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COMMAND COMMANDS DESCRIPTION TTG Use to trim corner object. 11 Use to change layer to Layout Pile layer.

DRAWING-LIST W Use to convert a block into a drawing. 12 Use to change layer to Hatch layer.
A Create an arc. OOPS Use to undo the Erase command. 22 Use to change layer to Column layer.
BO Create a hatch boundary. EAA Use to erase all point. 23 Use to change layer to Rebar layer.
C Create Circle. OC Use to make fast number for text. 222 Use to change layer to Layout Wall layer.
DO Create a donut. OCC Use to make fast number for attributes. 33 Use to change layer to Layout Beam layer.
EL Create an ellipse. ALE Use to copy level. 34 Use to change layer to Table layer.
ML Create Multiple parallel lines. DIMENSION-LIST 44 Use to change layer to Layout Slab layer.
T Write text in multiple lines. DED Use to edit a dimension. 55 Use to change layer to Layout Stair layer.
PL Create a polyline. DLi Use to create a linear dimension. 66 Use to change layer to Steel layer.
PO Place a point in the drawing. DAL Use to create an aligned dimension. 67 Use to change layer to Hidden Line layer.
POL Create a polygon. DAR Use to dimension the arc length. 77 Use to change layer to Plate steel layer.
SPL Create a spline (Curved Object). DAN Use to create an angular dimension. 88 Use to change layer to Welding layer.
REC Create a rectangle. DOR Use to create ordinate dimension 99 Use to change layer to Bolt layer.
XL Create Construction lines. CD Use to cut dimension. LC The layer of the selected object become current layer.
XH Create construction line horizontal. BD Use to bang dimension. LL Isolates the layer of a selected object.
XV Create construction line vertical. DDA Use to lock dim. LF Use to turn off the layer of a selected object.
PC Make close polyline. QSD use to quick selection dimension. LO Use to turn on all the layers.
PIP Draw Cross Section Pile. DDF Use to change from edited dimension to actual length default. LZ Use to freeze the layer of a selected object.
SD Draw Steel deformed bar hook L. BLOCK-LIST LW Use to thaw all layer on.
SA Draw Steel deformed bar hook C. B Use to create a block. OL Use to change color object to "By Layer".
DRAWING-LIST BP Use to change block base point. LAYOUTS-LIST
AL Align object with other objects. SB Use to quick selection block by pick. Y Use unlock view port.
AR Create Rectangular, Path or Polar 2D arrays. SBW Use to quick selection block by window. YY Use to lock view port.
BR Break an object. SBT Use to quick selection block by name. YS Use to go to the 1st layout.
CHA Create chamfers. SCB Use to change scale block. YE Use to go to the last layout.
CH Changes the properties of a selected object. SYN Use to update attributes. YN Use to go to next layout.
CO Use to copy object inside a drawing. REB Use to replace block. YP Use to go to previous layout.
ED Use to edit a note or annotation. PTB Use to replace point to block. YM Use to go to model or layout.
DIV Places evenly spaced object on a line segment. i Use to insert block. NY Use to count layout.
E Use to erase objects. Texts-LIST ZL Use to zoom all layout.
X Use to explode or un-group objects. ATC Use to align text to center. NPL Use to set page number (Auto page).
EX Use to extend an object up to another. ATB Use to align text to bottom. NPC Use to set continue page number (Auto page).
F Use to create a fillet at the corner. ATL Use to align text to left. NPM Use to set page number on model.
H Use to apply hatch to a closed area. ATR Use to align text to right. TPL , iN Use to print all layout on model bock or rectangle.
HE Use to edit hatch. JT Use to change alignment to text. TAB Used to move, copy and delete layout.
IM Use to insert a block. FRT Use to find a replace text. DISPLAY-LIST
i Use to insert a block. CTX Use to copy text. COL Displays the select color dialog.
J Use to join end points to a linear or curved objects. HT Use to change text height. OS Used to set object snap settings.
JJ Use to join multiple line , arc. DTT Use to move text to center of the rectangle. LA Use to create a new layer and modify its properties.
LT Use to set the line type. CLC Use to change text color. PRE Use to preview the plotted drawing.
Li Lists the properties of a selected object in the text window. Layers-LIST RE Regenerate the current view-port of a drawing.
LTS Use to set the line type scale. VL Use to change layer to def-point layer. REA Regenerate all the view-port of a drawing.
Mi Use to create a mirror image of an object. 0 Use to change layer to 0 layer. CEN Use to find centroid polyline.
M Use to move selected objects. 1 Use to change layer to detail layer. CLD Use to remove the unwanted data from the drawing.
O Create a parallel copy of a selected object at a specified distance. 2 Use to change layer to reinforcement layer. TL Use to find total length.
PE Use to edit polylines. 3 Use to change layer to stirrup layer. TAR Use to find total area.
REN Use to rename blocks, viewports, dimension styles and so on. 4 Use to change layer to text layer. LAM Use to put polyline area.
SC Use to increase or decrease the size of a drawing. 5 Use to change layer to leader layer. V1, V2 Use to view-ports in model.
SPE Use to edit a spline. 6 Use to change layer to Dim layer. XC Crop the display of a selected external reference or block reference.
S Use to stretch objects. 7 Use to change layer to Line Grid layer. XR The external reference palette in displayed.
TR Use to trim unwanted portions of an object. 8 Use to change layer to Line Level layer. MLU Leader.
TG Use to trim middle object. 9 Use to change layer to Line Opening layer. DC Opens the Design Center Platte.
TTG Use to trim center object 10 Use to change layer to Line SYM layer.

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