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Statement of the Problem

This research paper aims to assess the degree of financial literacy of the students of

the University of Mindanao. Identify the factors that affect the results of this research

and the areas for improvement. More specifically, it seeks to find the answers for the

following identified questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of respondents in terms of :

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Major field of study

1.4 Year Level

2. What is the level of knowledge of the students of University of Mindanao with the

subject matter “investments” in terms of Personal investment literacy?

2.1 Basic Literacy

2.2. Advance Literacy

3. Is there a significant relationship between the personal investment literacy and

socio-demographic characteristics of the students at the University of Mindanao

Digos College?
Survey Questionnaire

The survey questionnaire consisted of 30 questions, in two categories of socio-

demographic questions (6) and investment literacy questions (24). The first category

comprised questions such as age, gender, civil status, major field of study, year level

and more.

The second category of the questionnaire testeds general investment divided into 2

parts. It comprised of 24 questions which testeds the students’ knowledge in areas of

basic investment calculations, their understanding of financial markets and products,

and their knowledge of risk and diversification. The questions in this research were

adapted from items used in existing published studies.







Name :________________________________________Date:________________

CATEGORY I. Personal Information

Direction: Kindly put a check mark that corresponds to your answer.


( )17 and below( ) 18 - 20( ) 21-25( ) 26 – 30 ( ) 31 and above

2.Gender Sex:

( ) Male ( ) Female

3.Civil Status:

( ) Single( )Married ( ) Separated ( ) Living with partner Domestic partnership ( )


4.Department: Major Field of Study

( )Department of Teachers Education (DTE) Education

( )Department of Technical Programs (DTP) Information


( )Department of Arts and Sciences (DAS) Liberal Arts

( )Department of Criminal Justice Education (DCJE) Criminology

( )Department of Business Administration (DBA) Business

( )Department of Accounting Education (DAE) Accounting

5.Year Level :

( )1st Year

( )2nd Year

( )3rd Year

( )4th Year

( )5th Year and above

6. Program/Course/Strand: ________________

CATEGORY II. Personal Investment Literacy

Put a check mark inside the box that corresponds to your answer. Using a scale of1

to 4 where 1= true, 2 = false, 3 = not sure , 4 = I don’t know

Basic Literacy Question 1 2 3 4

1. Value of a land increases over time.
2. A 100 pesos today will decline its value after 3 years due to
3. Inflation has an impact on savings.
4. Long-term financial goals should be changed as new
information becomes available.
5. There is no loss in investment.
6. When investing, it is not necessary to assess risk associated
with the investment.
7. Higher risks yield greater returns.
8. It is not necessary for budgeted and actual expenses to be
9. Two investments, namely A and B, have the same level of risk
associated with them. A has a higher level of return than B. Thus
B is the preferred investment choice.
10. Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) is a platform where you
can buy shares from different companies.
11. Crypto market is known for its high volatility.

Advanced Literacy Question 1 2 3 4

1. Suppose you had ₱100 in a savings account and the interest
rate was 2% per year. After 5 years, your account would have at
least more than ₱102.00.
2. Suppose you owe ₱1,000 on a loan and the interest rate you
are charged is 20 percent a year, compounded annually. If you
didn't pay anything off, at this interest rate, it takes at least 5
years the amount you owe to double.
3. The interest rate on your savings account was 1% per year
and inflation was 2% per year. After 1 year, you would need to
have more than the amount you have today to be able to buy
with the money in this account.
4. Your friend inherits ₱10,000 today and his sibling will inherit
the same amount 3 years from now. 3 years after, they are
equally rich.
5. In year 2021, your income has doubled, and prices of all
goods have doubled too. In 2021, to be able to buy with your
income, you would need more that the amount you have today.
6. Investing in a Retail Treasury Bonds is risk-free because it is
backed by the Philippine Government
7. Investing in a mutual fund that holds a diversified portfolio of
stocks protects your investment against market declines.
8. Bonds are normally riskier than stocks.
9. Investing in a mutual fund that holds a diversified portfolio of
stocks protects your investment against market declines.
10. You own shares in the Germany Fund. The value of your
fund's investment in Philippine peso would be higher if the
Philippine peso strengthens against the Deutsche mark.

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