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I shall continuously ensure that all the necessary arrangements to ensure compliance
with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and all other relevant to the duty to
safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults at Risk in the delivery of all
aspects of the service.

Both, I and my passenger assistants have undertaken basic induction training with
respect to issues as covered by the Safeguarding policies, including awareness that
abuse can take place and our duty to report concerns, suspicions or allegations of
harm from abuse or neglect.

I understand and fully aware of different types of abuse

1.Physical abuse
2.Sexual abuse
3.Physiological abuse
4.Financial and material abuse
5.Neglect and act of omission
6.Discriminatory abuse
7.Organisational abuse
8.Modern slavery
9.Self neglect
10.Domestic abuse and violence

I Will do everything for reporting and follow up any above issue to authorities as per
following websites
My phone number and email adress are as follows

Signed by Raja Yasir Riaz: January 19th, 2022

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