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Original Article

Structural Health Monitoring


A hybrid learning strategy for Ó The Author(s) 2020

Article reuse guidelines:
structural damage detection DOI: 10.1177/1475921720966943

Lorena Andrade Nunes1, Rafaelle Piazzaroli Finotti Amaral2,

Flávio de Souza Barbosa1 and Alexandre Abrahão Cury1

Over the past decades, several methods for structural health monitoring have been developed and employed in various
practical applications. Some of these techniques aimed to use raw dynamic measurements to detect damage or struc-
tural changes. Desirably, structural health monitoring systems should rely on computational tools capable of evaluating
the information acquired from the structure continuously, in real time. However, most damage detection techniques fail
to identify novelties automatically (e.g. damage, abnormal behaviors, and among others), rendering human decisions nec-
essary. Recent studies have shown that the use of statistical parameters extracted directly from raw time domain data,
such as acceleration measurements, could provide more sensitive responses to damage with less computational effort.
In addition, machine learning techniques have never been more in trend than nowadays. In this context, this article pro-
poses an original approach based on the combination of statistical indicators—to characterize acceleration measure-
ments in the time domain—and computational intelligence techniques to detect damage. The methodology consists in
the combined use of supervised (artificial neural networks) and unsupervised (k-means clustering) learning classification
methods for the construction of a hybrid classifier. The objective is to detect not only structural states already known
but also dynamic behaviors that have not been identified yet, that is, novelties. The main purpose is to allow a real-time
structural integrity monitoring, providing responses in an automatic and continuous way while the structure is under
operation. The robustness of the proposed approach is evaluated using data obtained from numerical simulations and
experimental tests performed in laboratory and in situ. Results achieved so far attest a promising performance of the
hybrid classifier.

Structural health monitoring, damage detection, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, feature extraction

Introduction Damage detection is part of a chain that links struc-

tural safety to maintenance programs. Therefore, moni-
Structural changes can be caused by several reasons, toring systems must rely on computational tools able to
such as the deterioration of the construction due to automatically evaluate the information acquired in real
aging, lack of maintenance, environmental and opera- time.7 Studies related to damage detection in civil
tional effects, unexpected loads, structural reinforce-
ment procedures, and among many others.1–3 In some
cases, however, these changes can be related to struc-
tural damage. Structural health monitoring (SHM)
encompasses a set of techniques and equipment used to Post-Graduate Program in Civil Engineering, University of Juiz de Fora,
Juiz de Fora, Brazil
investigate the structure’s integrity. The use of SHM 2
Post-Graduate Program in Computational Modelling, University of Juiz
procedures has the advantage of yielding high probabil- de Fora, Juiz de Fora, Brazil
ities of detecting structural damage in their initial
phase. Thus, SHM tools could guarantee greater safety Corresponding author:
Alexandre Abrahão Cury, Department of Applied and Computational
and comfort to users, while enabling more effective
xo kelmer, Juiz de
Mechanics, University of Juiz de Fora, Rua José Lourenc
repair and maintenance actions, directly impacting on Fora 36015410, Brazil.
the reduction of operational costs.4–6 Email:
2 Structural Health Monitoring 00(0)

engineering are of great interest to researchers in this be more effective compared to using acceleration
area due to the possible social and economic conse- responses. Moreover, the misclassification rates
quences caused by anomalies in structures. It is known increased as the damage severity decreased. Even
that if damage is not detected in time, the structural though their approach appeared to be promising, the
system can suffer serious consequences related to its number of false alarms prevented the method from
safety.8–10 being generalized for all practical damage detection
Currently, continuous monitoring systems are being applications. In another experimental study, Hakim
used mostly in large structures. As examples, one can et al.22 used the I-beam structures to predict the severity
cite the Millau Viaduct in France,11 the Tsing Ma and location of several damage scenarios. Accelerations
bridge in China,12 the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in along the beam were measured under a white noise
Dubai,13 as well as the Golden Gate Bridge in the excitation. Based on their results, the proposed metho-
United States, the Minami Bisan-Seto Bridge in Japan, dology could be generalized for other applications after
the Grande Belt Bridge in Denmark, and among others verification on large-scale structures. In their work,
mentioned in the work of Xu and Xia.14 Structural nat- Cury and Crémona23 performed a comparative study
ural aging and degradation, along with the lack of to evaluate feedforward ANNs, support vector
proper maintenance strategies, are major reasons for machines (SVMs), and Bayesian decision trees (BDTs).
the installation of monitoring programs. The authors used concepts of symbolic data analysis
Many studies have been carried out over the last (SDA) to condense acceleration data of a steel railway
decades aiming to develop robust and reliable methods bridge in France. The bridge was monitored to assess
focusing on the diagnosis of structural failure. Most the efficiency of a structural strengthening procedure.
damage detection methods are based on determining The authors concluded that the need of large training
modal parameters through a modal identification pro- data sets to train the supervised learning methods was a
cedure.15,16 However, the identification of modal prop- relevant limitation. Meruane and Mahu24 attempted to
erties is a sort of filtering process, which can lead to a apply ANN to detect, locate, and quantify structural
loss of information (when compared to the use of raw damage. Two experimental cases were used to validate
dynamic measurements), hiding small structural their approach: an 8-degree-of-freedom (8-DOF) mass–
changes that could be related to damage.17 Another spring system and a beam with multiple damage scenar-
major drawback is that methods based on modal para- ios. Although the results obtained were reasonable,
meters consider that the structure remains in the linear there was no verification on large-scale structures.
elastic domain after the occurrence of damage, which is In summary, even though some ANN-based
not always the case. approaches have proven their efficiency in particular
Thus, strategies that consider both acceleration mea- cases, all of them require the analyst/engineer/stake-
surements using statistical analysis and computational holder to have prior knowledge about the structure’s
intelligence to assess the structure’s dynamic behavior dynamic behaviors—or even its damage history—to
have been taken as a promising field of research in train the classifier. Hence, this aspect represents a
recent years.18,19 The direct use of acceleration mea- major shortcoming in practical applications since it is
surements may ease the problem of damage detection not always possible to recognize different structural
as the procedure becomes more straightforward since conditions beforehand.
the need for a modal identification process is ruled out. Conversely, methods based exclusively on unsuper-
Moreover, there is no need to know the excitation vised classification do not need any prior data labeling.
source to assess the structure’s behavior since it is pos- However, depending on the quality of the input data
sible to deal with the output measurements directly. (too noisy, hazy, missing, badly sampled, etc.), this
Many damage detection methods are based exclu- advantage could turn into a major disadvantage, thus
sively on supervised learning techniques, such as artifi- leading to inaccurate results. Silva et al.25 proposed
cial neural networks (ANNs), for example. Mehrjoo two fuzzy clustering approaches applied to data from a
et al.20 proposed an ANN-based technique applied to a benchmark structure in Los Alamos National
numerical truss bridge in which modal properties (i.e. Laboratory, USA. The results demonstrated that both
natural frequencies and mode shapes) and acceleration fuzzy clustering algorithms were effective. Nevertheless,
responses were used as damage sensitive features. the damage severity was not accurately assessed, and
Although the authors recommended such an approach both approaches generated a significant number of
for online and real-time damage detection applications, false-negative damage indications. Yu and Zhu26
its testing and validation on real structures were not reported a clustering technique applied to acceleration
presented. Lee and Kim21 also verified a similar measurements from a three-story structure tested in
approach both analytically and experimentally. The laboratory. Their approach was successful for non-
ANN’s performance with strain signals was found to linear damage detection. Yet, they suggested further
Nunes et al. 3

verifications with additional experimental studies, espe- Table 1. Statistical indicators extracted from a signal xi.
cially on large-scale structures. Studies conducted by
Alves et al.1,8 used a methodology based on k-means Peak Mean
xpeak = maxjxi j P
cluster analysis coupled with SDA. Several applications x = 1n xi
considering numerical simulations and experimental Mean square Root s
mean square
data were explored. Fair results were achieved when ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

modal parameters were used as damage sensitive fea- xq = 1n ðxi Þ2 1
rms = n ðxi Þ 2
tures. However, the use of raw dynamic measurements
Variance Standard deviation ffi
(e.g. accelerations) led to a significant number of false- P
s2 = 1n ðxi  xÞ2 Pn
negative alarms. Santos et al.27 implemented a similar s = 1n ðxi  xÞ2
methodology. They applied a clustering technique to a i=1

motorway bridge and observed that such an approach Skewness Kurtosis

n P
could be utilized for damage detection applications. 1
n ðxi xÞ3 1
n ðxi xÞ4

In this context, this article presents a new hybrid s = i = 1 s3 ks = i = 1 s4

learning–based approach that combines the best fea- Crest factor K-factor
Cf = rms Kf = xpeak : rms
tures and mitigates the shortcomings of both super-
vised (ANN) and unsupervised (k-means) classification
methods for structural damage detection. More specifi-
cally, such a methodology uses the learning power from of a simply supported beam, and experimental tests
neural networks to create a robust classifier using lim- performed on a four-story frame tested in a laboratory
ited information and employs the k-means clustering to in the United States and on a viaduct, located in
allow identifying unknown structural behaviors. The France. The influence of noise inherent to acceleration
proposed hybrid method uses statistical indicators signals, as well as the influence of parameters intrinsic
extracted directly from raw acceleration measurements to the classification methods, are also discussed.
as inputs to the ANN. Moreover, to circumvent the Finally, section ‘‘Final remarks and recommendations’’
need of knowing several structural states a priori to cre- compiles some important remarks, recommendations,
ate a robust classifier (which is one of the main draw- and suggestions for future works.
backs of supervised learning techniques), a simple yet
efficient strategy is created. Moreover, it is known how
input data impacts on the results of clustering tech- Statistical indicators extracted from
niques. Thus, instead of using raw dynamic measure- dynamic responses
ments as inputs to the k-means technique, one
A proper choice of statistical indicators is extremely rel-
proposes to utilize the ANN’s outputs, which greatly
evant since it plays a major role in the performance of
diminishes the uncertainties inherent to raw vibration
methods applied to damage detection problems.
data. Finally, coupling the k-means method with an
Although artificial intelligence techniques are very effi-
approach to classify new data, it is possible to identify
cient in solving such problems, the definition of input
whether a structural behavior is already known or not.
variables capable of providing representative and suffi-
In summary, the hybrid learning approach can deal
with real-time structural integrity monitoring where no cient information of dynamic signals is of paramount
previous knowledge about the structure’s condition is importance.
necessary. Thus, as soon as new structural behaviors In this article, 10 higher-order statistical indicators
are identified (unsupervised learning), new baseline (Table 1) are used to characterize dynamic tests, that is,
databases are created and trained (supervised learning) acceleration measurements. Their choice is based on
to carry on the dynamic monitoring program. their good performance verified in previous
This article is organized as follows: section works.18,28–30 According to Farrar and Worden,29 the
‘‘Statistical indicators extracted from dynamic analysis of structural dynamic time-series responses is
responses’’ presents a brief discussion about how rele- able to extract information from signals in a simpler
vant statistical indicators are extracted from raw struc- way than using modal analysis.
tural acceleration measurements. Section
‘‘Classification methods’’ summarizes the two computa-
Classification methods
tional intelligence methods used along with the strategy
to classify new data. Section ‘‘Methodology’’ details the This section presents a brief overview of both super-
methodology applied herein, discussing how a hybrid vised (ANN) and unsupervised (k-means) classification
classifier was developed. Section ‘‘Applications’’ pre- methods used in this article. The difference between
sents the results obtained from numerical simulations such methods is that the former uses a series of
4 Structural Health Monitoring 00(0)

previously known labels (provided as input data) for

the definition of different classes, whereas in the latter,
unknown objects are grouped into different groups
according to a notion of similarity (or dissimilarity).
An advantage of unsupervised methods is the ability to
classify unseen data,31,32 whereas in supervised meth-
ods, this is not possible. These specific methods were
selected based on previous results obtained in the
works of Alves et al.,17 Finotti et al.,18 and Cury and
Crémona.23 While the first two provided extensive
benchmark studies on three supervised classification
methods—ANN, BDTs, and SVMs—the third one per-
formed similar analyses using unsupervised classifica- Figure 1. MLP network with one hidden layer (adapted from
tion methods—agglomerative hierarchical clustering, Prı́ncipe et al.35).
k-means, and divisive clustering. These methods were
evaluated utilizing vibration data extracted from
numerical simulations and experimental structures, about input and output data are discussed in section
ranging from small to large scales. From these studies, ‘‘Definition of the feature vectors and the ANN’s
the authors have concluded that both ANN and k- inputs.’’
means methods have provided the most reliable results Both hidden and output layers are composed of neu-
among the applications considered. rons that work with functions aiming to add nonlinea-
rities to the model known as transfer or activation
functions. Considering the MLP network in Figure 1,
ANNs for each dynamic test to be classified, the inputs xi are
Neural networks are adaptive systems that have already weighted by the adjustable weights wij before being
proven to be efficient classifiers. They have been suc- processed by the K neurons of the respective layer l
cessfully used for solving various problems that cover (l = 2,3). Then, each neuron calculates the sum of
high degrees of nonlinearity.33,34 Considering the non- these weighted inputs and the result of this sum is sent
linear nature of real-world phenomena, such as the to the activation function ( f ) used. The results are the
classification of structural dynamic behaviors, neural outputs yj of each neuron. This procedure is summar-
networks would be a natural choice for this task. ized in equation (1)
Generally, ANNs are trained in such a way that a given !
input leads to a specific target output. In this context, X
ðl1Þ ðl1Þ
yj = f wij xi + bðl1Þ , for j = 1, . . . , K ðlÞ ð1Þ
adjustments are made to the network weights based on i=1
a comparison between the target and the ANN’s output
until the difference between them is minimized (super- where b is the bias associated to the layers. More
vised learning). detailed information about ANN can be found in
In this article, a multilayer perceptron (MLP) feed- Prı́ncipe et al.35
forward neural network using backpropagation learn-
ing composed of an input layer, one single hidden
layer, and an output layer is used to classify dynamic
k-Means clustering
tests. Figure 1 shows the architecture of a typical single The clustering procedure is a category of unsupervised
hidden layer MLP with D inputs, K hidden neurons, data classification that gathers clusters or groups with
and M outputs. Connections between neurons have similar data.36 In general, the objective is to separate a
associated weights represented by wij . In this article, given data set into different clusters according to a
the elements of the input layer are the feature vectors notion of dissimilarity or similarity. Groups of data
(a feature vector is an nf-dimensional vector containing considered ‘‘similar’’ will belong to the same cluster,
numerical features that represent some object. In this while other groups of data considered ‘‘different’’ will
article, a feature vector contains the statistical indica- belong to different clusters.37 For this to occur, an
tors (see Table 1) extracted from the acceleration mea- appropriate grouping algorithm and distance metric
surements of each sensor. A feature vector ultimately need to be defined.
represents a dynamic test) and the outputs are arbitrary Distance metrics are used to measure similarity
classification labels (i.e. representing possible damage between objects represented by the feature vectors.
levels), represented in binary notation. Specific details Objects are considered similar if the distances among
Nunes et al. 5

implementing the k-means++ algorithm for cluster cen-

ter initialization. Such an algorithm uses a heuristic to
find centroid seeds for the k-means clustering. With the
k-means++ initialization, the algorithm is guaranteed
to find a solution that is competitive to the optimal k-
means solution (more information on Mathworks41
and David and Vassilvitskii42). Thus, the distance
between each feature vector and each centroid is calcu-
lated using a similarity function (distance metric).
Then, each feature vector is assigned to the group with
the closest centroid (Figure 2(b)). After all feature vec-
tors are assigned to the clusters, the centroids of each
group are recalculated (Figure 2(c)). In Figure 2(d), the
setup for repeating steps (b) and (c) is presented. These
steps are repeated until all feature vectors are within
clusters whose centroids are as close as possible to
Figure 2. Operation of the k-means algorithm (a) initial
dataset and prototypes, (b) random cluster/prototypes
initialization, (c) clusters/prototypes’ update, and (d) clusters/ Determination of threshold distances for clusters
prototypes’ final configuration. To decide if a new feature vector (i.e. a dynamic test)
belongs to existing clusters or if it represents a new
behavior, let us consider the example of a partition
them are small. Otherwise, they are considered different P1 = fC 1 , C 2 g containing two clusters: C 1 = fT1 , T2 , T4 g
as they are distant.38 After extensive preliminary analy- and C 2 = fT3 , T5 g, where Ti represents a feature vector.
ses involving a series of metrics available in the litera- The objective of this approach is to assign a new fea-
ture (Euclidean, cosine, correlation, Mahalanobis, ture vector T6 to one of these two clusters: C 1 or C 2 .
among others), the City Block (or Manhattan) metric However, it is possible that T6 represents a new beha-
was chosen vior that is not described by either of these groups. To
solve this impasse, a methodology described in Cury
and Crémona43 proposes the following steps:
uðA, BÞ = j Ai  Bi j ð2Þ
1. Evaluate the centroids of the final partition, named
where A and B are the two feature vectors, and nf is the G1 and G2 .
number of features. 2. Evaluate the distance (equation (2)) between the set
As already discussed, the clustering method used in of feature vectors in cluster C 1 = fT1 , T2 , T4 g and its
this article is the k-means algorithm, which aims to find prototype G1 , and also between the set of cluster
the most appropriate partition to n feature vectors into C 2 = fT3 , T5 g and its prototype G2 .
k clusters,39 being k fixed and defined a priori. This 3. Fit a cumulative distribution probability function
algorithm uses the concept of centroids, which are the (CDF) to the distances calculated in step 2 (see
‘‘representatives’’ of each cluster.40 Figure 3).
Figure 2 illustrates the procedure of the k-means 4. Determine a threshold distance for each cluster
algorithm for dividing a data set into four groups. The (named dt1 and dt2 ) corresponding to 97.5%
feature vectors in the set are represented by circles and (modifications in this rate might yield different
the centroids by an ‘‘x.’’ First, the number of groups k classification results. Sections ‘‘Experimental test I:
to be formed needs to be defined. In Figure 2(a), k = 4 yellow frame’’ and ‘‘Experimental test II: railway
feature vectors are selected as starting centroids accord- bridge’’ present a more detailed discussion about
ing to some starting criteria. There are several proce- this parameter) of the cumulative distribution func-
dures for centroid initialization (plus, sample, uniform, tion (see Figure 3).
cluster, etc.). However, after performing preliminary 5. Calculate the distance between the new test T6 and
tests, the best suited for our applications was the plus the prototype G1 , denoted by u(T6 , G1 ), and also
initialization. The plus initialization method basically the distance between T6 and the prototype G2 ,
selects k seeds at random from the data set by denoted by u(T6 , G2 ).
6 Structural Health Monitoring 00(0)

6. Define decision criteria for assigning the new test

to one of the two known groups or to a new one as

> uðT6 , G1 Þ\uðT6 , G2 Þ uðT6 , G1 Þ\dt1 ) T6 2 C 1
uðT6 , G1 Þ\uðT6 , G2 Þ uðT6 , G1 Þ.dt1 ) T6 2 C 3
> uðT6 , G1 Þ.uðT6 , G2 Þ uðT6 , G2 Þ\dt2 ) T6 2 C 2
uðT6 , G1 Þ.uðT6 , G2 Þ uðT6 , G2 Þ.dt2 ) T6 2 C 3

where C 3 represents a new group.

It is important to emphasize that this strategy is not
limited to two initial clusters. The same logic can be
applied to cases where more than two initial clusters
are considered. This would obviously involve the eva-
luation of more threshold distances and an appropriate
expansion of the decision criteria explained in step 6.

Figure 3. Example of cumulative probability function fitting and

Methodology determination of the threshold distance.
The proposed strategy is divided into two phases: the
first one consists in creating the damage detection
model, and the second one refers to the classification of The second strategy is to organize the feature vectors
new dynamic tests. However, before explaining each test-wise, as shown in equation (5)
phase, it is important to describe how the feature vec-
tors and the ANN’s input data matrices are assembled. ðT1 I1 , T1 I2 , . . . , T1 I10 , T2 I1 , T1 I2 , . . . , T2 I10 , . . . , Tn I1 , . . . , Tn I10 Þ

Definition of the feature vectors and the ANN’s where Tn Iq is the qth statistical indicator of the nth
inputs dynamic test. Thus, the number of features nf is equal
to n.
In this article, two strategies are proposed to define the
For this case, the ANN input data matrix is assem-
feature vectors. The first one is based on a sensor-wise
bled as follows: the first row of the matrix represents
arrangement, as shown in equation (3)
the first test (T1 ) and the first 10 columns are the 10 sta-
  tistical indicators (Iq , q = 1, . . . , 10) extracted from sen-
S1 I1 , S1 I2 , . . . , S1 I10 , S2 I1 , S2 I2 , . . . , S2 I10 , . . . , Sp I1 , . . . , Sp I10
sor 1 (S1 ) of the first test (T1 ). The next 10 columns are
ð3Þ the 10 indicators extracted from sensor 2 (S2 ) of the first
test (T1 ) and so on, until reaching the last 10 indicators
where Sp Iq is the qth statistical indicator of the pth sen-
extracted from sensor Sp of test (T1 ) (see equation (6))
sor. Thus, the number of features nf is equal to p  q.
For this case, the ANN input data matrix is orga- 2 3
T1 I1S1 . . . T1 I2S1 . . . T1 I10S1 . . . T1 I1Sp . . . T1 I10Sp
nized as follows: the first row of the matrix represents 6 T2 I1S1 . . . T2 I2S1 . . . T2 I10S1 . . . T2 I1Sp . . . T1 I10Sp 7
6 7
sensor 1 (S1 ) and the first 10 columns are the 10 statisti- 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
4 . . . . . . . . . 5
cal indicators (Iq , q = 1, . . . , 10) extracted from sensor
Tn I1S1 . . . Tn I2S1 . . . Tn I10S1 . . . Tn I1Sp . . . T1 I10Sp
S1 of the first test (T1 ). The next 10 columns are the 10
indicators extracted from the signal of this same sensor ð6Þ
(S1 ), but now from the second test (T2 ) and so on, until
reaching the last 10 indicators extracted from sensor S1
of test Tn (see equation (4)) Creating the hybrid classifier
2 3 The first phase of the methodology consists in the fol-
S1 I1T1 S1 I2T1 ... S1 I10T1 ... S1 I1Tn ... S1 I10Tn lowing steps (also depicted in Figure 4):
6 S2 I1T1 S2 I2T1 ... S2 I10T1 ... S2 I1Tn ... S2 I10Tn 7
6 7
6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
4 . . . . . . . . 5
1. Create the ANN and set its hyperparameters (e.g.
Sp I1T1 Sp I2T1 ... Sp I10T1 ... Sp I1Tn ... Sp I10Tn
number of neurons in the hidden layer, training
ð4Þ method, and error function).
Nunes et al. 7

Figure 4. Creation of the proposed damage detection model (first phase) considering two initial structural states.

2. Pass the input data matrices along with arbitrary expresses a dynamic behavior completely different
labels to the ANN. from the first one and does not influence the classifi-
3. Train, validate, and test the ANN. cation of the proposed strategy. For instance, an
4. Set the k-means clustering parameters (e.g. desired input data matrix formed by ‘‘ones’’ (or ‘‘twos,’’
number of clusters, distance metric, and initializa- ‘‘tens,’’ etc.) could represent such a fictitious input
tion algorithm). data set. Similarly, arbitrary labels are created. Then,
5. Cluster the ANN’s outputs, yielding s groups after a new actual behavior is identified, the fictitious
(C 1 , C 2 , . . . , C s ), where each one represents a dif- state is discarded and only the real structural condi-
ferent structural behavior. tions are used. Thus, the proposed methodology can
6. Calculate the threshold distances (dt1 , dt2 , . . . , dts ) be seamlessly applied to a continuous SHM program
related to each cluster as mentioned in section where just a single structural state needs to be known
‘‘Determination of threshold distances for clusters’’ a priori.
(steps 1–4). The second phase of the methodology consists in the
following steps (also shown in Figure 5):
After step 6, the damage detection model is created
and ready to classify new dynamic tests as either known 1. Input a new feature vector T (i.e. dynamic test) to
or new structural behaviors. Moreover, steps 3 and 5 the ANN trained during Phase 1.
are critical to this strategy. In fact, if the ANN yields 2. Evaluate the distance between the ANN’s output
bad classification results, this will directly influence the (O) and the centroids (G1 , G2 , . . . , Gs ) of each clus-
k-means algorithm outputs, thus consequently affecting ter, denoted by u(O, Gi ), with i = 1,..., s, according
the threshold distances, which are pivotal for the sec- to step 5 of section ‘‘Determination of threshold
ond phase of the proposed approach. distances for clusters.’’
Although the first three steps of Phase 1 are classi- 3. Verify whether the new data represent a known
fied as supervised since they use ANN, they do not structural behavior or not according to step 6 of
necessarily require prior knowledge of several different section ‘‘Determination of threshold distances for
structural states for their application. In fact, knowing clusters,’’ yielding two outcomes:
several—or even just two—structural conditions
(a) Known behavior(s): the new test is classified
beforehand are a rare situation when it comes to SHM
according to one of the previous known
applications. Thus, to circumvent this limitation, a sim-
ple yet efficient approach can be used to initialize the
(b) Unknown behavior(s) (i.e. novelty): the new
proposed methodology. By ensuring that a set of
test is addressed to a novel cluster.
dynamic tests are related to a single structural
condition—which could be achieved by acquiring sev- 4. Repeat the entire procedure from Phase 1, but now
eral tests during a short controlled period of time—a considering s + 1 initial structural conditions, that
second data set could be artificially created so that it is, clusters.
8 Structural Health Monitoring 00(0)

Figure 5. Classification of new dynamic tests (second phase) considering two initial structural states.

In summary, the proposed strategy allows perform- genetic algorithms, grid search, Bayesian optimization,
ing a real-time dynamic monitoring program where regression analyses, and among many others. However,
new tests are continuously categorized by the hybrid the use of such techniques implicates on the definition
classifier into clusters representing known or unknown of new sets of parameters related to them. To avoid this
behavior. situation, one proposes a sensitivity analysis over the
most relevant parameters to select the best configura-
tions. Similar analyses were performed in Ranjbar and
Applications Saffar,45 Zhang and Wallace,46 Fock,47 and Cao et al.48
In this section, the performance of the hybrid classifier For the k-means algorithm, the distance metric and
is evaluated to detect changes in the dynamic responses initialization techniques were defined as ‘‘City Block’’
of three different structures. All algorithms and imple- and ‘‘plus,’’ respectively, as explained in section
mentations were developed using toolboxes and inter- ‘‘k-means clustering.’’
nal functions available in MATLAB. Initially, the
proposed methodology is applied to a numerical model
of a simply supported beam. Then, data collected from
Numerical analysis
a four-story frame tested in laboratory at the University A numerical example using a finite element model
of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada, and from a rail- (FEM) of a simply supported beam is initially chosen
way viaduct, located in France, are used to assess the to verify the efficiency of the proposed approach. The
hybrid classifier’s performance. FEM consists of 200 Euler–Bernoulli elements, where
In all applications, the ANN model implemented is each element has two nodes with 2 degrees of freedom
a feedforward MLP with a single hidden layer. The (vertical translation and rotation) per node. The
learning algorithm used is the Levenberg–Marquardt mechanical and geometrical properties are follows: the
and the mean square error is used as a cost function.44 beam is 6 m long; Young’s modulus (E) is equal to
The activation functions used in the hidden and output 210 GPa; the cross-sectional area and moment of iner-
layers were the hyperbolic tangent sigmoid and the soft- tia are 2:813103 m2 and 1:8453108 m4 , respectively;
max functions, respectively.41 The number of neurons and the mass density is 7850 kg m3 . A random force
used in the hidden layer of the network influences the excitation F(t) with different amplitudes and frequen-
ANN’s output, which consequently influences the final cies was applied at 0.69 m from the right support. To
response of the hybrid classifier. reproduce an actual instrumentation with acceler-
At this point, it is noteworthy that there are a con- ometers, vibration signals are simulated as vertical
siderable number of methods in the SHM literature to accelerations at 10 equidistant measurement points
optimally select the ANN’s hyperparameters, such as (‘‘sensors’’) collected during 100 s with a sampling
Nunes et al. 9

Figure 6. Numerical test of a simply supported beam (units: m).

frequency of 100 Hz. The beam model is represented in columns are the statistical indicators extracted from
Figure 6. each sensor for all 10 tests performed (10 indicators
Three structural conditions are simulated: D0— 3 10 tests = 100 indicators per sensor).
healthy beam (undamaged); D1—damage level #1 As already mentioned, sensitivity analyses regarding
(characterized by a reduction of 20% in Young’s mod- the number of neurons in ANN’s hidden layer are per-
ulus at the midspan), illustrated by the light gray region formed. The number of neurons tested is 25, 35, and 50.
in Figure 6; and D2—damage level #2 (characterized To define this set of values, many others were tested.
by a reduction of 10% in Young’s modulus at the The tests started with the number of neurons equal to
quarter length), illustrated by the dark gray region in 10 and were varied on a step of 5 until reaching 100
Figure 6, plus the second structural configuration neurons. Of all values tested, this set presented the most
(damage level #1). Moreover, the simulated signals consistent results.
are contaminated with three levels of noise: no noise In the following simulations, the neural networks
(N0), 5% (N1), and 10% (N2), evaluated by means of used within the hybrid method are executed and
equation (7) trained, considering a 10-fold cross-validation method,
thus generating 10 hybrid classifiers. The k-fold cross-
xi, noise = xi + hnoise :sxi :V ;N ð0, 1Þ ð7Þ validation aims to ensure the ability to generalize com-
putational intelligence models when subjected to data
where xi, noise and xi are the vectors containing accelera-
not yet seen.49
tion measurements with and without noise measured
To simulate a real-case monitoring scenario, the ini-
by sensor i, respectively, hnoise is the level of noise, sxi is
tial input data considered a fictitious damage level
the standard deviation of xi , and V ;N (0, 1), in which
(matrix of ‘‘ones’’) and the undamaged case (D0). Thus,
V is a vector with random values extracted from a stan-
the ANN’s input matrix has dimensions [20 3 100],
dard normal distribution.
where rows from 1 to 10 represent the tests with a ficti-
In this study, 10 different dynamic tests are simu-
tious level of damage and rows from 11 to 20 corre-
lated for each level of damage and noise, yielding 90
spond to undamaged tests.
tests (10 vibration tests 3 three structural conditions 3
Since it is a supervised learning method, ANN also
three noise levels). For each test, 10,000 points are mea-
need labels (damage classes) corresponding to each
sured per sensor. For these measurements, 10 statistical
observation in the input matrix. Thus, an arbitrary tar-
indicators are calculated, as presented in Table 1.
get matrix [20 3 2] is generated, where the rows indi-
cate the class of the test using the following binary
Results. For all simulations regarding this application, coding: [1 0]—fictitious damage and [0 1]—undamaged.
the best results are obtained when data are organized as As Phase 1 begins, the ANNs are trained and unseen
‘‘sensors’’ (see equations (3) and (4)), where nine input subsets of both training (training and validation) and
[10 3 100] matrices are formed. Each matrix represents testing are inputted to the networks. Then, the k-means
a structural configuration, where rows correspond to method is fed with the ANN’s outputs, yielding two
the number of sensors used in the tests, and the 100 clusters related to each structural state, that is, one
10 Structural Health Monitoring 00(0)

this parameter did not affect the ANN’s initial training,

validation, and testing, it does influence the final
response of the hybrid method. When the number of
neurons used is 25 or 35, the performance of the hybrid
method is satisfactory in identifying the already known
structural state (D0), even under the presence of noise.
However, the method fails in detecting new structural
behaviors (D1 and D2) properly, yielding correct classi-
fication rates below 50% in some cases.
Moreover, the standard deviations over the 10-fold
simulations are all equal to zero. This can be explained
by the fact that even though there are changes in the
creation of clusters (since each iteration of the 10-fold
yields a different neural network, thus different out-
puts), these changes were so small that they did not
affect the final results.
In all simulations performed, 10 distance values were
used to fit the CDF (step 4 in section ‘‘Determination
of threshold distances for clusters’’). Ideally, a larger
Figure 7. Confusion matrix for the hybrid classifier (50
number of distance values should be used so that a
neurons in the hidden layer; 10% of noise).
more refined distribution is created, yielding a more
‘‘adjusted’’ threshold distance. Further discussion is
provided in section ‘‘Experimental test I: yellow frame’’
group representing the condition of fictitious damage in ‘‘Results.’’
and the other corresponding to the undamaged state. It is important to emphasize that this entire proce-
Thus, the threshold distances for each cluster are calcu- dure could be reapplied discarding the fictitious sce-
lated and the hybrid classifier is created. nario. In that circumstance, data from real damage
Afterward, Phase 2 begins with new dynamic tests cases, such as D0, D1, and D2, could be used as base-
being inputted to the already trained ANN. Each round line training data sets to classify new damage scenarios.
of simulations considered a specific number of neurons
in the hidden layer per level of noise, yielding nine dif-
ferent sets of simulations (three number of neurons 3 Experimental test I: yellow frame
three levels of noise). It is observed that no matter how The structure studied in this section, named yellow
these two parameters change, the ANN can correctly frame, is a four-story, two-bay by two-bay steel-frame
classify 100% of the tests relating to the damage states scale model (1/3) (Figure 8(a)). This frame is located at
that they were trained to recognize, that is, fictitious the Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory at
and undamaged. the UBC in Canada. The structure was mounted on a
Then, the threshold distances between the ANN out- concrete slab outside the structural testing laboratory
puts (Phase 2) and the centroids of each cluster previ- at the UBC campus to simulate typical ambient vibra-
ously formed (Phase 1) are calculated. Finally, it is tion conditions (Dyke et al.50 and Dyke et al.51).
verified whether the new data are related to known The structure’s dimensions are 2.5 m (wide) 3 2.5
structural behaviors (fictitious or damage level #1) or m (long) 3 3.6 m (tall). The members are hot-rolled,
not, according to step 6 of section ‘‘Determination of grade 300W steel (nominal yield stress 300 MPa). The
threshold distances for clusters.’’Figure 7 shows the sections are specifically designed for this scale model
results in terms of a confusion matrix for the 10-fold test framework. The columns are B100 3 9 sections
simulations considering 50 neurons in the hidden layer and the floor beams are S75 3 11 sections. Figure 8(b)
and the maximum level of noise added to the data shows the typical beam–column connection and the
(10%). Only real-case damage scenarios are displayed. bracing system.
Moreover, since the results obtained when data are In each bay, the bracing system consists of two half-
organized by ‘‘tests’’ were worse than the ones achieved inch diameter steel rods placed parallel along the diago-
by ‘‘sensors,’’ they are omitted. nal. To make the mass distribution reasonably realistic,
In general, it is observed that the level of noise does one floor slab is placed in each bay per floor: four
not influence the results. The number of neurons used 1000 kg slabs at each of the first, second, and third lev-
in the hidden layer, however, plays an important role els and four 750 kg slabs on the fourth floor (see Figure
in the classification of the hybrid method. Although 8(c)).
Nunes et al. 11

Figure 8. (a) Structural system, (b) support system, and (c) positioning of masses (Dyke et al.50 and Dyke et al.51).

Since the structure’s establishment, several experi- ambient excitation of the tested scenarios (more or less
ments were carried out, including ambient vibration wind and traffic).
tests, impact tests, and shaker tests. Only ambient
vibration tests are used to assess the ability of the pro-
posed approach to continuous monitoring applications. Results. For each one of the five damage levels, a
Therefore, excitations were due to wind, pedestrians, dynamic test consisted of 60,000 acceleration samples
and traffic in the vicinities of the structure. Further measured by each one of the 15 sensors, yielding
details about the experiment setup and data can be [60,000 3 15] data matrices per test. These matrices are
found in Dyke et al.50 and Dyke et al.51 divided into six parts of dimensions [10,000 3 15],
Fifteen accelerometers (FBA and EPI sensors, 0– yielding six matrices per level of damage, as if each part
50 Hz frequency range, sensitivity of 5 V/g) were placed was a test performed separately. This division is neces-
throughout the frame, three at each floor including the sary to guarantee a larger number of training and test-
ground level. Such transducers were placed so as they ing samples for the hybrid classifier. Then, the 10
could measure motions in all directions and torsional statistical indicators are extracted.
modes. Anti-aliasing filter cut-off of 50 Hz was used, For all simulations concerning this application, the
and the data were sampled at 200 Hz. best results are obtained when data are organized by
The structure was subjected to different scenarios of ‘‘tests’’ (see equations (5) and (6)), where five input
damage (1–5), where the braces were removed and matrices of dimension [6 3 150] are assembled, with each
placed gradually as shown in Figure 9. In order of matrix representing a structural configuration. The rows
acquisition, levels 1, 5, 4, 3, and 2 simulate gradual correspond to the number of tests performed by each
damage to the support system. These levels are level of damage (six, in this case) and the columns are the
described in Table 2. statistical indicators extracted from the signals of the 15
Figure 10 depicts the acceleration histories measured sensors (10 indicators 3 15 sensors = 150 indicators).
by the 15 sensors. Magenta vertical lines indicate the Since this is an experimental application, it has
limits between cases, that is, simulated damage. It is uncertainties inherent to the data acquisition process.
worth mentioning that the wide variation in terms of Thus, in addition to sensitivity analyses regarding the
response amplitudes is mainly due to different levels of number of neurons, another sensitivity study is carried
12 Structural Health Monitoring 00(0)

Figure 9. Levels of damage imposed on the structure (Dyke et al.50 and Dyke et al.51).

Table 2. Cases of damage imposed to the structure out considering the probability rate of a new test to
(Dyke et al.50 and Dyke et al.51). belong to existing clusters (step 4—section
‘‘Determination of threshold distances for clusters’’).
Case Configuration To this end, three different rates of the CDF are evalu-
ated: 97.5%, 90%, and 85%. The number of neurons
1 Fully braced configuration.
2 All east side braces removed. tested in the hidden layer is 15, 25, and 55.
3 Removed braces on all floors in one bay on southeast Initial simulations are performed training the neural
corner. network using a fictitious damage state (matrix of
4 Removed braces on first and fourth floors in one bay ‘‘ones’’) and damage level #1 data. The ANN’s input
on southeast corner. matrix has dimensions [6 3 150], where rows from 1 to
5 Removed braces on first floor in one bay on southeast
corner. 3 represent the tests from the fictitious damage state,
while rows from 4 to 6 correspond to tests pertaining

Figure 10. History of acceleration signals.

Nunes et al. 13

Figure 12. Cumulative probability distribution of the

calculated distances.
Figure 11. Confusion matrix for the hybrid classifiers when
input data are organized by ‘‘tests.’’
network’s hidden layer. In this case, the performance
of the hybrid method is quite satisfactory not only for
to damage level #1. Thus, half of the tests from damage the identification of the known structural behavior
level #1 are used in the ANN’s training. The remaining (D1) but also for the detection of new unknown struc-
samples are used to test the hybrid method. Moreover, tural behaviors (D2, D3, and D4), except for damage
a [6 3 2] matrix containing arbitrary labels (damage level #5 (which consists in the removal of a single brace
classes) corresponding to each test is provided as inputs of the structure). Again, the standard deviations for all
to the network. The matrix’s rows indicate the class of 6-fold validations are equal to zero.
the test using a binary coding: [1 0]—fictitious damage Like stated in the previous section, this entire proce-
and [0 1]—damage level #1. dure could be reapplied by discarding the fictitious sce-
Following the same procedure presented in the pre- nario and keeping the actual—and now identified—
vious section, the ANNs are trained, the clusters are ones to classify new damage cases.
formed, and the threshold distances are calculated. The When it comes to the definition of the cumulative
ANNs are trained using a 6-fold cross-validation due distribution function rate, a few important remarks
to the small number of samples available, thus generat- arise as follows:
ing six hybrid classifiers.
When Phase 2 begins, unknown new tests related to  Since there is a small number of tests available in
all damage levels are presented to the trained ANN. this study (only five, which were then divided into
Again, the ANN can correctly classify 100% of the tests 30 ‘‘subtests’’), the number of distances among tests
relating to the damage states that they were trained to and clusters’ centroids used to fit a cumulative dis-
recognize, that is, fictitious and level #1. tribution function is also limited. Thus, it is not pos-
Figure 11 depicts the results in terms of a confusion sible to define the threshold distance corresponding
matrix for the 6-fold simulations. For this application, exactly to the rate of 97.5% of the CDF (see Figure
the three different rates of cumulative probability 3). The closest rate that has a matching threshold
(97.5%, 90%, and 85%) yielded the same results. Only distance is 100%, as shown in Figure 12. For this
real-case damage scenarios are displayed. Moreover, case, even though the performance of the hybrid
since the results obtained when data are organized by method was adequate in identifying known and
‘‘sensors’’ were worse, they are omitted. some unknown behaviors, it failed to detect D5.
The influence of the number of neurons on the per- This can be explained by the fact that a high thresh-
formance of the hybrid method is observed again. The old distance value tends to prohibit the identifica-
best results are obtained with 25 neurons in the tion of new behaviors, since it broadens the criteria
14 Structural Health Monitoring 00(0)

Figure 13. Experimental setup of the bridge:52 (a) view of the bridge during the strengthening procedure, (b) strengthening system,
and (c) localization of the sensors.

limits (see step 6, section ‘‘Determination of thresh- vertical accelerometers and two horizontal acceler-
old distances for clusters’’). ometers (longitudinal and transversal) located under
 By reducing the CDF rate to 90%, the number of the bridge deck acquired at a sampling rate of 4096 Hz,
correct classifications remains the same for known respecting the Nyquist frequency.
damage states but increases for new damage levels. Two measurement campaigns were carried out: the
 With the rate reduced to 85%, the performance of first one on 24 June 2003, before reinforcement, when
the hybrid method in detecting known behaviors 15 dynamic tests were registered; and the second one,
begins to drop while correct classification percen- which took place on 26 June 2003, after the reinforce-
tages for new structural behaviors remain the same. ment was completed, when 13 tests were carried out.
Since the experimental tests were recorded during high-
Those three remarks highlight the importance of speed trains (TGV) crossings, ambient vibrations are
properly defining the CDF rate for each application. not controlled (output-only accelerations). In total, 280
signals were recorded (28 tests 3 10 accelerometers per
test). For each signal, 10 statistical indicators are
Experimental test II: railway bridge calculated.
The structure analyzed in this section is an embedded
steel bridge (Figure 13(a)) located at a high-speed track Results. For all simulations concerning this application,
in southeastern France, kilometer point 075 + 317, the best results are obtained when data are organized
between the cities of Sens and Soucy in the county of by ‘‘tests’’ (see equations (5) and (6)), where two input
Yonne. A dynamic monitoring campaign was per- matrices are assembled. For the structural state before
formed to analyze the influence of a strengthening pro- reinforcement, the matrix has dimensions [15 3 100].
cedure, as Figure 13(b) shows. For the structural state after reinforcement, the matrix’s
The strengthening procedure consisted in tightening dimensions are [13 3 100]. The rows correspond to
special bearings in an effort to shift the first natural fre- each test, whereas the columns are related to the num-
quency from the excitation frequency due to the trains’ ber of statistical indicators per sensor (10 indicators
crossings.52 The data comprised measurements of eight 3 10 sensors = 100 indicators).
Nunes et al. 15

Sensitivity analyses regarding the number of neurons

in the hidden layer and the CDF rates are considered as
well. The number of neurons tested in the hidden layer
is 15, 25, and 50.
The ANN’s input matrix has dimensions [20 3 100],
where rows from 1 to 10 represent the fictitious damage
state and rows from 11 to 20 correspond to the struc-
tural state before reinforcement. Thus, 10 tests of this
state are used for training the networks. Matrices with
arbitrary labels (damage classes) have dimensions
[20 3 2], where rows correspond to each observation,
using a binary coding: [1 0]—fictitious damage and [0
1]—before reinforcement.
Following the procedure of Phase 1, the ANNs are
trained, the clusters are formed, and the threshold dis-
tances are calculated. The ANNs are trained using a
10-fold cross-validation method due to the number of
samples available, thus generating 10 hybrid classifiers. Figure 14. Confusion matrix for the hybrid classifiers when
As Phase 2 begins, new unknown tests belonging to input data are organized by ‘‘tests.’’
all structural configurations are presented to the trained
ANN. Again, the ANN can correctly classify 100% of
the tests relating to the damage states that they were Final remarks and recommendations
trained to recognize, that is, fictitious and ‘‘before
reinforcement.’’ This article presented a new strategy to detect structural
Then, the threshold distances among the ANN out- novelties (e.g. damage or modifications) based on the
puts obtained for the new data and the centroids of analysis of acceleration measurements and on the com-
each cluster previously formed (Phase 1) are calculated. bined use of machine learning methods. Statistical indi-
Finally, it is verified whether the new data represent a cators extracted from ‘‘raw’’ acceleration measurements
known structural behavior (fictitious state or before were used as input data for a hybrid classifier based on
reinforcement) or not, according to step 6 of section the association of ANNs with k-means clustering algo-
‘‘Determination of threshold distances for clusters.’’ rithm. The proposed approach’s efficiency was assessed
The hybrid classifier presents the best results when 25 through numerical and experimental tests.
neurons are used in the hidden layer and the CDF rate In general, the hybrid classifier presented a good per-
is equal to 90%. The results for the 10-fold simulations formance, being able to not only identify previously
are depicted in Figure 14. known behaviors but also to detect new structural con-
The performance of the proposed method was ade- ditions (novelties). In fact, the main advantage of the
quate to identify both behaviors: before (known beha- proposed approach is to identify new structural beha-
vior) and after reinforcement (novelty). Moreover, as viors from the response of supervised methods, requir-
the number of neurons increases or decreases, the clas- ing, at first, only prior knowledge of the current state of
sifier’s overall performance declines. Such parameter is the structure. In addition, the direct use of acceleration
also sensitive to changes and must be carefully defined. measurements considerably eases the problem of dam-
Regarding the sensitivity analysis of the CDF rates, age detection, as the procedure becomes more direct
the same remarks highlighted in the previous case (yel- and quicker, eliminating the necessity to perform any
low frame) remain valid. When set to 97.5%, the classi- modal identification procedures.
fier succeeds in detecting known structural behavior, This new hybrid method can be employed as a valu-
but struggles in detecting new structural states. By able and adaptive tool for SHM systems since struc-
reducing this rate to 90%, the performance of the tural managers/engineers/operators would be able to
hybrid method is still satisfactory in identifying known identify structural changes and provide inspections to
behaviors and shows a great improvement for detecting guarantee the safety of users and avoid catastrophic
new ones, especially when using 25 neurons in the hid- events.
den layer. Results obtained with the probability rate To use the proposed approach, some recommenda-
equal to 85% are the same as those obtained with tions are suggested based on the results obtained as
90%. follows:
16 Structural Health Monitoring 00(0)

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