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All characters who make it through an

adventure alive receive experience points
(XP), awarded by the referee. XP is
gained from two sources: treasure recovered
and monsters defeated.
Prime Requisite Modifiers
Characters receive an XP bonus or
penalty based on their score in their
class’ prime requisites (see Ability Scores,
p20). This modifier is applied to the
grand total XP a particular character
receives at the end of an adventure.
Levelling Up
When a character gains enough XP to
reach the next experience level, the player
should consult the description of the
character’s class and note any improvements
in saving throws, attack probabilities,
spells per day, and other class abilities.
If the character’s Hit Dice increase, a
new Hit Die of the specified type should
be rolled and the result added to the
character’s maximum hit point total.
Maximum XP in One Session
Characters cannot advance more than
one level in one session. Any additional
XP that would take a character two or
more levels above their current level are
lost, leaving the character at 1 XP below
the total for the next level.

Level Titles
In some campaigns, characters gain the
right to bear certain titles as they advance
in level. Such titles may be granted by
the guilds, colleges, or temples that PCs
are associates of. Level titles often vary
greatly between campaign worlds, but the
following lists may be used as inspiration:
▶ Acrobat: Apprentice, Tumbler, Jumper,
Gymnast, Vaulter, Leaper, Aerialist,
Acrobat, Master Acrobat.
▶ Assassin: Bravo, Rutterkin, Waghalter,
Murderer, Thug, Killer, Cutthroat, Executioner,
▶ Barbarian: Hunter, Huntsmaster
(Huntsmistress), Barbarian Warrior,
Barbarian Hero, Berserker, Barbarian
Champion, Horde Master (Mistress),
Conqueror, Barbarian Lord (Lady).
▶ Bard: Rhymer, Lyricist, Sonnateer,
Skald, Troubadour, Minstrel, Muse,
Lorist, Bard.
▶ Cleric: Acolyte, Adept, Priest(ess),
Vicar, Curate, Elder, Bishop, Lama, Patriarch
▶ Drow: Acolyte/Veteran, Adept/Warrior,
Priest(ess)/Swordmaster, Vicar/Hero,
Curate/Swashbuckler, Elder/Myrmidon,
Bishop/Champion, Lama/Superhero,
Patriarch (Matriarch)/Lord (Lady).
▶ Druid: Aspirant, Ovate, Initiate of the
1st Circle, Initiate of the 2nd Circle, Initiate
of the 3rd Circle, Initiate of the 4th

Circle, Initiate of the 5th Circle,

All characters who make it through an
adventure alive receive experience points
(XP), awarded by the referee. XP is
gained from two sources: treasure recovered
and monsters defeated.
Prime Requisite Modifiers
Characters receive an XP bonus or
penalty based on their score in their
class’ prime requisites (see Ability Scores,
p20). This modifier is applied to the
grand total XP a particular character
receives at the end of an adventure.
Levelling Up
When a character gains enough XP to
reach the next experience level, the player
should consult the description of the
character’s class and note any improvements
in saving throws, attack probabilities,
spells per day, and other class abilities.
If the character’s Hit Dice increase, a
new Hit Die of the specified type should
be rolled and the result added to the
character’s maximum hit point total.
Maximum XP in One Session
Characters cannot advance more than
one level in one session. Any additional
XP that would take a character two or
more levels above their current level are
lost, leaving the character at 1 XP below
the total for the next level.

Level Titles
In some campaigns, characters gain the
right to bear certain titles as they advance
in level. Such titles may be granted by
the guilds, colleges, or temples that PCs
are associates of. Level titles often vary
greatly between campaign worlds, but the
following lists may be used as inspiration:
▶ Acrobat: Apprentice, Tumbler, Jumper,
Gymnast, Vaulter, Leaper, Aerialist,
Acrobat, Master Acrobat.
▶ Assassin: Bravo, Rutterkin, Waghalter,
Murderer, Thug, Killer, Cutthroat, Executioner,
▶ Barbarian: Hunter, Huntsmaster
(Huntsmistress), Barbarian Warrior,
Barbarian Hero, Berserker, Barbarian
Champion, Horde Master (Mistress),
Conqueror, Barbarian Lord (Lady).
▶ Bard: Rhymer, Lyricist, Sonnateer,
Skald, Troubadour, Minstrel, Muse,
Lorist, Bard.
▶ Cleric: Acolyte, Adept, Priest(ess),
Vicar, Curate, Elder, Bishop, Lama, Patriarch
▶ Drow: Acolyte/Veteran, Adept/Warrior,
Priest(ess)/Swordmaster, Vicar/Hero,
Curate/Swashbuckler, Elder/Myrmidon,
Bishop/Champion, Lama/Superhero,
Patriarch (Matriarch)/Lord (Lady).
▶ Druid: Aspirant, Ovate, Initiate of the
1st Circle, Initiate of the 2nd Circle, Initiate
of the 3rd Circle, Initiate of the 4th

Circle, Initiate of the 5th Circle,

All characters who make it through an
adventure alive receive experience points
(XP), awarded by the referee. XP is
gained from two sources: treasure recovered
and monsters defeated.
Prime Requisite Modifiers
Characters receive an XP bonus or
penalty based on their score in their
class’ prime requisites (see Ability Scores,
p20). This modifier is applied to the
grand total XP a particular character
receives at the end of an adventure.
Levelling Up
When a character gains enough XP to
reach the next experience level, the player
should consult the description of the
character’s class and note any improvements
in saving throws, attack probabilities,
spells per day, and other class abilities.
If the character’s Hit Dice increase, a
new Hit Die of the specified type should
be rolled and the result added to the
character’s maximum hit point total.
Maximum XP in One Session
Characters cannot advance more than
one level in one session. Any additional
XP that would take a character two or
more levels above their current level are
lost, leaving the character at 1 XP below
the total for the next level.

Level Titles
In some campaigns, characters gain the
right to bear certain titles as they advance
in level. Such titles may be granted by
the guilds, colleges, or temples that PCs
are associates of. Level titles often vary
greatly between campaign worlds, but the
following lists may be used as inspiration:
▶ Acrobat: Apprentice, Tumbler, Jumper,
Gymnast, Vaulter, Leaper, Aerialist,
Acrobat, Master Acrobat.
▶ Assassin: Bravo, Rutterkin, Waghalter,
Murderer, Thug, Killer, Cutthroat, Executioner,
▶ Barbarian: Hunter, Huntsmaster
(Huntsmistress), Barbarian Warrior,
Barbarian Hero, Berserker, Barbarian
Champion, Horde Master (Mistress),
Conqueror, Barbarian Lord (Lady).
▶ Bard: Rhymer, Lyricist, Sonnateer,
Skald, Troubadour, Minstrel, Muse,
Lorist, Bard.
▶ Cleric: Acolyte, Adept, Priest(ess),
Vicar, Curate, Elder, Bishop, Lama, Patriarch
▶ Drow: Acolyte/Veteran, Adept/Warrior,
Priest(ess)/Swordmaster, Vicar/Hero,
Curate/Swashbuckler, Elder/Myrmidon,
Bishop/Champion, Lama/Superhero,
Patriarch (Matriarch)/Lord (Lady).
▶ Druid: Aspirant, Ovate, Initiate of the
1st Circle, Initiate of the 2nd Circle, Initiate
of the 3rd Circle, Initiate of the 4th

Circle, Initiate of the 5th Circle,

All characters who make it through an
adventure alive receive experience points
(XP), awarded by the referee. XP is
gained from two sources: treasure recovered
and monsters defeated.
Prime Requisite Modifiers
Characters receive an XP bonus or
penalty based on their score in their
class’ prime requisites (see Ability Scores,
p20). This modifier is applied to the
grand total XP a particular character
receives at the end of an adventure.
Levelling Up
When a character gains enough XP to
reach the next experience level, the player
should consult the description of the
character’s class and note any improvements
in saving throws, attack probabilities,
spells per day, and other class abilities.
If the character’s Hit Dice increase, a
new Hit Die of the specified type should
be rolled and the result added to the
character’s maximum hit point total.
Maximum XP in One Session
Characters cannot advance more than
one level in one session. Any additional
XP that would take a character two or
more levels above their current level are
lost, leaving the character at 1 XP below
the total for the next level.

Level Titles
In some campaigns, characters gain the
right to bear certain titles as they advance
in level. Such titles may be granted by
the guilds, colleges, or temples that PCs
are associates of. Level titles often vary
greatly between campaign worlds, but the
following lists may be used as inspiration:
▶ Acrobat: Apprentice, Tumbler, Jumper,
Gymnast, Vaulter, Leaper, Aerialist,
Acrobat, Master Acrobat.
▶ Assassin: Bravo, Rutterkin, Waghalter,
Murderer, Thug, Killer, Cutthroat, Executioner,
▶ Barbarian: Hunter, Huntsmaster
(Huntsmistress), Barbarian Warrior,
Barbarian Hero, Berserker, Barbarian
Champion, Horde Master (Mistress),
Conqueror, Barbarian Lord (Lady).
▶ Bard: Rhymer, Lyricist, Sonnateer,
Skald, Troubadour, Minstrel, Muse,
Lorist, Bard.
▶ Cleric: Acolyte, Adept, Priest(ess),
Vicar, Curate, Elder, Bishop, Lama, Patriarch
▶ Drow: Acolyte/Veteran, Adept/Warrior,
Priest(ess)/Swordmaster, Vicar/Hero,
Curate/Swashbuckler, Elder/Myrmidon,
Bishop/Champion, Lama/Superhero,
Patriarch (Matriarch)/Lord (Lady).
▶ Druid: Aspirant, Ovate, Initiate of the
1st Circle, Initiate of the 2nd Circle, Initiate
of the 3rd Circle, Initiate of the 4th
Circle, Initiate of the 5th Circle,

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