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Role Play in Children's Polyclinic

Nurse : Firya Heman

Patient : Ghina Ferlia

Receptionist : Supiyani

The patient's mother: Luvita Ayunda

The patient's father: Basmah Sulfi

Narrator : Sabilla

One day there was a mother and father who brought their child who was having a fever to a health
clinic. The father immediately went to the receptionist to register.

Resepsionis : “Selamat sore bapak, ada yang bisa saya bantu?”

Bapak : “iya mba, saya ingin memeriksakan anak saya dari kemarin demam dan diare mbak"

Resepsionis : “Nama anak bapak siapa, dan umur berapa?”

Bapak : “ nama anaknya saya Salma, umur 7 tahun”

Resepsionis : “Nama walinya siapa pak?”

Bapak : “Doni”

Resepsionis : “Baik bapak, mohon tunggu sebentar yaa bisa duduk disana. Ini nomor

pendaftarannya. Nanti akan kami panggil kembali”

bapak : “Baik mbak, terimakasih”

Resepsionis : “Sama-sama pak”

Receptionist : "Good afternoon sir, can I help you?"

Father: "Yes ma'am, I want to check my child since yesterday had a fever and diarrhea, madam"

Receptionist: "What is your son's name, and how old are you?"

Father: " My daughter's name is Salma, he is 7 years old"

Receptionist: "What's the name of the guardian, sir?"

Father: "Doni"

Receptionist: "Okay sir, please wait a moment, can you sit there. This number

registration. We'll call you back later."

Father: "Okay ma'am, thank you"

Receptionist: "You're welcome, sir"

Pre-Interaction Phase

After a few minutes, the nurse came to the receptionist to collect data. After reading the registration
form from the patient, the nurse immediately approached the guardian.

Nurse : "Ananda Salma with Mr. Doni's guardian, please come with me"

Salma's parents: okay ners

Salma's parents and patient immediately followed the nurse.

Orientation Phase

The nurse immediately invited Salma's parents and the patient to sit down.

Nurse : "Please have a seat, ladies and gentlemen, before that, let me introduce nurse Firya. I will
accompany your mother and daughter during the examination later."

salma's parents : yes ners

Working Phase

After introducing herself the nurse asked the details of the guardian's complaint.

Nurse: "How long has Ananda Salma had fever and diarrhea?"

Salma's mother: "Since this morning, the child has been crying all the time. I want to give him the
medicine for entrostop but I'm afraid it won't suit his child".

Nurse: "Okay mom, come on please come in".

The patient, who was still in his mother's lap, was asked to enter by the nurse to be examined. However,
Salma's patient is afraid to be abandoned by his father. Then the nurse turned to ask with a doll and
promised the child to play, while the father sat in the chair at the front of the room

Nurse: "Sister Salma, let's go with the nurse, shall we...?"

Patient: "I don't want to..."

Nurse: "Ehhh why don't you want to? Look at this, the nurse has 3 dolls…the dolls are beautiful again.
Come on.. Sister come with the nurse huh…?”.

Patient: "I don't want to..."

Nurse: "Play with the girls .... how ??? later there will be an evil witch too, looh…., later the nurse will
give you an apple….Want??”.

Patient : “I want… but, Sister who became the evil magician huh…?”

Nurse: "yes, let's go with the nurse"

Patient: "Mom's father, Salma played with the nurse first...

Salma's parents: "Yes son.."

Nurse : “Salma…. The princess wants to be checked by the nurse first... The princess doesn't want Salma
to get sick... So, the princess wants the nurse to check Salma... Do you want it?".

Patient: "You don't want Salma to be injected, how about...? Sis sick...

Nurse: "It doesn't hurt, nurse, it's just checked with this..(shows the stethoscope) It's just pasted like this
on Salma's doesn't try"

(Puts the stethoscope on the patient's chest..)

Patient : “hiii hiiii… cold, amused nurse…. haa haaa”

Nurse: "Doesn't hurt...?"

Patient: "Yes, the nurse is not sick..."

Nurse: "Now, Salma is lying down, the nurse is taking off her clothes?"

The nurse begins to examine the patient and takes notes.

Nurse: "It's over... now nurse, take this paper first to the doctor, okay. Soon we will play again okay..?

Patient: "Yes nurse, don't be long, okay?"

Termination phase

The patient's parents said goodbye and picked up their child who was playing with the nurse.

Salma's mother: "Son.. let's go home...?"

Patient: "Well, Salma is playing with dolls"

his father greeted: "Yeah, we'll continue playing with the doll at home, okay..."

Patient: "yes deeh..."

the patient's father: "let's say goodbye to the nurse first.

Patient: "Sister, we'll meet again later... Salma says goodbye to go home, nurse

Nurse: "Yeah, sometime we play with dolls again, Salma gets better soon, okay?"

Patient: "he'em.

Nurse: "father and mom, the medicine can be redeemed at the front pharmacy, the administration is at
the reception"

Salma's father: "Yes, thank you, Sister"

Nurse: "yes you're welcome sir, please come back if there are more complaints"

salma's mother: "yes sister, good afternoon .."

Nurse: "Good afternoon.."

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