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I. Would rather/Prefer/Would prefer:

 Structure:
would rather + V-bare + than + V-bare
would rather + Sb + V2/ed
prefer + V-ing/sth + to + V-ing/sth
prefer + sb + to-V
would prefer + to-V + rather than + V-bare
would prefer + to-V
 Practice:
1. Please stay at home this Christmas.
 I’d rather you ___________________________________________________________.
2. It’s time for the children to go to bed.
 I’d rather the ___________________________________________________________.
3. Please help your mother with housework.
 I’d rather you ___________________________________________________________.
4. I don’t like you to come to class late.
 I’d rather ______________________________________________________________.
5. Please keep silent I the classroom.
 I’d rather you ___________________________________________________________.
6. Tom would rather Mary ___________ an SUV. (buy)
7. I would rather ___________ a new language than ___________ math. (learn/study)
8. I’d rather ___________ that question. (not answer)
9. We would rather ___________ to Korea than Thailand. (travel)
10. Jane would rather that it ___________ winter now. (be)
11. Henry would rather that his girlfriend ___________ in the same department as he does.
12. I'd rather ___________ with you than ___________ here alone. (come/stay)
13. My wife would like to rent a house in New York but I would rather ___________ in the
desert. (camp)
14. Would they rather ___________ homework tomorrow morning? (do)
15. She’d rather ___________ to class today. (not go)
16.I don't fancy the theatre again. I'd rather ___________ to the cinema. (go)
17.We would rather you ___________ us to stay. (allow)
18.He would rather ___________ up than ___________ all his money. (save/spend)
19. I don’t want you to turn on the radio when I’m studying.
 I’d rather ___________________________________________________________.
20. Please call me when you get to New York.
 I’d rather you ________________________________________________________.
21. Michael would rather play football than do his homework.
Michael would prefer __________________________________________________.
22. I ___________ coffee to tea. (prefer / would rather / would prefer)
23. Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer ___________ in the mountains. (walk)
24. They'd rather ___________ lunch inside, but I'd prefer ___________ outside in the garden.
25. I'd rather ___________ to him in person than ___________ things over the phone.
26. She ___________ drive a small car than drive a big one. (prefer / would rather / would
27. I prefer ___________ to the cinema to ___________ at home. (go/sit)
28. Which would you rather ___________ ? (drink)
29. I prefer him ___________ alone. (not go)
30. I prefer to photograph people ___________ places.
II. It’s (high) time:
 Structure:
It’s (high/about) time + (for sb) + to-V
It’s (high/about) time + Sb + V2/ed
 Practice:
1. You have to dress yourself now.
 It’s ___________________________________________________________________.
2. I think the children should go to bed.
 It’s about ______________________________________________________________.
3. Hurry up or we will be late for the train.
 It’s time _______________________________________________________________.
4. It’s time for children to go to bed.
 It’s high time ___________________________________________________________.
5. It’s twelve o’clock. Let’s go home! It’s about ________________________________.
6. It's really late. It's time we ___________ home. (go)
7. It's 11 o'clock and the children are still in bed. It's time they ___________ up. (get)
8. It's late. It's time for me ___________ home. I am not allowed to come home late. (go)
9. It's time for you ___________ a new car. This old one isn't good enough for you. (buy)
10. When are you going to buy a car? It's time you ___________ a new car. (buy)
11. It's time for you ___________ dinner. You must be hungry. (eat)
12. It's time I ___________ my hair cut. I hate long hair! (have)
13. It's time for us ___________ learning a foreign language. What about English? (start)
14. It's time we ___________ learning English. (start)
15. It's time you ___________ this book. It was written by Oscar Wilde and it's very good.
16. It’s time for you ___________ that if you go on buying useless things on credit, you’ll be
burdened by debt. (understand)
17. Come on! Make an effort! It’s time you ___________ from here and give a good example
to your brother. You can do it! (dive)
18. Lucy, it’s time ___________ playing and do your homework, now. (stop)
19. You’re a big girl, now. It’s high time you ___________ that all play and no work makes
Lucy a silly girl. (understand)
20. It’s time for you ___________ in your essays. (hand)

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