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Free College Education.

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Many individuals place a high value on a college degree. However, school rates have

been rising in recent years, and many occupations need a college degree, making it difficult for

individuals without a higher education. College education has become a need in today's culture,

but soaring tuition rates are placing some students out of reach ("Should college be free?" 2022).

The first two years of college should be supplied and totally subsidized by the government in

order to encourage students to complete their college degree without seeing college as a financial


Lower-income households may apply for financial help and pell handouts from the

government. Student loans are also available and are often regarded as the most common kind of

financial assistance (Strempel & Handel, 2021). Approximately 10 million college students took

out loans during the 2012-13 academic year alone, and the total amount of student loan debt in

America was predicted to be over $ 1.3 trillion in 2015. This only goes to show that even if some

students get financial assistance to attend school, there is always a charge that must be paid out

of pocket.

In comparison to people with little to no college history, free college would increase

better educational advantages such as employment and higher income. Free college tuition will

provide many students with an equal chance to attain their objectives, whether they are for an

associate's degree or a doctorate. A college degree may not only be a life-changing

accomplishment, but it can also improve their future and open doors to greater work chances.

Of course, not everyone supports free college. Some argue that just naming something

free does not imply that it is free. Taxpayers support public education, and free college implies

increased taxation. With so-called free college tuition, it will attract students who are unsuited

for the academic environment and will ultimately drop out, resulting in higher taxation for

taxpayers regardless of whether their children attend college or not. Some argue that college

should not be free because uninspired, lazy, or disinterested students will go. Students that attend

college will acquire a job and will ultimately be able to pay off their student loans.

College education may be made free in a variety of ways. Students who serve with

AmeriCorps, for example, may be eligible for a free college education. Developing several

initiatives to enable the federal government to give an education where they may study various

sorts of employment. A free college education may provide several advantages to the nation. It

would prepare individuals to enter the labor field and contribute to society. It will provide you

with additional opportunity to develop new skills. It will also help the nation have less public aid,

and the country's economy will improve (Should college be free?,2022). College education is

highly essential to many individuals, yet many of them cannot afford it due to the expensive cost.

Free education would result in a better educated society. They would make better judgments, and

poverty would be reduced. Free college education would make life in a nation that cares about its

people more sophisticated.

There are many high school kids with outstanding marks who come from low-income

families and do not attend a decent school. Even if they were good in high school, we often

notice that they do not have the chance to attend college (Strempel & Handel, 2021). It would be

squandering a lot of people's intellect by failing to assist them with their college degree.

Therefore, making college education free even for the first two years or so would be advancing

lots of brilliant individuals whose chances of helping the country’s economy is higher if all goes



Should college be free? (2022). Who Should Pay? Higher Education, Responsibility, and the

Public, 88-109.

Strempel, E. L., & Handel, S. J. (2021). Beyond free college: Making higher education work for

21st century students. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

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