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1. William Jones’s Third Anniversary Discourse at the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1786.

2. James Mill, ‘Of the Hindus’ Chapter II - Classification and Distribution of the People, The
History of British India, Volume I, London, 1817.

3. James Mill, ‘Of the Hindus’ Chapter VI - Religion, The History of British India, Volume I,
London, 1817.

4. Friedrich Max Müller, ‘Preface’, The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy, London, 1899.

5. Karl Marx, ‘The British Rule in India’ & ‘The Future Results of British Rule in India’,
New York Daily Tribune, June 25, 1853 & August 8, 1853 respectively.

6. Charles Grant, Chapter II - ‘View of the State of Society among the Hindoo Subjects of
Great Britain, particularly with respect to Morals’, Observations on the State of Society
Among the Asiatic Subjects of Great-Britain Particularly With Respect to Morals and On the
Means of Improving It, 1792.

7. Friedrich Max Müller, 'The Lessons of the Veda', India: What Can It Teach Us? 1882.

8. Francois Bernier, 'Letter to Monseigneur Colbert Concerning Hindoustan' in Travels in the

Mughal Empire, Translated and edited by Vincent Smith, 1916, pp. 200-238.

9. G.W.F. Hegel, 'India' in Lectures on the Philosophy of History, Translated from the third
German edition by J. Sibree, London, 1857, pp. 145-180.

10. Mountstuart Elphinstone, 'Hindus – State of the Hindus at the Time of Menu's Code:
Preliminary Observations' & 'Chapter 1: Division and Employment of Classes', The History
of India, 1843.

11. John Strachey, 'Chapter XVII – Races-Languages-Castes-Religions and Superstitions',

India: Its Administration and Progress, Third Edition, New York, 1903, pp. 282-313.

12. John Strachey, 'Chapter I – Introductory', India: Its Administration and Progress, Third
Edition, New York, 1903, pp. 1-18.

13. Abbe Dubois, 'Author's Preface', Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies, Third
Edition, 1906.

14. Abbe Dubois, 'Chapter XIX – The Custom which at times obliges Widows to allow
themselves to be burnt alive on the Funeral Pyre of their Diseased husbands', Hindu Manners,
Customs and Ceremonies, Third Edition, 1906.

15. James Mill, ‘Of the Hindus’ Chapter I – Chronology and the Ancient History of the
Hindus, The History of British India, Volume I, London, 1817.

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