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Effect of curing type on microstructure and compressive strength of

geopolymer mortars
Adil Gultekin *, Kambiz Ramyar
Ege University, Engineering Faculty, Civil Engineering Department, 35030, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey


Keywords: In this study, the compressive strength and microstructure of pumice, perlite, burnt clay and fly ash geopolymer
Microwave curing mortars were investigated. Activator solutions with 1.0, 1.2, 1.6 and 2.0 Ms (silica/sodium oxide) ratios as well
Energy saving as 4, 8 and 12% sodium oxide ratios by weight of aluminosilicate material were used. Both oven curing and
microwave curing were applied. According to the results, compressive strengths of microwave-cured pumice-,
perlite- and burnt clay-based geopolymer mortars were 5.7, 54.7 and 15.5% higher than those of the oven-cured
counterparts. However, the strength of fly ash geopolymer reduced upon microwave curing. The energy con­
sumption per unit compressive strength in the microwave-cured mortars was found to be between 77.1–87.0%
lower than those of the oven-cured ones, depending on the aluminosilicate type. The changes caused by the
curing type in the microstructure were investigated by SEM/EDS, XRD, FT-IR and thermogravimetric analysis.

1. Introduction materials in geopolymer production will reduce these environmental

damages [10]. Natural pozzolans have also high potential for geo­
Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world [1]. polymer production due to their advantages such as being rich in silica
Cement production causes a significant amount of greenhouse gases, and alumina as well as relative low mining and transportation costs
especially carbon dioxide which is released due to the calcination of [11]. However, there are few studies on the production of alkali acti­
limestone and combustion of fossil fuel required to maintain clinkering vated binders, especially with natural pozzolans other than metakaolin.
high temperature and grinding of either raw materials or clinker [2]. It is According to Robayo-Salazar and Gutiérrez [12] while there are 7000
known that approximately one ton of carbon dioxide is emitted during articles on alkali-activated materials and geopolymers between 2000
production of one ton of the portland cement [3]. Moreover, other and 2018 years, only 60 articles were found on the natural volcanic
hazardous wastes such as mercury be generated during cement pro­ pozzolans. However, even these limited publications show that natural
duction and coal burning [4]. Quarrying the limestone required in pozzolans can be successfully used in the geopolymer production.
cement production causes not only depletion of the natural resources but During the production of geopolymers, electrical energy is generally
also results in both land and water pollution [5]. The search for more required for thermal curing. Suwan et al. [13] stated that for a sufficient
environmentally friendly binder materials alternative to portland geopolymer strength, 6–48 h curing at 40–90◦ C is required. According to
cement has been going on for a long time [6]. the International Energy Agency [14], 38% of the electricity produced
Geopolymers have advantages such as low energy consumption, worldwide in 2018 was from coal and 10% from nuclear power plants.
reduction of carbon dioxide emission and disposal of the industrial Generating energy from coal is one of the most important causes of air
waste products [7]. Duxson et al. [8] revealed that geopolymers can pollution in the world. Combustion of coal causes emission of harmful
reduce carbon dioxide emissions by at least 80% compared to that of the particles such as SOx, NOx and volatile organic compounds [15] as well
portland cement. Thus, geopolymers attract the attention of more and as high amount of CO2 [16]. There are also certain worries in generating
more researchers day by day due to their environmental-friendly and electricity from nuclear plants. Especially the disasters in Fukushima,
sustainable characteristics [9]. Chernobyl and Three Mile Island increased the doubt about the confi­
Storage of industrial waste materials such as fly ash, blast furnace dence of nuclear energy. Even the modern nuclear reactors are suscep­
slag, rice husk ash pollutes the environment. The use of such waste tible to the radioactive leakage caused by possible accidents, sabotage or

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Gultekin), (K. Ramyar).
Received 7 November 2021; Received in revised form 11 February 2022; Accepted 16 February 2022
Available online 22 February 2022
0272-8842/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Adil Gultekin, Kambiz Ramyar, Ceramics International,
A. Gultekin and K. Ramyar Ceramics International xxx (xxxx) xxx

terrorist attack. In addition, the disposal and storage of nuclear waste Table 1
are still among the biggest problems in nuclear energy [17]. For these Chemical composition and some physical properties of aluminosilicates.
reasons, studies on microwave curing have started in order to produce Chemical composition (%) Pumice Perlite Burnt clay Fly ash
geopolymer with less energy consumption. Graytee et al. [18] stated
SiO2 71.48 73.20 73.65 44.23
that curing temperatures reaching 100◦ C should be used for a long time, Al2O3 13.26 11.65 16.24 19.60
however, curing time above 6 h is unaffordable and impractical for Fe2O3 1.06 1.26 0.79 7.79
production of geopolymer in the traditional oven curing method. SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3 85.80 86.11 90.68 71.62
However, it is possible to produce geopolymers that gain strength CaO 0.49 0.84 0.32 4.81
MgO 0.15 0.06 0.16 2.00
rapidly by microwave curing. There are limited studies in the literature Na2O 2.77 2.81 0.07 1.17
on the use of microwave curing in the production of K2O 6.23 4.35 0.19 1.70
geopolymer/alkali-activated materials. Somaratna et al. [19] compared TiO2 <0.01 0.08 0.30 0.44
the effect of oven curing (at 75◦ C for 48 h) and microwave curing (at P2O5 0.01 <0.01 0.28 0.67
SO3 0.79 0.14
240 W for 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 120 min) on the properties of alkali <0.01 <0.01
Loss of ignition 4.51 5.10 5.35 17.36
activated fly ash mortars. In spite of short curing time, microwave-cured Physical property
specimens gained similar or higher compressive strength than that of Blaine specific surface (cm2/g) 7634 4946 8680 3506
oven-cured specimens. Greytee et al. [18] determined that Class F fly Specific gravity 2.36 2.26 2.67 2.35
ash-based geopolymer pastes cured in the microwave for 15 min at 200,
300, 400 and 600 W, can reach 59, 72, 67 and 54 MPa compressive
fly ash is majorly arisen from its unburned carbon content. In spite of
strength, respectively. In addition, it was reported that prolonging the
grinding for the same time in the same grinder, the lower fineness of the
curing time to 60 min, increased the compressive strength to around 90
perlite particles (than that of pumice particles, Fig. 1) was attributed to
MPa. El-Feky et al. [20] subjected alkali-activated ground granulated
its higher resistance to the degradation. It is evident that, except for fly
blast furnace slag pastes to microwave curing for 2, 4, 6 min at 720 W. It
ash which consists of spherical particles, the particles of the other alu­
was reported that the 7-day compressive strength of 2 min microwave
minosilicates are majorly angular or irregular in shape. From Fig. 1 the
cured specimens exceeded 50 MPa which increased to 60 MPa at 28 days
median particle size (d50) of pumice, perlite, burnt clay and fly ash were
age. Tan et al. [21] investigated the effect of ambient and microwave
found to be 13.9, 22.9, 13.2, and 25.6 μm respectively.
curing by replacing 0, 10, 25, 40, 55% of ground recycled aggregate
powder with metakaolin and found the efficiency of microwave curing
to increase the compressive strength in spite of low energy consumption. 2.2. Method
Shi et al. [22] investigated the effect of oven and microwave curing,
applied for 4.5 h at the same temperatures, on the compressive strength Activator solutions with 1.0, 1.2, 1.6 and 2.0 Ms ratios (SiO2/Na2O
of alkali-activated fly ash pastes. It was observed that, in spite of ratio by weight) as well as 4, 8 and 12% Na2O contents (Na2O content of
consuming 26.4% less energy, the compressive strength of the samples the activator solution/weight of aluminosilicate) were prepared by
cured in the microwave was 26.9% higher than that of the oven-cured dissolving sodium hydroxide pellets in sodium silicate solution. The
specimens. Several researchers using natural loess [23], high-lime fly solutions were used after resting for 24 h at room temperature. The
ash [13,24] and bottom ash [25] showed that microwave curing could mortar mixtures are designated according to their aluminosilicate ma­
be an alternative curing method in geopolymer production. terial, Ms ratio and Na2O content. For example, Pm 1.0–4 is a mixture
In this study, the microstructure and compressive strength of geo­ containing pumice and an activator with Ms ratio of 1.0 and Na2O
polymer mortars containing Class F fly ash, burnt clay and natural content of 4%.
pozzolans (pumice and perlite) cured in the oven or microwave were While preparing the mixtures, sand, aluminosilicate material, acti­
examined. The changes in microstructure of geopolymers were investi­ vator solution and water, if any, were put into the mixer, and the mixer
gated in detail by SEM/EDS, XRD, FT-IR and thermogravimetric anal­ was operated for 90 s at low speed. After scraping off the mortar adhered
ysis. Moreover, the energy requirement to attain a given strength in the to the mixer, mixing was continued for another 90 s at the same speed.
oven- and microwave-cured mortars was compared. Then the mortars were placed in 50 mm metallic cube molds in two
layers and each layer was compacted by 25 drops from the jolting table.
2. Materials and method Oven-cured samples were placed in the oven with their molds immedi­
ately after preparation. In order to prevent the fresh mortars from
2.1. Materials thermal shock, the oven was operated after placing of the samples. The
rate of increasing temperature was approximately 10◦ C/min and the
Four aluminosilicate materials, i.e., pumice, perlite, burnt clay, and curing time was started after the oven reached the curing temperature.
Class F fly ash were used in the geopolymer mixtures. The pumice and The time and temperatures selected for the oven curing were
perlite were commercial materials with particles in the range of 0–250 60◦ C–72 h, 90◦ C-48 h and 120◦ C-24 h. At the end of the curing period,
μm which were further reduced by grinding in a laboratory type plan­ the mortars were removed from the oven, and demolded after cooling to
etary ball mill (at 500 rpm for 5 min). Burnt clay was prepared in the the room temperature. The compressive strengths of specimens were
laboratory by burning kaolin at 600◦ C for 1 h. No grinding was neces­ determined with a 2000 kN hydraulic testing machine at a loading rate
sary after burning of the clay. The chemical composition/some physical of 0.9 kN/s.
properties, particle size distributions and SEM views of aluminosilicate The microwave-cured specimens were prepared in the same way as
materials are shown in Table 1, Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. A sodium the oven-cured ones. However, these specimens were covered with high
silicate solution consisting of 23.2% SiO2, 10.0% Na2O and 66.8% H2O, temperature resistant moisture proof bags as shown in Fig. 3 and kept in
by weight, and a granular sodium hydroxide with 98% purity were used the oven at 60 or 120◦ C (60◦ C for fly ash, 120◦ C for pumice, perlite and
as alkali activators. The sand used in the preparation of the mortar mixes burnt clay) for various times (3 h for burnt clay, 4 h for pumice and
was standard CEN sand. Tap water was added to adjust the consistency perlite, 5.5 h for fly ash) until they could be demolded safely. These
of the mixtures (if any). periods were sufficient for the mixtures to gain required rigidity for
As it can be seen from Table 1, the SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3 contents of demolding without considerable strength gain. The samples taken out of
pumice, perlite and burnt clay are far above 70% while their CaO con­ the oven were demolded after cooling to room temperature and sub­
tents are below 1%. The corresponding values are 71.62% and 4.81%, jected to microwave curing at 450, 600 and 800 W for 5, 10 and 15 min.
respectively, for the fly ash. Moreover, the 17.36% loss on ignition of the A household microwave oven with a maximum capacity of 800 W was

A. Gultekin and K. Ramyar Ceramics International xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of aluminosilicates.

Fig. 2. SEM views of aluminosilicates.

Fig. 3. Microwave cured fly ash geopolymer a) before oven precuring, b) after 5.5 h oven precuring, c) after microwave curing at 450 W for 15 min.

A. Gultekin and K. Ramyar Ceramics International xxx (xxxx) xxx

used for curing. mortars were very low at 60◦ C-72 h curing regime. Taxiarchou et al.
[27] stated that after curing at 70◦ C for 48 h, the perlite geopolymer
2.3. Mixtures specimens were still in the plastic state, so that their compressive
strength could not be determined. It was concluded that, perlite-based
The mix proportions, flow diameters and fresh unit weights of the geopolymers require more curing time than the other materials. In
mortars are shown in Table 2. The flow diameter (determined according Taxiarchou et al. study 50 mm perlite geopolymer showed about 30 MPa
to TS EN 459-2 [26]) of the mortars were kept constant as 155 ± 5 mm. compressive strength when cured at 70◦ C for 5 days. Kurt [28], in a
However, due to the considerable differences between the morphology, similar study, stated that 40 mm cube pumice geopolymer mortars,
surface texture and fineness of the aluminosilicates, water requirement cured at 60◦ C for 7 days, gained 45.5 MPa compressive strength. In the
of the mixtures for the target flow was quite different. Moreover, in some present study, the curing temperature of 60◦ C was found to be insuffi­
of the mixtures having high activator content, the flow exceeded the cient for the strength development in the pumice, perlite and burnt clay
target value even without any water addition. mixtures. The fact was probably arisen from the deficiency of the tem­
perature to help release the Al and Si species from these
3. Results and discussion aluminosilicates.
Considerable improvement in the compressive strengths of perlite-,
3.1. Oven curing pumice- and burnt clay-based geopolymers was observed as the curing
temperature increased to 90 or 120◦ C. The most favorable curing tem­
The compressive strengths of geopolymer mortars are presented in perature and time for these geopolymers were found to be 120◦ C and 24
Figs. 4–6. The compressive strengths of pumice, perlite and burnt clay h. The compressive strength of the burnt clay-based geopolymer mortars

Table 2
Mix proportions, flow diameter and unit weights of mortars.
Asa Na2O (%) Mixture Materials (g) Property

As Sand Activator solution Water Flow diameter (mm) Unit weight (kg/m3)

Ms: 1.0 Pumice 4 Pm 1.0–4 450 1215 91.4 185.5 150 2131.5
8 Pm 1.0–8 182.8 137.5 151 2177.6
12 Pm 1.0–12 274.2 80.5 152 2194.7
Perlite 4 Pr 1.0–4 91.4 156 153 2175.2
8 Pr 1.0–8 182.8 100 151 2208.3
12 Pr 1.0–12 274.2 61 155 2229.9
Burnt clay 4 Bc 1.0–4 91.4 162.5 154 2240.0
8 Bc 1.0–8 182.8 93 153 2292.5
12 Bc 1.0–12 274.2 49 156 2286.1
Fly ash 4 Fa 1.0–4 91.4 180 160 2190.4
8 Fa 1.0–8 182.8 60 159 2239.5
12 Fa 1.0–12 274.2 15 153 2252.5
Ms: 1.2 Pumice 4 Pm 1.2–4 450 1215 104.7 175 155 2172.8
8 Pm 1.2–8 209.4 108 152 2176.3
12 Pm 1.2–12 314.1 49 152 2195.7
Perlite 4 Pr 1.2–4 104.7 145 151 2168.5
8 Pr 1.2–8 209.4 88 158 2215.7
12 Pr 1.2–12 314.1 26 153 2232.0
Burnt clay 4 Bc 1.2–4 104.7 148 156 2244.0
8 Bc 1.2–8 209.4 81 156 2268.0
12 Bc 1.2–12 314.1 16 153 2288.3
Fly ash 4 Fa 1.2–4 104.7 150 150 2184.5
8 Fa 1.2–8 209.4 40.5 153 2228.8
12 Fa 1.2–12 314.1 5.5 157 2219.7
Ms: 1.6 Pumice 4 Pm 1.6–4 450 1215 133.1 165 155 2142.1
8 Pm 1.6–8 266.2 60 151 2160.5
12 Pm 1.6–12 399.3 0 152 2191.7
Perlite 4 Pr 1.6–4 133.1 127 155 2164.5
8 Pr 1.6–8 266.2 42 153 2191.7
12 Pr 1.6–12 399.3 0 160 2212.5
Burnt clay 4 Bc 1.6–4 133.1 132 156 2188.5
8 Bc 1.6–8 266.2 49 152 2213.9
12 Bc 1.6–12 399.3 0 163 2261.9
Fly ash 4 Fa 1.6–4 133.1 140 158 2165.9
8 Fa 1.6–8 266.2 12 153 2190.4
12 Fa 1.6–12 399.3 0 200+ 2190.9
Ms: 2.0 Pumice 4 Pm 2.0–4 450 1215 160 150 154 2123.2
8 Pm 2.0–8 320 24 157 2164.5
12 Pm 2.0–12 480 0 200+ 2169.3
Perlite 4 Pr 2.0–4 160 112 155 2212.3
8 Pr 2.0–8 320 14 158 2213.6
12 Pr 2.0–12 480 0 200+ 2164.8
Burnt clay 4 Bc 2.0–4 160 120 157 2262.9
8 Bc 2.0–8 320 0 155 2291.2
12 Bc 2.0–12 480 0 200+ 2213.1
Fly ash 4 Fa 2.0–4 160 124 152 2160.3
8 Fa 2.0–8 320 7 153 2186.1
12 Fa 2.0–12 480 0 200+ 2173.1
As: aluminosilicate, Pm: pumice, Pr: perlite, Bc: burnt clay, Fa: fly ash.

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Fig. 4. Compressive strength of burnt clay geopolymers oven-cured at a) 60◦ C for 72 h, b) 90◦ C for 48 h, c) 120◦ C for 24 h.

containing 4% and 8% Na2O increased with the increase of the Ms ratio in Na2O content to 12% reduced the strength. The reasons for these
when cured at 90 or 120◦ C. In mortars containing 12% Na2O, on the observations are discussed in detail in the following paragraphs. 120◦ C-
other hand, as the Ms ratio increased, the compressive strength 24 h curing regime provided 23.6–29.1 MPa compressive strength in
increased up to an optimum point, beyond which the strength reduced. these mixtures. Meanwhile, the most suitable activator characteristics
The general trend for the strength of pumice- and perlite-based mortars for the highest compressive strength were found to be 1.6 Ms ratio and
cured at 90 and 120◦ C was similar, i.e., with increasing Ms ratio, the 8% Na2O content for the pumice and perlite geopolymers, as well as 2.0
compressive strength first increased and then decreased after an opti­ Ms ratio and 8% Na2O content for the burnt clay geopolymer mortar.
mum point. When the effect of the Na2O content of the activator (having When the fly ash-based geopolymer mortars were examined, it was
a definite Ms ratio) on the compressive strength was examined, it was observed that regardless of the curing regime and activator Ms ratio, the
observed that the compressive strength generally increased with the compressive strengths of the mortars produced with 4% Na2O were close
increase in the Na2O content from 4% to 8%. However, further increase to each other and below 10 MPa. The fact most probably arises from the

A. Gultekin and K. Ramyar Ceramics International xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. Compressive strength of pumice and perlite geopolymers oven-cured at a) 60◦ C for 72 h, b) 90◦ C for 48 h, c) 120◦ C for 24 h.

low solubility of aluminum and silicon species in such an activator. The stated that after a certain amount of Si/Al ratio, the number of unreacted
compressive strengths increased with the increase of Ms ratio from 1.0 to particles, acting as local defects, increased. These defects created stress
1.2 in the mortars produced with 8% Na2O activator at all three curing concentrations and reduced the strength by facilitating the collapse of
temperatures. However, further increase in Ms ratio reduced the the matrix. Morsy et al. [31], Hanafiah et al. [32] and
strengths. The strength reduced gradually upon increasing the Ms ratio Doğan-Sağlamtimur et al. [33] reported that increasing of the sodium
at 12% Na2O content in the mortars produced with 1.0 Ms ratio. Using silicate/sodium hydroxide ratio in the alkali solution up to a certain
the optimum Ms ratio (1.0) and Na2O content (12%) compressive level, increased the compressive strength. Morsy et al. also stated that
strengths of 54.4, 66.1 and 42.2 MPa were obtained at 60, 90 and 120◦ C the increase in the amount of SiO2 in the activator solution makes it
curing temperatures, respectively. There are numerous studies on the difficult for the water in the geopolymer to evaporate. Therefore, for­
effects of factors such as Ms ratio (hence the sodium silicate/sodium mation of the geopolymer structure and the development of compressive
hydroxide ratio), activator Na2O content, and Si/Al ratio of the alumi­ strength begin to reduce after an optimum SiO2 value.
nosilicate on the compressive strength of geopolymer. Cho et al. [29] The mixtures showing the highest strength (Pm 1.6-8-120◦ C, Pr 1.6-
explained that increasing the percentage of Na2O at a given Ms ratio 8-120◦ C and Bc 2.0-8-120◦ C) were selected for microwave curing, SEM/
increased the compressive strength. The fact was attributed to the EDS, XRD, FT-IR, TG analysis and energy consumption comparison. The
increased solubility of the aluminosilicate compounds in the high highest strength in fly ash-based geopolymer was obtained in Fa 1.0-12-
alkaline solution. However, Na2O content of the activator beyond a 90◦ C specimens. However, Fa 1.0-12-60◦ C specimens were preferred, as
certain level slowed down the polymerization. This caused precipitation they can be produced with a slightly lower energy consumption, being
of the geopolymer gel on the surface of base material particles creating a more suitable for applications such as on-site casting/prefabrication.
barrier against the contact of the activator and base material. Duxson
et al. [30] found that with the increase in Si/Al ratio, the strength firstly
increased and then decreased after an optimum value. Researchers

A. Gultekin and K. Ramyar Ceramics International xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6. Compressive strength of fly ash geopolymer mortars oven-cured at a) 60◦ C for 72 h, b) 90◦ C for 48 h, c) 120◦ C for 24 h.

3.2. Microwave curing time. Graytee et al. [18] reported that the strengths increased with the
increase of the curing time at the same power level. The researchers also
The compressive strength of microwave-cured mortars is shown in examined the effect of change in power level on the compressive
Fig. 7. In general, irrespective of the curing time and microwave power, strength and showed that the geopolymer strength increased by 22% as
the strengths of fly ash-based mortars are close to each other and in the the microwave power increased from 200 W to 300 W. Beyond this
range of 16.1–24.0 MPa. In samples cured at 450 W, the compressive power level, however, the strengths gradually decreased. The authors
strength increased with the increase in curing time. Opposite results stated the following probable reasons for the fact. The increase in the
were found in the 600 and 800 W curing regimes. The strength of power level, causing rapid evaporation of water, leaves no water
microwave-cured pumice, perlite and burnt clay geopolymer mortars required for polymerization. Moreover, microcracks form due to the
generally increased with increasing curing time at 450 and 600 W. The rapid evaporation of the water. Finally, local hot spots form due to the
strength of these mixtures reduced at 800 W with the increasing curing differences in the dielectric properties of the materials in the mixture

A. Gultekin and K. Ramyar Ceramics International xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 7. Compressive strength of microwave-cured a) pumice, b) perlite, c) burnt clay, d) fly ash geopolymers.

causing high internal stresses and deterioration. El-Feky et al. [20] dissolution of unreacted alumina and silica species in the aluminosili­
similarly stated that microwave curing accelerated the geo­ cate. Since the increase in curing time increases the temperature of the
polymerization process. However, during the curing at the same power specimen, it accelerates the evaporation of the pore solution and causes
level, with the increasing curing time the temperature of the specimen incomplete geopolymerization. The researchers stated that prolonging
increased, resulting in accelerated polycondensation, which also caused the curing beyond a certain time damages the geopolymer structure,
earlier formation of the gel. The gel thus formed prevented the causes dehydration in the matrix and increases the shrinkage reducing

A. Gultekin and K. Ramyar Ceramics International xxx (xxxx) xxx

strength. Tan et al. [21] studied microwave curing of metakaolin

substituted recycled aggregate powder-based geopolymers. It was stated
that a certain microwave curing time activates more aluminosilicate
particles and results in a denser gel. However, due to the increase in
temperature, the rapid evaporation of water from the dense geopolymer
structure with limited expansion capacity causes cracking.
In spite of the fly ash geopolymers where short microwave curing
time was not sufficient to promote the strength to a desired level, the
pumice-, perlite- and burnt clay-based mortars upon microwave curing
achieved even 5.7–54.7% higher strength than that of their oven-cured
counterpart specimens. The fact was more pronounced in the perlite
geopolymers. Somaratna et al. [19] applied oven curing (at 75◦ C for 48
h) and microwave curing (240 W for 120 min) on the alkali activated fly
ash mortars with 6, 8, 10 M activators and reported the superiority of the
microwave curing in terms of strength.
According to Graytee et al. [18], an effective microwave curing can
increase the strength gain rate by providing a rapid and uniform heating
effect. The researcher stated that in the conventional curing, heat
transfers into the sample with conduction, radiation and convection, but
in the microwave curing, waves create uniform heating in the entire
volume. El-Feky et al. [20] stated that conventional heating is slow due
to the slow transfer of heat from the sample surface to the core, resulting
in a non-uniform heat distribution in various parts of the specimen.
However, in the microwave curing, energy is transferred to the sample
electromagnetically, rather than in the form of thermal heat flux, so that
Fig. 8. Fracture pattern of a geopolymer sample (Pm-1.6-8-120◦ C-24 h) with
a homogeneous heat distribution is achieved throughout the specimen.
26.3 MPa compressive strength.
According to Somaratna et al. [19] the reason for the higher rate of
strength development and greater strength in the microwave-cured
structure. However, increasing the Na2O ratio to 8%, improved the in­
geopolymers than those of oven-cured counterparts is the uniform
ternal structure and reduced the number of voids and unreacted parti­
microstructure arisen from the uniform heating provided by the mi­
cles with a consequent increase in strength. In the fly ash-based
crowave curing. Oppositely, non-uniform heat distribution and differ­
geopolymer pastes, a similar situation was observed with the decrease of
ential thermal stresses within the specimen during oven curing result in
the Ms ratio at a given Na2O ratio. The microstructure of microwave-
a non-uniform internal structure lowering the strength. From the results
cured pumice, perlite and burnt clay pastes were found to be similar
obtained in this study, it can be concluded that the uniform heating and
to those of their oven-cured counterparts. However, the internal struc­
absence of thermal gradient in the microwave-cured pumice, perlite,
ture of oven-cured fly ash paste was much denser and more homoge­
and burnt clay-based geopolymer specimens is the reason for their
neous than that of the microwave-cured one. The 2.3 times difference in
higher strength than their counterpart specimens cured in the oven. On
strength of microwave- and oven-cured fly ash mortars clearly demon­
the other hand, the reason for the low strength of the microwave-cured
strates the effect of the internal structure on the strength of mixture.
fly ash-based specimens than their oven-cured ones is in the lower
The results of EDS analysis reported in Table 3 were obtained on
dissolution of fly ash particles in the activator solution due to the
random points representing the overall paste characteristic. The re­
shortness of microwave curing time. The fact also revealed from the SEM
ported values are the average of at least 2 points. According to the re­
images of microwave-cured fly ash samples in which an excessive
sults, the pastes mainly consist of oxygen, silicon, aluminum, and
amount of undissolved fly ash particles were observed.
sodium atoms. However, Si/Al, Na/Al and Si/Na ratios are quite
The optimum microwave curing regime for pumice geopolymer was
different in the various pastes.
found to be 600 W-15 min, while 450 W-15 min microwave curing
resulted in the highest strengths in the perlite, burnt clay and fly ash
mixtures. The fact perhaps arises from the high water content of pumice 3.4. TGA results
mixtures which requires greater energy for evaporation.
When the fracture patterns of the samples were examined, it was Numerous studies have been conducted on the weight loss in TG
observed that, regardless of the curing type, the samples with less than analysis of geopolymers. Das and Rout [34] and Hassan et al. [35] stated
8–10 MPa compressive strength were crushed completely to the smith­ that the sudden weight loss in the range of 0–200◦ C was caused by the
ereens. However, the samples with >10 MPa strength showed fracture free and weakly bonded-absorbed water in the fly ash geopolymers.
patterns (not completely in pieces) similar to those of the portland Hong and Kim [36] reported that the main causes of TGA weight loss of
cement mortars with similar strengths (Fig. 8). Moreover, stronger the fly ash geopolymers in three different temperature zones (0–120,
samples crushed in a more brittle manner than those with lower 120–350 and above 350◦ C) are different. The main reasons for the
strength. weight loss in the first and second zone are the loss of physically
adsorbed water and evaporation of the chemically bonded water,
3.3. SEM/EDS analysis respectively. At temperatures above 350◦ C dehydroxylation, and above
430◦ C combustion of the calcium compounds and unburned carbon are
The SEM views of selected oven-cured and microwave-cured pastes responsible too for the weight loss. Yang et al. [37] stated that the
are shown in Figs. 9–12. In these figures the unreacted and partially weight loss below 400◦ C is due to free water and structural water loss,
reacted aluminosilicate particles are shown in the yellow and orange while the weight loss between 400 and 800◦ C arises from the slow and
circles, respectively. It was observed that the internal structure of the progressive dehydroxylation between the geopolymer chains or the re­
oven-cured burnt clay, pumice and perlite geopolymers changed with actions that occur to form new oligomers in the matrix. Liu et al. [38]
increasing the activator Na2O ratio. The mixtures containing 4% Na2O claimed that the weight losses in TG analysis of the metakaolin geo­
had large voids, many unreacted particles and an inhomogeneous polymers between 25-110◦ C and 110–265◦ C are due to free water and

A. Gultekin and K. Ramyar Ceramics International xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 9. Oven-cured pumice pastes a) 1.6-4-120◦ C, b) 1.6-8-120◦ C and microwave-cured pumice pastes c) 1.6-8-450W-5 min, d) 1.6-8-600W-15 min.

Fig. 10. Oven-cured perlite pastes, a) 1.6-4-120◦ C, b) 1.6-8-120◦ C and microwave-cured perlite pastes, c) 1.6-8-450W-5 min, d) 1.6-8-450W-15 min.

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Fig. 11. Oven-cured burnt clay pastes a) 2.0-4-120◦ C, b) 2.0-8-120◦ C and microwave-cured burnt clay pastes c) 2.0-8-450W-5 min, d) 2.0-8-450W-15 min.

Fig. 12. Oven-cured fly ash pastes a) 1.6-12-60◦ C, b) 1.0-12-60◦ C and microwave-cured fly ash pastes c) 1.0-12-450W-5 min, d) 1.0-12-450W-15 min.

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Table 3 200–500◦ C is due to the chemically bonded water. The weight loss
EDS analysis results of geopolymer pastes. beyond 500◦ C seems to be due to the loss of unburned carbon and
Code % (by atom) chemically bond water. However, during the preparation of the paste
majority of the unburned coal particles were collected on the top of the
Si Al Na K O Ca Mg Fe
specimen which were probably removed from the sample during fin­
Pm 1.6-8- 22.87 4.27 8.70 2.10 61.15 0.25 0.32 0.31 ishing. Therefore, the impact of unburned coal on TGA of pastes is
120◦ C-
24 h
limited. The microwave-cured geopolymer paste lost greater weight
Pr 1.6-8- 21.14 4.95 4.45 1.73 66.82 0.23 0.47 0.22 than that of the oven-cured one. This can be attributed to the lower
120◦ C- amount of water evaporated during 15-min curing of the microwave
24 h sample than that of the oven-cured one cured for a much longer period.
Bc 2.0-8- 18.62 6.38 5.47 0.08 68.75 0.14 0.46 0.12
The TG weight loss graphs of burnt clay and its oven- and
120◦ C-
24 h microwave-cured geopolymer pastes are shown in Fig. 14. The burnt
Fa 1.0-12- 15.86 5.22 13.69 0.41 62.15 1.38 0.78 0.53 clay did not experience a significant weight loss up to approximately
60◦ C-72 460◦ C, and there was a considerable weight loss in the range of
h 460–700◦ C. It is thought that the weight loss in this temperature range is
Pm 1.6-8- 23.52 4.99 5.71 2.01 62.99 0.26 0.34 0.20
due to the evaporation of the interlayer water and some chemically
15min combined water of the clay. Burnt clay geopolymer pastes showed a
Pr 1.6-8- 20.12 4.20 5.46 0.84 68.63 0.19 0.44 0.16 progressive linear weight loss up to 700◦ C with a similar trend. The
450W- weight loss of these pastes beyond 700◦ C was negligible.
The TG weight loss graphs of raw pumice, raw perlite and their oven/
Bc 2.0-8- 18.14 8.35 6.17 0.09 66.74 0.12 0.27 0.13
450W- microwave-cured geopolymer pastes are shown in Figs. 15 and 16,
15min respectively. None of these samples experienced a sudden loss of weight.
Fa 1.0-12- 21.16 12.73 7.26 0.56 53.45 1.83 1.23 1.80 The samples showed a slow and progressive loss of weight up to 600◦ C.
450W- The weight loss of these geopolymer pastes and raw materials was not
remarkable beyond 600◦ C. While the weight loss curves of the micro­
wave- and oven-cured perlite geopolymers were very similar to each
physically bonded water loss, respectively. The loss of physico-chemical other, the weight loss in microwave-cured pumice geopolymers was very
bonded water, as well as dihydroxylation/polycondensation processes low. The weight loss up to 200◦ C is due to the evaporation of the free
between 270 and 630◦ C are the main reasons of the weight loss in this water and weak physically combined water. The weight loss of pumice
temperature range. and perlite pastes at 200–600◦ C arises from the loss of water from these
Weight loss graphs of the (raw) fly ash as well as its oven- and aluminosilicates. This is evident from the loss of weights of these ma­
microwave-cured geopolymer pastes are shown in Fig. 13. There was no terials in the raw state. Almalkawi et al. [39] found 7% weight loss in TG
considerable weight loss in the raw fly ash up to 500◦ C. Beyond this analysis of ground raw pumice up to 900◦ C. The majority of this
temperature, there was a weight loss arisen probably from the unburned happened at temperatures up to 550◦ C. According to these researchers
carbon. It should be noted that the loss on ignition of the fly ash which is pumice is a hydrophilic material containing considerable water. The
a measure of its unburned carbon is 17%. However, since TG analysis is weight loss of pumice arises majorly from the loss of free water as well as
carried out on very small (20–40 mg) samples, it seems that the small loss of water from the Si–OH, Al–OH groups. Cetintas [40], on the other
sample is not a good representative of the material in terms of unburned hand, experienced most of the weight loss in the TG analysis of perlite at
carbon. Geopolymer pastes showed a considerable weight loss up to temperatures up to 600–650◦ C. In the present study the
200◦ C arisen from the loss of free water. The weight loss in the range of microwave-cured pumice sample showed much less weight loss than the

Fig. 13. TGA of raw fly ash and fly ash-based geopolymer pastes.

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Fig. 14. TGA of raw burnt clay and burnt clay-based geopolymer pastes.

Fig. 15. TGA of ground raw pumice and pumice-based geopolymer pastes.

other samples. The fact was attributed to the curing of this sample at located between about 900 and 1100 cm− 1, were due to the Si–O–Al and
600 W which resulted in a considerable water loss during the curing. Si–O–Si asymmetric stretching vibrations. According to Criado et al.
[41], the shift of the wide and large band around 1078 cm− 1 in the raw
fly ash to lower wave numbers in the geopolymer samples was arisen
3.5. FT-IR and XRD
from the formation of sodium aluminosilicate hydrate gel. Azevedo et al.
[43] attributed this shift to the formation of the three-dimensional
Fig. 17 shows the FT-IR spectra of geopolymer pastes and raw alu­
framework containing silicon and aluminum tetrahedra. The re­
minosilicates. Criado et al. [41] stated that the bands around 460 cm− 1
searchers emphasized that the newly formed structure upon geo­
and 1078 cm− 1 are associated with the bending vibrations of the T-O-T
polymerization, named as N-A-S-H gel, is the reason for the binding
bonds, and the asymmetric stretching vibrations of T-O, respectively (T:
property and mechanical strength of the material. In this study, the band
Si or Al). These two broad and intense bands are characteristic of TO4
peaking at 1085 cm− 1 in the raw fly ash shifted to around 1001-1032
tetrahedra structure. The bands around 1150, 1084, 796-778, 697, 668,
cm− 1 upon geopolymerization. Similar shifts were observed in the
522 and 460 cm− 1 are attributed to the quartz, whereas the peaks
pumice-based matrix (from 1050 to 1012-1042 cm− 1), in the
around 1130-1180 cm− 1 and 550-560 cm− 1 to the presence of mullite in
perlite-based matrix (from 1050 to 1046-1042 cm− 1), and in the burnt
the raw fly ash. Toniolo et al. [42] stated that the wide and large band,

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Fig. 16. TGA of ground raw perlite and perlite-based geopolymer pastes.

Fig. 17. FT-IR spectra of geopolymer pastes and raw aluminosilicates.

clay-based matrix (from 1119 to 1081-1085 cm− 1). 1135 cm− 1 were attributed to the asymmetric stretching vibration of
The number of studies on perlite- and pumice-based geopolymers Si–O–Si and Si–O–Si/Si–O–Al, respectively [44,45]. Taxiarchou et al.
and their FT-IR spectra is limited. Erdogan [44] and Taxiarchou et al. [27] detected that the band located around 1043 cm− 1 in the raw perlite
[27] stated that the vibrations seen at the wave number range of shifted to around 1030 cm− 1 in the perlite-based matrix with geo­
800–1300 cm− 1 originates from both the amorphous and crystalline polymeriation. The fact was attributed to the increase in tetrahedral Al
phases in the raw perlite. In the raw perlite, the two peaks at 1030 and substitution in the geopolymeric network and the incorporation of Si

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Fig. 18. XRD spectra of geopolymer pastes and raw aluminosilicates (q: quartz, s: sanidine, a: albite, d: dickite, k: kaolinite, m: mullite, h: hematite, ms: muscovite,
z: zeolite).

and Al species into the geopolymeric network structure. Erdogan [44] carbonation at around 1430 cm− 1 and stated that this band is linked
reported that this shift can be considered as an indication of the geo­ with the O–C–O stretching vibrations of the carbonates formed by the
polymerization and the intensity of the band around 460 cm− 1, attrib­ interaction of unreacted activator in the geopolymer with the CO2 of air.
uted to O–Si–O and Si–O–Si bending vibrations, was found to be less in Examination of the XRD spectra of geopolymer pastes and raw alu­
the geopolymer samples due to the change of the raw perlite structure minosilicates, shown in Fig. 18, revealed the presence of dickite, quartz
with geopolymerization. Tasdelen [46] assigned the peaks around 460 and kaolinite peaks in the burnt raw clay. On the other hand, sanidine,
and 780 cm− 1 to the bending vibrations of Si–O–Si bonds in the raw albite and quartz peaks were detected in the raw pumice and perlite.
pumice. In the present study, with geopolymerization, the wide and Besides, there was some changes in the peak intensities after geo­
intense peaks around 1050 cm− 1 in the raw perlite and pumice were polymerization of the burnt clay-, pumice- and perlite-based geo­
observed to be shifted to the lower wave numbers. This was also the case polymer pastes. In addition, new peaks were formed in the pumice and
in fly ash-based system. perlite-based geopolymers after 15 min of microwave curing. This sit­
Tironi et al. [47] stated that if all four of the bands at 3620, 3650, uation was more clear in the fly ash-based geopolymers. In place of
3670 and 3700 cm− 1 in the FT-IR spectrum of kaolinite are clearly seen, mullite, muscovite, hematite and quartz peaks found in the XRD spec­
the kaolinite structure is ordered, while the disappearance of the band at trum of raw fly ash, several zeolite peaks were appeared in the spectrum
3670 cm− 1 indicates that the structure is disordered and prone to easy of 15-min microwave-cured fly ash geopolymer. Similar observations
dehydration. Moreover, the bands seen around 430, 470, 1009, 1032, were made on the fly ash-based geopolymers by Shi et al. [22] and
1115 cm− 1 were reported to be associated with the Si–O bonds, the Bakharev [53] to report the formation of zeolitic structures in these
bands around 538, 754, 789 cm− 1 to the Si–O–Al bonds and the bands mixtures.
around 696, 912, 939 cm− 1 to the Al–OH bonds. Nmiri et al. [48]
attributed the peak at 798 cm− 1 in the raw metakaolin to the Si–O bond 3.6. Energy consumption during curing
vibrations, stating that the intensity of this band may decrease with
geopolymerization. The fact arises from the reduction of aluminum co­ The amount of energy required to precure/cure the specimens
ordination from VI to IV, which characterizes the geopolymer structure. (consumed either by the conventional oven and/or by the microwave
The appearance of this band in geopolymer samples was related to the oven) as well as their compressive strengths are shown in Table 4. As can
presence of the unreacted metakaolin particles [48]. be seen from the table, irrespective of the aluminosilicate material type,
Regarding the FT-IR spectra of the materials used in the present the electricity consumption per unit compressive strength is consider­
study, the peaks around 3400-3500 cm− 1 were attributed to the –OH ably low in the microwave curing. In pumice, perlite and clay-based
and H–O–H stretching vibrations [42,49], while the peaks around geopolymers, microwave curing, in spite of consuming less energy,
1600-1650 cm− 1 wave numbers to the H–O–H bending vibrations [42, resulted in a higher compressive strength than the oven curing. These
50]. These seem to be caused by the water or –OH ions in the sample or results show that reasonable compressive strengths can be achieved with
on its surface. Several researchers reported that the peaks around a short microwave curing time and low energy consumption.
1400-1450 cm− 1 were associated with the carbonates in the geopolymer
[51,52]. Toniolo et al. [42] observed the band originating from

A. Gultekin and K. Ramyar Ceramics International xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4
Energy consumption during curing of selected geopolymer mortar mixtures.
Mixture Comp. strength (MPa) Energy consumption (kWh) Energy cons./MPa Energy saving (%)

Precure (oven) Oven curing Microwave curing Total

Pm 1.6-8-120◦ C-24 h 26.3 – 8.90 – 8.90 0.338

Pm 1.6-8-600W-15min 27.8 1.59 – 0.27 1.86 0.067
Pr 1.6-8-120◦ C-24 h 23.6 – 8.90 – 8.90 0.377
Pr 1.6-8-450W-15min 36.5 1.59 – 0.21 1.80 0.049
Bc 2.0-8-120◦ C-24 h 29.1 – 8.90 – 8.90 0.306
Bc 2.0-8-450W-15min 33.6 1.21 – 0.21 1.42 0.042
Fa 1.0-12-60◦ C-72 h 54.4 – 12.62 – 12.62 0.231
Fa 1.0-12-450W-15min 24.0 1.05 – 0.21 1.26 0.053

4. Conclusions Acknowledgment

In this study, the effect of microwave and oven curing on the pumice, This work was supported by The Scientific and Technological
perlite, burnt clay and fly ash-based geopolymer mortars was investi­ Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [grant number 119M950]. The
gated. For this purpose, alkali solutions having four different Ms ratios authors also acknowledge the contribution of Ege University Central
(1.0, 1.2, 1.6, and 2.0) and three different Na2O ratios by weight of Research, Test and Analysis Laboratory for SEM/EDS & TG analysis and
aluminosilicate (4, 8, and 12%) were used. For the materials used and Izmir Katip Celebi University Central Research Laboratory for XRD and
tests applied the following conclusions were drawn: FT-IR analysis as well as particle size distribution determination.

• It is possible to produce medium strength (around 25 MPa) geo­ References

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