Dart Summary

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_speed → private variable
final → unredefinable method
Nullable: variables that can be null
• Declaration → varType? varName
• speed ??= 25 → assigns value only if variable is null
• 0 ?? 25 → returns left unless null then return right
• car?.speed → returns property even if property nullable
• Vehicle(required this.speed) → speed cannot be null
• List<String> → aListOfStrings = ['one', 'two', 'three'] / <int>[]
• Set<String> → aSetOfStrings = {'one', 'two', 'three'} / <int>{}
• Map<String, int> → aMapOfStringsToInts = { 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3 } /
<int, double>{}

{speed: 25} → optional named parameter
[speed: 25] → positional named parameter
String toString() => 'Bicycle: $speed mph'; → one-line method
methodName( () { _formProgress = progress; } ) → anonymous function given as

Constructor: Vehicle(this.speed); → Vehicle(speed) {this.speed = speed};
• Named constructor → Vehicle.stopped() {speed = 0};
• Factory → factory Vehicle.fromTypeName(String typeName) { if (typeName == 'car')
return Car(); }
• Redirect constructor → Automobile.hybrid(String make, String model) : this(make,
model, 60);
• Const constructor → faster immutable objects
Setter: int get speed => _speed; → car.speed
Getter: set setSpeed(int speed) => _speed = speed; → car.setSpeed = 25;
Inheritance: implements

Functional programming
Pass functions as arguments
Map method
• fold() → fold left
• where() → filter elements
• join() → select next n elements
• skip() → skip first n elements

String interpolation
'${3 + 2}' → '5'
'${"word".toUpperCase()}' → 'WORD'
'$myObject' → The value of myObject.toString()

• throw → sends an exception message
• try → detect exception on code
• on → case for each exception
• catch → intercept exception
• rethrow → propagate exception
• finally → execute whether or not an exception is thrown

myObject..someMethod()..someOtherMethod() → chains operations that should require
multiple statements

Vehicle(int speed): assert(speed >= 0) {...} → code needing to execute before

Navigator → manages Flutter screens
pubspec.yaml → manages the assets and dependencies for a Flutter app
Add 'uses-material-design: true' in the flutter section
https://pub.dev/ → list of Flutter and Dart packages
https://dartpad.dev/ → run Dart code online
flutter pub add packageName → downloads package
flutter pug get → imports package into project

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