performance merits an excellent level of performance? What type of
performance is considered for satisfactory level? How do you characterize the
needs improvement level?

3. Assign a numerical value to each level of performance.

In case of three score levels, the score of 3 receives the highest level followed by
a score of 2 for the moderate level and a score of 1 for the lowest level.
In case of five score levels, the score of 5 is the highest score, followed by 4,3,2
and 1, being the lowest.

A. Gutierrez,Danilo S. (2007). Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Cognitive Domain book 1 and

2). Kerusso Publishing House. ISBN 978-971-93783-0-3
B. Garcia, Carlito D. (2008). Measuring and Evaluating Learning Outcomes: A textbook in
Assessment of Learning 1 & 2. Books Atbp. Publishing Corp. ISBN 971-0388-45-5
C. Navarro, et al. (2012) Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment 1). Lorimar Publishing,
Inc. ISBN 971-685-748-1
D. Navarro, et al. (2013) Authentic Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes (2 nd Edition).
Lorimar Publishing, Inc. ISBN 971-685-766-5
E. Yazon, A & Callo, E (2019). Assessment in Student Learning. Wiseman;s Books Trading Inc.
F. Ignacio A. and Santos, M. (2019) Assessment of Student Learning 1. St, Andrew Publishing
House. ISBN 978-971-014-611-6
G. Department of Education Order No. 8, s. 2015

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