Vietnam Traditional Food

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Vietnam traditional food.

Vietnam is an agricultural country belonging to the hot country, tropical

monsoon region. In addition, the territory of Vietnam is divided into three
distinct regions: North, Central, and South, along with 54 ethnic groups. It is the
geographical, cultural, ethnic, and climate characteristics that determine the
specific characteristics of the cuisine of each region - region. Every region has
typical taste. That contributes to the richness and diversity of Vietnamese
cuisine. So today I will introduce to you some traditional Vietnamese dishes.
Northern cuisine is characterized by a salty and rich taste, mainly using
diluted fish sauce and shrimp paste. Pho is a traditional dish that cannot be
ignored, the best pho in Hanoi and Nam Dinh. Pho broth is processed sweetly,
with a lot of spices added with onions, ginger, star anise, etc. Fresh noodles are
made from rice flour. Pho is eaten with quarts, herbs, onions, lemon, vinegar,
chili, etc. Pho has become a close and familiar dish to Vietnamese people, eaten
mainly in the early morning. This typical dish is also a dish that many tourists
from all over the world love and want to enjoy when they arrive in Hanoi.
Southern cuisine, with a preference for sweet and sour taste, is a place
heavily influenced by Chinese, Cambodian, and Thai cuisine, characterized by
often adding sugar and often using coconut milk. Hu Tieu is a delicious
Southern dish passed down through generations, each restaurant will have its
own secret to create a unique flavor. The ingredients for a bowl of noodle soup
are very rich, including: shrimp, thinly sliced meat, kidney heart, minced meat
and quail eggs, sprinkled with a little fried onion and garlic to make a delicious
bowl of noodles. If traveling to the South, especially the Western river region, it
is impossible not to try the famous Sa Dec noodle soup of My Tho.
Central food is known for its pungent taste, with all its distinctive
qualities reflected in its distinct flavor, many dishes are more spicy and salty
than northern and southern food, and the colors are mixed in different styles.
rich, brilliant, prone to red and dark brown. Central delicacies of Quang Nam
province - Vietnam include a combination of noodles and golden egg noodles,
served with rich meat broth and herbs such as bitter banana, lettuce, coriander,
onion. . Quang noodle is a typical dish associated with Quang Nam people from
the elderly to young children, some people compare the noodle dish familiar to
the Quang people as the way Vietnamese people eat rice every day.

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