Unforgettable Dream

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The Unforgettable Dream

"Have I ever felt like finding an escape in this reality?"

I thought to myself as I wrote it down in my journal.

Have I ever felt the sense of belonging in a crowded place surrounded by people? Am I finding

I paused for a bit, And continued writing.

Have I ever dreamt of going to a place where my feet can't take me?

I sighed.

This is all impossible.

I closed my journal. As I look up at the sky from the rooftop.

I don't know if I'll be able to make my dreams come true in the future. But if ever... God please lend
me more years to live. If it's my time then I will accept it.

"Ms Hannah, it's time for you to go back." The nurse approached me and pushed my wheelchair
heading to my room in the hospital.

Yes. I am here always, every month, for my dialysis. Because I have had this Brain tumor ever since I
was 12. And I don't know if I will last long on this Earth.

"Ms Hannah. I would like you to sleep so that we can fully monitor your brain's condition and It may
take hours." The doctor spoke.

I frown a bit.

"Dr. It's hard for me to sleep."

"Okay, do you want me to inject you with some sleeping serum?"

"Yes please." I closed my eyes and endured the pain from the syringe.

After a few seconds I fell asleep, ready to take a deep slumber.

I woke up in a place where the grass grows. I looked around and found trees, flowers, and a small
Cabin. Painted in white and green. I stood up and went up to the Small Cabin and knocked on the

"Come in."
I opened the door. And I found an old lady. Sitting on a rocking chair, embroidering something. She
stared at me for a second as she smiled.

"I am expecting you or maybe this is unexpected." she chuckled.

"Um..Pardon me. Who are you? And what is this place? It looks nice and peaceful though." She
stopped embroidering and looked me in the eye.

"Who Am I? Someone who loves peace and serenity. This place is somewhere you can imagine." She
smiled as I thought for a moment..

"I don't understand."

"You will.. Soon. Come with me." She stood up as I followed her. Walking outside. Surprisingly, she
looks healthier than me. She can still walk normally like it's nothing.

"How old are you Ms."

"I'm 80 years old."

Wow, I'm amazed. Super.

"We're here."

I stared in awe. As I saw the place. It looks peaceful. Trees, plants, flowers, a lake with Lotus and
ducks. She motioned me to sit beside her on a log near the Lake.

"See this scenery before you? This is how wonderful the world is."

I looked down and replied with. "Yeah."

"So there's no time for you to be sad. You should at least enjoy your life while you are still living."

"How can that be? I feel so isolated." She turned her head towards mine.

"What seems to be the matter?"

"Look, I won't live longer. I had a brain tumor and I don't know when I will die..Honestly, I would
love to live longer so that I can reach my dreams. But it seems impossible." I felt my tears stream
down my face.
She placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Never lose hope. Everything happens for a reason. God has a plan. Just trust him." She wiped my
tears with a small handkerchief. I hugged her.

"Yes. I will trust in him and his plans. My faith is only in him. You are lucky Granny. You are allowed
to live longer. Wish I was you." She stopped hugging then looked at me.
"Some things come at the right time. Don't give up whatever happens my dear." I yawned.

"Yes.. But Granny I feel so sleepy." She smiled.

"Lay on my lap." I placed my head on her lap as she hummed a sweet lullaby, to calm my mind. But
wait. Who is she?

"May I ask again?.. Um. What is your name?" I'm starting to be very very sleepy.

"My Name is Hannah." She smiled as I fell into a deep slumber.

Then I woke up. I looked around and found myself back in reality.

So it was all a dream huh. Was it me? In my old self...

"Glad you're awake now Ms. Hannah." The doctor said happily.

"Yeah, I had a good sleep."

"I have some good news."

"I wonder what it is?"

"You are fully healed." My eyes widened as my tears fell.

"Is that true?"

"Yes. You are very lucky and blessed." I cried and hugged the doctor.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"You're welcome. You should thank God for giving you a chance to live longer. Well, enjoy your life
young lady. Wish you happiness." I smiled. As he walked away.

"Thank you God. Thank you for this wonderful blessing."

For once, I feel so complete. I will never forget this day.

The End

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