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The Greeks 350-585 B.C.

I. Anaximenes (585- 524 B.C.)

Development -believe that air is the primary substance

and suggested that it could be

of the Atom transformed into other substances by

thinning (fire) or thickening (wind, clouds,
rain, hail, earth and rock.)

II. Heraclitus of Ephesus (544-484 B.C.)

-Said that the primeval

substance is
fire and change is the only reality

IV. Empedocles (450 B.C.) III. Pythagoreans (570-490 B.C.)

-is the first Greek - make use of mathematics and

philosopher who geometry as a basis in explaining the
conceptualize that all matter theory of matter by representing
is made up of earth, water, air geometric solids in the basic elements
and fire. that was used later on by Plato.

VI. Plato (360 B.C.)

V. Leucippus and Democritus (440 B.C.)

- coined the word element. He believed

-proposed that matter is that substances can be transformed
made up of invisible wherein the four sides of regular
particles or atoms. objects could be resolved into triangles
Democritus also proposed to form any substance
Atomic Theory

VII. Aristotle (350 B.C.)

discounted the geometric forms of
elements but retained the fifth element,
the ether because of his belief that
ether formed the Heavenly bodies and
filled space. He attributed matter with
four qualities namely hot, cold, wet and
dry that combined and making up

Alchemist 1803-1913

I. John Dalton (1803)

- presented series of
“Experimental Essays” on
the nature of gases. He
II. J.J. Thomson (1897)
also proposed that
atoms are made of sub-atomic particles -discovered the electron. He
namely; proton, neutron, electron was the first scientist to show
the atom was made of even
smaller things. He used the
Cathode ray tube to discover
electrons and called it
IV. Henry Moseley (1913)
Thomson’s experiment
-determined the atomic
number of the atoms of an
element and arrange
elements in a table by order
of atomic number instead of
atomic masses
III. Ernest Rutherford (1913)

-discovered the nucleus of a gold atom

with his “gold foil” experiment. His
conclusion was the atom is mostly
empty space, all the positive charge,
V. Niels Bohr (1913) and almost all the mass is concentrated
defined the electrons move in a small area in the center. He called this a
around the nucleus as orbits “nucleus”, the nucleus is composed of protons and
while new neutrons and neutrons (they make the nucleus), the electrons
protons was contained the distributed around the nucleus, and occupy most
nucleus based on his model of the volume, and his model was called a “nuclear

VI. James Chadwick (1913)

discovered the third type of sub-

atomic particle which he named

Quiz #3 Jona Mae Cuarto Ayop Grade 11 - Stem 1

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