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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Cantilan Campus
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132

Name: Czar Ephraim C. Guarte Course/Section: BSEd English 3E

Subject: EDUC10 Instructor: Teresa A. Alas, PhD


Direction: Analyze the following research abstract and cite its implication to teaching-
learning. You may download the full paper of the research on the website given below.

Analysis: How can 21st Century skills prepare students to enter workforce and higher
21st Century Skills prepare students to enter the workforce or higher education with
the ability to think critically and creatively, collaborate with others, take initiative when
approached with a task, and use technology to its fullest potential. When students possess
these skills, they are prepared to work in teams, think critically and creatively about a
problem, display leadership and social skills, and communicate effectively with others.
According to a study by Weeks, K. (2019), if these skills are properly taught to the students
through professional development of the teachers, it is more likely that the students will
become prepared to enter the workforce or higher education upon graduating high

Implication: Why do you think professional development on teaching 21st Cent ury skills is
needed by teachers in the field?
Professional development on teaching 21st Century skills is needed by the teachers in
the field because as teachers, you can’t teach what you don’t know. For an educator to
have something to teach, one must acquire the knowledge and/or skill first. Professional
development is needed to increase teachers’ knowledge of and ability to teach 21 st
century skills. This will also enable the teachers to gain specific and applicable strategies for
Learning Reflection
Direction: Write your own concept of 21st Century skills in each of the rainbow lines
depicted by the categories. Then, on the box below, write your brief explanation to
indicate your clear understanding of this topic.

A broad set of knowledge and skills, work habits, and character traits that are critical in
today's world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces,
are collectively known as 21st Century skills. For us to fully understand this concept, a
framework is developed by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills in the year 2010. This
framework categorized 21 st Century Skills into three themes: (1) Learning and Innovation Skills
which includes Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication, and Creativity and
Innovation; (2) Information, Media and Technology Skills which comprises digital literacy;
and (3) Life and Career Skills that encompasses skills that will enable the students to adapt
positively to the challenges and demands of life particularly in career environment and
workspaces. Furthermore, the framework also comprises the elements that are critical
systems necessary to ensure the mastery of 21 st century skills of the students.
Moreover, the students must learn and apply these skills for them to succeed in life.
Educators must also undergo professional development trainings for them to gain
knowledge of and ability to teach the 21st century skills.

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