Research Paper Format

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“Title of the Research Paper”

(Name of authors / group members in the order of contribution. Should be written as a single

April19, 2022

Group research paper submitted for the internal assessment requirements of HS222
Introduction to Economics course. The views expressed in the paper are solely those of the
authors and do not reflect the views of the institute to which they are affiliated.
Department of Humanities

This research paper titled “.............................................” is a presentation of our original
research work based on the data set given. Wherever contributions of others are involved,
every effort is made to indicate this clearly, with due respect to the literature, and
acknowledgement of collaborative research and discussions.

Date: 19th April 2022.

Name signature

1. ….................................. …........................
2. ….................................. …........................
3. ………………………. …………………
4. ………………………. …………………

(Please scan and insert signature)

Title Page Number



1 Abcdefgh
1.1 *****
1.2 &&&&&
1.3 ###

2 Xyz
2.1 %%%%
2.2 $$$$
2.3 ^^^^

3 Qwerty
3.1 ++++
3.2 “”””

4 Sfefefe
4.1 ssaAF
4.2 C.aomd

5 Conclusions



Key words

1. Introduction of the topic

a. Introduce topic based on the present general scenario of India & world
2. Research Problem
a. Clearly mention the research problem that you have identified from the data
b. Explain why that is a research problem
3. Importance of the topic / research problem
a. Importance of the topic of study with regard to the Indian situations
b. Clearly spell out 5 major importance of the topic of study
4. Plan of study to evaluate the research problem / study
a. How you are studying the particular topic
b. How you are going to organize the study for proving / disproving the problem
5. Objectives of the study
a. Remember: This is not general objectives of the topic
b. It is the specific objectives of the study to evaluate the research problem
c. Identify minimum three objectives from the given data which will help you to
look the research problem scientifically
6. Methodology of the study
a. Data sources & collection
b. Model used for analysis
7. Hypothesis
a. Statement of hypothesis (Hypothesis means the pre assumed direction in
which you used for reaching the solution to your research problem)
8. Possible limitations of the study
a. State minimum three limitations of the study based on your data and analysis

Significance of the study

Review of Literature

1. Review of existing minimum five studies related to the topic

2. Review of studies which already sent to you about the topic
3. Through this literature survey, prove that your study is unique.
4. Spell out clearly how your study is different from other studies: content wise or
methodologically or other things.
5. Use the following method to review each paper reviewed
a. Title and author / authors of the study
b. Research problem of the study
c. Hypothesis and Objectives of the study
d. Models used for analysis
e. Limitations of the study
f. How your research problem is different from this research paper
6. Summary paragraph with research gap identified from the literature

Type / content / structure of the data set given

Data analysis
Interpretations based on objectives and research questions



I. Use APA (American Psychology Association) style of referencing

II. Include all sources (books, journals, internet sources, data sources, monographs,
reports etc)

Appendixes (if any)

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