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Maeve O’Reilly Fact sheet Unit 1

Content Page Analysis

Contents Title
The contents title is conventionally at the top of the page and the largest text on the
page. The contents title is to inform the audience of the purpose of the page and of
the content and where they can find it.

The Grazia contents title is positioned at the top of the page in the middle section.
The content title is the largest text on the page and is in bold italic writing to make it
stand out against the rest of the information on the page, which is conventional. The
style of font is san serif because it suits the Grazia genre being an upper class
fashion brand.

Issue Information
The Issue information is smaller than the content title the issue information is
positioned near to the content title and usually has the issue number, the date it was
released etc.

The issue information is found in the right section of the page spanning half the
contents page it tells the readers about the main parts of the magazine. It also
involves the month the issue was made september and it is usually involved with the
season so for this case it is based around autumn

Image of front cover

This is when the front cover image is repeated on the contents page but it is
conventionally smaller than the original image. This is done to remind the audience
of the magazine they are reading and the brand.

The Image of the front cover has been repeated on the content page it has been
placed directly underneath the content title, it has been placed there so the audience
knows what the main star of the issue is and what magazine they are reading, etc.
The image also has the page number over it so the audience knows where to go and
see it if they only want to see that.

There are multiple images to illustrate articles on the page. They usually are
positioned together this makes it visually pleasing for the audience with relevance to
the “mise en scene” that signifies the type of genre of the magazine.

The images are found all over the contents page but they are primarily in the middle
column on this page but are also found near the contents title and in the issue
information section they are positioned in these areas to capture the audience’s eyes
and paired with the page numbers next to them allows the reader to find where this
image is and look at more items by that brand. The images are based all around the
magazine with all different shot sizes, the mise en scene is a reminder that the
magazine genre is fashion, the theme the images follow are bright nice colours that
would make the audience want to check out the page and what it has to offer.
The image below shows a woman wearing clothes that would commonly be found
inside this magazine and accessories found throughout the magazine. They are all
different sizes giving a collection of different things found throughout the magazine
all by different brands. The mise en scene of the images is like a collage making it
seem more like a fashion magazine. The theme that it follows is bright colours and
sophisticated outfits that would make the readers want to check the page where
these clothes could be found.

Repetition of Masthead
The repetition of the masthead is usually
positioned at the top of the page near the
content title; it also reminds the audience of
what brand of magazine they are reading.

Grazia doesn’t tend to have repetition of

masthead on their magazines but here is an
Empire magazine that does have repetition of
masthead. The repetition of the masthead is
usually positioned at the top of the page near
the content title as seen in this magazine but
its main purpose is to remind the audience of
the magazine they are reading this is done so
they remember the brand if they find it interesting.
Column layout The column layout is used to create structure and order; this allows
the audience to navigate around the page easily. The column layout is conventionally
three columns to a page.

The column layout on the Grazia contents page is found along the left hand side
column; it is used to create order and structure for the readers on the page.

Page number
The page number is conventionally at the bottom of the page in the small in the
outer corners, the page number can also be placed near the masthead, issue
number and sometimes near the information on the page.

The page numbers are found all over the page in this Grazia magazine but they are
primarily along the left column next to the information about what can be found in this
magazine but there are also page numbers underneath some of the images this
draws the attention of the audience and lets them know what page that image can be
found on this makes it easier for readers to find certain types of items mainly fashion
though because Grazia is a fashion based magazine.

Layout of article
The layout of articles usually has the page number first then the its followed by the
article name/title which is usually bigger, bolder, in a different colour and in a different
font compared to the main body text.

Underneath the title usually is the main body text it is usually in a simple and plain
font it also tends to be smaller than the other writing on the page, the main body text
usually gives more information about the article and the magazine.

The layout of the magazine has the page numbers first primarily found down the left
side column of the page; this is followed by the article names which are in a bigger
and in a bold font. Placed below the article names lies the main body text; this is the
smallest text on the page and provides the most information about the article and
magazine. The results of the layout makes it easier for the audience to read and

Section Headings
The section headings are used to separate the articles into sections. This helps to
create order for the audience; the section headings were usually linked to the regular
and featured content. The section headings are usually smaller than the contents
title but it is larger than the main body text
The section headings were placed above the article names and main body text. It is
smaller than the content title but is bigger than the main body text. It is used to
separate the articles into sections creating order so the audience can navigate
around the page easily. The section headings have been linked to the regular and
featured content. We know this as the content page is split into six different sections
News, Features, Fashion, Beauty, its time too is the feature shows the most recent
products and the rest is letters from fans they are made like this so the audience
knows which thing they are looking for and where to find it. They signify the genre
because it is a fashion and gossip based brand and it follows this with its sub

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