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Haji Heqmat, a Taliban Governor, claims that "We have won the war, America has lost''.

him, Taliban takeover is the victory of Afghan people who are struggling for freedom from
the foreigners.To justify why Taliban insurgency is linked with freedom, I want to explore
Afghanistan,It's people, their ethnicity,and historical phenomenon of the last fifty years.

The background of Taliban ruled Afghanistan :

The Soviet invasion creates positive and negative power:

The history of Afghanistan is so unresting, always fraught with conflict and war.The current
phenomenon dates back to the late 70s, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. The
Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan on December 24 1979 to uphold the Soviet-Afghan
Friendship Treaty.The treaty signed in 1978 is about the two countries agreeing to provide
economic and military assistance. Afghanistan borders are always considered to Russia for
its national security and a gateway to Asia. Russia had long tried to establish strong ties for
their own interest.

A communist revolution in Afghanistan and its one-party state, run by head of the party Nur
Mohammed Taraki, was so unpopular in Afghanistan that the Soviets attempted to support it
with the Soviet-Afghan Friendship treaty.

However, when Taraki was overthrown and killed It gives a chance to the Soviet Union to
invade the Country.In December They entered Afghanistan to re-establish a government
which followed its desires.

The next ten year war has been described as ‘Russia’s Vietnam’, with the country sending in
troops, spending millions to the country, and ultimately retreating.

How the people of Afghanistan defends them from Soviet Union( negative power) :

To defend the country from the invaders, Groups of guerrilla fighters known as "mujahideen
or holy warriors" call for a JIHAD against Soviet forces.More than 1 million Afghan
civilians and some 15,000 Soviet soldiers died in this war.
Millions of Afghans flee to neighboring countries as refugees. The U.S.A provides their help
and aid and arms to the Afghan mujahideen groups, via Pakistan.The communist elevation in
Afghanistan was a serious headache for the USA.It is clear that if Russia controls
Afghanistan then it gets its way to The middle East countries Through Iran and USA is going
to loss It's absolute control in Middle East.That's why USA provides every possible support
to fight back Soviet Union.

Post-Soviet the Civil war because of Cultural acculturation in Afghanistan :

Soviet want to make the nation cummunist.They want to acculturate Their culture with
Afghan culture which is dominated by religion.Thats why when they left the country The
Civil broke out between ex Afghan Mujahideen Commanders and Najibullah Government
installed by USSR affirmed the claim of the Soviet that these Afghan Mujahideen instead of
bringing peace, stability and development, drag Afghanistan into medieval ages.Besides,
destruction and devastation, this civil war drives the loss of faith and reverence for their
leadership. After the withdrawal of Soviet Forces in 1989 from Afghanistan, the Mujahedeen
leaders, once the symbol of most sacred dogma of Islam "The JIHADI" were no more found
involved into peaceful activities.They are involved in some heinous and unsocial activities,
which later became the major cause of Reign of Terror (1992-1996).

The reign of terror immediate before the emerge of Taliban:

The withdrawal of the USSR brought an unprecedented change in traditional political

anatomy of Afghan society.

1. Social and Economic Anarchy:

Following the withdrawal of Soviet forces and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991,
Najibullah's pro-communist government failed to hold power. Mujahideen leaders turn on
each other.Gulbuddin Hekmatyar a prominent mujahidin, attacks Kabul and the entire city is
left in rubble. The national museum is rocketed and the bank is looted. Some 50,000 people
are killed in this anarchy.

2. Conflict between Mujahideen leaders :

Mujahideen leaders are also one of the main causes of this anarchy. There was no end to their
deadly fighting and they are from different ethnicities and regions, or, each
province is governed by their own Mujahidin who are fighting Against one another.

3. lack of political expediency:

There was an incapacity and inefficiency of political leadership to eliminate the famine
conditions and economic deterioration, which really had been futile to their normal life. The
saying becomes true that the Soviet occupation could not affect the lives of common
Afghans as it was ruined now by the victorious Mujahideens rule.

4. The devastating condition of major cities:

During the Soviet occupation, the major cities generally remained secure where the
normalcy of life can be seen as possible.To Contrary,during the civil war the major cities of
Afghans became the bastion of power struggle. As Michael Griffin (2001) showed that
almost 300,000 Kabulis left the capital Kabul for Jalalabad. In the end of 1994, more than
1000 people fled from the capital city every day.

5. Brain drain:

Civil war makes common life miserable. Educated people in every prospective sector fled
away from the country. Doctors,professors,Engineers,Social workers fled for the betterment
of their life in western countries.Some of them took shelter in refugee camps. Those
migrants were highly qualified that “It was referred to as University of Kabul in Exile”

6. The absence of central government:

Before The Taliban Take over, There was no central government. Every province was
separated from one another.Local Tax and Other wages are collected by local
militants.Foreign investors had no interest in investing there.Though The route of
Afghanistan is very important for trade but for local tax the transportation cost was high.but
noone is left to control it as there is no government.

The emergence of Taliban:

The word Taliban came from the word Takib means" the seeker of knowledge".Basically they
are the students of Madrasah gathered under the leadership of Mollah Mohammad Umar who
was a former Mujahidin( freedom fighters).They left the book and took the weapon in order
to make the Afghanistan peaceful.

Taliban religious view and ethnicity :

Taliban as the combination of "Mollah"( teachers) and "Talibs"(students) are too strict to the
religion of Islam.They came from Northern region and rooted to Kandahar.Taliban belongs to
the major ethnic group of Afghanistan that is pashtuns making up Between 40 percent and 50
percent of the population.

The conflict between Tajiks and pashtuns(cultural relativism):

Tajik is another ethnic group which holds 27% of the population. The Panjshir Valley in the
north of the country is the strong base of Tajiks.when Taliban who belong to the Pashtun
came into power by taking the control of all major cities.most of the ethic group pledges to
the Taliban.
But Tajiks continued their struggle not for religion but for ethnicity.the legendary mujahideen
commander Ahmad Shah Massood continues his resistance.Tajiks have battled Pashtuns not
only by militarily but also by politically for influence in Afghanistan over the years.Some
days ago, Northern Alliance which was leaded by tajik confronts Taliban in panjshir.It was
termed by media that The people of Afghanistan continues their fighting Against Taliban
actually this is ethnic war not the people of Afghanistan fights against Taliban but the tajiks

How was The Then Taliban Reign from 19996-2001 from emic and etic perspective :
Taliban ruled Afghanistan with two basic orientation -
1.their ethnic Orientation of Pashtuns and Their culture.
2.Their religious orientation as they are Scholars of Muslim Shariah.

Taliban Was came from Pashtuns ethnic group who maintains the rules of Islam strictly and
Islam has a great influence on the Pashtun culture such as their clothing. The women wear
long dresses and cover their heads with veils. Men wear loose-fitting shirts that are of knee
length and trousers tied to the waist with string. There is a strong reflection of their culture in
Their Rule.

Most of them are religious scholars so they have tried to apply all the Islamic rules to the 6th
and 7th century.That's why they banned listening to music and watching Tv and other
entertainment and make the people follow the rules.

What are the limitations of Taliban ruled Afghanistan :

Though Taliban brings back the stability and peace in Afghanistan by enforcing the law and
order.but in some cases it was to harsh.And something they used their law Against the
minority and woman.they are religious scholar which is not enough to rule a Country.because
they are badly needed educated people in Every sector and also they had no prior experience
about how to rule a country which is already doomed by civil war.Again for their strict
religious position most of the countries called them "fundamentalist" and stops their
investment and it was not easy for them to uphold the economy.

The second era started a few days ago.And I think after 20 years of struggling, Taliban has
changed enough and experienced enough to run the country.

Taliban takeover is "The victory of Afghan people ' as a whole.:

Here, I want to see the takeover as a whole and apply the approach of holism to see how
Taliban represents the victory of The Afghan.
1. To make a Inclusive council by ensuring the presence of all ethnic group :

There are more than 10 ethnic groups living in Afghanistan. To ensure the piece,Taliban
should invite all the people of different ethnicity and class
Pashtun,Hazaras,Tajiks,Uzbeks,Aimaq people are the most prominent ethnic groups in
Afghanistan so they all should make a inclusive Government.Taliban leader Jalaluddin
Haqqani is trying to assemble all kinds of people under one roof.Former president Hamid
karzai,Chief executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah,Ashraf Ghani's brother and other
prominent leaders are already assured that the upcoming government is going to be inclusive

2. To convince the northern alliance:

The Northern alliance is the only blockade before the Taliban.Panjshir province is the only
province where it is difficult for Taliban to enter inside.I think negotiations should be the best
solution because when Taliban deploys their army to take the province forcibly it will be fatal
for every side and as most of them are tajiks who lived in Panjshir so it’s better to negotiate to
avoid further difficulty.

3. To ensure Global acceptance:

Russia, China, USA,India,-all the countries are waiting to see how the Taliban deals with the
upcoming situation.If they are accepted by the people of Afghanistan, they will be recognised
by the world.The first attempt was so promising as they declared Amnesty to everyone.

4. To ensure the right of woman:

There is a controversy that Taliban gives no right to the woman.which was a common
allegation against the Taliban regime, so they should be more liberal about it. In their first
official conference in kabul they promises-

"The issue of women is very important. The Islamic Emirate is committed to the rights of
women within the framework of Sharia. Our sisters, our men have the same rights; they will
be able to benefit from their rights. They can have activities in different sectors and different
areas on the basis of our rules and regulations: educational, health and other areas. They are
going to be working with us"

5. To make an effective use of manpower:

The group will struggle to provide effective governance to the people of Afghanistan as the
government doesn't have much revenue to spend on public services. At that time, people
belonging to all classes should give their best effort and the government should provide
security and services.And one should not flee the country without any valid cause.

6. To focus on Economy and reliance on foreign aid:

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries where more than 20 percent of its gross income is
provided by foreign aid.The US froze $9.5bn of Afghan central bank’s assets which is a huge
economic pressure for Taliban. So they should use their mineral wealth and invites China and
Russia for foreign aid.Their spokesperson promises-
"We are going to build infrastructure for the economy. For this we are going to take actions
for economic activities. The interactions with the international community, with other
countries are going to continue."

To conclude,we can't say that The Taliban takeover is the victory of the Afghan people until
they fulfil the basic requirement of the common people. As I discussed earlier, several ethnic
groups belong to Afghanistan so without an inclusive government it will be all futile.If
Taliban sort out their problem and seek help from the International community, it will be
better for them.
Finally I want to say that the Taliban is the most powerful military group in Afghanistan but
not the representative of all Afghan people.And in Afghanistan it will not be durable if the
government is formed by the people of the obe community. So If the upcoming government is
an inclusive government then we can say that-

"It is the victory of the Afghan people."

References :
● BBC News. 2021. Who are the Taliban?. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 30 August

● 2021. Taliban | Today's latest from Al Jazeera. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 30 August 2021].

● 2021. NPR Cookie Consent and Choices. [online] Available at:
-humanitarian-china-pakistan> [Accessed 30 August 2021].

● 2021. Treatment of women by the Taliban - Wikipedia. [online]

Available at: <>
[Accessed 30 August 2021].

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