Research Guide

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Intro (KYLA):

Good day everyone, especially to our dear panelist. I am Kate S. Diaz, together with me are (name of
groupmates) and we are to present our research with the title THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARENTAL
CENTER S.Y. 2021-2022.


 ABOUT (KATE): Our research is about how the current age of a parent necessarily matters in
guiding students towards their school performance. We would like to discuss to you what are
the positive and negative outcomes a child and as well as the parents could possibly deal with
this type of factor in student’s learnings.
 BACKGROUND (KATE): As we all know, parents contribute a big part to academic matters of
every students. Lack of parental involvement to student’s studies is one of the usual barrier
student’s encounter that hinder them to be motivated about claiming their success towards
their academic performance. The gap between parent and child’s age creates conflict towards
the educational outcomes of student’s base on the previous studies. By having enough parental
support their children’s studies tend to improve their interest in learning and doing great at
school despite the parents’ level of academic success
 SOP (KATE): This study aims to determine the relationship between parental age and academic
performance of Grade 11 students in Rizal SPED Learning Center (S.Y. 2020-2021). And these are
the following questions that we would like to be given answers at the end of our research.
 HYPOTHESIS (JANETH): The objectives of this research is to know if the difference between
older and younger parents of a child creates an impact to their studies. We wanted to determine
the positive and negative effects of each type of parents in the learning journey of a student.
Lastly, to recognize what are the considered academic excellence of a student.
 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS (JANETH): Our study focuses mainly on how parental age affects the
academic performance of the Grade 11 students in section St. Calungsod of Rizal SPED Learning
Center. Our study didn’t include other grade level and sections in Rizal SPED Learning Center.
 IMPORTANCE (CHARLES): The researchers conduct the study to furthermore understand the
relationship of parental age and to clarify the impact of it with regards to student’s academic
performance. Which focuses on the Grade 11 students of Rizal Sped Learning Center Inc. (RSELC)
 (CHARLES): For some of the terms that are conceptually and operationally defined in our study,
for the better understanding of the reader, here is (name)


 Here are the definition of terms of our study. First is Parental Age which refers to parent’s age
that affects the academic performance of the participants.
 Second is Academic Performance which refers to school performance of the participants
affected by parental age.
 Third is Students which refers to the research respondents of the study, which are the Grade 11
students in Rizal SPED Learning Center.
 Let us now have (name) to discuss to you about the Review of related literature.

RRL (KYLA & KATE): How does parental age become a factor that affects student’s academic

 I found that the effect of parental age to students is the effectives of how a student could
acquire sufficient information to education from the parents under the family they live in,
according to Chen in the year 2020. In fact, a lot of off-tasks behaviors were found within the
studies that the active engagement to parents towards the academic of their children build a
positive motivation that will remain to child as it grows. Which really means that parental age
necessarily mean the students could learn well with the good supervision of parents.
 For the second section of the literature, we focused on what could be the impacts among
academic performance a child could encounter and how that affected student’s learning. And
what we found is that parents actually had a positive association between home-based parental
participation in their children's academic achievement, but a negative relationship between
school-based parental involvement and academic success. The studies actually believed that
parental involvement that began at home much enhanced the student’s learning experiences
and engagement at the same time.
 For the third section, we try to focus on the reason behind building the Rizal SPED Institution.
According to the site of is that the rule objective of opening the Rizal particular
educational program Learning Center is to help with showing students with phenomenal
necessities like the meeting debilitated, intellectually tried, medicinally independent, slow
understudies and fast understudies.
 In the last section of our research literature, in the study of Cantalini et al. (2020) Research
demonstrated that there is such a relationship between the distinctions of parental age and a
kid's instructive results. Parental age could become one of the components that can impact
understudy's scholarly presentation.
 We will now move to the chapter 3 of the research methodology which will be discussed to you
by (name)

Methodology (JANETH & CHARLES)

 At the onset of the conduct of this study, the researchers ask first permission to the school
administrator, Mrs. Chona B. Bacaron.
 The researchers used a modified questionnaire from Rodriguez (2016) and University of Oxford
Student Course Experience
 The researchers will submit the modified questionnaires to the statistician in order to validate
the questionnaires.
 The researchers will conduct a pre-test to Grade 11 St. Calungsod students in Rizal SPED
Learning Center, in order to test the reliability of the questionnaire to the participants.
 After gathering the data, the researchers will submit the answered questionnaires back to the
statistician, in order to validate the question and have the possible outcome.
 The researchers will conduct the study to the Grade 11 St. Calungsod students in Rizal SPED
Learning Center.
 After conducting the study, the researchers will analyze the data and find out the possible
 After analyzing the results, the researchers will submit the data gathered to the statistician.
 Lastly, the researchers will draw conclusions to answer the questions posted prior to the
conduct of this study.
 Correlational Quantitative research is the nature of our research which is a method of research
that attempts to determine the extent of a relationship between two or more variables using
statistical data.
 We us this method to find the correlational relationship of parental age to student’s academic
performance and to figure out how a factor or independent variable influences a dependent
 Our target population would be the Grade 11 students of Rizal SPED Learning Center
 The sample would be coming from the Grade 11 St. Calungsod students of s.y. 2021-2022
 The sampling technique that we will be using is a simple random sampling with the use of
computer selection.
 Our theory is based on the Parental age and to further understand this theory I would like to call
on (name)


 The first section of our theory is by Björklund & Salvanes (2011) in which they examined the
investigation named Age at Parenthood and Children’s Educational Outcome. They stated in his
hypothesis the gap between a parent and child’s age can affect child’s academic outcome for
the parent and child might deal with a different level of education, reading recognition and
comprehension, & subjects test scores.
 The second section of our theory is by According to Fall et al., (2015) which stated that the
‘readiness’ of parents is based on how mature parents age are inside the parenthood. The more
mature parents are will result to a better parenting practices.
 This study is beneficial for us understand well how correlated parental age is to children’s
studies and how we would be able to put a solution in the arising conflict between the parental
age being a factor to parental involvement to student’s academic performance of Grade 11 St.
Calungsod of Rizal SPED Learning Center.

ENDING: And that is the end of our research. Our dear panelists, we are now ready for your questions.

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