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Adann’ya Carriel

Lesson 6

Career Ex 2

College Student Interview

College student name: Ahnayah Hughes

Campus: Howard University

Major: Journalism Major English Minor

Contact information: 619-931-0926 or

1. Q: What did you value most when looking for a college that t you? A:
When I was looking for a college that I thought would t I really valued campus
environment. I wanted to ensure that there were other students who looked like me, but did
not come from the same place as me!

2. Q: Do you prefer living on or o campus and why?

A: Living on or o campus has it’s own bene ts. I really loved that all my friends were in one
place and that I could reach my class in just a few minutes. Living o campus is less
convenient in that way, but there’s nothing like having a space to call your own. And no
nasty cafeteria food!

3. Q: Are you involved in any campus clubs? If so, what are they, why did you
join, and what do you enjoy about them? A:
I’m a journalism major so I joined a lot of magazines and newspapers. I loved it! Because of
the pandemic I wasn’t really able to nd others.

4. Q: What does student government do for the campus? A:

Our student government works to advocate for the student body. They’re supposed to
work as a sort of middleman between students and the administration.
5. Q: What is the best way to get help/tutoring with my schoolwork? A:
Developing a relationship with your professors, making buddies in class and going to o ce
hours is the best way to get help with schoolwork.

6. Q: How are you paying for the costs of college?

A: I received two academic scholarships so that covers a big chunk of my tuition.
Unfortunately, I’ve had to take the rest out in loans but every semester, I’ll get another small
scholarship here and there.

7. Q: Has this college met your expectations? Why or why not? A: College
did not meet all my expectations but I wouldn’t change it for the world! I think going to
school during the pandemic changed a lot of what I thought college was “supposed” to be
like, but most things aren’t how you expect them to be.

8. Q: Do you work on campus? If so, where? How did you get this job? A: I
do not work on campus but I’ve been trying to get a research job at the library for a few
weeks now.

9. Q: Do you feel safe on campus? Why or why not? A:

I feel very safe on campus. I think it has to do more with all the friendly faces than the
actually security though.

10. Q: What do you like about the teaching sta ? What do you dislike? A: I like
that all of my professors have been BLACK! There’s something so special in that. But I do
not like how they treat their students. I think educators forget that people have lives out of
school. There’s a big lack in empathy and understanding.

11. Q: What advice do you have for a new student at this campus? Is there
anything you would have done di erently? A: If
there is one thing I would say to new college students, is that it’s okay to change your
mind! You don’t need to have all the answers right now. Don’t be afraid to try new things!

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