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CHAPTER 3: Research Methodology

Research Methodology
A case study will be utilized in conducting the research in order to give information regarding
the research variables such as a victim's experience with bullying and coping mechanisms used
against bullying. The benefit of using a case study for this research is that it focuses on a single
person or a group of people, and it may also analyze and gather in-depth information, allowing
researchers to gain a better understanding of the topic. Because this is a case study, the data will
be gathered through an interview and a series of open-ended questions that the co-participants
will answer based from their personal insights allowing them to freely express themselves

Research Locale
The researchers will conduct a pre-survey to find co-participants and pass it on to their
messenger accounts. Researchers will gather data through one on one interviews with co-
participants via google meet

The researchers focused on doing the interview on students from SJCQC. To be exact, the
students that will be interviewed are grade 11, and grade 12 students. The reason why we chose
this grade level is because grade 11 and 12 grade levels are considered to be the senior high
school grade levels. In high school, this is where students tend to start having maturity to the
point where they have the ability to decide for themselves. The 1 year difference in school year
experiences is also a factor on why we chose these subjects because there can also be differences
in experiences

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers will collect data using qualitative questionnaires. Data will be collected through
a one-on-one interview via messenger. To answer the given, the co-participants are carefully
selected. Open-ended questionnaires are designed to allow the co-participants to freely express
themselves, resulting in valuable insights and information. Answering the following questions
will provide the data. The first question is to know why they experienced bullying in the first
place. The second question is to find out how they got bullied. The third question is how bullying
affects them. The fourth question is, what do they do to prevent bullying? The last one is how
this approach has helped you deal with it.

Research Instruments
Interviews will be used by the researchers with the co-participants, and the type of interview that
will be used is a semi structured interview. Researchers can acquire qualitative and open-ended
data by utilizing a semi structured interview where the co participants are able to answer freely.
Each co-participant will be asked five open-ended questions during the interview regarding their
experiences with bullying, the reasons for being bullied, and their coping mechanisms for
dealing with bullying

Data Analysis and Procedure

The researchers will ask for the co-participant's consent in participating with the research.
The data collected within the virtual interview will be kept strictly confidential. The data that
will be analyzed will be from the co- participant's perspective and experience about the topic.
Only the main idea that is relevant to the research will be considered, other personal information
that they relay during the virtual interview won’t be presented. Before gathering the information,
the researchers must set up the virtual interview. The virtual interview will be a one-on-one
virtual meeting using google meet. Through the interview is where the information will be
gathered. After the gathering of information, the researchers will interpret and analyze the raw
data to reach a conclusion.

In order to reach profound information, the researchers will familiarize themselves with
the data that they gathered and look for observations and patterns that can be found within the
raw answers from the co-participants. The research objectives will guide the researchers in
analyzing the data to assure the relevance of its gathered data. The analysis method that will be
used is the narrative analysis in order to analyze the content of the data gathered from the virtual

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