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Document Title
Department: EIE,CSE,EEE& IT
Created by: Faculty of R.M.K. Group of Institutions

1. Contents
2. Course Objectives

3. Pre Requisites

4. Syllabus

5. Course outcomes

6. CO- PO/PSO Mapping

7. Lecture Plan

8. Activity based learning

9. Lecture Notes

10. Assignments

11. Part A Question & Answer

12. Part B Question & Answer

13. Supportive online Certification courses

14. Real time Applications in day to day life and to Industry

15. Contents beyond the Syllabus

16. Assessment Schedule

17. Prescribed Text Books & Reference Books

18. Mini Project suggestions


To generate knowledge and skills to use tools and techniques

for the implementation of quality management in

manufacturing and services processes.







SYLLABUS: Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definitions of
quality - Dimensions of product and service quality - Basic concepts of TQM - TQM
Framework - Contributions of Deming, Juran and Crosby - Barriers to TQM -
Customer focus - Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction, Customer
complaints, and Customer retention
SYLLABUS: Leadership – Quality Statements, Strategic quality planning, Quality
Councils - Employee involvement - Motivation, Empowerment, Team and
Teamwork, Recognition and Reward, Performance appraisal - Continuous process
improvement - PDCA cycle, 5S, Kaizen - Supplier partnership - Partnering, Supplier
selection, Supplier Rating.
SYLLABUS: The seven traditional tools of quality - New management tools - Six
sigma: Concepts, Methodology, applications to manufacturing, service sector
including IT - Bench marking - Reason to bench mark, Bench marking process -
FMEA - Stages, Types.
SYLLABUS: Quality Circles, Cost of Quality, Quality Function Development
(QFD) - Taguchi quality loss function - TPM - Concepts, improvement needs -
Performance measures.
SYLLABUS: Introduction—Benefits of ISO Registration—ISO 9000 Series of
Standards—Sector-Specific Standards—AS 9100, TS16949 and TL 9000-- ISO 9001
Requirements—Implementation—Documentation—Internal Audits—Registration-
Standards—Concepts of ISO 14001—Requirements of ISO 14001—Benefits of

1. Understand the quality philosophies and customer focused

managerial system
2. Summarize the quality management principles
3. Apply six sigma concept in manufacturing and service
4. Determine the tools and techniques for quality
5. Analyse standards and auditing system on implementation
of TQM.
6. Analyse standards for the operation of EMS.

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 - - 1 - - 1 1 - - - 3 -
CO2 - - - - - - - 2 3 - 3 -
CO3 - - - - 1 - - - - - 3 -
CO4 - - - - 1 - - - - - 3 -
CO5 - - - - - - - - - 1 3 -
CO6 - - 2 - - - 3 - - - 3 -


CO1 - 1 -
CO2 - 1 -
CO3 - 1 -
CO4 - 2 -
CO5 - 1 -
CO6 - 1 -

S. Total Proposed
No. Date Actual Pertaining Taxono Mode of
No. Topic Lecture
Of CO my Delivery
Periods Date Level

1 Introduction CO1 K2 MD1

2 Need for CO1 K2 MD1
Evolution of
Definitions of
3 quality, CO1 K2 MD1
Dimensions of
product and
service quality
Basic concepts
4 of TQM, TQM CO1 K2 MD2

5 Contributions CO1 K2 MD2

of Deming
6 CO1 K2 MD2
of Juran and
Barriers to
7 TQM, Quality CO1 K2 MD2 &
statements MD4
8 CO1 K2 MD2
9 CO1 K2 MD2
and retention,
Costs of

Signature of Staff Incharge Signature of HOD

S. Total Proposed
No. Date Actual Pertaini Taxono Mode of
No. Topic Lecture
Of ng my Delive
Perio Date CO Level ry

Leadership – Quality
1 Statements -Strategic CO2 K2 MD2&
quality planning MD4

Quality Councils-
2 Employee CO2 K2 MD2

3 Motivation, CO2 K2 MD2

Team and Teamwork,
4 CO2 K2 MD3
Quality circles

Recognition and
5 CO2 K2 MD2
Reward, Performance

6 Continuous process
CO2 K2 MD2
improvement - PDCA

7 5S, Kaizen CO2 K2 MD2

Supplier Partnering,
8 CO2 K2 MD2
Supplier selection

9 Supplier Rating CO2 K2 MD2

Signature of Staff Incharge Signature of HOD

S. Total
No. Proposed Actual Pertaini Taxon Mode
N Topic Lecture
Of Date ng om of
o. Date
Periods CO y Deliv
Le ery
1 The seven traditional tools CO3 K2 MD2
of quality
2 CO3 K2 MD2

3 CO3 K2 MD2
New management tools
4 CO3 K2 MD2

Six sigma Concepts,

5 CO3 K2 MD1

Six sigma applications to
6 manufacturing, service CO3 K2 MD2
sector including IT

Reason to bench mark,

7 Bench marking process CO3 K2 MD2

8 FMEA Stages CO3 K2 MD4

9 FMEA Types CO3 K2 MD2

Signature of Staff Incharge Signature of HOD


MD 1. Chalk & Talk

MD 2. Power Point Presentation
MD 3. Video Lecture
MD 4. Seminar
MD 5. Field visit
S. Total Proposed
No. Date Actual Pertaini Taxono Mode
N Topic Lecture ng my of
o. Of
Periods Date CO) Lev Deliver
el y

1 CO3 K2 MD1
Quality Circles
2 CO3 K2 MD1

3 CO3 K2 MD2
Cost of Quality

4 CO3 K2 MD2

Quality Function CO3 K2 MD2
Development (QFD)

7 Taguchi quality loss CO3 K2 MD2


8 TPM Concepts, CO3 K2 MD3

improvement needs

9 Performance measures CO3 K2 MD4

Signature of Staff Incharge Signature of HOD


MD 1. Chalk & Talk

MD 2. Power Point Presentation
MD 3. Video Lecture
MD 4. Seminar
MD 5. Field visit
S. Total Proposed
No. Actual Pertaini Taxono Mode of
No Topic Date Lecture ng my Deliver
. Of
Periods Date CO Leve y

1 Introduction—Benefits CO5 K2 MD2

of ISO Registration—

2 ISO 9000 Series of CO5 K2 MD2

Standards— Sector-
Specific Standards—

3 AS 9100, TS16949 and CO5 K2 MD5

TL 9000--
ISO 9001 Requirements

4 Implementation— CO5 K2 MD2

5 Internal Audits— CO5 K2 MD2
6 CO6 K2 MD2
14000 Series
7 Concepts of ISO 14001 CO6 K2 MD5

8 Requirements of ISO CO6 K2 MD3

9 Benefits of EMS. CO6 K2 MD3

Signature of Staff Incharge Signature of HOD


MD 1. Chalk & Talk

MD 2. Power Point Presentation
MD 3. Video Lecture
MD 4. Seminar
MD 5. Field visit

1. Head to Head

Topic : Differentiate Six Sigma and Lean Six sigma

Course Outcome : CO3

Program Outcome : PO7,PO8,PO9,PO10,PO11 & PO12

Aim : Pose an open-ended question to the class and ask

students to come up with their best answer.

Time : 25-30 minutes

Size : Group 2-3


 Identify a topic in the lesson that is open-ended- suitable for thinking and ask
students to come up with their best.
 Pair the students and get them to agree on a response.
 Continue until half the group goes head to head with the other half.


 Helps students to think individually about a topic or answer to a question.

 Teaches students to share ideas with classmates and builds oral communication
 Helps focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading
2. One-minute Shock

Topic : Benchmark

Course Outcome : CO3

Program Outcome : PO7,PO8,PO9,PO10,PO11 & PO12

Aim : To check how much could students

explain the innovative topic in one minute

Time : 25-30 minutes

Size : Group 4-7

 At the end of class, set a timer for one minute
 Ask students to record their most eye-opening revelation or biggest question

 Provide a “conceptual bridge” between successive class periods.
 Improve the quality of class discussion by having students write briefly
about a concept or issue before they begin discussing it.
 Effective way of involving all students in class simultaneously.
 Promote class attendance and attentiveness
Unit III

The seven traditional tools were first conceptualized by Kaoru Ishikawa, a professor
of Engineering at the University of Tokyo. The seven traditional Quality Control (QC)
tools are graphical techniques deployed in the organizations for solving quality
problems and process improvements. These tools play significant roles to monitor,
obtain, analyze data to detect and solve the problems of production processes to
improve the performance in producing a product or service.
These seven basic quality control tools are:
Cause-and Effect Diagrams (Ishikawa & Fishbone Diagrams)
Check sheets
Control charts
Pareto charts
Scatter diagrams
Flow Chart or Run chart (Stratification)
Seven Traditional Tools
Cause and Effect Diagram

Cause and Effect Diagram

Cause and Effect diagram was developed by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa in 1943.
Cause and Effect diagrams are also called as Ishikawa or Fishbone diagrams. It is
called as Fish bone Diagrams because the shape of the diagram looks like the
skeleton of a fish with long spine and various connecting branches.
This diagram identifies the root causes (or factors) leading to an effect (or
problem) and also helps in deriving meaningful relationship between them.
Once a problem is defined, the factors leading to the causes of the problem are
identified. It further keeps identifying the sub factors leading to the causes till the
root cause of the problem is identified.
As a result, a diagram with branches and sub branches of causal factors
resembling to a fish bone diagram is obtained.
The defect or problem is shown as the fish's head, with sub-branches for root-
causes, and medium sized bones for secondary causes, to as many levels as


Highly visual brainstorming tool, to determine the root causes of a problem or

quality characteristic using a structured approach.
Quickly identify if the root cause is found multiple times in the same or different
causal tree.
Encourages group participation and utilizes group knowledge of the process.
Indicates possible causes of variation in a process.
Cause and Effect Diagram

The problem is wrong/delayed/damaged delivery. The possible reasons can be the
wrong packaging was used that led to damage during transit, the wrong product
was released for delivery or the addressed labeled on the product wasn’t correct.
The main causes are classified and present it in the fishbone diagram like below:
Check Sheet

The check sheet is a structured, prepared form (document) for collecting and
analyzing data in real time at the location where the data is generated.
Data are collected and tabulated on the check sheet to record the frequency of
specific events during a data collection period.
The data it captures can be either quantitative or qualitative.
When the information is quantitative, the check sheet is called a tally sheet.
The purpose of checklist is to list down the important events/checkpoints in a
tabular/metrics format and keeps on updating or marking the status on their
occurrence which helps in understanding the progress, defect patterns and even
causes for defects.
A check sheet records data by making check or tally marks that indicate how
many times a particular value has occurred, and helps in observing defects or
errors within the process or product and causes of specific defects.
The main advantages of check sheets are easy to apply and understand, and it
can make a clear picture of the situation and condition of the organization.
The figure below shows a check sheet used to collect data on telephone
interruptions. The tick marks were added as data was collected over several
Control Chart

Control charts are also known as Shewhart charts or process behavior charts.
A graph used to study how a process changes over time.
In statistical process, Control chart are tools used to determine if a manufacturing
or a business process is in a state of statistical control.
Control chart helps in predicting process performance, understand the various
production patterns and study how a process changes or shifts from normally
specified control limits over a period of time.
In Control chart, the data are plotted against time in X-axis. Control chart uses a
central line to depict average or mean, an upper and lower line to represent
upper and lower control limits and these lines are determined from historical data.
By comparing current data to historical control limits, experts can draw conclusion
about whether the process variation is consistent (in control, affected by common
causes of variation) or is unpredictable (out of control, affected by special causes
of variation).
It helps in differentiating common causes from special cause of variation.

A histogram is a bar graph that shows the frequency of data.

The most commonly used graph for showing frequency distributions, or displays
how often each different value in a set of data occurs.
It is used to graphically summarize and display the distribution of data and the
amount of variation within a process.
It provides the easiest way to evaluate the distribution of data.
Each bar within a histogram represents a group, while the height of the bar
represents the frequency of data within that group.
Histograms are particularly helpful when breaking down the frequency of your data
into categories such as age, days of the week, physical measurements, or any other
category that can be listed in chronological or numerical order.
Histogram Shapes and Meaning

Normal: A common pattern is the bell-shaped curve known as the “normal

distribution.” In a normal distribution, points are as likely to occur on one side of
the average as on the other.
Skewed: The skewed distribution is asymmetrical because a natural limit
prevents outcomes on one side. The distribution’s peak is off center towards the
limit and a tail stretches away from it. These distributions are called right or left
skewed according to the direction of the tail.
Double-peaked or bimodal: The bimodal distribution looks like the back of a
two-humped camel. The outcomes of two processes with different distributions
are combined in one set of data. A two-shift operation might be bimodal.
Plateau: The plateau might be called a “multimodal distribution”. Several
processes with normal distributions are combined, because there are many peaks
close together, the top of the distribution resembles a plateau.
Pareto Charts (80 – 20 Rule)

A Pareto chart is a special type of histogram that are used to identify categories of
problems graphically and prioritize the problems that has to be solved.
Pareto Principle: 80% of the problem or failure is caused by 20% of few major
factors which are often referred as Vital Few whereas remaining 20% of the
problem or failure is caused by 80% of many minor factors which are also
referred as Trivial Many.
The purpose of Pareto chart shows which factors are more significant.
It is a type of bar chart that shows the relative importance of variables, prioritized
in descending order from left to right side of the chart.
They can be used to identify a set of priorities so as to determine what
parameters have the biggest impact on the specific area of concern.
Pareto chart is a type of chart that contains both line and bar graphs where
individual values are represented in descending order by bars and cumulative
total is represented by the line.
Scatter Diagram

A Scatter diagram or scatter plot is basically a statistical tool that shows the
correlation between two variables in a process.
The scatter diagram graphs pairs of numerical data, with one variable on each
axis, and establish a relationship between the problem (overall effect) and causes
that are affecting.
It depicts dependent variables on Y axis, independent variables on X axis and
plotted as dots on their common intersection points.
When joined, these dots can highlight the relationship between the two variables.
If the variables are correlated, the points will fall along a line or curve.
The stronger the correlation, the stronger the relationship between variables.
The shape of the scatter diagram often shows the degree and direction of
relationship between two variables, and the correlation may reveal the causes of a

The ZZ-400 manufacturing team drew a scatter diagram to test whether product
purity and iron contamination were related, but the plot did not demonstrate a
relationship. Then a team member realized that the data came from three different
reactors. The team member redrew the diagram, using a different symbol for each
reactor’s data.
Flow Charts (Stratification)
A technique that separates data gathered from a variety of sources so that
patterns can be seen.
Stratification is a method of dividing data into sub–categories and classify data
based on group, division, class or levels that helps in deriving meaningful
information to understand an existing problem.
It is also called flow-chart or run chart.
Flowchart presents a diagrammatic picture that indicates a series of symbols to
describe the sequence of steps exist in an operation or process.
A flowchart visualize a picture including the inputs, activities, decision points, and
outputs for understanding the overall objective through process.
Example: Medical Service
This is a hospital flowchart that shows how clinical cases shall be processed. This
flowchart uses decision shapes intensively in representing alternative flows.
New Management Tools

The seven new management tools began as a part of the Union of Japanese
Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) in 1972. They are a set of tools and techniques used
for planning, analysis, managing operations and decision making in finding a
problem solution. These tools were developed independently for diverse purposes.
However, they were assembled as a set of techniques for achieving efficiencies in
the planning and management of operations.
These seven new quality control tools, are often called the seven management and
planning tools.
Affinity Diagram
Interrelationship Diagram
Tree Diagram
Matrix Diagram
Matrix Data Analysis
Arrow diagram
Process Decision Program Chart
Affinity Diagrams (or) Affinity Chart

It was created in 1960s by Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawatika and named as

KJ method.
An affinity diagram is a special type of brainstorming process.
It is a technique that an individual or team can use for problem solving.
Affinity diagram uses an organized method to gather large number of ideas,
opinions and facts related to a broad problem.
Organizes the data into groups based on their underlying relationships, affinity
(likeness) or similarity.
This method encourages team’s creativity to generate a large number
of ideas/issues and then organize and summarize them to understand the
essence of a problem and breakthrough solutions.
It can be widely used in the planning stages of a problem to organize the ideas
and information.
Affinity diagrams breaks down longstanding communication barriers.

Steps in constructing an Affinity diagram:

Select the subject/problem to be analyzed.

Use brainstorming to collect facts and ideas.
Record each item on separate data card.
Spread out all cards on table or stick them on a board.
Look for ideas that seems to be related.
Move data cards into groups of similar themes (natural affinity for each
Combine statements on data cards to new Affinity statement.
Make new card with Affinity statement.
Continue to combine until less than 5 groups.
Draw the final Affinity Diagram for the problem discussed.
Affinity Diagrams (or) Affinity Chart

Example: Senior management might conduct a brainstorming session to develop a

list of ideas to incorporate into the vision. Once a large number of ideas have been
generated, they can be grouped according to their “affinity” or relationship to each
Step 1: Generate and display ideas based on the problem.

Step 2: Sort ideas into homogeneous groups.

Interrelationship Diagram or Relations diagram
The interrelationship diagram can also be referred as relations diagram.
This technique allows a team to systematically identify, analyze, and classify the
cause-and-effect relationships that exist among all critical issues.
It is used to signify the strength of relationship between two processes or entities.
The process of creating an inter-relationship diagram helps to understand the
causal relationship between variables/processes and analyze the natural links
between different aspects of a complex situation.
The relations diagram displays all the inter-related cause-and-effect relationships
and factors involved in a complex problem and describes desired outcomes.
The relations diagram encourages team members to think in multiple directions
rather than linearly.
Interrelationship diagrams use arrows to show relationships, such as the inputs,
outputs, and interconnections among processes.
Arrows are used to show the direction of influences, and one item may influence
many other items or be influenced by many other items.
The process that has highest number of incoming arrows indicates the measure of
success or an outcome.
Similarly, the process having more number of outgoing arrows indicates it is the
root cause.
Steps in constructing Interrelationship Diagram:
Decide the ‘effect’ or the problem for which causes are to be found.
Brainstorm to identify the immediate causes for the effect first. Take care to
place causes likely to be related to one another in adjacent positions.
Connect these immediate causes to the effect by connecting the rectangles of
the causes to that of the effect with a line with an arrow pointing towards the
Explore the relationship between all the causes and connect the rectangles as
in step-3.
The elements with most outgoing arrows are the root causes and the ones
with most incoming arrows will be key outcomes or results.
Interrelationship Diagram or Relations diagram

A local physicians’ group is experiencing a relatively high number of patient
complaints regarding the lack of returned phone calls following a patient visit where
some kind of test was ordered. In particular, the patients are frustrated that the
promised call notifying them of the test results is either delayed or must be initiated
by the patient. The office manager of the group conducts a brainstorming session to
generate potential reasons for the lack of effective and timely follow-up calls. The
group then takes the brainstormed list and organizes the potential reasons using an
interrelationship diagram.
Tree Diagram

Tree diagram is also referred to as systematic diagram.

The tree diagram starts with one item that branches into two or more, each of
which branch into two or more, and so on.
It looks like a tree, with trunk and multiple branches.
This diagram helps in understanding the process level-by-level by breaking down
broad categories of process into finer and finer levels of detail.
It helps the team move down from broad process map to specific process details
and requirements.

Steps in constructing Tree diagram:

Identify a high priority problem that needs to be solved at the earliest.
Decide the appropriate form of the diagram - cascade or tree and the direction of
Brainstorm to identify the primary means to achieve the objective. Arrange them
in an appropriate order keeping in mind the likely interrelations between them
and place them in rectangles at the first level.
For each of the primary means, identify secondary means which would be
necessary to attain those means. Arrange them in next level boxes.
Identify tertiary means required to attain each of the secondary means and place
them in a proper order in the next level boxes.
Continue the process till the team feels that the end of the line has been
If a lower level means is required to attain two higher level means, it may be
connected to both.
Brainstorm to reach a consensus on the relative importance of the last level
means to priorities action.
Give a suitable title to the diagram.
Tree Diagram

Matrix Diagram

The matrix diagram helps in establishing relationship between variables, ideas,

activities, or other dimensions in such a way to provide logical connection
between each item.
This diagram shows the relationship between two, three or four groups of
information such as objectives and methods, results and causes, tasks and
people, etc.
Variables are arranged in both row & column and the strength of the relationship
between each pair is marked in their corresponding cell.
It also can give information about the relationship, such as its strength, the roles
played by various individuals or measurements.

There are several types of matrices:

An L-shaped matrix relates two groups of items to each other (elements on the Y-
axis and elements on the X-axis).
A T-shaped matrix relates three groups of items: groups B and C are each related
to A but Groups B and C are not related to each other (2 sets of elements on the
Y-axis, split by a set of elements on the X-axis).
A Y-shaped matrix relates three groups of items. Each group is related to the
other two in a circular fashion 2 L-type matrices joined at the Y-axis to produce a
matrix design in 3 planes).
An X-shaped matrix relates four groups of items. Each group is related to two
others in a circular fashion (2 sets of elements on both the Y-axis and X-axis).
A C-shaped matrix relates three groups of items all together simultaneously, in 3-
D (2 L-type matrices joined at the Y-axis, but with only I set of relationships
indicated in 3-dimensional space).
A roof-shaped matrix relates one group of items to itself. It is usually used along
with an L- or T-shaped matrix. (Used in QFD).
Matrix Diagram

Steps in constructing Matrix Diagram:

Decide the two sets of factors for which relations are required to be clarified. Call
the set of the main factors as ‘features’ and the set of factors dependent on it as
Divide the features into primary, secondary and tertiary features.
Divide the characteristics into primary, secondary and tertiary characteristics.
Place the features vertically on the left hand side of the matrix and characteristics
horizontally on top of the matrix.
Enter the importance of the features on the column after that for the tertiary
In the main body of the matrix, place symbols at the squares denoting the
relationship between the feature and the characteristic meeting at the
Title the diagram suitably.
Example: It shows how the relationship between two items can now be indicated in
the cell where the row and column of the two items interlinked.
Matrix Data Analysis Diagram

A mathematical technique for analyzing matrices in terms of weight criteria, often

called as prioritization matrix.
A prioritization matrix is an L-shaped matrix that uses a combination of tree and
matrix diagramming techniques to do pairwise comparisons of a list of options to
a set of criteria in order to choose the best option(s).
Presents numerical data about two sets of factors in a matrix form and analyze it
to get the numerical output.
The factors are products and product characteristics.
The purpose is to analyze the data on several characteristics for a number of
products and use the information to see how the individual items relate both to
the characteristics and one another.

Steps in constructing Matrix Data Analysis Diagram:

Decide the two factors whose relations are to be analyzed.

Check the number of individual items in the two factors.
Prepare a matrix to accommodate all the items of the two factors.
Enter numerical data in the matrix.
Give the diagram a suitable title.
Matrix Data Analysis Diagram

The most common application of matrix data analysis diagram is to decide the
desired product characteristics of a new product based on the analysis of product
characteristics of similar products in the market and the intended positioning of the
new product. By collecting data on the product characteristics of related products
and placing them in a matrix data analysis diagram, one can decide the desired
characteristics of the proposed product depending on target group of customers for
the new product.
Arrow Diagram

Arrow diagrams are also called Activity network diagrams.

The arrow diagram is a tool used in Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program
Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).
These two project management tools have been used for many years to map their
activities and sequential tasks in a visual format, to determine which activities
must be performed, when they must be performed, and in what order.
The arrow diagram shows the required order of tasks in a project or process, the
best schedule for the entire project, and potential scheduling and resource
problems and their solutions.

Steps in constructing Arrow Diagram:

List all tasks or activities that need to be accomplished before the completion of
the process or the project.
Decide which steps are undertaken in series and which steps can be run in
Arrange the activities in a proper sequence.
Prepare ‘Event Nodes’ at the completion of steps and number them. Where the
process is bifurcating into two or more parallel streams, more lines will flow from
a node and where the parallel streams are merging, two or more steps will lead to
a node.
Write the description of the step on top of the line or to the left of the line.
Calculate the earliest time to reach an event node for the start of the process.
Where more than one streams are combining, the maximum time taken by a
stream is taken into consideration.
After the time for all event nodes including the completion of the process or the
project is available, calculate the latest time by which an event node must be

Arrow Diagram:
Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC)

PDPC break down tasks into a hierarchy using a Tree diagram.

The Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC) is a technique designed to help
prepare contingency plans that can occur when moving from a problem statement
to possible solutions.
It combines the effects of Failure Mode Effects (FMEA), Criticality Analysis
(FMECA) and Fault Tree Analysis.
The Process Decision Program Chart systematically identifies what might go
wrong in a plan under development.
Countermeasures or specific actions are taken to prevent or to mitigate the
impact of the problems if they do occur.
Using PDPC, either the plan can be revised to avoid the problems or be ready with
the best response when a problem occurs.

Steps in constructing Process Decision Program Chart Diagram:

Prepare a ‘normal’ flowchart of the process with all expected events as steps in
the chart.
Consider the possibility of the process not going as per the plan due to any
abnormal, though less probable, occurrences.
Show these occurrences on the flowchart through branching at appropriate
Consider how the abnormal occurrence will affect the process and search for ways
and means to counter the effect.
Show these countermeasures in rectangles connecting the corresponding
abnormal occurrence on one side and the process objective or the goal on the
Give a suitable title to the diagram.
Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC)

In the Figure below, different shaped boxes are used to highlight risks and identify

possible countermeasures often shown as “ovals” to indicate their uncertain nature.


Benefits of using the Seven Management Tools:

Rather than using ad-hoc and own methods for planning and decision making,
use of these well-defined and proven methods will help the user complete the
task faster and easily.
Time spent on unnecessary analysis and research is reduced by using these tools.
These tools guide the users to success on various aspects like planning, decision
making, arriving at the root cause and other significant business activities.

Six Sigma program involves the use of quality and statistical tools in a structured
fashion for gaining the insight needed to achieve better, faster and less expensive
products and services than the competition.

A quality improvement business concept that focuses on eliminating defects
through reduction of variation in a process.
Six Sigma is a quality management methodology used to help businesses improve
current processes, products or services by discovering and eliminating defects.
The goal is to streamline quality control in manufacturing or business processes to
reduce variation continuously and create a win situation in business or services.
Motorola experimented with problem solving methods through statistical analytical
tools and officially launched Six Sigma program.
Six Sigma was trademarked by Motorola in 1986 and coined by Bill Smith.
It references the Greek letter sigma (σ), which is a statistical symbol that
represents a standard deviation.
Motorola describe six sigma as a methodology for achieving transformational
change within an organization.
Six Sigma process is one in which 99.99966 % of the products manufactured are
statistically expected to be free of defects (3.4 defects per million).
Objectives of Six sigma

Involves the use of advanced statistical tools in the management processes for
gaining the insight needed to achieve better quality products and services and
also helps in reducing the number of defects. To achieve this, the objectives are
To reduce defects in the processes, products and services provided to the
To use statistical approach and scientific methods to identify the best technique
for achieving total quality.
Emphasizes following the DMAIC approach (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve,
and Control) to tackle the problems.
To put continuous effort in improving and arranging the best plan to fulfil the
Organizations using Six Sigma often utilize teams that are assigned well defined
projects with a direct impact on the bottom line.
Principles of Six Sigma

The goal of Six Sigma is to identify and eliminate any defects that are causing
variations in quality by defining a sequence of steps around a certain target.
Smaller is Better creates an “upper specification limit,” such as having a target
of zero for defects or rejected parts.
Larger is Better involves a “lower specification limit,” such as test scores, where
the target is 100 percent.
Nominal is Best looks at the middle ground. A customer service representative
needs to spend enough time on the phone to troubleshoot a problem, but not so
long that they lose productivity.

Six Sigma Specifications

An Upper Specification Limit (USL) is a value above which the performance of a

product or process is unacceptable.
A Lower Specification Limit (LSL) is a value below which the performance of a
product or process is unacceptable.
Standard Deviation (σ) is a statistical term used to measure variance, that
determines how far a given process deviates from perfection.
Levels of Six Sigma

Defect – A measurable outcome that is not within acceptable (specification) limits.

Process Capability is defined as a measure of how good a metric is performing
against establishing standards
Defects per unit (DPU) = number of defects discovered  number of units
Defects per million opportunities (DPMO) = number of defects discovered 
opportunities for error  1,000,000
USL/LSL : Upper & Lower Specification Limit
Process Capability Index (Cp) = (USL –LSL) / (6s)
Six Sigma Methodologies

There are two different methodologies available to carry out improvements in

processes or operations:

This approach is based on the organization which is developing the system for
customers. It helps in improving the existing business system by following these five
phases. These include:
Define the problem, the customer, the project requirements, the ultimate goals
and expectations of the customer and the key processes that will have the
greatest impact on customer.
Measure performance of the current process by establishing a data collection
plan to determine defects and gather metrics.
Analyze the process to establish root cause of variations and defects to identify
issues with the current strategy and also identify key factors that are likely to
create process variation.
Improve the process by eliminating/removing the root causes of defects through
various tools and innovative solutions.
Control the new process and put tools in place to ensure the key variables
remain within the acceptable ranges under the modified process and feedback the
results back to the process for continuous improvement.
Six Sigma Methodologies


This approach is based on customers need and satisfaction when there is a need to
create a new design or product. The Six Sigma DMADV, also known as Design For
Six Sigma (DFSS), includes five stages:
Define design goals that are consistent with the customer’s requirements or the
business strategy.
Measure and identify the characteristics that are critical to quality (CTQ)
requirements, product capabilities, production process capability and translate
them into clear project goals.
Analyze to develop and design multiple options and alternatives, create a high
level design and evaluate design capability to select the best design.
Design an improved alternative process at a high level before moving onto a
more detailed version that will become the prototype to identify errors and make
Verify that the final iteration of the product or process is approved by all
customers and clients — whether internal or external.
Differences between DMAIC and DMADV
Six Sigma – Implementation

Six Sigma helps in attaining the goal of Total Quality Management by addressing the
following points and making sure that they are implemented in order to meet the
customers need:
1. Leadership Commitment
Six Sigma provides the top management officials and senior leadership with
equipped training in the principles and statistical tools which are needed for the
development of a management infrastructure.
This involves tackling any obstacles which may arise in the levels of organizational
hierarchy and removing procedural barriers to experimentation and modify the
ways to those working on the module to think and rebuild the bottom line plan.
2. Customer Focus
To meet the desired outcome, Six Sigma works on eliminating the opportunities
for defects in the future and also helps to make systems that are much more
defect free.
It also helps in maintaining and establishing close relationships with external
customers (direct customers, end-users, suppliers) and internal customers
3. Strategic Deployment
Six Sigma focuses on a high-end strategic deployment approach for building the
company’s resources with the right support, right people, right project, and the
right tool for identifying and working on the root cause to improvise the
performance metrics.
4.Disciplined Framework
Six sigma projects are implemented using the DMAIC approach (define, measure,
analyze and control).
It sets up a clear protocol to facilitate internal communication.
Hence, a disciplined framework helps in maintaining constant progress in
analyzing and improvising to achieve total quality in the system.
Six Sigma – Implementation

5.Integrated Infrastructure
There is a proper allotment of work in an organization to ensure that the program is
effectively implemented. It consists of the following levels:
Leadership Team – Defines and reviews project’s progress. Includes the CEO
and other members of top management.
The Champion – Acts as a leader and removes the obstacles/barriers if any, for
the project team. Act as mentors to black belts.
The Master Black Belt – Acts as a technical guide and provides in-depth
knowledge of quality tools being used for the development of the system.
The Black Belt – Controls the project and act as leaders for specific tasks.
The Green Belt – Employees who supports the black belt and maintains their
other job responsibilities.
6. Education and Training
A top-to-bottom training procedure is followed in the Six Sigma program and
system improvement methodologies for all levels in the organizational hierarchy.
As an innovation-driven methodology, it utilizes the quality and statistical tools to
transform a practical problem to a practical solution by new ways and thus helps
in achieving a defect free system with total quality.

Benefits of Six Sigma

Improves customer relationships by addressing defects.

Defines a measurable way to track performance improvements.
Focuses on process management at all levels of the organization.
Improves the efficiency and effectiveness of processes by aligning them with
customer’s needs.
Delivers financial benefits to the business by eliminating the cost of poor quality.
Process cost reduction, cycle-time improvement and less waste of materials.
Software used for Six Sigma

ARENA- is a discrete event simulation and automation software developed by

Systems Modelling and acquired by Rockwell Automation in 2000.
ARIS Six Sigma (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems) is an
approach to enterprise modelling. It offers methods for analyzing process design,
management, workflow and application processing.
Microsoft Visio is a diagramming and vector graphics application and is a part of
Microsoft Office suite. The product was first introduced in 1992 made by the
Shapeware Corporation. It was acquired by Microsoft in 2000.

Case Study 1:
Six Sigma was introduced in Korea in 1997. The first National Quality price of Six
Sigma was given to two companies namely Samsung and LG electronics. They are
considered to be the leaders of Six Sigma in Korea.

Samsung SDI was founded in 1970 as a producer of the black/white Braun tube.
It began to produce color Braun tubes from 1980 and it is the number one
manufacturer of color Braun tubes in the world. The market share of Braun tubes
is 22%. The major products are Color Display Tube (CDT), Color Picture Tube
(CPT), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD), Color
Filter, Lion Battery and Plasma Display Panel (PDP). The total sales volume is
about $4.4 billion and the total number of employees is about 18000. It has
overseas subsidiaries in Mexico, China, Germany, Malaysia and Brazil.

The problems were large quality variations in many products, repeated occurrences
of the same defects, high quality costs, insufficient information for quality and
productivity and infrequent use of advanced scientific methods.
The company concluded that the directions for solving these problems lies in
scientific and statistical approaches for product quality, elimination of waste
elements for process innovation and continuous learning system for people. These
problems demanded a firm strategy that involves a new paradigm shift to Six Sigma.
Samsung SDI made a one year contract with Six Sigma for $3.3 billion to help the
company in every aspect.

Case Study 2:

Six Sigma in Digital Appliance Company of LG Electronics

The Digital Appliance Company of LG Electronics is another company who
received the first National Quality price of Six Sigma in 2000. LG electronics was
founded in the year 1958 under the name of Gold star, and later became LG
Electronics in 1995. LG Electronics consists of three companies namely Digital
Appliance, Digital Media and Digital Multimedia.
LGE-DA received the first national Six Sigma quality award. The major products of
LGE-DA are air conditioners, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, microwave
ovens, air compressors, refrigerators and motors. In 2000, the company had 4800
employees with total sales of $2.5 billion. LGE now has 30 different overseas
subsidiaries in China, Turkey, Mexico, Hungary, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and
other countries.
LGE-DA adopted the Six Sigma concept in 1996. Since 2000, Six Sigma and e-
business strategies became the major innovation activities for this company. As
far as quality management is concerned, the AQL was approximately at the 3𝜎
level until 1991. Owing to the 100PPM movement since 1992, the company
became successful in enhancing its quality level to 4σ. In 1996 it adopted Six
Sigma, challenging itself to achieving the goal of 6σ quality level in a few years.

Case Study 3: Motorola


Applications – Manufacturing
After its application at Motorola in the late 1980s, other internationally recognized
firms recorded high number of savings after applying Six Sigma.
Examples are Johnson and Johnson, with $600 million of reported savings.
Texas Instruments, which saved over $500 million.
Telefónica de Espana, which reported €30 million in savings in the first 10 months.
Other organizations like Sony and Boeing achieved large percentages in waste

Applications - Engineering and Construction

There is still a need for an essential analysis that can control the factors affecting
concrete cracks and slippage between concrete and steel.
After conducting a case study on Tinjin Xianyi Construction Technology Co, Ltd., it
was found that construction time and construction waste were reduced by 26.2%
and 67% accordingly after adopting Six Sigma.
Six Sigma implementation was studied at one of the largest engineering and
construction companies in the world:
Bechtel Corporation, where after an initial investment of $30 million in a Six Sigma
program that included identifying and preventing rework and defects, over $200
million were saved.

Applications – Finance
Six Sigma has played an important role by improving accuracy of allocation of
cash to reduce bank charges, automatic payments, improving accuracy of
reporting, reducing documentary credit defects, reducing check collection defects,
and reducing variation in collector performance.
Two of the financial institutions that have reported considerable improvements in
their operations are Bank of America and American Express.
By 2004 Bank of America increased customer satisfaction by 10.4% and
decreased customer issues by 24% by applying Six Sigma tools in their streamline
American Express successfully eliminated non-received renewal credit cards and
improved their overall processes by applying Six Sigma principles.
This strategy is currently being applied by other financial institutions like GE
Capital Corp., JP Morgan Chase, and SunTrust Bank, with customer satisfaction
being their main objective.

Applications – Healthcare
This is a sector that has been highly matched because of the nature of zero
tolerance for mistakes and potential for reducing medical errors involved in
The goal of Six Sigma in healthcare includes reducing the inventory of equipment
that brings extra costs, altering the process of healthcare delivery in order to
make it more efficient and refining reimbursements.
A study at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, which recorded an
increase in examinations with no additional machines of 45% and reduction in
patients' preparation time of 40 minutes; from 45 minutes to 5 minutes in multiple
Differences – Six Sigma & TQM


Associated with the development, deployment A process improvement program as it is based on

and maintenance of organizational systems concepts that focus on continuous quality
across various business processes. improvements.

New Processes are developed based on various Involves designing and developing new systems
customer feedbacks and researches. and processes and ensures effective coordination
among various departments.

Strategic approach to maintain existing quality Uses statistical methods (SPC) for monitoring and
standards and making incremental quality controlling business processes.

Views quality as conformance to internal Focuses on improving quality by reducing the

requirements and emphasizes on improving the number of defects or errors to ensure high
existing policies and making necessary changes quality products.
in the systems to ensure superior quality
products and services.

Focuses on improving individual operations Focuses on improving all the operations within a
within unrelated business processes. single business processes.

Initiatives are usually a part-time activity that Requires the skills of professionals that are
can be managed by non-dedicated managers. certified as ‘black belts’.

Work without completely knowing what the Based on a preplanned project charter that
financial gains might be. outlines the scale of a project, financial targets,
anticipated benefits and milestones.
Bench marking
Benchmarking is the process of measuring an organization’s internal processes
then identifying, understanding, and adapting outstanding practices from other
organization’s best industry practices.
Benchmarking is the systematic search for best practices, innovative ideas,
practices, and highly effective operating procedures – Besterfield and others.
Benchmarking is the search for the industry best practices that lead to superior
performance - Robert Camp
Benchmarking is a systematic method by which organizations can measure the
performance themselves against the best industry practices of another industry.
Benchmarking is a process that allows organizations to improve upon existing
Benchmarking is the practice of a business comparing key metrics of their
operations to other similar companies and strive to be that good.
It uses the knowledge and the experience of others to improve the organization.
It analyzes the performance and note the strengths and weaknesses of the
organization and assesses what must be done to improve.
Benchmarking is used to measure performance using a specific indicator (cost per
unit of measure, productivity per unit of measure, cycle time of x per unit of
measure or defects per unit of measure) resulting in a metric of performance that
is then compared to others.
Bench marking
Reasons for Benchmarking

Benchmarking is a more efficient way to make improvements.

Practicing benchmarking focuses on tailoring existing processes to fit within the
Benchmarking speeds up organization’s ability to make improvements.
Compare business practices with those of world class organizations.
Challenge current practices and processes.
Create improved goals and practices for the organization.
To achieve business & competitive objectives.
To enhance customer satisfaction.
Is time and cost efficient due to adaptation and imitation rather than invention.
To assist in setting strategic targets.
To improve employee morale.
To achieve quality awards.
To promote improvements in performance.

Objectives of Benchmarking

Becoming competitive
Improving industry best practices
Defining customer requirement
Establishing effective goals and objectives
Developing the measures of productivity

Key Elements of Benchmarking

Customer satisfaction
Openness to new ideas
Continuous process
Benchmarking- Advantages & Disadvantages

Advantages of Benchmarking

It helps improve process effectiveness.

Helps in cost reduction.
It provides focus in planning operations.
The sharing of information may create opportunities for innovations.
It assesses the firms existing position and provides a basis for establishing
standards of performance.
Cross comparison are more likely to expose different ways of doing things.
It provides evidence for additional resources.
Facilitates multi-disciplinary team building and networking.
Provides an avenue for change in clinical practices.

Disadvantages of Benchmarking

Benchmarking is the danger of complacency and arrogance. Many organizations

tend to relax after excelling beyond competitors' standards. The realization of
having become the industry leader soon leads to arrogance, when considerable
scope for further improvements remains.
It implies there is only one best way of doing business.
The benchmark may be yesterday’s solution to tomorrow’s problems. If the
operating environment is highly dynamic the solution will be dynamic.
It depends on the accuracy of the information about the comparator company.
It may be difficult to decide which activities to benchmark.
It encourages the mentality of catching up rather than being innovative.
Lack of strategic relevancy.
Process of Benchmarking
Organizations that benchmark, adapt the process to best fit their own needs and
culture. There are six steps contain the core techniques:
Decide what to benchmark.
Understand the current performance of the organization.
Do proper planning of what, how and when of benchmarking endeavor.
Study others well (the practices or system that are wished to be benchmarked).
Gather data and learn from it.
Use the findings.
Decide what to benchmark – Prioritize those processes that offer the greatest
potential for improvement.
Understand current performance – To compare practices to outside
benchmarks, and necessary to understand and document the current process of the
organization that where to stand.
Plan – Once internal process is understood and documented, it is possible to make
decisions about how to conduct the study. The team should decide that what type of
benchmarking to be performed, what type of data are to be collected.
Study others – A description of how best in class practices and the measurable
result of these practices are.
Learn from data – Think of conducting original research through sites visits and
Use the findings – To effect the change, the findings must be communicated to
the people within the organization who can enable improvement. The findings must
be translated to goals and objectives and action plans must be developed to
implement new process.
Types of Benchmarking

Process Benchmarking
Financial Benchmarking
Performance Benchmarking
Product Benchmarking
Strategic Benchmarking
Functional Benchmarking
Internal Benchmarking
Competitive Benchmarking
External Benchmarking
International Benchmarking

Process Benchmarking – The initiating firm focuses its observation and

investigation of business processes with a goal of identifying and observing the
best practices from one or more benchmark firms. Activity analysis will be
required where the objective is to benchmark cost and efficiency; increasingly
applied to back-office processes where outsourcing may be a consideration.
Financial Benchmarking - Performs financial analysis and compares the results
in an effort to assess the overall competitiveness.
Performance Benchmarking - Allows the initiator firm to assess their
competitive position by comparing products and services with those of target
Product Benchmarking - The process of designing new products or upgrades
to current ones. This process can sometimes involve reverse engineering which is
taking apart competitors products to find strengths and weaknesses.
Strategic Benchmarking - Comparison of strategic decisions and dispositions at
a higher level. It involves observing how others compete. This type is usually not
industry specific.
Types of Benchmarking

Functional Benchmarking/Generic Benchmarking - Comparison against

organizations that are not necessarily competitors, but that performs related tasks
within the same technological area. A company will focus its benchmarking on a
single function in order to improve the operation of that particular function.
Complex functions such as Human Resources, Finance and Accounting and
Information and Communication Technology are unlikely to be directly comparable
in cost and efficiency terms and may need to be disaggregated into processes to
make valid comparison.

Internal Benchmarking - Comparison of internal operations between different

divisions or similar functions in different operating units against the best within
the same organization, often called benchmarking within the own class. It often
serves as a pilot project for conducting external benchmarking. The main
advantages of internal benchmarking are that access to sensitive data and
information are easier; standardized data is often readily available; and, usually
less time and resources are needed.

External Benchmarking - It involves seeking outside organizations that are

known to be best in class. It provides opportunities of learning from those who
are at the leading edge, although it must be remembered that the best practice
solution cannot be transferred to others.

International Benchmarking - Is used where partners are sought from other

countries because best practitioners are located elsewhere in the world and/or
there are too few benchmarking partners within the same country to produce
valid results. Globalization and advances in information technology are increasing
opportunities for international projects.


Benchmarking can be called the management tool that revived Xerox. Xerox defines
benchmarking as the “continuous process of measuring our products, services, and
practices against our toughest competitors or those companies recognized as
leaders. They used reverse engineering and made competitive benchmarking a
fundamental part of their operations by the early eighties. Xerox began to study
other organizations within and out of their industry. By 1983, Xerox had bench
marked more than 230 process performance areas in their operation. They looked at
all aspects of their business. Identifying the best processes used by others, Xerox
adapted them for their own use. This is how they regained their core competency
and strategic advantage in the photocopying industry.

Xerox -12 Step Benchmarking Process

Benefits of Benchmarking

Successful benchmarking, in which gaps in performance are bridged by

improvements, results in significant benefits, such as:
step changes in performance and innovation;
improving quality and productivity;
improving performance measurement
raised awareness about performance and greater openness about relative
strengths and weaknesses;
learning from others and greater confidence in developing and applying new
greater involvement and motivation of staff in change programmes
increase in willingness to share solutions to common problems and build
consensus about what is needed to accommodate changes;
better understanding of the ‘big picture’ and gaining a broader perspective of the
interplay of the factors (or enablers) that facilitate the implementation of good
practice; and
Increasing collaboration and understanding of the interactions within and between
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

It is also called potential failure modes and effects analysis; failure modes, effects
and criticality analysis (FMECA).
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a structured or step-by-step approach
for identifying all possible failures that may exist within the design of a product or
process a manufacturing or assembly process.
Failure modes are the ways or the ways in which a process can fail. Failures are
any errors or defects that affect the customer, and can be potential or actual.
Effects analysis are the ways that these failures can lead to waste, defects or
harmful outcomes for the customer.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is designed to identify, prioritize and evaluate
potential failure of product or process and its effects, and identify actions that
eliminate or reduce the potential failures, problem and errors.

Objectives of FMEA
Failures are prioritized according to how serious their consequences are, how
frequently they occur, and how easily they can be detected.
The purpose of the FMEA is to take actions to eliminate or reduce failures,
starting with the highest-priority ones.

Inputs for FMEA

People inputs: FMEA is a team work. The team should have assembly engineer,
manufacturing engineer, material engineer, quality engineer, service engineer,
suppliers and the customer.
Data inputs: Product and process specifications, reliability data, customer priority
data, process variability data, process descriptions and inspection data.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
There are two broad categories of FMEA,
Design FMEA (DFMEA) – Analysis of products prior to production
Process FMEA (PFMEA) - Analysis of manufacturing and assembly processes
It is further classified into
Equipment FMEA - Analysis of machinery and equipment design before purchase
Software FMEA - Analysis of the software functions.
Service FMEA - Analysis of service industry processes before they are released to
impact the customer.
System FMEA- Analysis of the global system functions
Concept FMEA- Analysis of systems and sub-systems in the early design concept
Environmental FMEA


Design FMEA (DFMEA) identifies the possibility of product malfunctions, reduced
product life, and safety and regulatory concerns according to their impact on the
product. It is derived from:
Material Properties
Interfaces with other components and/or systems
Engineering Noise: environments, user profile, degradation, systems

Process FMEA (PFMEA)

Process FMEA (PFMEA) discovers failure that impacts product quality, reduced
reliability of the process, customer dissatisfaction, and safety or environmental
hazards and its impact on the external or internal customers. It is derived from:
Human Factors
Methods followed while processing
Materials used, utilized
Measurement systems impact on acceptance
Environment Factors on process performance
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

When to Perform Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

When a process, product, or service is being designed or redesigned, after quality

function deployment (QFD).
When an existing process, product, or service is being applied in a new way.
Before developing control plans for a new or modified process.
When improvement goals are planned for an existing process, product, or service.
When analyzing failures of an existing process, product, or service.
Periodically throughout the life of the process, product, or service.

Why Perform Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

The sooner a failure is discovered, the less it will cost. If a failure is discovered
late in product development or launch, the impact is exponentially more
FMEA is one of many tools used to discover failure at its earliest possible point in
product or process design.
Discovering a failure early in Product Development (PD) using FMEA provides the
benefits of:
Multiple choices for Mitigating the Risk
Higher capability of Verification and Validation of changes
Collaboration between design of the product and process
Improved Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)
Lower cost solutions
Legacy, Tribal Knowledge, and Standard Work utilization
Stages of FMEA

Stage 1: Specifying Possibilities

Possible failure modes
Root causes
Stage 2: Quantifying Risks
Probability of cause
Severity of Effect
Effectiveness of control to prevent cause
Risk Priority Number (RPN)
Stage 3: Correcting High Risk Causes
Prioritizing work
Detailing action
Assigning action responsibility
Check points on completion
Stage 4: Re-evaluation of risk
Re-evaluation of Risk Priority Number (RPN)

Benefits of FMEA
Improve product/process reliability, quality and safety of a product/process.
Increase customer satisfaction.
Early identification/elimination of product/process failure modes.
Prioritize product/process deficiencies
Capture engineering/organization knowledge
Document and track the action taken to reduce risks
Emphasizes problem prevention
Provide focus for improved testing and development
Minimizes late changes and associated cost.
Act as a catalyst for team work and idea exchange between functions
Reduce possible scrap in production
To produce world class quality products
FMEA Procedure

Describe the product/process and its function.

Create a block diagram of the product or process. This diagram shows the logical
relationships of components and establishes a structure.
Complete the header on the FMEA form worksheet: Product/System,
Subsys./Assy., Component, Design Lead, Prepared By, Date, Revision (letter or
number), and Revision Date. Modify these headings as needed.
List product/process functions. If items are components, list them in a logical
manner under their subsystem/assembly based on the block diagram.
Identify Failure Modes. A failure mode is defined as the manner in which a
component, subsystem, system, process, etc. could potentially fail to meet the
design intent.
A failure mode in one component can serve as the cause of a failure mode in
another component. Each failure should be listed in technical terms. Failure
modes should be listed for function of each component or process step.
Describe the effects of those failure modes. For each failure mode identified the
engineer should determine what the ultimate effect will be. A failure effect is
defined as the result of a failure mode on the function of the product/process as
perceived by the customer.
Identify the causes for each failure mode. A failure cause is defined as a design
weakness that may result in a failure. The potential causes for each failure mode
should be identified and documented.
Establish a numerical ranking for the Severity of the effect.
Enter the Probability factor. A numerical weight should be assigned to each cause
that indicates how likely that cause is (probability of the cause that occurs).
Identify Current Controls (design or process). Current Controls (design or process)
are the mechanisms that prevent the cause of the failure mode from occurring or
which detect the failure before it reaches the Customer.
FMEA Procedure

Determine the likelihood of Detection. Detection is an assessment of the likelihood

that the Current Controls (design and process) will detect the Cause of the Failure
Mode or the Failure Mode itself, thus preventing it from reaching the Customer.
Review Risk Priority Numbers (RPN). The Risk Priority Number is a mathematical
product of the numerical Severity, Probability, and Detection ratings:
RPN = (Severity) x (Probability) x (Detection)
The RPN is used to prioritize items than require additional quality planning or
Determine Recommended Action(s) to address potential failures that have a high
RPN. These actions could include specific inspection, testing or quality
procedures; selection of different components or materials; de-rating; limiting
environmental stresses or operating range; redesign of the item to avoid the
failure mode; monitoring mechanisms; performing preventative maintenance; and
inclusion of back-up systems or redundancy.
Assign Responsibility and a Target Completion Date for these actions.
Indicate Actions Taken. After these actions have been taken, re-assess the
severity, probability and detection and review the revised RPN’s.
Update the FMEA as the design or process changes, the assessment changes or
new information becomes known.


Reliability is defined as the probability that the product will perform as per the
expectation for a certain period of time, under the given operating conditions, and
the given set of product performance characteristics.
The part, assembly, or process under consideration, the reliability of each sub
system and factors that contribute to failure to be found.


Products follow a pattern of failure.

There is no information about the reliability (i.e. Failure) of the product.
Failure Rate is a constant is known period of failure can be found out using
Exponential Distribution

Rt = e – λt Rt = Reliability of survival
Rt = e - t / θ t = Time for operation without failure
λ = Failure rate θ = Mean time to Failure


Failure Rate λ = .0002 per hour

What is the probability that it will survive or reliable during the first 200
hours of operations?

Rt = e – λt
= e – (200) (0.0002)
= 96.08 %

1. Explain the Concepts of Lean Six sigma

Course Outcome : 03

Program Outcome : PO8,PO10, PO11 & PO12


Lean Six sigma Concepts Methodology Application

Manufacture Minimum Pages Expected: 05
Service Industry

IT Industry

2. Explain the process of benchmarking, bench learning and

bench action

Course Outcome: 03

Program Outcome : PO8,PO10, PO11 & PO12


Process Benchmarking Bench learning Bench action

Industry Minimum Pages Expected: 05


11. Part A Question & Answer
S.No Question and Answers CO K
1 List down the seven tools of quality. CO3 K1
i. Pareto Diagram
ii. Process Flow Diagram
iii. Cause-and-Effect Diagram
iv. Check Sheets
v. Histogram
vi. Control Charts
vii. Scatter Diagrams

2 What is the purpose of Pareto diagram CO3 K1

• A Pareto chart is a special form of a bar graph and is used
to display the relative importance of problems or
conditions. Pareto analysis can be used in a wide range of
situations, where one need to prioritize problems based on
its relative importance.
• It can be used as a risk assessment technique from
activity level to system level.

3 State the principle of Pareto analysis. CO3 K1

Pareto principle states that a few of the defects accounts for
most of the effects. It is a process tool to classify data and
rank categories in descending order of occurrence to
separate significant categories from trivial ones.

4 Why is the Pareto principle called as 80/20 rule? CO3 K1

A Pareto diagram is a diagnostic tool commonly used for
separating the vital few causes that account for a dominant
share of quality loss. Vital few (20%) and Trivial many (80%)
means 20% of causes are the reason for 80% of problems
and are referred to as 80:20 rule.

5 What are the types of check sheets commonly used ? CO3 K1

1.Process distribution cheek sheet.
2.Defective item check sheet
3.Defect location check sheet
4.Defect factor check sheet

6 What is a scatter diagram? CO3 K1

A scatter diagram is used to interpret data by graphically
displaying the relationship between two variables.
S.No Question and Answers CO K
7 State cause and effect diagram. CO3 K1
The cause and effect diagram or Fishbone diagram is a
graphical-tabular chart to list and analyze the potential
causes of a given problem. The potential or probable causes
are identified and solutions or recommendations are
brainstormed, execution plan prepared for implementation. A
tree comparison was drawn up, to explain between causes
(hidden roots) and effects (foliage visible)
8 How the cause and effect diagram is used in TQM? CO3 K1
A cause and effect diagram is used for,
a. Identifying potential causes of a problem or issue in an
orderly way. (Example: Why is the production process
suddenly producing so many defects?)
b. Summarizing major causes under four categories.
(Example: People, machines, methods and materials or
policies, procedures, people and plant.)
c. This technique is useful to trigger ideas and promote a
balanced approach in group brainstorming sessions where
individuals list the perceived sources (causes) with respect to
outcomes (effect).
9 Mention any four traditional tools of quality? CO3 K1
2. Check sheets
3. Histograms
4. Pareto diagrams
10 Name some new management tools. CO3 K1
i. Affinity Diagram
ii. Interrelationship Digraph
iii. Tree Diagram
iv. Matrix Diagram
v. Prioritization Matrices
vi. Process Decision Program Chart
vii. Activity Network diagram

11 Define FMEA? CO3 K1

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis is an analytical technique
that combines the technology and experience of people in
identifying foreseeable failure modes of a product or process
and planning for its elimination.
S.No Question and Answers CO K
12 Differentiate the terms ‘failure mode’ and ‘failure CO3 K2
A failure mode is defined as the manner in which a
component, sub system, system, process etc, could
potentially fail to meet the design purpose.
A failure effect is defined as the result of a failure mode
on the function of the product or process as perceived by
the customer.
13 List down the types of FMEA. CO3 K1
• System – focuses on global system functions.
• Design – focuses on components and subsystems.
• Process – focuses on manufacturing & assembly processes
• Service – focuses on service functions.
• Software – focuses on software functions.
14 Define risk priority number. CO3 K1
RPN is a number used to prioritize the risk of failure in
Potential Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. It ranges from 1
to 1000 and it’s the multiplication of severity, detection and
15 List the stages of a FMEA. CO3 K1
Stage1: specifying possibilities
Stage 2: quantifying Risk
Stage3: correcting High risk causes
Stage4: re-evaluation of risk
16 What is the purpose of FMEA? CO3 K1
The objective of FMEA is to anticipate failures and prevent
them from occurring. FMEA priorities failures and attempts
to eliminate their causes.
17 Define benchmarking. CO3 K1
Benchmarking is a systematic method by which
organizations can measure themselves against the best
industry practices. The essence of benchmarking is the
process of borrowing ideas and adapting them to gain
competitive advantage. It is a tool for continuous
18 Explain benchmarking process. CO3 K2
Benchmarking is comparing one’s existing process outcomes
with the best industrial achievement, A target for achieving
the industry best is referred as Benchmarking. (E.g
comparing productivity improvement with industry best for
pump motor product, say 98%).
S.No Question and Answers CO K
19 What are the reasons to benchmark? CO3 K1
i) Benchmarking aims at a goal setting process to facilitate
comparison with the best
ii) It aims at motivating and simulating company employees
towards the goal of continuous quality improvement.
iii) It aims at external orientation of the company
iv) It aims at identifying a technological break through
v) It aims at searching for industry best practices.

20 What are the problems involved in benchmarking a CO3 K1

direct competitor?
• It does not give a sustained competitive advantage.
• It leads to stagnation of ideas, strategies, best industry
practices etc.
21 What are the benefits of Benchmarking? CO3 K1
1. Creating a culture that values continuous improvement to
achieve excellence.
2. Sharing the best practices between benchmarking
3. Prioritizing the areas that need improvement.
4. Enhancing creativity by devaluing the not-invented-here
22 What are the different types of benchmarking? CO3 K1
There are four primary ways of benchmarking: internal,
competitive, functional, and generic.
23 Define Six Sigma. CO3 K1
Six-Sigma is a business process that allows organizations to
drastically improve their bottom line by designing and
monitoring every day business activities in ways that
minimize waste and resources while increasing customer
satisfaction. It is achieved through continuous process
measurement, analysis & improvement.
24 What is Six Sigma? CO3 K1
Six sigma is similar to Zero Defects (ZD),is a philosophical
benchmark or standard of excellence proposed by philip
Crossby. Six sigma strives for perfection. It allows for only
3.4 defects per million opportunities (or 99.99966 percent
S.No Question and Answers CO K
25 Why is brain storming considered as an effective tool? CO3 K1
Brainstorming is a technique used to gather multiple ideas
about the given problem. Hence we can arrive on the optimal
solution, from the various alternatives. Conventional group
problem solving can often be undermined by unhelpful group
behaviour, while it's important to start with a structured,
analytical process when solving problems, this can lead a
group to develop limited and unimaginative ideas.

26 Explain the phases of Six Sigma? CO3 K2

Define - improvement opportunity with an emphasis on
increasing customer satisfaction.
Measure - determine process capability (Cp/ Cpk) & dpmo
(defects per million opportunities).
Analyze - identify the vital few process input variables that
affect key product output variables (“Finding the knobs”).
Improve - Make changes to process settings, redesign
processes, etc. to reduce the number of defects of key output
Control - Implement process control plans, install real-time
process monitoring tools, standardize processes to maintain
27 Mention the use of stratification chart in TQM. CO3 K1
Stratification is a way to organize data, and in particular of
separating data into meaningful groups. Stratification is also
known as a flow chart or run chart. stratification improves the
precision of estimates and is a more efficient sampling
technique than simple random selection.
28 Write a brief note on FMEA. CO3 K1
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic,
proactive method for evaluating a process to identify where
and how it might fail and to assess the relative impact of
different failures, in order to identify the parts of the process
that are most in need of change.
29 How is benchmarking used in the industry? CO3 K1
Benchmarking can be a valuable process for businesses in all
industries. It is important to understand that benchmarking is
not a quick tool for success. Instead, it is an ongoing process
that can be continually relied upon by business owners to
identify possible performance issues. Benchmarking involves
looking outside a business to examine how others achieve a
high level of performance and the processes they use to
maintain success.
S.No Question and Answers CO K
30 Mention any two strength and weakness of CO3 K1
benchmarking technique.
Strength of benchmarking:
• creating a culture that values continuous improvement to
achieve excellence.
• sharing the best practices between benchmarking
Weakness of benchmarking:
• It cannot provide a sustained competitive advantage.
• lead to stagnation of Ideas, strategies, based industry
practices etc
31 What are the reasons for implementing benchmarking CO3 K1
in businesses firm?
The reasons all successful businesses are benchmarking are
as follows:
Efficiency and Effectiveness.
Improves Performance Potential.
Expanding Your Business's Horizons.
Helps to Motivate Staff.
Instigates Innovation from Inspiration.
Understanding the Competition.
Insight into Present Performance.
32 What is the purpose of benchmarking process? CO3 K1
Benchmarking is a way of discovering what is the best
performance being achieved, whether in a particular
company, by a competitor or by an entirely different industry.
This information can then be used to identify gaps in an
organization's processes in order to achieve a competitive
33 State the primary objectives of Six Sigma. CO3 K1
The main goal of any Six Sigma implementation is quality
improvement. Primary objectives includes :
to increase profits by eliminating variability, defects and
wastage, reducing cycle time and improving customer
34 Give the objectives of the attribute charts? CO3 K1
i.Determine the average quality level.
ii.Bring to the attention of management any changes in the
iii.Improve the product quality.
iv.Evaluate the quality performance of operating and
management personnel.
v.Determine acceptance criteria of a product before shipment
to the customer.
S.No Question and Answers CO K
35 Write the key concepts of Six Sigma. CO3 K1
Six Sigma revolves around a few key concepts.
Critical to Quality − Attributes most important to the
Defect − Failing to deliver what the customer wants.
Process Capability − What your process can deliver.
Variation − What the customer sees and feels.
Stable Operations − Ensuring consistent, predictable
processes to improve what the customer sees and feels.
Design for Six Sigma − Designing to meet customer needs
and process capability.
36 What are the uses of cause and effect diagrams? CO3 K1
It helps to determine the root causes of a problem or quality
characteristic using a structured approach.
• Encourages group participation and utilizes group
knowledge of the process.
• Uses an orderly, easy-to-read format to diagram cause-
and-effect relationships.
• Indicates possible causes of variation in a process.
• Increases knowledge of the process by helping everyone to
learn more about the factors at work and how they relate.
• Identifies areas where data should be collected for further
37 List the Benefits of FMEA. CO3 K1
• Improve product/process reliability and quality
• Increase customer satisfaction
• Early identification and elimination of potential
product/process failure modes
• Prioritize product/process deficiencies
• Capture engineering/organization knowledge
• Emphasizes problem prevention
38 Enumerate the steps to benchmark? CO3 K1
a)Decide what to benchmark
b)Understand current performance
d)Study others
e)Learn from the data
f)Use the findings
39 What is a flowchart? CO3 K1
A flowchart is a diagrammatic view of the various steps in
sequential order that form the overall process in an
S.No Question and Answers CO K
40 What is histogram? CO3 K1
A histogram is a graphical representation that organizes a
group of data points into user-specified ranges. It is similar in
appearance to a bar graph. The histogram condenses a data
series into an easily interpreted visual by taking many data
points and grouping them into logical ranges or bins.
41 When do you use histogram? CO3 K1
A histogram is used to show clearly where the most
frequently occurring values are located and the data is
It enables the analyst to quickly visualise the features of a
complete set of data.
42 What is check sheet? When do we use it? CO3 K1
A check sheet or tally sheet is a form for systematic data
gathering and registering to get a clear view of the facts.
Check sheet is used to indicate the frequency of a certain
43 What are the various types of histogram? CO3 K1
Isolated peak
Edged peak
44 What is the use of the control chart? CO3 K1
The control chart is used to keep a continuing record of a
particular quality characteristic. It is a picture of process over
45 What are the problems that can be interpreted by the CO3 K1
The problems that can be interpreted by the histogram are,
a. Skew problems
b. Clustering problems.
46 What is an arrow diagram? CO3 K1
An arrow diagram is another term for a PERT or CPM chart. It
is graphic descriptions of the sequential steps that must be
completed before a project can be completed.
S.No Question and Answers CO K
47 List down the six symbols used in a flowchart. CO3 K1

48 Give some applications of arrow diagram. CO3 K2

The applications of arrow diagram are,
a. Understanding and managing complex project or task.
b. Understanding and managing a project that is of major
importance to the organization, and the consequences of late
completion are severe.
c. Understanding and managing a project in which multiple
activities must take place and be managed simultaneously.
d. Explaining the project status to others.
49 Describe the evolution of six sigma in Motorola CO3 K2
• Six sigma was started by Motorola in 1987, in its
manufacturing division; then General Electric (GE)
embraced it in 1995 for its product (PPM).
• Six sigma is a systematic method for process and product
improvement and for measuring performance variation. It
allows only 3.4 defects per million opportunities.
50 Mention the significance of benchmarking. CO3 K1
• Satisfy the customer needs
• Motivate employees
• Improve their competitive advantage
• Cost-efficient and time- efficient
51 Highlight the purpose of quality control chart. CO3 K2
• It helps in determining the quality understand of the
products while in process.
• Control charts are simple to construct and easy to interpret.
• It ensures less inspection cost and time in the process
52 Highlight the features of 6 sigma. CO3 K2
• Structured approach
• Customer focus
• Financially driven
• Team based
S.No Question and Answers CO K
53 When do you use control chart? CO3 K1
The purpose of control chart is to identify when the process
has gone out of statistical control, thus signaling the need for
some corrective action to be taken. We use to check the out
of specification or rejections whether the trend is away from
the nominal / mean/mid value so that the process centering
can be done and can be brought within the limits of
54 What is control chart? What are the types of control CO3 K1
A control chart is a graph that displays data taken over time
and the variation of this data.
• Control charts for variables – for measurable data such as
time, length, temperature, weight, pressure.
• Control charts for characteristics- for quantifiable data such
as number of defects, typing errors in a report.
55 Give the objectives of the attribute charts? CO3 K1
i. Determine the average quality level.
ii. Bring to the attention of management any changes in the
iii. Improve the product quality.
iv. Evaluate the quality performance of operating and
management personnel.
v. Determine acceptance criteria of a product before shipment
to the customer.
56 Give some applications of Pareto chart. CO3 K2
The applications of Pareto chart are,
a. Focusing on critical issues by ranking them in terms of
importance and
frequency (Example: which course cause the most difficulty
for students?; which problem with product X is most
significant to out customers?)
b. Prioritizing problems or causes to efficiently initiate
problem solving (Example: which discipline problems should
be tackled first? or what is the most frequent
complaint by parents, regarding the school? solution of what
production problem will improve quality?)
57 When do we use the scatter diagram? CO3 K1
The purpose of scatter diagram is to display, what happens to
one variable when another variable is changed. Scatter
diagrams are used to understand, why particular variations
occur and how they can be controlled.
S.No Question and Answers CO K
58 Mention the uses of check sheet. CO3 K1
A check sheet is used for,
a. Distinguishing between fact and opinion (Example: How
does the community perceive the effectiveness of the school
in preparing students for the world of work?)
b. Gathering data about how often a problem is occurring?
(Example: How often are students missing classes?)
c. Gathering data about the type of problem occurring.
(Example: word processing error created by the students-
grammar, punctuation, transposing letter etc.?)
59 What is the use of histogram. CO3 K1
A histogram is used to display in bar graph format
measurement data distributed by categories.
60 Define control chart. CO3 K1
Control chart is defined as a display of data in the order that
they occur with statistically determined upper and lower
limits of expected common cause
variations. It is used to indicate special causes of process
variations to monitor a process for maintenance and to
determine if process changes has the desired effect.
61 What are the steps required to construct an affinity CO3 K1
i.Phrase the objective
ii.Record all responses
iii.Group the responses
iv.Organize groups in an affinity diagram
62 What is a prioritization matrix? CO3 K1
A Six Sigma Tool called a Prioritization Matrix helps you in
narrowing down the activities or projects by identifying a
beneficial order of getting the most important things done
first. It works on assignments and projects whose relative
importance is not yet known. It is used in situations where
you have access to limited resources like money, time, and
people (employees).
63 Draw the cause and effect diagram with an example CO3 K1
of your choice.
S.No Question and Answers CO K
64 What are the four basic steps included in SPC? CO3 K1
The four basic steps included in SPC are
a. Measuring the process.
b. Eliminating variances in the process to make it consistent.
c. Monitoring the process.
d. Improving the process to its best target value.
65 What is the purpose of relationship diagram? CO3 K1
The purpose of the relationship diagram is to generate a
visual representation of the relations between an effect and
its causes as well as the interrelationship between the
different causes of the problem.
66 List the uses of relationship diagram. CO3 K1
• Identify key problem from a list of important problems
• Identify the root cause of existing problems
• Identify key factors needed to make a decision

67 What is Tree diagram? CO3 K1

The tree diagram is used to break down broad categories into
finer and finer levels of detail. It can map levels of details of
tasks that are required to accomplish a goal or solution or
task. Tree Diagram starts with one item that branches into
two or more, each of the branch into further more.
68 What is matrix diagram? CO3 K1
This tool shows the relationship between two or more sets of
elements. At each intersection, a relationship is either absent
or present. It then gives information about the relationship,
such as its strength, the roles played by various individuals or
measurements. The matrix diagram aids to analyze relatively
complex situations by exposing interactions and
dependencies between things.
69 Mention the purpose of matrix data analysis diagram. CO3 K1
- To present numerical data about two sets of factors in a
matrix form and analyze it to get numerical output. The
factors most often are products and product characteristics.
- To analyze the data on several characteristics for a number
of products and use the information to arrive at optimum
values for the characteristics for a new product.
70 What is the purpose of PDPC? CO3 K1
The purpose of process decision programme chart is to
prepare for abnormal occurrences with low probability which
may otherwise be overlooked and to present the occurrences
as well as the necessary countermeasures to guard against
such occurrences in the form of a visual chart.
12. Part B Question & Answer
Unit – III

1. Explain the relevance of 6-sigma concept in achieving quality output in a process?

• Reduces Operational Costs.
• Improves efficiency or timeliness.
• Improves accuracy, controls and policy compliance.
• Improves customer service.
• Improves cash flow.
• Improves regulatory compliance.
2. Give an example of a company practicing six-sigma concept.

Motorola: As one of the first large companies to use Six Sigma, it implemented it on a
trial basis to streamline product quality and services to increase revenues. The results
were very encouraging, and improved the overall performance of the company.
3. What is Benchmarking and why do the organizations adopt this technique?
Benchmarking is the process of comparing the cost, time or quality of what one
organization does against what another organization does.
• The result is often a business case for making changes in order to make
• Company would become competitive
• Customer requirements can be taken care of
• Helps in continuous improvement
• Helps in understanding the best industry practices
• Helps in establishing effective goals.

4. Explain the Benchmarking process

Eight steps in the benchmarking process

• Select a subject to benchmark

• Decide which organizations or companies you want to benchmark
• Document your current processes
• Collect and analyze data

• Measure your performance against the data you’ve collected

• Create a plan
• Implement the changes

• Repeat the process

Unit – III PART - B

5. Explain how benchmarking improves product and process quality?

Process benchmarking
the initiating firm focuses its observation and investigation of business processes
with a goal of identifying and observing the best practices from one or more
benchmark firms.
Activity analysis will be required where the objective is to benchmark cost and
efficiency; increasingly applied to back-office processes where outsourcing may
be a consideration.
Product benchmarking - the process of designing new products or upgrades to
current ones. This process can sometimes involve reverse engineering which is
taking apart competitors’ products to find strengths and weaknesses.

6. Describe the various stages in FEMA?

1. Specifying possibilities
a. Functions
b. Possible failure modes
c. Root causes
d. Effects
e. Detection/Prevention
2. Quantifying risk
a. Probability of cause
b. Severity of effect
c. Effectiveness of control to prevent cause
d. Risk priority number
3. Correcting high risk causes
a. Prioritizing work
b. Detailed action
c. Assigning action responsibility
d. Check points on completion
4. Revaluation of risk
Unit – III PART - B

7. List out the seven management tools and explain any 2 in detail?
i. Pareto Diagram
ii. Process Flow Diagram
iii. Cause-and-Effect Diagram
iv. Check Sheets
v. Histogram
vi. Control Charts
vii. Scatter Diagrams

8. Explain Six Sigma concepts? How it is used in service organization?

• The six sigma concept lays emphasis on quality.
• It aims at eliminating errors that exist in a process, product or service.
Thereby, enhancing process, product or service improvements.
• In addition, the six sigma concept ensures customer satisfaction and loyalty.
• In a service organization, the critical factors in quality and efficiency are flow
of information and interaction between people, especially interactions with
• Transforming the process of these flows will yield quality results.

9. What three different outcomes can benchmarking studies reveal? What course of
action is appropriate for each outcome?

• Benchmarking studies can reveal three different outcomes; External processes

may be significantly better than internal processes (a negative gap) which
would require major improvement effort.

• Processes performance may be approximately equal (parity). This would

require further investigation to determine if improvement opportunities exit.

• Internal process may be better than that found in external organizations

(Positive gap). The finding of a positive gap should result in recognition for the
internal process.
Unit – III PART - B

10. Explain the New seven tools of quality management.

• Affinity Diagram [KJ method]
• Interrelationship diagram.
• Tree diagram.
• Prioritization matrix.
• Matrix diagram or quality table.
• Process decision program chart.
• Activity network diagram.
11. How is cause and effect diagram constructed? Explain with an example.
• Discover the root cause of a problem.
• Uncover bottlenecks in your processes.
• Identify where and why a process is not working.

Fish bone diagram – health care

12. Explain with an example how is a matrix diagram used

A matrix chart or diagram is a project management and planning tool used to
analyze and understand the relationships between data sets.
Unit – III PART - B

13. What is a Tree diagram? How is it useful for quality management.?

Tree diagram is a new management planning tool that depicts the hierarchy of tasks
and subtasks needed to complete and objective. The tree diagram starts with one
item that branches into two or more, each of which branch into two or more, and so

The purpose of the tree diagram is to explore ways and means to achieve an
objective, develop a list of alternate means to reach the desired situation in a
sequential order and to present them in a visual form.

Sl.No Name of the Name of the Course Website Link

. Institute
1. UDEMY Total Quality
Management management
2. ASIAN INSTITUTE OF Online Lean Six Sigma
QUALITY Certification Course sigma-certification-course.php
3. NPTEL Total Quality
4. NPTEL Total Quality
Management II
5. NPTEL Six Sigma

6. NPTEL Quality Design and

7. NPTEL Inspection and Quality
Control in Manufacturing
8. NPTEL Quality Control in Textile
9. SWAYAM Six Sigma
10. SWAYAM Quality Engineering &
Management preview
11. SWAYAM Quality Design And
Control w
12. IIBM INSTITUTE OF Total Quality
BUSINESS management management-professional- certification-
13. COURSERA Engineering Project
Management: Risk, engineering-college-on-coursera
Quality, Teams, and
14. COURSERA Total Quality
Management engineering-college-on-coursera
15. COURSERA Six Sigma Tools for
Improve and Control engineering-college-on-coursera
16. COURSERA Engineering Project
Management engineering-college-on-coursera
17. COURSERA Environmental
Management & Ethics engineering-college-on-coursera
18. COURSERA Engineering Project
Management: Initiating engineering-college-on-coursera
and Planning
19. COURSERA Strategic Leadership and
Management engineering-college-on-coursera
20. COURSERA Sustainable Agricultural
Land Management engineering-college-on-coursera

1. Implementation of six sigma in Motorola

Source : Hana Tahiri @

Course Outcome : CO3

Program Outcome : PO3,PO4,PO10,PO11 & PO12


A look back in history indicates that the implementation of Six Sigma principles
was pioneered by Motorola Company in 1980s. Motorola has always been a high
tech company, offering highly reliable products. However, by 1870, every business
in which Motorola was engaged in, was already targeted by Japanese.

During that time, Motorola, like many other American companies, was struggling
to keep up with Japanese competition. Motorola’s customers were unhappy with
the product defects and customer support. On the other hand, Japanese had
already built an amazing quality standard that many American companies simply
could not keep up with. As a result, dealing with severe financial pressure,
Motorola had to take action.

The top management summoned the Motorola engineers and sought to reduce the
amount of errors in their products before they were even shipped out of their
factories. They combined all the quality management practices known till that time
and created a methodology that would be the baseline of Motorola’s quality
improvement program. Bill Smith, an engineer and scientist at Motorola, developed a
methodology that would reduce the amount of product defects. He created the
original statistics and formulas initiated the implementation of Six Sigma
 Convinced in the huge success that this methodology would have, he presented
the ideas to CEO Bob Galvin. Bob came to recognize this approach as the solution
to their quality concerns. They followed the four phase Six Sigma methodology
(measure, analyze, improve and control) and started their journey of
documenting their key processes, aligning those processes to customer
requirements, and installing measurement systems to continually monitor and
improve these processes

As a result, Motorola’s performance improved instantly. However, even though

they were doing well, the analysis revealed that Japanese were still way ahead of

Thus, to remain competitive, top management vowed to make improvements in

their quality by tenfold over a five-year period. Initially, this seemed to be
impossible, but by the end of 1985, everyone in Motorola had started working
toward that goal.

By the end of the five year period, every business in Motorola had reached their
targeted scale of improvement. Motorola managers decided to fly to Japan to
better evaluate how their competition was doing, and what they found out was
mind-blowing. They saw that the Japanese companies were doing 2000 times
better than them. This was due to the fact that Japanese had been using similar
technologies for a longer period of time.

The information unveiled in Japan changed the objectives of Motorola again. The
executives became even more ambitious, and decided to set a tenfold target one
more time, but deadline was set for a two year period now. Motorola goal for
1992 was to have 3.4 defects per million opportunities.

After implementing Sig Sigma, Motorola realized how important the methodology
had been in improving their processes. In fact, they have documented more than
$16 billion in saving as a result of Six Sigma adoption. Therefore, they decided to
make the methodology public for every company that wanted to adopt it in their
processes. Since then, tens of thousands of companies around the world have
been considering Six Sigma as a way of doing business.

Bearing in mind the previous points, it can be concluded that Motorola

implementation of Six Sigma has been a stepping stone in the modern times of
quality improvement. We may wonder where will the Six Sigma journey lead us
to. This path, however, will certainly be challenging while we seek perfection. But
the highly satisfied customers, motivated employees, increased benefits, among
many other reasons, lead to believe that the employment of Six Sigma as the best
business support will never cease to exist.
2. Benchmarking: A Method for Continuous Quality
Improvement in Health Benchmarking: A Method for
Continuous Quality Improvement in Health

Source : Amina Ettorchi-Tardy, Marie Levif, Philippe

MichelHealth Policy. 2012 May; 7(4): e101–e119.

Course Outcome : CO3

Program Outcome : PO3,PO4,PO10,PO11 & PO12

Benchmarking, a management approach for implementing best practices at best
cost, is a recent concept in the healthcare system. The objectives of this paper are
to better understand the concept and its evolution in the healthcare sector, to
propose an operational definition, and to describe some French and international
experiences of benchmarking in the healthcare sector. To this end, we reviewed the
literature on this approach's emergence in the industrial sector, its evolution, its
fields of application and examples of how it has been used in the healthcare sector.
Benchmarking is often thought to consist simply of comparing
indicators and is not perceived in its entirety, that is, as a tool based
on voluntary and active collaboration among several organizations to
create a spirit of competition and to apply best practices. The key
feature of benchmarking is its integration within a comprehensive and
participatory policy of continuous quality improvement (CQI).
Conditions for successful benchmarking focus essentially on careful
preparation of the process, monitoring of the relevant indicators, staff
involvement and inter-organizational visits.

Compared to methods previously implemented in France (CQI and

collaborative projects), benchmarking has specific features that set it
apart as a healthcare innovation. This is especially true for healthcare
or medical–social organizations, as the principle of inter-organizational
visiting is not part of their culture. Thus, this approach will need to be
assessed for feasibility and acceptability before it is more widely

3. Taguchi's loss function in manufacturing and service sector

Source : Mishra, A.: Importance of Taguchi's Method in Optimization of

Various Problems in Service Sector. Indus-trial Engineering &
Management 4, 5 (2015)

Course Outcome : CO4

Program Outcome : PO3,PO4,PO10,PO11 & PO12


An important aspect of quality management is the consideration of quality cost

importance. A turning point when considering the quality costs was the
intro-duction of the Taguchi loss function in perception disagreements.
This focuses on a comparison of the approaches to the application of the
Taguchi approach in manufacturing and services and highlights some differences
that need to be respect-ed to assess the full potential of the Taguchi method.
The focus is not only on the parameters to which the Taguchi loss function
is applied, but also measures to reduce possible deviations. The study shows
how the Taguchi loss function can be used when determining the basic success
factors for the selection of control elements and their tolerances for
manufacturing as well as the service sector.

The examples highlight the need not only for different approaches in the methods
used, but also the selection of measures to reduce quality costs. In the service
sector, a Service Level Agreement approach is used, which takes into account a
service guarantee.

Industrial production has profited from the broad application of the Taguchi loss
function as a way of provid-ing a rationale for investments in quality
improvements and reducing the losses caused by lack of quality. Re-search
has shown that manufacturing's good experience in applying this method could be
successfully replicated in services.

The example from the service sector (public transport) also shows how the method
could be applied to the relationship between a contracting entity and a service
provider based on a service level agreement. The method has found many
applications on the customer/producer interface and is changing the service sector
from a managed to a guaranteed environment, which will be particularly beneficial
for end customers.

5. Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (HARA)

Refer : Towards the Use of Controlled Natural Languages in Hazard

Analysis and Risk Assessment Paul Chomicz | 31.05.2017
Course Outcome : CO3
Program Outcome : PO10,PO11 & PO12
Content : Identify all possible hazards potentially created by a product,
process or application.

6.Lean Six Sigma

Refer : LEAN/Six Sigma – Concepts & Principles by Jennifer Calohan

Course Outcome : CO3
Program Outcome: PO10,PO11 & PO12
Content : Method that relies on a collaborative team effort to improve
performance by systematically removing waste and reducing

7.Quality Management System

Refer : American Society for Quality., accessed February

15, 2004
Course Outcome : CO4
Program Outcome: PO10,PO11 & PO12
Content : Set of policies, processes and procedures required
for planning and execution (production/development/service)
in the core business area of an organization

8.Quality Assurance

Refer : ISO 1994 Quality Management and Quality Assurance - a

Vocabulary. International Organization for Standardization,
Course Outcome : CO4
Program Outcome : PO10,PO11 & PO12
Content : Maintenance of a desired level of quality in a
service or product, especially by means of attention to every
stage of the process of delivery or production

Assessment Proposed Actual Course Program Outcome

Tools Date Date Outcome (Filled Gap)
Class Test 1 05/08/2020 CO1
Quiz 1 09/08/2020 CO1 PO12
Assignment 1 10/08/2020 CO1 PO8,PO9,PO10&PO1
Assessment 1 15/08/2020 CO1 & CO2
Seminar 1 01/09/2020 CO1,CO2&CO3 PO5,PO6,PO7,PO8,P
O9,PO10, & PO12
Class Test 2 05/09/2020 CO2
Quiz 2 09/09/2020 CO2 PO12
Assignment 2 10/09/2020 CO2 PO8,PO9,PO10&PO1
Assessment 2 15/09/2020 CO3&CO4
Seminar 2 02/10/2020 CO4,CO5&CO6 PO5,PO6,PO7,PO8,P
O9,PO10, & PO12
Mini Project 25/10/2020 CO1 to CO6 PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5,P
O10, & PO12
Model Exam 15/11/2020 CO1 to CO6
Online Course 20/11/2020 CO1 to CO6 PO5,PO6,PO7,PO8,P
Certification O9,PO10, & PO12

1. Dale H.Besterfiled, Carol B.Michna,Glen H. Besterfield,Mary B.Sacre,Hemant
Urdhwareshe and Rashmi Urdhwareshe, ―Total Quality Management‖, Pearson
Education Asia, Revised Third Edition, Indian Reprint, Sixth Impression, 2013.

1.James R. Evans and William M. Lindsay, "The Management and Control of
Quality", 8th Edition, First Indian Edition, Cengage Learning, 2012.
2.Janakiraman. B and Gopal .R.K., "Total Quality Management - Text and Cases",
Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
3.Suganthi.L and Anand Samuel, "Total Quality Management", Prentice Hall (India)
Pvt. Ltd., 2006.
4.ISO9001-2015 standards

5. A Study of Six Sigma Implementation Process at R.M.K. Group

of Institutions.

Course Outcome : CO3

Program Outcome : PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5,PO10,PO11 & PO12
Aim: The objective is to develop a model for implementation of Six Sigma in R.M.K.
Engineering College
Duration : 2 Months

6.Develop an APP using Fishbone Diagram for Result analysis

Course Outcome : CO3

Program Outcome : PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5,PO10,PO11 & PO12
Aim: To Design and Develop an Android OS development tool App to measure and
Analysis the Examination results.
Duration : 2 Months

7. Develop a QFD to Improve the requirement & Project


Course Outcome : CO4

Program Outcome : PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5,PO10,PO11 & PO12
Aim: To Clarify what kind of difference it makes to the project to use QFD in small
scale projects.
Duration : 2 Months

8. Implement a Total Productive Maintenance approach into an


Course Outcome : CO4

Program Outcome : PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5,PO10,PO11 & PO12
Aim: To improve the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of machines and
processes through the implementation of a total productive maintenance (TPM)
approach at Industry over a three-month period
Duration : 2 Months
Thank you


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