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 Spreadsheet software is a software application capable

of organizing, storing and analyzing data in tabular
 It can also have multiple interacting sheets with data
represented in text, numeric or in graphic form.
 The application can provide digital simulation of paper
accounting worksheets.
 Spreadsheet software is also known as a spreadsheet
program or spreadsheet application.
 Example: Microsoft Excel
Features of Microsoft Excel

Pivot Table
 PivotTable summaries large amounts of Excel data from a
database that is formatted where the first row contains
headings and the other rows contain categories or values.
 The way the data is summarized is flexible but usually the
Pivot Table will contain values summed over some or all of
the categories.
 A pivot table in Excel allows us to extract the significance
from a large, detailed data set.
 A pivot table is a table of statistics that summarizes the
data of a more extensive table (such as from
a database, spreadsheet, or business intelligence program.
Conditional Formatting
 Conditional formatting, as its name suggests, changes
the format of a cell dependent on the content of the
cell, or a range of cells, or another cell or cells in the
 Conditional formatting helps users to quickly focus on
important aspects of a spreadsheet or to highlight
errors and to identify important patterns in data.
 Conditional formats can apply basic font and cell
formatting such as number format, font color and
other font attributes, cell borders and cell fill color.
Sorting and Filtering
 Excel spreadsheets help us make sense of large
amounts of data. To make it easier to find what you
need, you can reorder the data or pick out just the data
you need, based on parameters you set within Excel.
 Sorting and filtering data will save time and make
spreadsheet more effective.
Basic Math
 At the heart of any Excel spreadsheet are the numbers
within the data.
 Using basic math functions to manipulate those
numbers is one of the features that makes Excel so
 Simple calculations can be entered into the formula
bar in Excel just as they would be written on paper.
 As with all formulae in Excel, start a calculation with
the = sign.
Mixed Type Charts
 Mixed type or combo (combination) charts combine
two styles of charts, such as Excel’s column chart and
line chart.
 This format can be helpful for displaying two different
types of information or a range of values that varies
Excel sheet
 Cell: A cell is the intersection between a row and
a column on a spreadsheet.
 Active Cell: The active cell is also referred to as cell
pointer or selected cell. An active cell refers to a cell in
Excel spreadsheet that is currently selected by clicking
mouse pointer or keyboard keys. (Remember only one
cell can be an active cell at a time. An active cell is
bounded by a heavy border around it.)
 Cell range: A cell range is a collection of selected cells
in a spreadsheet. The cell range is usually symmetrical
(square), but can exist of separate cells just the same.
Cell References:
Relative cell Reference

By default, Excel uses relative references. See the formula in cell

D2 below. Cell D2 references (points to) cell B2 and cell C2. Both
references are relative.
A cell reference or relative cell reference describes how far away a cell or
group of cells is from another cell in the same spreadsheet.
Absolute cell reference
 An absolute cell reference is a cell reference in a
spreadsheet application that remains constant even if
the shape or size of the spreadsheet is changed, or the
reference is copied or moved to another cell or sheet.
 Absolute cell references are important when referring
to constant values in a spreadsheet.
 Absolute cell reference may also be called absolute
Absolute cell reference

 To create an absolute reference to cell H3, place a $

symbol in front of the column letter and row number
($H$3) in the formula of cell E3.
Mixed cell references

• A mixed reference is a reference that refers to a specific

row or column. For example, $A1 or A$1.
Mixed cell Reference

The reference to the price should be a fixed reference to column B. Solution: place
a $ symbol in front of the column letter ($B2) in the formula of cell F2. In a similar
way, when we drag cell F2 down, the reference to the reduction should be
a fixed reference to row 6. Solution: place a $ symbol in front of the row number
(B$6) in the formula of cell F2.
Note: we don't place a $ symbol in front of the row number of
$B2 (this way we allow the reference to change from $B2 (Jeans)
to $B3 (Shirts) when we drag the formula down).
In a similar way, we don't place a $ symbol in front of the
column letter of B$6 (this way we allow the reference to change
from B$6 (Jan) to C$6 (Feb) and D$6 (Mar) when we drag the
formula across).
Now we can quickly drag this formula to the other cells.
The references to column B and row 6 are
Formula and Function in excel
 Formula is denoted by = sign at the front in formula bar of excel.
 For example: = C1+C2
 A function is a predefined formula that performs calculations
using specific values in a particular order.
 Excel includes many common functions that can be used to
quickly find:
 sum, average, count, maximum value, and minimum
value for a range of cells.
 Excel provides an extensive range of Statistical Functions, that
perform calculations from basic mean, median & mode to the
more complex statistical distribution and probability tests.
 For example: =average(C1:G1)

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