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New therapies to
creating bypass naturally

Treat blood flow not just blockages

Sibia Medical Centre

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Do you have Angina or Heart attack
With ageing, stress, genetic
predisposition and bad lifestyle
blockages consisting of hat, calcium etc.
form in the blood vessels. These
decrease the blood supply to the heart
Angina chest discomfort
happens when blood supply to
the heart muscle is decreased.
Sometimes, the plaque ruptures
and the clot block the blood flow
damaging the heart muscle –
this is heart attack.


Do you have the following?
Age above 40.
High blood pressure.
High cholesterol or triglyceride.
Family history of heart attacks.
Lack of physical activity.
Tobacco use.
+91 82 84 84 84 01
How does it feel?
Pain, discomfort, heaviness, or tightness in chest, arm,
back, jaw, throat, or abdomen
Legs pains
Decreased Memory
Ankles swelling
Blood pressure
Weakness or fatigue
Fast or uneven heartbeat
Indigestion or heartburn
Decreased sex performance
Fingers or toes feel cold
Whitish ring under around
eye cornea
These are not the normal signs
of aging - they are warning
signs that accompany blocked arteries. If you
answered yes to even one of these, you may have
blocked blood vessels.

We advise heart
screening tests if
you have any of
these risk factors.

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Laboratory Tests for blood and urine
records heart’s
electrical activity.

Echocardiography informs about

structure, movement and functioning of
the heart structures.
Cardiovascular Cartography (3D CCG)
This is the best non-invasive test for heart flow mapping
and early detection of disease.
Patient should come without taking
breakfast or medicines (may take
water) or take just a cup of milk with
two biscuits or a slice of bread three
hours before the test. No long walk
or exercise should be done before
the test. It takes just 20 minutes and
has 90% accuracy.
Sensors applied outside the chest acquire data that is
analyzed. No injection or radiation is used.
Who should have CCG test?
- Everyone above 30 years age master health checkup.
- High risk patients having heart disease in family, Diabetes,
Blood pressure, overweight, increased cholesterol Smokers,
Alcoholics, Sedentary and Stressful life.
- Chest pain: To know if it is due to heart disease.
- Assess effectiveness of treatment.

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Some of the information we get from CCG
Blood flow Heart’s Oxygen supply

Chance of Chance of blot Effect of stress

Sudden Death clotting

Some patients may require following tests

Treadmill test 24 hours ECG test 24 Hr Blood

Chest X-ray Capillaroscopy Angiography

CT Angiography Stress Thallium Lung Function

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Basic treatments
Lifestyle management Optimum medication

Non-invasive Non-Surgical Treatments


Invasive Surgical Treatments

Angioplasty Cardiac Stent Bypass Surgery

What is your life worth?

The cost of treatments can only be measured
by a person's health improvements.

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Natural Bypass - External Counter Pulsation
Creating Collaterals with without Surgery
Procedure: Patient wears slacks and
lies on a bed. Large blood pressure like
cuffs are wrapped around the legs and
arms. The cuffs inflate and deflate
synchronized with the ECG.
Duration: Each ECP session is of one
hour done daily five days a week.
Usually, 35 sessions are required. Treatment can be done
daily twice a day to complete in minimum 3 weeks.
Quick improvement: Most patients start improving
between 15 to 20 treatments sessions.
The cuffs move the blood from the legs toward the
heart during mid diastolic period when heart
muscle gets its blood supply. When done
repeatedly ECP creates collaterals and enhanced
heart's blood supply by:
• Dilating blood vessels - small blood vessels
• Opening dormant blood vessels lying closed since birth.
• Angiogenesis – Forming new blood vessels.
ECP results in increase in blood flow:
- To heart by 20-42%
- To brain by 22-26%
- To kidneys by 19%
ECP also increases heart's output (stroke volume) by
Approved: ECP therapy is FDA (USA), NHS (England), CE
(Europe), Australia, China, approved.
ECP is available in world’s leading hospitals such as
Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins, JFK Medical Centre, Mayo
Clinic, Texas Heart Institute, Hammersmith Hospital,
London, etc.
+91 82 84 84 84 01
ECP is well researched with scientific evidence.
Harrison’s Principles of Internal medicine:
Recent trials have shown that regular
application improves angina, exercise capacity,
and regional myocardial perfusion.
Braunwald’s textbook of
Cardiovascular Medicine, Ed
7: External counter pulsation is
another promising alternative
treatment of refractory angina. ECP reduces
the frequency of angina and the use of
nitroglycerin and improves exercise tolerance
and quality of life. Counter pulsation was associated with an
increase in time to ST segment depression during exercise
testing and a reduction in angina. It also reduced the extent
of ischemia detected with myocardial perfusion imaging.
Hurst’s The Heart: EECP is associated with a
reduction in angina frequency and nitrate use,
inversed exercise tolerance and improved
quality of life. For patients with angina
refractory to conventional medical or
revascularization therapies, palliative
treatment with spinal cord stimulation,
enhanced external counter-pulsation (EECP).
Cardio diabetes Update: A Textbook of
Cardiology: According to the International
Diabetes Federation, treatments, like
Enhanced External Counter-pulsation (EECP)
therapy, that have been demonstrated to be
effective in treating cardiovascular patients
with diabetes in clinical trials and published in
peer reviewed medical journals.

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Artery Chelation Therapy (ACT)
ACT is use of chelates, antioxidants,
nutrients as per American College for
Advancement in Medicine protocol,
along with lifestyle management, to
remove calcium deposits and toxic
heavy metals to detoxify and benefit
heart patients safely and comfortably.
Procedure: Medicines are given intravenously. Usually 20
to 30 drip session are required, each lasting about 3 hours
and given two to four times a week over 40 to 60 days.
Some mechanisms of increase in Micro-Circulation:
* Chelation removes calcium to increase vessel elasticity.
* Free radicals damage the body and play a
role in ageing, Chelation removes heavy
metals, detoxifies the body, and stimulates the
body to produce antioxidants. This prevents
damage, slows aging and reduces the risk of
heart disease.
* ACT promotes healing by stimulating enzyme production
that controls the phosphorus and calcium levels in body.
* Calcium control re-calcifies bone and reduces
osteoporosis & arthritis.
* ACT is part of anti-ageing programs in many countries.
Success of ACT: 80 to 90 percent patients improve.
Researched with scientific evidence:
ACT is patient proven therapy and millions world over have
reported benefit with this treatment.
Lifestyle, nutrients & antioxidants are accepted worldwide.
Chelation is off label use of FDA (USA) approved EDTA.
CT is accepted by National Health Services (UK).
CT is available in over 2000 clinics in America, Canada,
England, France, Germany, Australia, Italy, etc.

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Linus Pauling, the only scientist to
receive two unshared Nobel Prizes
wrote: Chelation is far safer and much less
expensive than surgery. EDTA chelation
therapy makes good sense to me as a
chemist and medical researcher. It has a rational scientific basis,
and the evidence for clinical benefit seems to be quite strong.
Metallic ions play an important role in the formation of
atherosclerotic plaque and EDTA removes then with relative
safety and without surgery. Published research and extensive
clinical experience shows that EDTA helps to reduce and prevent
atherosclerotic plaques thus improving blood flow to the heart
and other organs. The scientific evidence indicates that a course
of EDTA chelation therapy might eliminate the need for bypass
Journal of Advancement in Medicine: Analysis of 2,870
patients treated with chelation therapy showed marked
improvement in 76.9% and good in 17%
having ischemic heart disease. Marked
improvement occurred in 91% and good in 8%
patients with peripheral vascular disease and intermittent
claudication. In patients with cerebrovascular and other
degenerative cerebral diseases 24% had marked improvement
and 30% had good improvement.
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine: Among
patients with a prior MI, a regimen of 40 infusions
of disodium EDTA-based infusions safely reduced
cardiovascular events in a post-MI population,
suggesting that xenobiotic metal pollutants are
cardiovascular risk factors. The therapeutic benefit
was particularly striking in diabetic patients.
Journals of the American College of Cardiology: The results of the
TACT trial indicate that a 10-component
disodium EDTA chelation and ascorbate
regimen was superior to placebo in post-MI
patients who were also on a good medical
regimen. Much of this benefit was by
reduction in the need for coronary revascularizations.
More references:

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial
Revascularization with Latest German Technology
Non-Invasive Coronary Angiogenesis Therapy (NiCATh)

Painless Sound Shock waves are focused with

Echocardiography on the
treatment area. Each treatment
session is of one hour, total nine
treatment sessions are given
either on daily
basis or over a
period of nine
growth of new collateral blood vessels
(angiogenesis) in ischemic heart tissue to enhance blood
flow and restore cardiac function. Patient starts improving
in 3 to 6 treatment sessions with reduced chest pain
62-year-old male treated for Recurrent Angina
“Before the treatment, I gave up the thought of lifting my
grandchildren or getting back to gardening. Now I feel like I’ve
been blessed with a new life.”
Patient had elevated cholesterol, diabetes, and experienced
sudden onset of recurrent angina at low work thresholds, with
breathlessness and dizziness. Previously he underwent several
coronary bypass surgeries, which resulted in only partial
revascularization. Current ischemic territories are
unapproachable by angioplasty and since angioplasty was not a
viable option, the patient underwent a non-invasive ESMR. As a
result of the therapy, new capillaries and arterioles generated will
connect to remnant existing vasculature, precluding the need of
further intervention.”

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Well researched Technology with scientific evidence

For meta-analysis result and references visit:

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Proof of effectiveness – Feel Better and Test Better
Patient Feels Better - with improved quality of life
Chest pain is reduced in severity and frequency.
Energy and work capacity is increased.
Breathing is better.
Sorbitrate need decreases
General look and skin color improve
Less fatigue - Patient can walk more and faster.
Decreased pain in the legs
Improved sexual performance
Improved mental ability and memory
Patient Tests Better
CCG Stress Thallium

Treadmill Test (TMT) Echocardiography

After treatment patients say:

“Angina pain subsided with treatment”
“Quality of life improved after treatment”
"I forget that I have a bad heart, I even forget to take my Sorbitrate tablets
with me when I go out because I don't need to take it anymore"
"I'm happy to be alive to achieve lifelong goals”"
“The treatment is safe, comfort and provided me optimal results”
“I feel-good benefits of the treatment, now I wake up in a good mood"
“The treatment gave me more strength and energy and boost to my activity"
“Attacks of angina have cleared up after treatment”
"I have grandchildren and a great-grandchild, and I'm happy that I'm still

+91 82 84 84 84 01

History, tests, and medical reports studied

Tests Advised
(If not already done)

Blood Tests ECG CCG Echocardiography

Discuss Treatment options

Invasive / Surgical No-Surgical Treatments

If opted If opted

Coronary Cardiovascular
Angiography Cartography Test done

Stent Bypass ESMR EECP ACT

ESMR, ECP and ACT are effective part of Cardiac
rehabilitation to prevent and reverse heart disease and to
enhance and prolong effect of Angioplasty, Stent and
Bypass surgery.

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Which patients can benefit from the treatments?
Patients with decreased circulation anywhere can be
treated, such as Heart patients of Angina (Chest pain)
and Myocardial Infraction (Heart Attack):
Those at high risk or not fit for angioplasty or bypass
Those who do not benefit with medicines, angioplasty, or
Those who do not want angioplasty or bypass
Before angioplasty or bypass to improve the cardiac
status before surgery.
Other patients who can benefit:
Pain legs due to Peripheral Artery Disease
Cerebral ischemia, atherosclerosis, thrombosis embolism
Cerebral stroke causing paresis and weakness
Vertebro-basilar insufficiency, Cerebellar ataxia
Senile Dementia, Alzheimer disease,
Hearing deficiency
Decreased Memory and mental ability Vascular
headache and migraine
Renal hypertension
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Decreased sexual functioning due to erectile dysfunction
To increase sports performance

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Why we need
other treatments Safe,
Proven Heart
Lifesaving - hope for patients having advanced coronary artery
disease or where no other treatment is possible
Possible in patients unfit for other treatments due to kidney,
lungs, diabetes, thyroid, HIV, post Covid, etc.
Possible after pacemaker, Angioplasty, Stent, Bypass Surgery.
Possible in patients with diabetes, thyroid, or other diseases.
Effective in small vessel disease (micro-circulation disease).
Occlusions in small vessel disease less than 2.5mm cannot
be treated with Angioplasty and bypass. Diabetics are
known to have more micro-vessel disease hence
effectiveness of angioplasty, stents and bypass is less and
failure or post treatment recurrence higher.
When blockages occur, it is expected that plaques will be
throughout the circulatory system. We require therapies
that tackle the problem in the whole circulatory system.
No need of wires, stents, cuts, anesthesia, or blood
Little work loss, no hospitalization - can work after treatment.
Safe – rare complications or procedure deaths.
Near nature treatment
Complement other treatments.
Decrease progression of disease.
Economical, affordable cost effective. Poverty is a big issue
and many persons cannot afford medical insurance policies
nor afford costly treatments.
Can be repeated.
Can be used as preventive procedure
Bonus of benefit to whole circulatory system.

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Why choose Sibia Medical Centre for treatment?
How does SMC have such good treatment result?
SMC is the pioneer with over twenty-five years’ experience
and introduced ESMR, ECP, Chelation Therapy, Cytotron,
Zerona laser, Ozone therapy, etc. in the region.
Qualified, Trained and Experienced Team:
SMC has qualified, experienced, devoted, full time doctors
trained from England, Israel, China, UK, etc.
Scientific Treatment:
Cardiovascular Cartography (CCG) and other tests are done
before treatment for dose planning and repeat after treatment
to measure the improvement.
Best Technology:
External Counter Pulsation Natural Bypass Treatment
Pioneer, have maximum experience – introduced ECP in India
in 2002.
Qualified doctors trained abroad in ECP.
We not only treat but are also authorized to train doctors.
Better ECP Machines
- More cuffs: Our machines have four pair – three for legs
and one for arms (most machines have only three pairs)
- Positive and negative pressure - most have only positive
pressure machines.
- Special provision to treat leg pain of Peripheral Artery
Artery Chelation Therapy (ACT)
SMC introduced Chelation Therapy in India with technical
knowhow and training from Arterial Disease Clinic, London and
has extensive experience with wonderful results.
Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial
Revascularization (ESMR)
SMC is the first and the most experienced treatment centre in
the region.

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Our successful results have won the trust of thousands of
patients from India and several countries.
How can benefits of the treatments be enhanced?
Good lifestyle, optimum medication and combining one or
more treatments, together or one after the other will enhance
the result.
Are Angioplasty and Bypass not good options?
Every treatment has its role. No treatment is successful in
every patient and some patients may be at high risk or not
suitable candidates for some treatments.
Many patients have heart disease but not severe enough to
require angioplasty, stent, or bypass surgery.
Some patients would like to try no-surgery treatments and
preserved surgery as the last option if they do not benefit with
safe non-surgical treatments.
The life of the stent and bypass are limited and repeat stent
and bypass are not always possible.
Are these treatments possible after angioplasty &
bypass surgery?
Yes, they can be done after angioplasty or bypass surgery for
additional benefit for a better and more active lifestyle or if
there is recurrence after these procedures.
Why we test heart flow not just blockages?
Blockages in blood vessels decrease blood flow to heart
muscle. Nature tries to compensate by increasing blood flow
through a network of small blood vessels, called collaterals.
Till this balance is maintained there is no angina and no need
of treatment whatever be the extent of blockages. This
explains why many patients with over 90%, blockage have no
chest pain or heart attack. Only when this compensation fails
that treatment is required.
Hence it is more important to know the blood flow to the heart
muscle than the blockages in the bigger blood vessels before
any treatment.
This also means that increasing collateral circulation is the

+91 82 84 84 84 01
near nature treatment of Coronary Artery Blockage disease.
This is what we do.
How are the treatments beneficial in so many varied
They are beneficial in all these conditions because all of them
are due to decreased blood flow and the treatments increase
circulation in many parts of the body.

Will Angiography, Cardiovascular Cartography and

Stress Thallium show the improvement?
Improvement with ECP can be assessed with Cardiovascular
Cartography (CCG) or Stress Thallium as they document the
blood flow. Please note that blood flow is not proportionate to
the degree of stenosis in blood vessels as is usually presumed.
Angiography assesses the patency and stenosis in three big
blood vessels and their major branches but is not

+91 82 84 84 84 01
suitable for visualizing the millions of smaller blood vessels
and capillaries. Angiography also does not assess the blood
flow to the heart muscle.
Why did my doctor not tell me about these treatments?
There can be many reasons. There is more glamour in stents
and bypass and non-invasive treatments have been pushed to
the background. Most doctors of today did not read about it in
their college days. There are not too many centres. There is
also a mental block – how such a complex and dangerous
disease can have so simple solutions.
Why these treatments are not available in big hospitals?
The treatments are gradually becoming more popular. ECP is
now available in some government hospitals and medical
colleges and some insurance companies are covering it.
There can be many reasons why they are not wider spread.
Many believe this has a lot to do with commerce as non-
invasive treatments earn the hospitals much less than invasive
and surgical treatments. There are also lobbies that promote
the more expensive treatments.
Are non-invasive, non-surgical treatments substitute
for heart surgery?
No, every treatment has its role. They are lifesaving in
emergency cases and unstable angina.
We personally believe that non-surgical treatments should be
the first line of treatment and Angioplasty and Bypass should
be the alternative in stable cases.
Controversies about Chelation therapy
Medical science being an incomplete science there are many
controversies in medicine and Chelation Therapy is one of
them. Chelation Therapy is a patient proved therapy, but not
double controlled blind study proved. This means that millions
of patients world over have experienced the benefits of
Chelation therapy but sufficient scientifically controlled trials
are lacking. We believe that if experience has shown a

+91 82 84 84 84 01
therapy to be of benefit, we need not wait for scientific trials
which may take years or never be done if no one gets financial
There is also criticism as the exact mechanism is still not
known and many patients improve symptomatically and can
walk more and faster, have less chest pain, and need less
medicines but on angiography show little or no improvement.
There may be mechanisms causing improvement other than
visible on angiography. Again, we believe that benefit of a
therapy need not be denied to our patients simply because
science has lagged the experience.
Studies both in favor and against Chelation Therapy are
available and more double-blind controlled studies are
required before it becomes universally accepted. As things
stand today Chelation will not be universally accepted as more
clinical trials are warranted and Chelation will not die because
patients are getting significant health benefits.
Does insurance/Mediclaim pay for the treatment?
Many patients have been paid for the treatment, but this
depends on the insurance policy you hold, and you should
consult your insurance agent for this. We provide all the
genuine documents of the treatment.
Can I meet your treated patients?
Yes, please visit out Centre and meet our patients under
treatment. You can see how the treatments take place and ask
them any questions you want. You can also visit our video
library for patient testimonials.
How to decide which treatment I should have?
Many conditions having many treatments.
You should access safety, effectiveness, and affordability of all
available treatments before opting for any treatment.
Golden rule to decide treatment (except in emergency)
Rest, Diet & Lifestyle > Medicines > Safe treatments Non-
invasive without surgery > Invasive treatments > Surgery
When in doubt always get a second opinion from a specialist
who is doing non-surgical treatments.

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Can I try non-surgical methods first and surgery if they
don’t work?
Yes, except in emergency you can try non-surgical treatments
Cost of treatment
Due to fluctuation is rates please ask for latest pricing.
Mode of Payment
Payment can be done in Indian Rupee US Dollars, Pound
Sterling or Euros by cash, PhonePe, Google pay, Bank
transfer or locally payable bank cheques or drafts.
What if the treatment is not effective?
No treatment befits all patients. If one of the treatments if not
effective or less effective the other options of ECP, ACT, ESMR,
Angioplasty, Stent and Bypass are still available and possible
Stay Arrangement
Stay can be arranged if needed. The following options are
* Hotels of all grades are available in Ludhiana.
* Guest houses are also available in Ludhiana.
Cabs are available for transfer from resident / hotel to the
Do you treat patients from other countries?
Yes, our services are available for patient across the world and
we have treated patients from over 35 countries.
Where can I get more information?
You can search on internet, visit our websites, view our video
For free ebooks email to :

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Facilities at Sibia Medical Centre
Prevent & Reverse Coronary Heart Disease / Cardiac Rehabilitation
No-Invasive Cardiac Angiogenesis with Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial
Revascularization (ESMR) German Technology
External Counter Pulsation (ECP / EECP): FDA (USA) Natural Bypass
Artery Clearance Therapy (ACT): ACAM (USA) Protocol.
Oral Chelation Therapy
Also helpful in Cerebral ischemia, Senile Dementia, Alzheimer, Cerebellar ataxia,
Hearing and Memory deficiency, Vascular headache/ migraine, Parkinsonism, Renal
hypertension, Chronic fatigue, and to increase sports performance
Heart Blood Flow Mapping: Cardiovascular Cartography
Remove Kidney stones with Rays: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy- ESWL
Joint pain: Regeneration of joint cartilage with Cytotron for Osteo-arthritis pain of
Knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist and back.
No side effect Cancer Palliation/Rehabilitation: RFQMR to arrest cancer growth
Detoxification, Immunity, and slow degeneration with Chelation & Ozone Therapy
Back Pain Treatment: Computerized Spinal Table & Posture Correction
Legs Pain / Peripheral Artery Disease: With ESWT, ECP and ACT
Erectile Dysfunction (ED): ESWT, ACT & ECP
Bio-Oxidative Medicine: Oxygen Bar, Ozone and Hydrogen-peroxide Therapy
Fat to slim – loose inches in just two weeks with Zerona non-invasive laser
Look good and feel great - Reduce unwanted hair, pigmentation, acne and wrinkles
with IPL Laser IPL Skin and Hair Care
Nutritional medicine: IV medication for optimum health
Health Checkup Plans
Medical Tourism
Patient Education Service: Book library, Online Video library, Brochures, lectures,
camps on request
Computerized ECG & Treadmill Test, Echocardiography, Pulmonary Function Test,
X-ray, C-arm, Laboratory

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Mentioned in lectures by Dr Abdul Kalam, Former President of India
Dr. Abdul Kalam, President of India
Cardiac Care with Heart
non-pharmaceutical, safe and effective treatment. ECP is
FDA (USA) approved and finds reference in medical and
cardiology textbooks. The number of patients having
recurrence after bypass, ballooning and stenting is increasing and for them ECP is the
only FDA approved treatment available which is documented to increases blood
supply to the heart by 20-42%, to the brain by 22-26% and to the kidneys by 19%.
The treatment is available in most of the leading hospitals of the world. In India, ECP
is available at Sibia Medical Centre, Ludhiana.

Pioneers First to introduced ESMR, ECP/EECP, ACT, ESWL,

Cytotron, Ozone, Zerona Laser

25 Years Most experience in non-surgical treatments


Over 6000 Patients from 35 Up-to 90 %

Patients countries Success
Qualified Staff Dedicated Spirit to
Team Serve

Awarded Best No Surgery Hospital in India

+91 82 84 84 84 01
Contact now for information, appointment or treatment.
Sibia Heart Centre
B XIX 568A, Civil Lines,
Atam Marg / Cemetery Road,
Near Fountain Chowk - first right turn after
petrol pump, Ludhiana 141001
Mb/WA/ SMS: +91 81 84 84 84 01 Landline/WA: +91 161 2444818
Digital Visiting card:
Join us on: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Linkedin / Skype: drsibia
Videos library:
How to reach Sibia Heart Centre:
International Air Links:
- Chandigarh Airport (90 Km from Ludhiana)
- Raja Sansi Airport at Amritsar (200 Km from Ludhiana)
- Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi (300 Km from Ludhiana)
Reaching us in Ludhiana:
From Railway Station: Get off on Civil Lines / Rakh Bagh side > Fountain Chowk > Atam
Marg (also called Cemetery Road) > Turn right after petrol Pump > Sibia Medical Centre
is on the left side on this road linking the Atam Marg with Dayanand Road.
From Bus Stand: Bharat Nagar Chowk > Fountain Chowk > Atam Marg (also called
Cemetery Road) > Turn right after petrol Pump > Sibia Medical Centre is on the left side
on this road linking the Atam Marg with Dayanand Road.

+91 82 84 84 84 01

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