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Heart Rate Variability in Horses Engaged in Equine-Assisted Activities

Article  in  Journal of Equine Veterinary Science · February 2011

DOI: 10.1016/j.jevs.2010.12.007


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3 authors, including:

Ann Baldwin Patric M Schiltz

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Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31 (2011) 78-84

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Original Research

Heart Rate Variability in Horses Engaged in Equine-Assisted Activities

Ellen Kaye Gehrke PhD a, Ann Baldwin PhD b, Patric M. Schiltz PhD c
Department of Community Health, National University, San Diego, CA
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Department of Health Sciences, National University, San Diego, CA

a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Although there has been a recent surge in using horses to treat mental and emotional
Autonomic nervous system human health issues, the consequences of horse-assisted interventions on the stress
Diurnal rhythm
response of horses have not been well documented. Assessment of the autonomic
Heart rate variability
nervous system and its regulation of cardiovascular function has been used as an indi-
Horse cator of acute and chronic stress in human beings and horses. Heart rate variability (HRV)
Sympathetic/parasympathetic balance is a noninvasive measurement that has been used to assess autonomic nervous system
Equine-assisted therapy regulation of cardiovascular function. There is evidence to suggest that several factors
including the genotype, behavior, environment, temperament, and nutritional status of
the horse play a key role in the large inter-individual variations in basal HRV. The present
study determined whether 24-hour HRV recordings in horses currently working in
equine-assisted therapy (EAT) differ from those previously shown in Thoroughbred
horses. Findings from the present study found that in contrast to previous studies in
Thoroughbred horses, diurnal and nocturnal low frequency and high frequency powers
were not significantly different in horses that are currently engaged in EAT. Future
studies are needed to determine the short- and long-term consequences of horses
participating in EAT programs. Findings from this study will provide the basis for the
development of a physiological/behavioral assessment criteria to determine the conse-
quences of EAT on the well-being of horses as well as to help EAT Centers to improve the
beneficial effects of EAT in human beings.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction among employees in a variety of corporations [5]. Although

horse-assisted interventions have increased in popularity,
Animal-assisted interventions have been shown to there are also considerable efforts to strengthen the care
improve cognitive, psychological, and social functioning, and welfare of horses used in these interventions [6].
while reducing blood pressure, heart rate (HR), and levels However, the consequences of horse-assisted interventions
of anxiety [1]. There has been a recent surge in using horses on the stress response of horses have not been well
to treat mental and emotional human health issues. For documented.
instance, therapeutic horseback riding and equine-assisted Assessment of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and
therapies (EAT) have been successfully used in individuals its regulation of cardiovascular function have been used as
with disorders of the central nervous system [2-4]. More- an indicator of acute and chronic stress in human beings [7]
over, horses have also played a co-coaching role in leader- and horses [8-10]. The ANS consists of two major branches,
ship, teambuilding, and personal development programs the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic system.
When changes in the normal balance of these two systems
occur because of environmental challenges, the organism
Correspondence author at: Ellen Kaye Gehrke, PhD, Department of
Community Health, School of Health and Human Services, National
becomes vulnerable to pathology [11]. Heart rate variability
University, 3678 Aero Court, San Diego, CA. (HRV) is a noninvasive measurement that has been used to
E-mail address: (E.K. Gehrke). assess ANS regulation of cardiovascular function [7,12]. HRV

0737-0806/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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E.K. Gehrke et al. / Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31 (2011) 78-84 79

has been defined as the complex beat-to-beat variation in Table 1

HR produced by the interaction between sympathetic and Description of equine subjects

parasympathetic (vagal) neural activity at the sinus node of Equine Age Gelding Mare Experience
the heart [10-12]. HRV analysis has also been used as in EAT
a research tool in farm and companion animal species to (Years)

assess changes in sympathovagal balance associated to Mule (SeeMore) 35 X 3

stress, pathology, behavioral dysfunction, training regi- Peruvian Paso (Cassie) 20 X 3
Peruvian Paso (Vida) 21 X 3
mens, and emotional states [9,10,13-17] and to determine
Andalusian (Storm) 8 X 3
how differences between sympathetic and para- Andalusian (Tessie) 9 X (9 months 2
sympathetic contributions to HRV relate to disease, stress, pregnant)
and coping strategies [10]. Quarter horse (Rusty) 14 X 3
Quarter horse (Roanie) 25 X 3
HRV analyses in human beings and animals are mainly
Mustang (Tonopah) 14 X 2
based on time and frequency domain analyses [10,12,18]. Mustang (Shiloh) 7 X 3
Parameters of HRV in time domain analyses include inter-
EAT ¼ equine-assisted therapy, X indicates whether the Equine is
beats interval (IBI), which reflects the average time
a Gelding or a Mare.
interval between the R peaks of the QRS complex (R-R
interval). HRV parameters in time domain analyses also
between autonomic function and stress in horses, the use
include the standard deviation of all normal to normal
of HRV as a tool to assess the stress response in horses
(SDNN) IBIs and the root mean square of successive
working in EAT has not been well characterized. Improving
differences between adjacent normal R-R intervals
the way to scientifically assess the stress response in horses
(RMSSD) [10,12]. Although SDNN has been shown to be an
involved in EAT to assist people with physical and/or
accurate predictor of overall variability, RMSSD is an esti-
psychological conditions [28] is essential to determine how
mate of high frequency beat-to-beat variations associated
the horses are coping with their association with human
with parasympathetic vagal activity [10]. By contrast, Fast
beings. Because of the close interaction of horses used in
Fourier transformation is used to transform IBI time series
EAT with human beings diagnosed with a wide variety of
data into different frequency bands [10]. Studies in human
physical and/or psychological conditions [29], character-
beings have shown that the power in the high frequency
izing the relationship between HRV and behavior in this
(HF) band (0.15-0.4 Hz) is an index of parasympathetic
horse population could improve current understanding on
vagal tone [19,20]. Power in the very low frequency (VLF)
how horses are coping during EAT.
band (<0.04 Hz) and low frequency (LF) band (0.04-0.15
This report is part of a larger study assessing autonomic
Hz) have been associated with sympathetic and/or para-
function of horses actively working in EAT. The long-term
sympathetic activity [21]. However, the functional signifi-
objective of this study is to determine whether HRV could
cance of these measurements continues to be a subject of
be used as a measure to evaluate the suitability of a given
debate [20,22].
horseehuman pair for partnership in EAT. To accomplish
HRV has been used to assess stress reactions in horses in
this, the present study first determined whether 24-hour
response to aggressive handling, inappropriate stabling,
HRV recordings in horses currently working in EAT and co-
feeding, or long-distance traveling as well as stress from
coaching leadership training differ from those previously
pain or illness [8,9]. Although previous studies have
shown in Thoroughbred horses [16]. In this study, we
provided evidence to suggest that HRV in horses shows
report 24-hour, time and frequency domain analysis of HRV
good stability across age and a high degree of repeatability
in horses with 2-3 years of experience working in EAT and/
when tested over subsequent days [9,17], large inter-
or co-coaching leadership training. Findings from this
individual variations in the basal values of HRV in horses
study will provide the basis for the development of
have been also documented [10]. It has been proposed that
a physiological and/or behavioral assessment criteria to
several factors including the genotype, behavior, environ-
determine the consequences of EAT on the well-being of
ment, temperament, and nutritional status of the horse
horses as well as to help EAT Centers to improve the
play a key role in the large inter-individual variations in
beneficial effects of EAT in human beings.
basal HRV [10]. Most of the previous research on HRV in
horses has been performed in young Thoroughbred horses
during stall rest or during treadmill activity and no 2. Materials and Methods
evidence of previous or current EAT experience [23-27].
Horses used for EAT are usually semi-retired working 2.1. Subjects
horses of a wide range of breeds and ages, and are typically
standing or moving at a slow walk during their interactions Three mares and six gelding horses (n ¼ 9) with an
with clients. Moreover, horses engaged in EAT have a diet average age of 15.9  7.7 years (mean  standard deviation)
appropriate to their nutritional needs, which is often and most weighing between 900 and 1,100 pounds, and
different than high-performance diets used to feed Thor- a mule weighing 1,500 pounds participated in the present
oughbred horses. Whether these differences in the nutri- study. The research subjects were located in the San Diego,
tional status, physical activities, environment, and California area. Weather temperatures ranged from 45 F
interactions with human beings have an effect in basal HRV (night) to 80 F (day) during the 24-hour period of data
levels is presently unknown. collection from late March through early June. All horses
Although HRV studies in Thoroughbred horses have were treated in a humane manner in accordance with the
greatly improved our understanding of the relationship International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research
Author's personal copy

80 E.K. Gehrke et al. / Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31 (2011) 78-84

Fig. 1. Photograph showing placement of two electrodes on one side of withers and on chest.

Involving Animals. The age, gender, and breed of the horses the outside of the pasture and noting the behavior of the
are listed in Table 1. The HeartMath Research Institute horses. They were always standing quietly at rest or lying
(Boulder Creek, California) analyzed the electrocardio- next to a herd mate standing next to them.
graphic recordings of 12 horses. However, three horses
were found to show arrhythmias and were eliminated from 2.3. Recordings
the study. All remaining horses (n ¼ 9) were healthy and
free of arrhythmia. Electrocardiographic recordings were done at various
times between late March and early June of 2006 using 24-
2.2. Experimental Protocol hour Holter monitors in nine horses. Four electrodes from
the monitors were attached to each equine animal to
The horses were allowed to walk freely in a two-acre surround the heart cavity. One electrode was placed on
pasture. The researchers did not interact with the horses either side of the withers, one in the center of the chest and
in any way other than by attaching the electrodes and one at the cranial ventral abdomen. Initially, a veterinarian
feeding the animals during their normal morning, after- was on-site for the electrode placement to ensure that the
noon, and evening feeding times of 6:30-7:00 AM and major lead lines were centered along the heart meridians.
6:30-7:00 PM. Two horses at a time were attached to The Holter monitor was attached to the horse through an
Holter monitors and 24-hour recordings were made. adaptation of a neck and shoulder Lycra slinky sheet with
Horses were fed alfalfa in the morning, bermuda grass at a pocket attached to protect the monitor. Four small
noon, and a mix of bermuda and alfalfa in the evening. The squares were shaved with horse clippers, and then a razor
researchers recorded their observations of the equine was used to remove any additional hair from the skin. The
horses from a distance and findings were carefully docu- four electrode attachment sites were no bigger than 5 cm 
mented with entries on an almost hourly basis during 5 cm. The electrode attachment sites were on both sides of
the 24-hour period. The primary concern was that the the withers, the chest, and the underbelly. Iodine was used
electrodes stay attached and that any deviations from the to clean the area before attaching electrodes to the subjects.
horses’ “normal” day were noted. The horses were In addition to conductive gel, superglue was used to attach
observed walking their two acre pasture, drinking quietly, the electrodes. The horses stood quietly relaxed during hair
conducting horse play during the day with their other herd shaving and electrode attachment, demonstrating minimal,
mate, lying down or dozing, standing up, eating, and if any, stress related to monitor hook-up stage. The glue and
behaving during the 24-hour cycles in their normal daily the electrodes shed from their skin within a few days after
patterns. Otherwise, their environment was stable and the data collection was complete and the hair quickly grew
quiet during the data collection for all nine horses, as back on each horse. There was no harm or discomfort noted
confirmed by the observations. The only difference in their for any of the horses during the data collection process. A
daily patterns was that the owner did not groom, ride, or photograph of electrode placement is shown in Figure 1.
have the horses do any EAT on the data collection day. The Holter monitors (Del Mar Avionics) were used which
horses were located near a secondary road and once a day incorporate a time-lock control circuit to ensure that an
a garbage truck collected waste from the health center accurate tape speed is maintained throughout the 24-hour
across the road. The horses were accustomed to the noise electrocardiogram (ECG) recording period. The 24-hour
and no corresponding spikes on the HRV recordings were readings started at approximately 8:00 AM with readings
noted. There were no disturbances apart from normal day- captured until 8:00 AM the following day. Nighttime read-
to-day interactions with their other herd mate. Nighttime ings were defined as those readings obtained from dark
observations were made on 1-2-hour intervals by walking until 0800 the following day. Twenty-four-hour readings
Author's personal copy

E.K. Gehrke et al. / Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31 (2011) 78-84 81

(nighttime and daytime values) were obtained indepen- [30]. The RMSSD value is obtained by first calculating each
dently (ie., the 24-hour readings were not the average of the successive time difference between the QRS complexes in
day-time and night-time values). There were slight changes milliseconds. Each of the values is squared and the result is
in temperature or hours of daylight during the 3-month data averaged before the square root of the total is obtained. The
collection phase. The researchers were careful to select days RMSSD reflects the short-term variance in HR and is the
that were mild with cool evenings and their daily rituals of primary time domain measure used to estimate the HF
feeding and being with the herd were unaltered. The slinky (fast) beat-to-beat variations in HRV that provides an
holding the monitor could get warm and thus cool days were estimate of the parasympathetic regulation of the heart in
selected for the study. For this reason, and also because the human beings.
researchers had to monitor the horses on a 24-hour obser-
vation period while maintaining full-time jobs, it took almost 2.4.2. Frequency Domain Analysis
3 months to obtain data from nine horses. The measurement of power within each of the frequency
bands is reported in absolute values of power (ms2). The
2.4. Data Analysis frequency bands and their corresponding wavelengths
selected for investigation were the same as those used for
The data files obtained from the 24-hour readings were human beings [30]: ultra-low frequency (ULF) ¼ <0.0033
sent to the HeartMath Research Institute, Boulder Creek, Hz; VLF ¼ 0.0033-0.04 Hz; LF ¼ 0.04-0.15 Hz; and HF ¼
California, for time and frequency domain analysis. The 0.15-0.4 Hz. In human beings, the HF range correlates to
Holter Monitoring software used (HeartMath, Impresario) parasympathetic activity related to HR, which is largely
is produced by Delmar-Reynolds/Spacelabs, located in mediated by the vagus nerve [10]. The LF range can reflect
Los Angeles, California. Algorithms within the software both parasympathetic and sympathetic activity in human
program provide interactive interpretation of waveforms beings. However, in most cases, LF provides an approxima-
for the raw ECG collected. Any abnormal beats were tion of sympathetic activity [10,30]. The VLF range is not as
removed from the data by a trained human operator. Arti- well defined as HF and LF and while this frequency range
facts and calibration pulses were also eliminated from the may be influenced by sympathetic activity, other factors may
data. Then a text file was generated for HRV analysis. The also modulate its power [30,31]. The ULF frequency is highly
program used to obtain the frequency domain from the HRV correlated to the SDNN and low values have been shown to
data was DADiSP(r) (Newton, MA). Further details of the be predictive of mortality in postmyocardial infarction
methods and software used for the analysis are described in patients. The 24-hour readings are necessary to capture
McCraty and Atkinson [30]. HRV was measured using both these data [30]. Normalized HF (HF NORM) and normalized
time and frequency domain analyses for 24 continuous LF (LF NORM) were used to minimize the effects of the VLF
hours, with breakdown of the values obtained at night changes on the HF and LF values. This type of analysis
compared with those observed during the day. emphasizes the balance between the parasympathetic (HF)
and the sympathetic (LF) branches of the ANS [12,30]. LF
2.4.1. Time Domain Analysis NORM and HF NORM components were calculated by
Time domain data were averaged over nine horses for dividing the power of the LF and HF components by the total
the 24-hour HR readings as a function of mean HR and power ([TP], from which the VLF power has been sub-
mean IBI. Time domain analysis is expressed as beats per tracted), and multiplying by 100. The 5-minute TP is the
minute (bpm) or as IBIs in milliseconds (ms). Time domain average of the TP (power in the band, <0.40 Hz) of each 5-
data were used to evaluate HRV in terms of three variables minute segment, which includes the ULF, VLF, LF, and HF
all expressed in milliseconds: (i) the standard deviation of power spectrum bands. This measure provides an indicator
all the normal RR intervals in a 24-hour ECG recording of overall autonomic activity, with sympathetic activity
(SDNN), (ii) the mean of the standard deviation of all RR being the primary contributing factor [10]. The 24-hour TP
intervals for each 5-minute segment of the 24-hour analysis is a spectral analysis of the entire 24-hour record as
recording (SDNN index), and (iii) the root mean square of a whole (ie., it is not divided into 5-minute segments before
successive differences between normal heart beats analysis). This allows for the ULF to be assessed.
(RMSSD). The SDNN reflects the ebb and flow of all the
factors that contribute to the HRV during a 24-hour 2.4.3. Statistical Analysis
recording, including the slow oscillations that are believed All data were subjected to statistical analysis using
to reflect the intrinsic ability of the heart to respond to a paired two-tailed Student’s t-test to determine whether
hormonal influences [10,12,30]. Although the meaning of there was a significant difference between day and night
this measure with respect to horses has not been evaluated, values for each parameter. A probability of less than .05 was
in human beings, low SDNN is predictive of increased risk considered significant.
of sudden cardiac death and ventricular tachycardia inde-
pendent of other established risk factors. The SDNN Index
provides an estimate of the variability because of the 3. Results
factors only affecting HRV within a 5-minute epoch and is
calculated by first dividing the 24-hour recording into 288 3.1. Time Domain Analysis
5-minute segments and calculating the standard deviation
of all RR intervals during each segment. The SDNN Index is 3.1.1. Heart Rate
the average of these 288 numbers. The index is believed to Results from the present study found an overall mean
be a measure primarily of autonomic influence on HRV HR of 43  8 bpm with a significant decrease (P < .001) at
Author's personal copy

82 E.K. Gehrke et al. / Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31 (2011) 78-84

Table 2 in the present study are likely because of the small sample
Frequency domain analysis of heart rate values size, different ages, breeds, and genders [10]. Horses
Frequency 24 Hour Day Night participating in the present study were recruited from
Domain a cross-section of hot-blooded and cold-blooded breeds, as
Measures well as a blend of age and gender. This sample represents
HF 1,359  1,179 1,125  757 1,981  2,899 horses commonly used in EAT centers.
LF 4,283  3,415 4,639  4,150 3,966  2,591 The results of this study showed that HRV oscillations in
VLF 15,221  12,661 15,640  12,774 15,885  12,141
horses engaged in EAT occur within the same frequency
5 minute TP 20,864  15,187 21,495  16,335 21,833  13,302
LF NORM 74.1  11.6 76.5  10.8a 69.7  14.5 ranges as for human beings. Previous studies measured
HF NORM 25.9  11.6 23.5  10.8a 30.3  14.5 HRV in horses using frequency ranges (LF: 0.01-0.07 Hz;
TP ¼ total power; HF ¼ high frequency; LF ¼ low frequency; VLF ¼ very
HF: 0.07-0.5 Hz) that were slightly different from those
low frequency; NORM ¼ normalized. typically used for human beings [16,23-25,27]. For instance,
Power values (TP) are expressed in ms2. Kuwahara et al. [27] defined LF (0.01-0.07 Hz) for sympa-
P < .05 between day and night values. thetic and/or parasympathetic activity and HF (0.07-0.6 Hz)
for parasympathetic activity using intravenous atropine
(0.04 mg/kg) and propranolol (0.2 mg/kg) to block auto-
night (39  8 bpm) compared with day (46  9 bpm). The
nomic nervous activity in horses. In those investigations, LF
horses assessed in the present study had an overall mean
and HF powers obtained from measurements on horses
IBI of 1,484  318 ms. Consistent with the HR data, night
during stall rest were quite similar to those reported in the
values (1,634  360 ms) were found to be significantly
present study. Interestingly, the HRV LF and HF frequency
increased (P < .0001), compared with day values (1,413 
ranges used in the present study were based on the ranges
313 ms).
used in human beings. These frequency ranges are slightly
different from those defined for horses by Kuwahara et al.
3.1.2. Heart Rate Variability
[27]. The present findings are consistent with the LF and HF
The SDNN index during night (205  84 ms) and day
power values obtained by Kato et al. [25], which used the
(207  91 ms) was not significantly different. Consistent
frequency ranges defined by Kuwahara et al. [27]. These
with the SDNN findings, a 24-hour SDNN index was 153 
results have important practical implications because it
57 ms with night (150  58 ms) and day (155  65 ms),
supports the use of measurement equipment using human
values not being significantly different. In contrast, the
frequency ranges in horses. For instance, these findings
horses demonstrated an average RMSSD of 123  69 ms
suggest that Polar Equine monitors, which use human
with a significantly (P < .05) lower value during daytime
frequency ranges and are used to monitor horse HRV
readings (115  68 ms) compared with nighttime values
during endurance events, can be used to obtain accurate
(152  86 ms).
HRV data in horses. Most importantly, validation of the use
of human-based HRV frequencies in horses means that
3.2. Frequency Domain Analysis direct comparisons can be made between human and
horse HRV patterns, providing a quantitative method of
Table 2 documents the values for the HF, LF, and VLF measuring interactive responses between the two species.
ranges measured in horses. Although there was no signif- These findings also suggest that the contributions to TP
icant difference between the nighttime and daytime HF between horses and human beings are similar.
values, the nighttime values showed a trend to be higher Findings from the present study demonstrated that
than those obtained during the day. There was no differ- the power values for the ULF band ranged from 11,109 to
ence between the values obtained for nighttime or daytime 67,269 ms2. Moreover, values for the TP obtained for the
readings in the VLF range. 24-hour period of recording ranged from 33,261 to 133,151
Table 2 also shows the values obtained for 5-minute TP, ms2 and the average value was 54,132  35,874 ms2. For
LF NORM, and HF NORM averaged over all nine horses for human beings, HF and LF power components account for
day and night periods. There was no significant difference 5% of TP and VLF and ULF account for the remaining 95%
between the 5-minute TP values during daytime compared [12]; thus, our findings regarding the spectral frequency
with nighttime. However, daytime values for LF NORM distributions of HRV in horses are consistent with findings
were significantly greater than at night (P < .05). Moreover, in human beings. However, the physiological correlates for
daytime values for HF NORM were significantly smaller the ULF contribution to HRV are unknown.
than at night (P < .05). Power values for the ULF band Findings from the present study reported statistically
ranged from 11,109 to 67,269 ms2. Values for the TP significant differences between day and night averages for
obtained for the 24-hour period of recording ranged from both time and frequency domain parameters. In particular,
33,261 to 133,151 ms2 and the average value was 54,132  LF NORM significantly decreased and HF NORM signifi-
35,874 ms2. cantly increased at night when the horses showed larger
periods of sleep. Considering that horses are less active and
4. Discussion spend more time sleeping at night than during daytime, the
observed reduction in HR at night and the concomitant
This study reports 24-hour recordings of HRV per- increase in IBI were expected. The increased RMSSD
formed on nine horses that were actively engaged in EAT nighttime value shown by the horses in the present study
and were allowed to move freely in turnout pasture. The was also anticipated because parasympathetic activity is
high standard deviations in HF, LF, and VLF readings found expected to be increased at night when horses spend more
Author's personal copy

E.K. Gehrke et al. / Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31 (2011) 78-84 83

time sleeping, compared with daytime. Moreover, LF values used in future studies evaluating the suitability of a given
showed a trend (not statistically significant) of an increase horseehuman pair for partnership in EAT.
during the day, compared with nighttime values. These
findings are expected because sympathetic function has 4.1. Limitations of the Data Collection
been correlated with LF activity. Consistent with the
present findings, results from previous studies in human The HRV data may have been affected by the responses
beings have shown that LF activity predominates during of the horses to momentary environmental incidents that
waking hours and HF activity predominates during sleep could have occurred outside of the observation periods.
[32]. Moreover, the LF range in human beings has been However, the purpose of the study was not to limit the data
reported to be influenced by sympathetic activity, whereas collection only to periods of nonarousal, but to obtain
the HF range is an index of parasympathetic activity [12]. a record of a normal day in the life of the horse. To some
There is evidence to suggest that both LF and HF powers investigators, measuring HRV in animals that are not con-
tended to be higher at night than during the day when HRV strained but are free to roam, poses a problem. In fact, the
is recorded over a 24-hour period during stall rest [16]. Task Force on HRV [12] states that in general, spectral
These findings are in contrast to our results showing that methodology should be applied only to relatively
the non-normalized LF and HF powers showed no signifi- stationary conditions. As stated by Grossman [43], one
cant difference between day and night in horses that were assumption of the frequency domain procedures is that the
allowed freedom of movement. It is possible that these time series (variation in IBI over the recording period) has
contradicting findings are because of differences in the age a constant mean and autovariance for the entire epoch. In
and breed of the horses (2-year-old Thoroughbred horses practice, this assumption is violated when there is a slow
were used in the study by Kuwahara et al. [16] or previous drift in the signal (a change in mean), over the recording
experiences (eg., Active physical training and nutrition of period. However, it is important to note that there is no
Thoroughbred horses vs. EAT). In addition, although horses consensus on the stationary issue. In addition, according to
in the study by Kuwahara et al. [16] were at stall rest, horses Grossman [43] large violations of the stationary assump-
in the present study were assessed in a more natural tion have little effect on most HRV estimations. In the
environment. Moreover, previous studies on other species present study, although the horses could move freely, our
have shown that environment can influence HRV diurnal observations indicated that most of their activities had low
rhythm. For example, when miniature swine were housed effect, and that they rarely moved faster than a walk.
together in pairs instead of in isolation, the HRV diurnal Reitmann et al. [9] showed that frequency domain HRV
rhythm disappeared [33]. A recent study found that when parameters measured in the same horses at rest and at
rodents were provided with enrichment items in their a forward walk showed no significant difference between
cages, such as tunnels, the HRV diurnal rhythm also the two conditions. For these reasons, it is unlikely that the
disappeared [34]. However, whether the genetic or envi- 24-hour HRV recordings obtained from freely moving
ronmental factors play a role in these differences [10] is horses were significantly affected by the nonstationary
presently unclear. Future work is needed to determine the issue. Finally, while the present study and most of the HRV
short- and long-term consequences of participation of EAT studies in horses have used Holter-type recordings, it is
programs in horses. The baseline data obtained from this important to point out that an increasing number of studies
study are critical in understanding the significance of are also using the Polar Vantage and Polar R-R system [10].
changes that take place in HRV dynamics by participating
in EAT programs. 5. Conclusion
Studies in human beings have found that HRV analyses
are useful for evaluating diseases, in particular cardiovas- The heart and its regulation, in terms of neural control,
cular, psychiatric, and psychological disorders [35-38]. In are similar in human beings and in horses [44]. Therefore, it
human beings, the dynamics of HRV and the correlation of was not surprising that HRV analysis of horses demon-
HRV to emotional states are well documented; different strated measurable power values for all the frequency
types of emotions being readily distinguished by changes in ranges used in the analysis of human data, including ULF,
heart rhythm patterns that are independent of HR [39,40]. VLF, LF, and HF. This finding indicates that HRV analysis of
In addition, there is theoretical and empirical evidence for horses should be very similar to human beings, although it
the emergence of HRV as an important marker of emotional is not known whether the values attributed to heart-related
regulatory ability [41]. The use of HRV analysis in animal disease in human beings are the same in horses. The values
research to determine the role of the ANS to disease, stress, obtained from this study are baseline values for horses
and coping strategies [10] is of great relevance for animals actively participating in an EAT program and could be used
such as horses that participate in programs to assist people in future studies determining whether the emotional state
with physical and/or psychological conditions [28]. Moni- of the horse is being influenced by external stimulation
toring how horses are coping with their close association such as humanehorse interactions. Most importantly,
with human beings will not only benefit the well-being of these results indicate that the types of monitors commonly
the horses, but will provide important information that used in horse facilities, which measure HRV in horses using
could improve the efficacy of EAT programs and their the same frequency ranges as for human beings, are
benefit to human beings. There are already several studies capable of providing valid data for both horses and human
that have used HRV to investigate the physiological basis beings. In future work, the aim will be to use HRV to
for the behavior and temperament of horses [9,17,42]. improve the consequences of EAT on the well-being of
Therefore, HRV seems to be an appropriate variable to be horses and to help EAT Centers to improve the beneficial
Author's personal copy

84 E.K. Gehrke et al. / Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31 (2011) 78-84

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