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Republic of the Philippines


Imus Campus
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV, City of Imus, Cavite 4103
(046) 471-66-07 / (046) 436-65-84

BEED 28 (The Teaching of Mathematics in the Intermediate Grades)
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2020-2021

Format and Parts of a Detailed Lesson Plan

The following are the parts (in order) of a detailed lesson plan for mathematics instruction:

Subject: Grade 5 Mathematics

Strand: Number and Number Sense
Content: The learner demonstrates understanding of percent
Performance: The learner is able to apply percent in mathematical problems and real-
life situations
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC):
M5NS-IIIa-138: Identifies the base, percentage, and rate in a problem.
M5NS-IIIb-139: Finds the percentage in a given problem.
M5NS-IIIb-140: Solves routine and non-routine problems involving percentage using
appropriate strategies and tools.

I. Objectives: At the end of the discussion, the learners will able to:
A. Identify percentage, base, and rate in a given problem
B. Solves word problems involving percent
C. Perform the concept in multi-related word problems
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Solving Word Problems involving Percentage, Base, and Rate
B. Subtopic:
1. Defining and Identifying the Percentage, Rate and Base
2. Finding the Percentage in a Given Problem
3. Solving Routine and Non-Routine Problems Involving Percentage Using
Appropriate Strategies and Tools
C. References: Gannaban, O.M. (2015). Understanding Mathematics 5. Vicarish
Publication and Trading, Inc.
D. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, whiteboard and marker, google form
E. Teaching Approach: Problem-Based Approach

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

III. Procedures
A. Daily Routine
· Prayer
Let us all stand up, bow our head and feel Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom
the presence of God God’s Love commits me here, ever this day
be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and
guide, Amen
· Greetings
Good day, dear learners/pupils Good day, Teacher Jomil!
I hope that all of you are safe and secured at
these trying times.
· Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent from the class? Everybody is present in the class.
· Classroom Management
If you have something to say, state your Yes, Teacher!
name and I will allow you to open your mic to
speak or just type it on the chat box
provided. Jot down notes so you will
immediately understand this lesson. Is
everything clear?
B. Priming Activity
· Recall/Remembering
Did you remember our lesson that we
discussed last time? Our lesson last time was all about visualizing
percent and its relationship to fractions,
ratios, and decimal numbers using models.

What is percent? It is a rating in which a number is compared

to one hundred (100).

How do you visualize percent? Through model representation, it can be

written as ratio, decimal, or a fraction that
used to indicate that a number is divided by
one hundred (100).

· Review
To test your memory again, categorize this
model in a form of ratio, fraction, decimal

66:100, 66/100, 0.66

43:100, 43/100, 0.43

28:100, 28/100, 0.28

C. Development of the Lesson

a. Activity
Before we start to our lesson proper, do Yes, Teacher!
you know the game entitled “Wheel of
Fortune”? Yes, we are!
To begin with, the teacher will put 3 letters in
random place and also spin the roulette
wheel, when your name points to the arrow,
he/she will choose a letter from the alphabet
that consists of blank spaces they must fill
in. After random selection to see who
begins, the next student will guess a
consonant. If you see the hint to solve the
puzzle and you got the correct answer, you
are a winner. Are we clear to the game
___V___ ____ _______S PERCENTAGE, BASE AND RATE
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G _, _ _ _
_ ___ ____
Yes, we did!
Did you enjoy the game?
b. Analysis
1.) In a certain school, 72% of the boys are
playing football. There are 150 boys in
that school. How many boys are playing
Let’s study the problem:
In the given problem, what is the;
· Base 150
· Rate 72%
· Percentage It is asked

What fundamental operation we will Multiplication

So, the formula of percentage will be
P is percentage, B is base, and R is rate.

But before that, you have to express the

rate as decimal before multiplying.
72% = 0.72
Did you get it? Yes Teacher!

How do we write it in a number It is written as 150 x 0.72 = N

What will be the answer? 150 x 0.72 = 108

Therefore, 108 out of 150 boys are

playing football.

Every percent problem has 3 elements:

Ø Percentage – is the part of the base
whose value is determined by the
rate and it is usually before the word
Ø Base – is the total amount or value of
the whole which a part is taken and it
is after the word ‘of’.
Ø Rate – is the comparison of the
percentage to the based expressed
in percent (%) sign.

Here are other examples in identify

percentage, base and rate. Please
answer it.
Given Base Rate Percentage Given Bas Rate Percentage
25% of 24 e
is 6 25% of 24 24 25% 6
10% of 80 is 6
is 8 10% of 80 80 10% 8
90% of 50 is 8
is 45 90% of 50 50 90% 45
is 45
2.) A basketball team won 75% of the game
played. If the team played 24 games,
how many games did they lose?
I will introduce to you the two methods of
finding percentage in the given problem. Do
you know what they are? No, we aren’t
First Method: Solution by Proportion
75_ = N → part
100 24 → whole

100 N = 75 X 24
100 100

N = 75 X 24

N = 1800

N = 18
Did you understand the first method?
Yes, we did!
Second Method: Solution by Multiplication
But, express first the percent into decimal

How do we express 75% in decimal?

We place the pen after number five and
move two decimal places to the left then put
75% = 0. 75 it before number seven
= 24 x 0. 75%
= 18
Did you understand the second method?
Yes, we did!
Therefore, the team loses 18 games

To find the percentage in a given problem

quickly, remember the following:
Rate - is the number followed by the word
percent (%).
Base - is the number that followed the words
percent of (% of).
Percentage – is the number left after rate
and base have been identified.

Are we clear on how to find percentage?

Yes, we are!

Are you familiar with this?

What is this? Yes, we are!
It is a Techan’s Triangle
It is an easy way to solve for unknown
number quickly. The formulas are as follows:
R = P / B x 100

Did you get it?

3.) Manuel is a diligent and studious pupil Yes, we did!

goes to school every day and does his
work well. He never skips studying his
lesson every night, when he took their
50-item quarter test, he got 96% of it
correctly. What is his score?

In this problem, we will use Polya’s four-

step process for problem solving which is
used all over to aid people in problem
Are you familiar with this process?

Here is the Polya’s 4-step process for No, we aren’t

Steps Answer
1. Understand the problem.
Know what is asked His score in quarter
Identify the given 50-item quarter test,
and 96% correct
2. Devise a plan.
Determine the Multiplication
operation to use
Write the number 50 x 0.96 = N
3. Carry out the plan
Show the solution 50
x 0.96
4. Look back
Review and check 48 is 96% of 50
the answer
State the answer Vincent got 48 out
of 50-item test

Did you understand our lesson for this day?

Yes, Teacher Jomil!

c. Abstraction
Can you identify base, Percentage – is the part of the base whose
percentage and rate in a value is determined by the rate and it is
problem? usually before the word ‘is’.
Base – is the total amount or value of the
whole which a part is taken and it is after the
word ‘of’.
Rate – is the comparison of the percentage
to the based expressed in percent (%) sign.

To get the percentage (P) of a number,

Do you know how to find the multiply the base by the rate. Express the
percentage in a given problem? rate as a decimal before multiplying.

To solve word problems involving percents,

Do you know how to analyze and identify first what is the unknown number.
solve problems involving
For Percentage, P = B x R
What are the formulas to find the For Base, B = P / R and;
unknown number? For Rate, R = P / B x 100

d. Application
Now, let’s have a quiz bee about the lesson
that we have discussed earlier. May I ask all
of you to prepare your own pen and paper.
Yes, Teacher!
Direction: Teacher prepared a set of
questions to be answered by learners in a
show-me-board within 10 seconds. Be sure
to your answer because your answer you
raise will be your final answer, in short, no
return and no exchange. Is the instruction
clear to all of you?
IV. Assessment/Evaluation
This time, the teacher will send a link of your Yes, we are
quiz that able to answer within 5 minutes.
There is an instruction on how to answer. If
you have questions and clarifications, just
turn on your mic then ask your teacher
regarding the quiz. Class, are we clear to
this matter?
Thank you, Teacher
Good luck and you may now begin
answering your quiz.

V. Assignment
Read, solve and answer the following problems.
1. Among 350 students, 15% are wearing ID. How many are wearing ID?

2. A book priced at 300 pesos is sold at 25% discount. How much is the discount?

3. My family spends 38% of the income for food monthly. If the total income is
25,000 pesos a month, how much was spent for food expenses?

VI. Index of Mastery

A. Number of learners within mastery level (75% and above):
B. Number of learners needing remediation (74% and below):

Prepared By:

John Jomil P. Ragasa

Lesson Details
1. Subject – must contain information about the subject matter and grade level to
be taught. (e.g. Grade 5 Mathematics)

2. Strand – contains the strand where the topic is categorized into. According to
the Mathematics Framework for Philippine Basic Education (2011), the most
fundamental and useful contents of mathematics curriculum are organized into the
following strands:
a. Numbers and Number Sense
b. Measurement
c. Geometry
d. Patterns, Functions, and Algebra; and
e. Data, Analysis, and Probability

3. Standards – contains the pre-determined standards students are expected to

achieve after the lesson. For the list of content and performance standards at each
lesson, kindly refer to the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
uploaded together with this file.

4. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) – Refers to specific

learning competencies provided by the Department of Education. (See MELC File
uploaded together with this file)

This part contains the objectives the teacher sets for the class. In determining
objectives, the teacher must employ the SMART guideline (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Realistic, Time-bound). As much as possible, objectives set by the teacher must encompass
the holistic development of the student across all learning dimensions (Cognitive, Affective,
and Psychomotor).

Subject Matter
1. Topic – contains the general topic where the specific topic is
contained (e.g. Fractions)
2. Subtopic – contains the specific topic to be discussed by the
teacher (e.g. Addition of Fractions)
3. References – contains the reference materials utilized by teacher in the
preparation of the lesson. Make sure to observe proper citation practices (refer to
APA style, 7th edition)
4. Materials – contains the list of materials the teacher will be using as part of the
instructional process
5. Teaching Approach – specifies the teaching approach the teacher will use for
the entire lesson. (e.g. Tell-Guide-Act Approach, Guided Discovery Approach,
Problem-based Approach, etc.)
At this part of the teacher’s detailed lesson plan, two sections/columns must be
identified – Teacher’s Activity and Students’ Activity column.
1. Daily Routine – includes the prayer, greetings, checking of attendance, and
other routinary activities implemented by the teacher inside the classroom

2. Priming Activity – includes review/recall activities and/or drills the teacher

wishes to do in class

3. Development of the Lesson – This part is where the actual instructional

activity is explained in detail. It is primarily backgrounded under four (4)
components: Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application (4A’s).
a. Activity – This refers to the preliminary activity/ies the teacher wishes
to use to jumpstart the lesson. In most cases, this part contains the
“motivation” part of the lesson which teachers utilize to prepare the
students for the upcoming lesson.
b. Analysis – This part contains leading questions which aims to connect
the previous section (activity) with the intended lesson. This also contains
the lesson delivery the teacher is expected to deliver to the class by any
means possible. To put it simply, this part contains the actual instructional
delivery (discussion) of the teacher.
c. Abstraction – This part contains the “generalization” part where the
teacher further establishes the learning within the students. Under
abstraction part, the teacher may employ various methods in order to check
(via formative assessment) the current understanding of the student about
the lesson recently discussed.
d. Application – As its name implies, this part aims to bring students’
learning of the topic to a higher level by establishing real-life connection
and applications of the topic discussed. In mathematics teaching, this
mostly include problem solving and/or values integration.

This part contains the summative assessment the teacher wishes to use to determine
how the students performed and how they have understood the lesson. In creating
assessment/evaluation tools for classroom use, always make sure that the items indicated in
the quiz is aligned with the objectives and standards set to the students prior to the lesson.
Another note, end-of-class assessment/evaluation tools need not be lengthy, the most
important characteristic an assessment tool must possess is how the items truly measures
students learning aligned with the learning objectives.

The main purpose of assignments is to provide reinforcement of learning among
students. That is, the teacher must fully utilize the assignments given to provide students with
deeper understanding and knowledge about the topic.
Index of Mastery
This part is very important especially in gauging the success of the recently conducted
instructional delivery. Index mastery provides the teacher with quantitative information about
the performance of the students based on their scores in the assessment given by the teacher.

Prepared by:

Instructor, BEED 28

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