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Horizontal and vertical measurement..............................................................................................2
Level and plumb...........................................................................................................................3
Dimensions of circle........................................................................................................................3
Dimensional accuracy......................................................................................................................5
Bibliographic References.................................................................................................................8

The current job has as topic Dimensional measurements, where we´re going to talk about
horizontal and vertical measurements, dimensions of a circle and dimensional accuracy.

Dimensional measurement is how we know and quantify the size and shape of things. It involves
lengths and angles as well as geometrical properties such as flatness and straightness.

The dimensions related to circles are: radius, diameter, circumference, arc and chord.

It´s impossible to produce products with 100% accuracy, cause all the products processes are
imprecise, so the sizes of several components produced from the same design will differ.

The current job is divided in 6 parts: cape (with the institution and the group integrants names),
the index (with topic pages), introduction, the job development (where we are going to explain
the topic), the conclusion (with a short summary of the topic) and bibliographic references.

Horizontal and vertical measurement
Length is a measurement of how long a surface/object is. The measurement is taken between two
points that are furthest apart. The length is measured along a horizontal plane. It is the distance
between a vertical plane striking the front of the object and a vertical plane striking the rear of
the object. For example, the longest dimension of a rectangle, or a road.

Height measures how tall an object is. The dimension is measured vertically between the
underside of the object and a horizontal plane striking the top of the object.

Width measures how wide or narrow an object is. It’s measured horizontally between vertical
planes striking the outside faces of the object. For example: if length is the longest dimension of
a road, width is the distance across the road.

Level and plumb

If a surface is described level, this means it is both horizontal and flat. However, a surface which
is flat, is not necessarily horizontal. A flat surface may be vertical, or inclined (sloping at an
angle to the horizontal or vertical plane).

Faces that are vertical, such as those of the walls of buildings, are described by engineers as
being plumb. Structures that are slightly inclined from vertical are said to be out of plumb.

Dimensions of circle
To talk about the dimensions of a circle, we’ll take a tire into account, the dimensions related to
circles are: radius, diameter, circumference, arc and chord.

Radius – is the distance from the center of a circle to any point on it.

The measurement of the radius taken from the center of the circle to different points on its edge
are equal, that means the circle has a constant radius.

Diameter – is the longest distance from one end of a circle to the other. The diameter is 2 x

Circumference – is the distance around the circle.

Arc - is a curved line that is part of the circumference of a circle. When a tire is fitted to a car, it
´s compressed against the ground, and its geometry changes, it deforms, before the deformation,
this part of the tire forms an arc of the circle, it´s not a straight line, it´s a curved line.

Chord – is a line segment within a circle that touches 2 points on the circle. For example: when a
tire is fitted on a car, it´s compressed against the ground, its geometry changes, it deforms, before
the deformation it´s an arc, but after the deformation it becomes a chord of the circle, forming a
straight line.

Dimensional accuracy
It´s impossible to produce objects with dimensions absolutely precise, with sizes exactly the
same as those specified in a design, because the production processes are imprecise to a certain
extent. And then the sizes of several objects produced from the same design differ. Although the
variation may only be a few hundredths of a millimetre, sizes will not be 100% precise when
compared with the design.

Because is well known that accuracy cannot be perfect, in designs they often specify tolerances,
acceptable variations in precision. Instead of giving a precise size, a tolerance specifies a range
of acceptable sizes. This is often given as a difference from a precise size.

When putting a component inside another, such as a shaft or a bolt going through a hole, the two
must fit together, their sizes and shapes must match. There are two main types of fit:

A clearance fit allows a component to slide or turn freely, by leaving clearance (a gap) between
itself and the sides of the hole, this distance must be quite precise. If there is insufficient
clearance, the component will fit too tightly, as result, the component will blind, it´ll not be able

to slide or turn freely. However, if there´s too much clearance, there will be too much play and
the component will be able to move too much.

An interference fit is a very fit which does not allow a component to move freely inside a hole.
This type of fit cab be achieved by forcing the component into the hole, or the metal around the
hole can be heated so that it expands (increases in size due to heat), after sufficient expansion,
the component is placed in the hole, the metal then cools and decreases in size due to cooling.

Dimensional measurement is how we know and quantify the size and shape of things. It involves
lengths and angles as well as geometrical properties such as flatness and straightness. It involves:
length (how long or short it is); height (how tall or short it is); and width (how wide or narrow it

A circle is a simple shape, consisting of those points in a plane that are a given distance from a
given point, the dimensions related to circles are: radius, diameter, circumference, arc and chord.

It is not possible to produce objects with dimensions absolutely precise, because of that is often
specified acceptable variations in precision (tolerance) on objects production.

Bibliographic References

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