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Jessa Mae A. Cablay BSED 3

My reaction paper about the evolution of Human Resource Management and how it affects school

As I watched the video about the evolution of HRM it says there that “the modern managing workers
comes from the industrial revolution”. So I learned that from the past every people including slaves and
soldiers needed managers and so the change for implications for managers and workers from the past
are the same today. Workers need managers to lead them. I also learned that income now becomes
individually based rather than household based. I found out that the supervisor becomes the king when
it comes to managing his people, so a supervisor has the right to hire and fire, to discipline, to assign
work, and to motivate workers. So the workers will be motivating by how the way supervisors control
them, supervised them and give them strict monitoring. I also found out the best way to do every job is
to break every job down into small standardized repetitive task that any unskilled worker could do and
the one that can determine how to break these jobs down are the managers, not the workers because
the workers are just machines, hands, or factory hands. A human resource department is also in charge
of keeping employees safe, healthy, and satisfied. With proper human resource management,
workplace policies keep up with necessary protective measures and implementation and provide
solutions to issues between team members, avoiding risk for the company and its employees. It affects
school management by improving and developing personal leadership. In school leadership is important
like all the principals, deans, program heads and many more. Society has built schools to educate
children and youth with the relevant knowledge, skills, beliefs, values, and ideologies in order to make
them literate and function well in the process of life and living. According to (Yin Cheong
Cheng,1996:108) The school leader encourages professional development and teaching improvement,
diagnoses educational problems and givens professional opinions and guidance to school instructional
matters. So the Human resource management has a very crucial role in terms of education or in school
management because it teaches not only teachers and staff but also students to learn more in
leadership and to manage people accordingly. The role of a school head in promoting student’s
achievement is kind of leadership because the core business of school is learning and teaching. So
Human resource management affect the school management.

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