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Z:\ \Pluralsight - Introduction to the BABOK Guide and

Business Analysis Key Terms

1 01 - Course Overview
International institute of business analysis, leading on to courses in
BA tasks
change efforts
project management

2 02 - Introduction to the BABOK® Guide

Key concepts
6 knowledge areas
tasks in each KA
Underlying competencies

3 03 - Understanding How to Use the BABOK® Guide

BABOK defines the profession and practice of BA
Common framework for analysis (any analysis role)
Expectations of a skilled BA
ANY form of change effort or project based work or continuous improvement
Desk reference: considerations of aspects of BA. Refer to specific sections on demand.
Guide not a cookbook. NOT a structured How-To.

4 04 - Defining the Business Analysis Key Concepts

BACCM -BA conceptual model
Key terms
Requirement schema
Stakeholders - people BAs work with
Requirements and Design: key deliverables and artefacts.
Example "gather reqs"
Review "requirement" & "Design" definition & validate deliverables.
Review reqs schema to show you how to organise reqs.

5 05 - Introducing the Business Analysis Knowledge Areas

Grouped tasks, not a logical/linear progression. Do in any order
BA planning & monitoring- how to organise & coordinate BA/stakeholder
Elicitation & collaboration - elicitation/collab/communication
Reqs lifecycle management - maintain reqs eg ID -> Analysis > Implement - Reuse
Strategy analysis - Stakeholder strategic needs > how to deliver strategic value
Reqs analysis & Design - Structure/organise/specify & model/Verify/Validate solutions
Solution evaluation - IDs improving value, decreasing inefficiencies to an organisation from an existing solution;
how to increase value.

6 06 - Studying Knowledge Areas for BA Certification Exams

eg task "assigned to project & told to gather reqs"
- Reference Requirments lifecycle management section
Check requirements are aligned a) strategically b) with proposed solution
-Reference Req analysisys & Design
> Structure & organise reqs
For exam, know all knowledge areas & why they apply to BA
KA inputs and outputs

7 07 - Studying Tasks for BA Certification Exams

Tasks of the profession
Work a BA performs
Great ref on how to approach BA work
eg task "assigned to project & told to gather reqs"
Ref BA planning & monitoring section
> Plan how to engage stakeholders
Ref Elicitation & Collaboration section
> Plan & conduct elicitation sessions
> Confirm elicitation results
Ref Req analysis & Design
Specify & model requirements
For the exam:
Know all tasks & task purpose,by knowledge area
Know task inputs, outputs, techniques, guidelines, tools, which stakeholders they apply to.

8 08 - Studying Techniques for BA Certification Exams

There are many techniques in the guide, but not an all inclusive
Gives you
BABOK gives a structure and approach but not the specific steps for each technique
eg task "assigned to project & told to gather reqs"
Review "Techniques for conducting elicitation"
Identify workshop structure (eg) - what things you need to plan for
ID stakeholders
What are the goals for the workshop
What kind of activities will the workshop involve?
What is the workshop output?
Who will facilitate the workshop?
For exam:
Solid understanding of purpose/strength/weaknesses of each technique

9 09 - Studying Underlying Competencies for BA Certification Exams

Underlying BA comptencies:
eg task "assigned to project & told to gather reqs"
Solid time management to deliver requirements on time
Using tools/technologies eg Excel to trace requirements
6 Categories of comptencies, purpose of each
1. Analytic thinking & problem solving
2. Behavioural characterstics
3. Business knowledge
4. Communications skills
5. Interaction skills
6. Tools & technology

10 10 - Studying Perspectives for BA Certification Exams

Provide focus to the task and techniques:
eg specific context of a change initiative
 Agile: flexible mindset focussed on delivery value; but constant change. How fast value can be delivered &
 Business intelligence: data into value-added information. Analytic integration & workflow.
 IT: impact of changes on IT systems. Change management from bug fixes to infrastructure planning.
Bus architecture: enterprise modelling; how strategic requirements of stakeholders are met. Also support
continuous business transformation
 Business process management: delver value by improving HOW work is performed in an organisation
Elements of each perspective:
 Change scope across enterprise
 BA scope of outcome, stakeholder and BA role
 methodologies, approaches, techniques for each perspective (both within and without the BABOK)
 BA competencies for BAs working in that perspective
 Knowledge areas & task mapping
eg task "assigned to project & told to gather reqs"
PM says dev team uses Agile. So:
Review "Agile" perspective in BABOK; requirements captured in user stories, backlogs. Minimal documentation
required to move forward.
Know each perspective; what a perspective IS.
Know elements for each perspective
Why they are important for business analysis work
11 11 - Summary of the BABOK® Guide
Defines business practices of BA
Foundational key concepts in BABOK - refer to.
6 core knowledge area, divided in tasks, there are techniques to perform tasks.
Underlying competencies
Perspectives of BA work, work may be tailored depending on context of work

12 12 - Introduction to the Business Analysis Core Concept Model™


13 13 - Understanding the Purpose of the Business Analysis Core

Concept Model™ (BACCM™)
Conceptual model for BA
Agnostic of industry & profession
Each of the 6 components relate to others.
Common terminology of BA & within BA
Allows relating of each concept to others, but allows zooming out to ensure you have considered the entirety of
the change scope so you can determine if your efforts will be successful.

14 14 - Understanding the Six Foundational Core Concepts of Business

break things down, see how they work in the context of a system
Change - Occurs in response to a Need; enterprise seeks to achieve something not currently occuring. Changes are
deliberate, measured, controlled; delivered via BA.
Need - The focus of a change effort. The opportunity or challenge to be addressed. What need is not being met
today? Need motivates stakeholders into action. Needs occur when existing solutions' value is eroded
Solution - How a need is satisified within a context. Enables stakeholders to take advantage of an opportunity, or
to resolve a problem. Solution is MORE than a product produced: incluedes everything to support the product or
change beyond a product lifecycle: training, maintenance, EOL.
Stakeholder - Anyone affected/impacted by change.
Define relationship to change/need/solution
Define interest in the change
Define impact on the change.
Value -
Context -

15 15 - Utilizing the Business Analysis Core Concept Model™ (BACCM™)

16 16 - Working a Real-world IT Example through the BACCM™

17 17 - Summary of the Business Analysis Core Concept Model™


18 18 - Introduction to Key Business Analysis Terms and Stakeholders

19 19 - Understanding the Most Important Business Analysis Terms

20 20 - Learning Additional Key Business Analysis Terms

21 21 - Introducing the Two Most Critical Stakeholders for Business


22 22 - Getting to Know the Common Stakeholders Business Analysts

Work With

23 23 - Demonstrating How to Identify Your Stakeholders on an IT

24 24 - Summary of the Key Business Analysis Terms and Stakeholders

25 25 - Introduction to Requirements Schema and Designs

26 26 - Introducing the Requirements Schema

27 27 - Understanding Business Requirements

28 28 - Understanding Stakeholder Requirements

29 29 - Understanding Solution Requirements

30 30 - Understanding Transition Requirements

31 31 - Learning the Relationship of Requirements and Designs

32 32 - Designing Business Requirements with Personas

33 33 - Designing Stakeholder Requirements with Scenarios

34 34 - Designing Solution Requirements with Process Models and Data

Flow Diagrams
35 35 - Designing Transition Requirements with Prototypes

36 36 - Summary of the Requirements Schema and Designs


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