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IES “Raúl Bernardino Barbetti”

Profesorado para la Educación Secundaria en Inglés”

Práctica docente IV Residencia
IES “Raúl Bernardino Barbetti”
Profesorado para la Educación Secundaria en Inglés”
Práctica docente IV Residencia


English is a well-known and widely used language throughout the world, it

is essential to know it and also be able to master it, and the fact of having
the possibility of studying it is great, this is one of the reasons why I chose
this career. English opens doors for you, for example to get to know new
cultures, travel to other places, meet native people and be able to
communicate with them. It gives you many opportunities around the world,
one of them is to obtain a scholarship to be able to study in another
country. And being able to teach it is even better since you can transmit all
the good things you have to your students and they will be able to know the
basics things to be able to communicate with other native people.
Another reason why I chose this teacher training was because of the
previous knowledge I had about English, since in the past I studied in an
academy, and this made it easier to study something I already knew. I love
English, and the fact of studying this profession opens many doors for you
to be able to travel abroad and learn about new cultures and thus also be
able to expand your vocabulary.
The fact that the English Teacher Training is in a town close to mine was
one of the motivations that led me to choose this career due to the fact that
in my town there is no career that I liked to study, and the other careers
were far of my city. It was difficult to me to go to study far from home.
Another of the things that motivated me to study it was the help we
received through scholarships, since this makes it a little easier for us
economically since studying requires many expenses and sometimes it is
difficult to solve them.
The first two years of teaching were quite good and also a bit difficult since
they were the years where we learned the most about grammar, phonetics,
culture, etc., thanks to the teachers we had who were very demanding and
that allowed us to learn much more. There were also tutorials that helped us
not to fall behind since the teachers helped us in what was difficult for us to
In the last two years (or better said 3, because thanks to the pandemic, we
had to take one more year of classes) we developed more in the practices.
In 3rd was our first experience in front of the classroom and in front of the
students. And in the last Year that was already our practicum, we were able
IES “Raúl Bernardino Barbetti”
Profesorado para la Educación Secundaria en Inglés”
Práctica docente IV Residencia
to develop even more in our practices since the hourly load was greater
than in 3rd and the experience was unique and unforgettable, thanks to that
we reached the end of our practicum.

The institution in which I had to do my internship is in School No. 80 "Luis
Maria Drago", a normal secondary school, the only one in Presidencia
Roca, the course that I had was 5th year "I" division. The number of
students in that course was 33, although at the beginning it was divided into
2 bubbles of 16 students in one and 17 students in another, so every week I
had to give my class with a different bubble, and the bubble that was not in
class, I had to send him a video explaining the lexical item that I developed
that day that they were not there.
The students were participative, they had good behavior, they were
respectful and the teacher of the course was also very good, she always
helped in everything.
My expectations for the practices were to be able to finish my practicum in
the best way, to do well in all the classes, to be able to learn and improve a
little more in each class, to learn from my mistakes and to be able to correct
them, to be able to function in front of the classroom and to be able to
dominate the group of students.
The activities that I made during the practices were the following:
It should be noted that I was the first student to start teaching, since the
others started a week later.
The first day I felt a little nervous, I did not know if I was going to
do well or not, I was afraid of making a mistake, that the students
would not want to participate. The first activity I made was to show
the students different images of what people do in their daily routine
(for example: go to school, work in the office, watch TV, etc.) they
had to identify each image and tell me what each one of them was
about, once they knew what they were, I told them in English, and
through them, we elicit the form, the meaning and the use of the
present simple (I, we, you, they).
IES “Raúl Bernardino Barbetti”
Profesorado para la Educación Secundaria en Inglés”
Práctica docente IV Residencia
At first, the students were a bit shy and did not want to participate,
but later they lost their shyness and were encouraged to participate
without problems. That first day personally I think it was well for
me, beyond that I had some pronunciation and grammar mistakes,
but I had group management, a good tone of voice, and the next class
I was able to correct my mistakes.
The second day I felt a little calmer, I gave them some little signs in
which they had to write their names, so I could learn faster and
called them by their names.
Later, I had to give my class about the Fake news of the coronavirus,
I wrote them 3 false sentences about the covid, and they had to tell
me if they were okay or not, and how we had to write them to be
true. They have to tell me to write the sentences in a negative way,
that is, add the auxiliary + "not"., and in this way, I made them elicit
the form, meaning and use of the present simple in negative form.
Later, by way of checking, I wrote them 2 sentences in their positive
form on the blackboard and they had to turn it into their negative
form. After that, they had to complete negative sentences and then
answer questions of themselves, and share them with their
classmates. My classes were on Mondays and Tuesdays, on Mondays
I had 80 minutes, and on Tuesdays 40 minutes, so on Tuesdays what
we did was to practice the lexical item learned more orally.

 In each class, the students had to

go to the blackboard to write the
IES “Raúl Bernardino Barbetti”
Profesorado para la Educación Secundaria en Inglés”
Práctica docente IV Residencia
answers to the activities with the help of the other classmates,
and then we all checked if the activities were okay.

In the third week, I already started to implement new things in my

classes, first, as a warm up, I made a game called "Sentence Race”.
This game consisted of the students had to divide into two groups,
there were two tables in which there were different sentences
disordered in the present simple, I read one of them and one of each
group had to go and put the sentence in the correct order, and paste it
on the blackboard, the one who finished first was the one who won.
The students had a lot of fun with the game and wanted to keep
playing but we had to start with the new lexical item.
To start the new lexical, I first gave them a copy that had a text and
some questions related to it. They first had to read the questions to
know what they were about and then read the text once. Then, I
played the audio of the text for them to listen and answer the
questions. In this way, I implemented reading and listening in the
class. After they answered those questions, I wrote them 3 more
questions about the text on the board, which they had to answer.
After they did, we wrote the answers on the board, and through them,
we elicited the present simple 3rd person.
After that, as check in, I wrote on the blackboard sentences that were
divided into parts, they had to join the sentence with the part that
corresponded to them.
Later, I gave them some copies in which they had to complete the
sentences in the correct form of the present simple. and then we
controlled the exercises all together.
Then for them to practice what they learned orally, I wrote a chart on
the blackboard, in which there are things that they do in their daily
routines, such as play football, cook, go to school, etc. They had to
work in pairs and complete according to what their partner told them,
and then read the answers.
In the next class, they had to write about their families' daily routine
using the verbs that we already learned in the previous exercise in
the last class.
IES “Raúl Bernardino Barbetti”
Profesorado para la Educación Secundaria en Inglés”
Práctica docente IV Residencia
In the fourth week, I went back to dealing with the fake news about
coronavirus, since it was a topic that I had to deal with in depth. I
wrote positive sentences on the blackboard, and the students had to
tell me how we wrote them in negative form, but this time using the
3rd person of singular, that is, with "does not". And in this way, we
elicit the negative form of the present simple in 3rd person.
Later, to check, we made a game using an app called "word wall", in
which there were 3 sentences that were completely messed up,
misspelled, the students had to change them and write them
correctly. They really liked this game, and in this way, they could
see that there are different ways to learn English, not only
grammatically, and that learning English is not as boring as everyone
thinks, but can be learned through games, apps, technology, etc. and
it can be a lot of fun.

 Here we can see

a clipping of the
game that I
made with the
students, this is
the “word wall
page” and there
is the disordered
sentence, they had to order it correctly. As you can see it is by
time so the student who ordered in the shortest time, was the
one who won.

In the fifth week, I taught them more vocabulary about the activities
we do in our daily lives. I wrote them different phrases on the
blackboard (go out with friends, have dinner, go to school, go to bed,
etc.) and asked them if they knew the meaning of these. In this way I
was eliciting the words that they did not know, until at the end they
were able to know the meaning of all the phrases.
After that, I wrote on the blackboard some questions, which the
students had to answer after watching a video. In the video there
were two people talking to a hamster. The video is about a hamster
talking to a boy. The hamster asking Max (the boy who was in the
video) “Do you like to play football? Max said “No, I don’t like”.
IES “Raúl Bernardino Barbetti”
Profesorado para la Educación Secundaria en Inglés”
Práctica docente IV Residencia
Again, the hamster asked him Does Marie (the girl in the video) like
to play football? Max answered him again “No, she doesn’t like.”
Then Max asked the hamster “Do you like to play football?” The
hamster answered “Yes, I do.”. In this way, through the video we
elicit the interrogative form of the present simple.
The next activity they had to do was match the questions with the
correct answer, and then do an exercise that consisted of completing
with the question form of the present simple.
Once I finish giving all the forms of the present simple, I begin to
develop the present continuous. I gave them a text that was a
"Holiday blog", taking some sentences from this text and eliciting, I
taught them the form, meaning and use of the present continuous.
The following week I went over all the topics we gave because the
next week I had to take an exam.
Then to finish my practicum, I took an exam on all the subjects that I
taught them from the beginning.
Finally, I said goodbye to the students, I thanked them for all this
time and they gave me their returns for my classes. They told me
what things I have to improve and what things they liked about the

On my last day of practicum, I felt very happy, because despite the

fact that there were days where it did not go very well, I had finished
IES “Raúl Bernardino Barbetti”
Profesorado para la Educación Secundaria en Inglés”
Práctica docente IV Residencia
an important stage of my career and I felt that I learned a lot and that
I had many lessons that I will apply, when I receive me.

In practice at first, I was a little insecure, but then I lost my fear and
it was much better for me.
As the classes developed, I could see improvements in the students,
those who never participated, began to participate and understand the
topics that we were developing. Besides that, some of them did not
pass the exam, the majority passed. In other words, most of them
understood what we developed during the classes.
One of the difficulties that arose during the practices was that I
hurried a lot when developing the classes, and that way the students
did not understand me. But then I got better since I relaxed a little
more and went a little slower in the classes.
I believe that my teaching style was changing since I incorporated
various ways of teaching either through a game, an audio, a text, etc.
And in that way, I was modifying my teaching style.
From my teaching training I think that all these years I learned a lot,
although I think I still have a lot to learn. The last year of my degree
I had to take it virtually, since as is public knowledge, there was a
pandemic and because of this, I think there were many things that I
lacked to learn. But I also think that it is my responsibility not to stay
with what I have learned during these years but that I have to
continue training even more outside the classroom.
I think that one the aspects that I am strengthened during the classes
is in the mastery of the classes, since I think I had a good mastery of
the group during the practices. Also, another aspect that I am
strengthened is in the tone of my voice, since I have a very powerful
voice and that makes me heard well throughout the classroom.
The aspects that I have to improve are in the pronunciation of some
words, since during the classes there were words that I pronounced
badly. And I also had some mistakes in the way of writing some

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